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      • OLETF(otsuka long evans tokushima fatty) 쥐에서 식이제한이 간의 당대사에 미치는 영향

        김상용 朝鮮大學校 2007 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Background: An increase in gluconeogenesis in the liver is largely responsible for the enhanced hepatic glucose production and fasting hyperglycemia in individuals with diabetes mellitus. PPARγ-coactivator 1(PGC-1) and AMPK(AMP-activated protein kinase) regulate the expression of several enzymes on the glucose metabolism in liver. Dietary restriction is known to be effective in the therapy of diabetes mellitus for stabilizing glucose homeostasis and improving diabetic control, in part by enhancing sensitivity to insulin and improving pancreatic β-cell dysfunction. While much is known about the effects of starvation on the glucose metabolism in liver, relatively little is known about the effects of dietary restriction without malnutrition. This study was performed to evaluate the response to dietary restriction on the glucose metabolism, especially expression of glycolytic enzymes and transcriptional factors such as PGC-1 and AMPK in liver of diabetic Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) rats. Methods: OLETF rats(male, 24 weeks) for diabetic model and Long-Evans Tokushima Otsuka (LETO) rats(male, 24 weeks) for control group were used in this study. At 20 weeks, all of OLETF rats underwent an oral glucose tolerance test after an overnight fast. From the 24 weeks, all of these rats were received an allotment of food equal to 70 % of the food intake measures in last weeks. This study was performed for 3 weeks and each glycolytic enzymes such as glucose kinase, pyruvate kinase, phosphofructokinase and transcriptional factors as PPARs and PGC-1, AMPK mRNA expression were measured at 1, 2, and 3 weeks after the beginning of 30% dietary restriction. Body weight and blood glucose levels were investigated at each week by spectrophotometric assay, and levels of mRNA expression were determined by real-time PCR Results: The liver PGC-1 mRNA levels were increased to 19% in non-diabetic LETO rats after 3 weeks of dietary restriction, but significant change was not observed in diabetic OLETF rats. The liver PGC-1 mRNA levels was not different statistically between two groups before dietary restriction, but there was a significant difference in mRNA level between two groups after 3 weeks of dietary restriction. The liver PPARγ mRNA expressions were not changed in non-diabetic LETO rats but increased to 23% in diabetic OLETF rats by dietary restriction. The levels of PPARγ mRNA in LETO rats were significantly increased than OLETF rats before dietary restriction, but there were no significant differences between two groups after 3 weeks of dietary restriction because progressively increased mRNA levels in OLETF rats. There were no difference on the PPARα and PPARβ mRNA expressions between OLETF and LETO rats. AMPK mRNA expression were significantly increased after 3 weeks of dietary restriction in LETO and OLETF rats except β1 subtype of LETO rats. Actually, mRNA levels of AMPK were slightly higher in LETO rats than in OLETF rats after dietary restriction. The expression of glycolytic enzymes such as glucokinase, pyruvate kinase, and phosphofructokinase were varied during dietary restriction. The mRNA expression of glucokinase and pyruvate kinase were progressively increased by dietary restriction, but levels of phosphofructokinase was not changed significantly during dietary restriction in both groups. Conclusion: The liver PGC-1 expression response to dietary restriction are altered in OLETF rats compared to LETO rats. The levels of PGC-1 mRNA was progressively increased in LETO rats after dietary restriction but there were no change in OLETF rats after dietary restriction. In opposition, PPARγ mRNA expressions were not changed in LETO rats but increased in OLETF rats by dietary restriction. The mRNA levels of AMPK and other glycolytic enzymes were not different between two groups. These findings suggested that PGC-1 expression was altered in diabetic OLETF rat in liver and this PCG-1 expression may some roles on the aberrant glucose metabolism in diabetes mellitus.

      • 카파도키아 학파의 삼위일체론에 대한 연구

        김상용 서울신학대학교 신학전문대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The reasons that I study on the trinity of the Cappadocian school are as follows; Without the clear knowledge on the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, it is impossible to wholly understand the Christianity whose belief in the trinity is the basis of the confession of the faith. Therefore, I believe that it is the time that the right interpretation and explanation should be given to the Trinity which have been problematic since the early Churches. Even in the early Church period, the doctrine that the God is one being, the Father and the Creator made the firm background for the Christian faith beyond dispute. To reveal Himself as the Messiah, God was incarnated in Jesus who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary. He was crucified to death to save the world. And God Himself had to die in the person of Jesus to reveal Himself. And on the third day he rose again from the dead as the son of God without any sin. That was God's purpose. He intended to build the Church to give the firm belief in eternal life through the Holy Spirit. Then, the confusion about the Trinity had been aroused. Augustine argued, as Kelly did, that the God is one being, transcendental Creator. And many dialectors chose the same argument with Augustine. Accordingly, Jesus, the son of God became the first creature, and a little bit superior to the angels. Like this, Jesus was degraded to a lower status than God. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit was downgraded as the inferior being to the angels represented as a servant or a slave though the Son should be considered as the same person with the Father. There were so bad understanding. In contrast to that opinion Irenaeus and Tertullianus were the scholars who developed the orthodox Trinitarianism when the monotheism which denied the divinity and the humanity of Jesus appeared. Tertullianus emphasized the unity of the Trinity which was the tradition of the western Latin churches, and as Professor Hyungki Lee argues, this was more developed by Augustine. Then, it seems to be valuable to consider what was the Cappadocian theologians' understanding of the Trinity and how it has been transmitted to the modern Christianity. The Ebionism affected by the monotheism in the early church period still exists to date. Jehovah's witnesses belong to them. They deny the divinity and the humanity of Jesus Christ and they alleges that the Father is the only God. Therefore, their faith is definitely not the Christian Unitarianism but heretical monotheism. And another Ebionism is found in Tongilgyo who believes in the monotheism, and modalism. They say they acknowledges the divinity and the humanity of Jesus Christ but Moon Sunmyung saved the flesh in place of Jesus. They falsely claim in the 「Wonrigangron」 written by Moon Sunmyung and in the ?Tongil Theology?written by Kim Youngwoon that Moon Sunmyung was selected as the foster son, and the second advent like Jesus. They are certainly Ebionists. I feel very sorry that the disputes about the Trinity were aroused in the early church period and the firm ground and right theology on the Trinity has not been established until now. In the 21 century, we have to eradicate sources of evil as well as the revival and the growth of the Churches. Without rooting out the heresies, the big troubles can happen in the future too. So it is very good thing to actively study on the heresy in each area. Especially, I am deeply grateful for the heresy committees of the religious bodies of each denomination. Representative orthodox bodies in Korea upgraded the Christianity through the right theological process. The reason that I wrote this thesis is that it is necessary to correct the distorted faith and wrong theology and to revive the churches through the three theologists, who were Cappadocian prelates, and planted the right judgement, firm belief in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The four themes of this study are as follows; firstly the problems of the terms, secondly, the biblical foundations in the old and new testaments about the Trinity, thirdly, the conviction of Arianism by the Athanasianism in the Nicene Council and lastly, the establishment of the right Trinity by the Cappadocian school in the council of Constantinople. Through the study, I attempted to seek the good insights for the Korean church and the Christianity. In chapter 2, the reason for the faith in the Trinity and the problems of the terms in the Trinity in the context of the history of theological doctrines will be considered. Also the various views of the theologists and the biblical foundations on the Trinity will be presented. In chapter 3, the situations before and after the Cappadocian School established the theology on the Trinity discussed with the historical background. The monotheism which denied the real divinity of Christ also was be dealt with. Furthermore, the christology of Athanasianism will be looked into with the Arian view that degraded Jesus as a creature through the monotheism so that it can be made clear that the divinity and the humanity of the Christ are the same nature with the Father. On the ground of the Nicene Council and the Council of Constantinople, the establishment of the Trinity by the Cappadocian School played an important role in the early Church period. In Chapter 4, I studied the relationship among the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit before the Trinitarianism established by the Cappadocian prelates and chapter 5 as the conclusion includes the argument that we need to have the macro view for the whole Christianity through the Trinity. Most of all, we have to understand what was the Trinity in the biblical context at the time of early Churches when the unity was needed. Specially, the Trinity of the Cappadocian School should not be interpreted by the human intellect or logics nor be divided to be veiled in the eternal mystery. Only through the perichoresis can present us the right understanding of the Bible, t

      • 언어폭력이 장병 부대적응도에 미치는 영향

        김상용 상지대학교 평화안보대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        언어폭력이 장병 부대적응도에 미치는 영향 본 논문의 연구 목적은 군내 병영생활에서 이루어지고 있는 언어폭력이 장병들의 부대 적응도에 얼마나 영향을 미치고 있으며, 만약 영향을 미치고 있다면 어떠한 관계가 있는지 알아보고 아울러 언어폭력 유형별로 장병 부대적응도에 미치는 영향을 분석하여 향후 육군본부 등 관련기관에서 언어폭력 감소 및 근절을 위한 정책 수립 및 대책 강구시 방향을 제시하고 제언을 하는데 있다. 이를 위해 기 육군에서 언어폭력관련 실태 조사한 결과와 연구자 자체 현역 장병들을 대상으로 면담 및 설문수리를 한 자료를 토대로 현재 병영생활 속에서 자행되고 있는 언어폭력의 유형들은 무엇인지 세부적으로 종합하여 설문간 장병들이 답변해 줄 수 있도록 설문지를 작성하는데 노력을 기울였다. 또한 군 특성상 전방 전투부대와 후방 정책 부대간 훈련정도나 부대생활 여건, 복지 및 편의시설 등이 다소 차이가 있는 관계로 이러한 부대 환경적 측면이 언어폭력을 유발케 하는데 직․간접적으로 영향을 미치는지 여부와 언어폭력이 부대적응도에 얼마나 영향을 미치는지를 알아보기 위해 전방의 육군 전투 1개부대와 후방의 정책 1개부대를 표본으로 선정하여 설문을 실시하였다. 자료의 분석을 통하여 다음과 같은 사실을 알 수 있었다. 첫째, 이병이 언어폭력을 가장 많이 당하고 부대 적응도 제일 힘들어 할 것으로 예측하였으나 설문 분석 결과 계급별 언어폭력 및 부대적응도는 큰 차이가 없었다. 둘째, 군내 언어폭력 유형 중 심리적 충격을 가장 많이 주는 유형은 능력관련 언어폭력이었으며 언어폭력과 부대적응도는 역 상관관계에 있음을 알 수 있었다. 언어폭력이 높을수록 부대적응도는 크게 저하됨을 알 수 있었다. 셋째, 언어폭력을 당한 병사는 부대적응도 힘들고 그로 인해 동료들과의 대인관계도 원만하지 않을 것으로 생각되었는데 조사 결과 언어폭력을 당했다고 하여 반드시 부대적응도 잘 못할 것이라는 추측은 잘못된 판단이었음을 알 수 있었다. 그러나 언어폭력을 당한 병사들은 업무수행과 관련해서는 대체적으로 업무흥미도가 저하되고 업무수행 자세가 피동적으로 바뀌는 등 매우 부정적인 악 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 연구결과 언어폭력이 장병 부대적응도에 영향을 미치기는 하나 병사들의 부대 부적응에 가장 많이 영향을 미치는 요소는 아니었으며 언어폭력보다도 군 고유의 특성인 상명하복의 위계질서, 계급조직, 집단생활, 생활에 대한 규제 등 군 고유의 조직문화 특수성이 장병 부대적응도에 가장 영향을 많이 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 언어폭력 실태와 관련해서는 대다수 장병이 ‘군과 사회 언어폭력 정도가 비슷하다’, ‘군이 더 심하다’라고 답변하여 사회에서 TV, 영화, 인터넷 등 언어폭력 환경에 무방비로 노출되어 생활함으로써 언어폭력을 기이 체험한 상태에서 군에 입대하는 장병이 많이 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이상에서 살펴본 바와 같이 군에서의 언어폭력은 심각한 부대부적응 요소로 심화되어 자살사고 등 인명사고의 원인이 될 뿐만 아니라 조직 구성원 상호간 소통 및 화합․단결을 저해하는 내부의 적(敵)과 같은 존재로 반드시 감소․근절 되어야 한다. 설문결과 많은 병사들이 선임병 및 간부들로부터 자신의 능력관련 언어폭력을 당했을 때 가장 큰 심적 고통을 느꼈다고 분석되었듯이 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 간부 양성교육기관에서부터 언어폭력 예방 관련 교육을 실시하여 군에 입문하는 초급간부에 의해 언어폭력이 자행되지 않도록 제도적 보완이 요구되어진다. 아울러 군의 특수성으로 말미암아 군내 언어폭력이 쉽게 근절되기는 어려운 현실인 만큼 주기적으로 실시하는 안보교육과 같이 장병들에 대한 인성순화 교육이 정기적으로 병행해서 이루어지도록 상급부대 차원 정책검토가 요구되어진다. 이러한 관심을 바탕으로 한 제도적 장치의 보완과 노력이 병영생활내에서 실질적으로 전개될 때 평상시 군의 기본 임무인 전투력 보존 및 발휘가 가능하게 될 것이며 국민으로부터 신뢰받는 명실상부한 ‘강한군대, 국민의 군대’로서 그 위상을 확립할 수 있을 것이다.

      • 보건복지조직 변동의 경로의존성

        김상용 전북대학교 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Korea is now facing three main challenges: weakening social integration, low economic growth and low birth rate and aging population. These problems would bring down slowdown of potential capacities for national growth. In order to solve these problems, the role of Health and Welfare organization has become more important than anything and ever. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the process of organizational change of the Ministry of Health and Welfare(MHW) from the perspective of path dependency of historical institutionalism. To do that, this study uses five structural elements of historical institutionalism: an external shock, contingency, critical junctures, path dependence and evolutionary path. The results of analysis show that MHW has been experienced both differentiation and integration in its structure according to the environmental change and expansion of its size for the last 70 years. In general, the organizational size is showing tendency to reduce in the beginning of new administration, but to expand in the end of it. During the process MHW has assisted in the formation of Ministries of Environment, Labor, and Gender Equality and Family. In the future, changes of MHW would depend on i) tendency of path dependency, ii) enlargement of its scale due to increase of social awareness, iii) expansion of fixed number due to the nature of the bureaucracy(ie. the Parkinson Law), and iv) internal conflict between health and welfare. In particular, if the current system which includes both welfare and health maintains, MHW would expand its function and personnel gradually as the form of layering by path dependency. However, if they are divided, change of MHW would enter new and different phase and as a result, institutional conditions and specific mechanism of evolutionary path would change. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the policy context for active evolutionary path of health and welfare organizations.

      • Comparing Accuracy of Prediction Cost Estimation in Apartment House Projects : CBR versus ANN

        김상용 고려대학교 대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        <ABSTRACT> Comparing Accuracy of Prediction Cost Estimation in Apartment House Projects: CBR versus ANN Kim, Sang-Yong Department of Architectural Engineering Graduate School, Korea University Advisor by Prof. Kang, Kyung-In Prediction of the cost estimation of apartment houses is an important task in the management of construction projects. Early project estimates represent a key ingredient in construction project's decision making and often become the basis for a project's ultimate funding. As, such, the importance of early estimates to owners and their project manager cannot be overemphasized. The initial cost estimates form the basis to which all future estimates are compared. Future estimates are often expected to agree with the initial estimates. However, if an early estimate is extremely inaccurate, a properly designed and properly executed project may appear to be a failure. Previously, there have been few quantitative, objective methods and models to evaluate the accuracy of early estimates. This study predicts the cost of apartment houses using case-based reasoning(CBR) and artificial neural networks(ANN) techniques. CBR has been recently favored because it seems to resemble more closely the psychological process such as human ideas when trying to apply their knowledge to the solution of problems. ANN has proved themselves to be very useful in various modeling applications, because it can represent complex mapping functions and discover the representations using powerful learning algorithm. Data used in this study (540 building projects) were collected from a large estimator of construction companies in Korea over a few years. 30 cases among the data are used for testing. Testing error rates of 3.68% in the CBR and 6.66% in the ANN were obtained. Results showed that CBR can produce slightly more a

      • 유형자산 재평가에 대한 연구 : 재평가 동기와 시장반응에 대한 실증연구

        김상용 부경대학교 대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        A Study on the Re-evaluation of Tangible Assets - An Empirical Study on the Motivation and Market Reaction - Kim, Sang Yong Department of Business Administration Graduate School Pukyong National University Abstract The objective of this paper is to demonstrate an empirical study of the motivation and market reaction on the re-evaluation of tangible assets after adopting the K-IFRS No.5 early as possible. The difference between this paper and prior research is randomly collecting the samples of the control group which is not equivalent to the experimental group of adopting the re-evaluation of tangible assets on the sample size. (hereafter, early adopter) The reason not matching the sample size between two groups is to make the model become more robust than that of prior research. The samples of this paper are collected from the corporations listing on KOSPI and KOSDAQ in 2008 and 2009. To analyze the motivation of the tangible assets, binomial logistic regression is used in addition to mean difference T-test and Wilcoxon rank-order test. As a result of the motivation analysis on the re-evaluation of tangible assets, the results of empirical test show that early adopter has larger in tangible asset ratio, and the ratio of increasing tangible assets and highly leveraged and lower in current ratio compared to control sample. These results are significant within the 5% of significance level. But return of assets do not have a significant effect on the motivation on the re-evaluation of tangible assets. The hit ratio contained tangible asset ratio, the ratio of increasing tangible assets is higher than the hit ratio detached them. To analyze the market reaction on the re-evaluation of the tangible assets, cumulative abnormal return (CAR) is measured from the 19 days before and after the date when re-evaluation informations are released. The result of the market reaction on the re-evaluation of tangible assets shows that cumulative abnormal return (CAR) is considerably increased for the four days right before the event date (-3 day, -2 day, -1 day, and 0 day). The cumulative abnormal return (CAR) of these four days is +2.9%.

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