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        대학생의 생애역량 강화를 위한 융복합형 교육시스템 모색

        김부자,김준회,Kim, Bu-Ja,Kim, Jun-Whai 한국디지털정책학회 2014 디지털융복합연구 Vol.12 No.12

        Life competencies most required for university students, who receive a higher education and prepare to go into society, are job competencies. People with a variety of competencies are needed in the job market in a globally-oriented 21st-Century knowledge-based society. Now that raising competent people who have a high level of job competency is regarded as one of university functions, a way to improve job competencies through university education needs to be investigated. This study proposes a convergence education system to improve job competencies. The convergence education system includes five type of convergence: convergence in major fields of study, convergence in education courses, convergence in education space, convergence in education methods, and convergence in education period. This education system is expected to improve a variety of job competencies including cognitive competencies, non-cognitive competencies, and global competencies. 사회진출을 앞두고 고등교육을 받는 대학생 단계에서 가장 요구되는 생애역량은 직업역량 이다. 21세기 지식기반사회의 직업 현장에서는 다양한 능력을 보유한 인재가 요구된다. 이제는 직업역량이 높은 인재를 양성하는 것이 대학 기능 중의 하나로 간주되므로 대학교육을 통해 직업역량을 높이는 방안이 연구되어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 직업역량을 강화시키는 것을 목적으로 하는 융복합형 교육시스템을 제안한다. 이 교육시스템은 융복합 전공교육, 교육과정의 융합, 교육공간의 융합, 교육방식의 융합, 교육기간의 융합을 포함하고 있다. 이런 융복합 교육시스템을 통해 인지적 역량, 비인지적 역량, 글로벌 역량을 포함한 다양한 직업역량을 강화시킬 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        스페인 전래동화 소고

        김부자 ( Kim Bu-ja ) 부산외국어대학교 지중해연구소 2016 지중해지역연구 Vol.18 No.3

        In all of the countries there is a abundant folk stories that come from the oral folk literature. Folktales, with their infinite variations of stories, are funny, wonderful and symbolic, for in them appear giants, dwarves, witches and goblins. Everything is so surprising in this fantasy world where something could happen, and that exalts and enriches our imagination hearing the stories. The stories that we listened to, beside a brazier or under the moonlight, enthuse the children, while also contributing to their upbringing, because the stories are good for a exemplary and noble didacticism. Thus, the traditional fairy tales made the children so happy for countless generations. But in our unstable times, amid the process of rapid change, we hear crying out to wellintentioned feminists against ‘machismo’ of traditional fairy tales and, moreover, insisting that if a traditional tale that was not sexist, it would be a false story, because since the environment in which the story takes place is generally limited to a machista culture. Seeing these useless discussions, we`re sure that we are in a moment to recognize the ethical utilitarian, in other words, the value of fairy tales. It is a moment to point out the ways of the past to serve us when opening new future. Because lost identity as a person and as a people can only be achieved through the historical meaning. For this reason, through the stories found in The three oranges of love and other Spanish stories of Carmen Bravo-Villasante, we note the traditional view of the sexes and the symbolic funtion of traditional fairy tales that can be useful for a balanced development of children`s personality and recognize the values advocated by the traditional Spanish fairy tales, comparing with those of Grimm and Charles Perrault.

      • KCI등재

        스페인 피노키오 이야기와 그 이상주의

        김부자 ( Bu Ja Kim ) 한국스페인어문학회 2014 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.73

        Entre finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX Espana vivio una fuerte aceleracion de la historia: ebullicion de ideas y de conflictos politicos. Al hablar de las generaciones literarias de esta epoca, nos referimos no solo al cambiante y asombroso panorama literario sino a algo mas amplio con un afan de cambio de la sociedad. Este cambio fue el sueno de Giner de los Rios, continuador del Krausismo. Para renovar la vida intelectual espanola los krausistas espanoles fomentaron un vasto movimiento de educacion popular y de promocion social que cuajo en la Institucion Libre de Ensenanza. Saturnino Calleja, hombre cercano al ideario krausista, abrio su editorial Calleja(1876) para ayudar a los ensenantes y contribuir a la educacion popular. Entre las obras publicadas por esta editorial podemos destacar la serie del Pinocho(1917-1928), creado por Bartolozzi en la que se trato del muneco de madera que recorre el mundo en busca de sus aventuras. Por esta larga odisea lo comparamos con el inmortal Don Quijote y lo consideramos como un heroe quijotesco. Con la peculiar adaptacion de Pinocho, muneca de madera imbuido del espiritu quijotesco, Bartolozzi sento las bases de la moderna literatura infantil espanola en la inmediata postguerra. Asi, pues, el objetivo principal del presente trabajo es reconocer la existencia de la literatura infantil espanola de la primera mitad del siglo XX, defender los valores y funciones de las creaciones infantiles como productos sociales y afirmar el idealismo finisecular, sobre todo, el espiritu quijotesco a traves de la aventura de Pinocho.

      • KCI등재

        형태에 초점을 맞춘 교수가 영어쓰기 능력에 미치는 영향: 비즈니스 영작문 교육을 위한 탐색

        김부자(Kim Bu-Ja) 한국영어어문교육학회 2005 영어어문교육 Vol.11 No.1

        The purpose of the study is to investigate whether focus-on-form instruction is effective in promoting accuracy in writing and to make some suggestions regarding education in business English writing. For this purpose, an experiment, of which the participants were 29 college sophomores taking a course in business English, was made. The learners received instruction in the English nouns followed by modificatory phrases or clauses through the focus-on-form techniques, feedback and explicit explanation. The results were as follows: First, the learners who received focus-on-form instruction improved accuracy in writing. Second, there was a correlation between the learners' English proficiency levels and the effects of focus-on-form instruction. Third, the high level learners showed more positive attitude toward focus-on-form instruction than the low level ones. To promote accuracy in written business communication, the following suggestions were made on the basis of the results: First, focus-on-form instruction should be incorporated into a content-based business English class. Second, repeated focus-on-form instruction is needed. Third, learners' English proficiency levels should be taken into account when focus-on-form instruction is given.

      • KCI등재

        의사소통 능력을 높여주는 어휘 지도에 대한 연구: 동사를 중심으로

        김부자(Kim Bu-Ja) 한국영어어문교육학회 2006 영어어문교육 Vol.12 No.1

          The purpose of the present study is to explore an effective way of teaching English vocabulary which is geared toward improving students" English communicative competence. This study focuses on English verbs, which may be followed by patterns according to subcategorization. Learning verbs must include learning about patterns as well as meaning in order to improve the ability to use verbs receptively and productively, or communicative competence. On the basis of the language progression proposed by Willis (2003), a teaching strategy which helps learners learn English verb patterns effectively and systematically was proposed. The effect of the teaching strategy was investigated. The subjects of the experimental group who learned English verb patterns intentionally through the teaching strategy proposed by this study significantly improved themselves in the ability to use them receptively and productively. This result shows that the teaching strategy including improvisation, recognition, rehearsal, system building, exploration and consolidation is helpful to improving communicative competence.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        스페인 아동 문학의 역사와 그 비평

        김부자 ( Kim Bu Ja ) 한국스페인어문학회 2003 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.29

        Durante nucho tiempo el nin~o era considerado como un adulto en miniatura. y los libros excritos par nin~os naci´an de una necesidad social: la foramcio´n de buenos ciudadanos o de buenos cristianos. Asi´, no se concebi´a la infancia como un peri´odo auto´nomo sino como una fase de preparacio´n para la vida adulta. De este modo, en los an~os pasados la literatura infantil ha sido siempre considerada como un ge´nero menor, como un instrumento. Pero, en la actualidad la literatura infantil deja de ser un ge´nero menor y tiene la misma categori´a que otras ramas literarias. Estamos en el momento cuando se considera su mundo infantil como un mundo no de tra´nsito sino auto´nomo, cuando se considera que el nin~o no es el hombre del futuro, como el hombre no es el nin~o del pasado. Sobre todo, despue´s de una e´poca de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la literatura infantil ha sido considerada como una literatura universal de la juventud para contribuir a la humanivacio´n de la sociedad y pacificacio´n unternacional. El hecho de que esto haya sido asi´ nos facilita el estudio de la historia de la literatura infantil y de la evolucio´n de la conciencia social, ya que la historia de la literatura radica en su reflejo de la sociedad e ideologi´a de su tiempo. Asi´, pues, el objetivo principal del presente trabajo es reconocer la existencia de la literatura infantil espan~ola a trave´s del sentido histo´rico y culturla, defender los valores y funciones de las creaciones infantiles como productos sociales en un momento histo´rico determinado, y afirmar la riqueza literaria y cultural que pueda servir de plataforma para una futura evolucio´n floreciente de esta literatura.

      • KCI등재

        판타지와 작가주의 -기예르모 델 토로의 영화를 중심으로-

        김부자 ( Bu Ja Kim ) 부산외국어대학교 지중해연구소 2015 지중해지역연구 Vol.17 No.3

        A film made with new media cultural values, which are not afraid to experiment with innovative things, while being entertaining and making a personal statement in the film, is another way of taking a new perspective and understanding the world. Alex de la Iglesia, Enrique Urbizu and Oscar Aibar etc., embodied the "young cinema" that has helped pave the way for Bayona, Amenabar, BalaguerO or Latin American productions of Guillermo del Toro, which open completely the window to infuse different air into Spanish cinema. In short, it is a generation of film-makers who, despite the disparity of issues and concerns, appear united by their love of genre cinema with special predilection for the fantastic and the action thrillers. This new trend or this globalization trend reflecting the new film generation, causes profound change of culture and cinema, exceeding the national limit, and does arouse interest of transnational activities. This study aims to analyze fantasy and auterism in such movies of Guillermo del Toro as Cronos, The Devil``s Backbone and Pan``s Labyrinth, and find a tendency of the film industry of Spain and Latin America in recent years.

      • KCI등재

        스페인 구비문학과 풍속화에 나타난 소외문화

        김부자 ( Bu Ja Kim ) 부산외국어대학교 지중해연구소 2010 지중해지역연구 Vol.12 No.2

        El cuento popular describe una sociedad medieval con claros caracteres de relacion armonica, polarizada y estratificada, con status y roles claramente definidos, en la que unos mandan y a los otros les toca obedecer. El grupo dominante asienta su autoridad en el poder y la riqueza, quedando ambos legitimados. En el cuento popular la estratificacion social esta claramente jerarquizada, de modo que los diversos estratos sociales, debidamente ordenados, tienen en la cuspide a quien detentaba todo el poder y la riqueza; tal estructura social es presentada en los cuentos como algo inamovible. En este articulo, vamos a averiguar la cultura de la alienacion social en los cuentos populares y en la pintura de genero, que, con el sentido realista del arte, se aplico a las escenas cotidianas, de la calle o de la vida privada, contemporaneas al autor y que oculto temas alegoricos, destacando las pinturas de Velazquez, de Murillo y J. de Rivera, y de Francisco de Goya, quienes utilizaron la pintura de genero como un medio para una sugerencia oscura sobre la condicion humana con numerosos cuadros de mendigos y pilluelos, en un tono realista, pero amable, evitando la expresion del dolor o la tristeza.

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