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        「오감도 시 제1호」와 이상(李箱)이라는 페르소나의 이중성 식민지 근대 시공간의 다차원적 조감도로서 이상 시 읽기

        김백영 ( Kim Baek-yung ) 민족문학사학회·민족문학사연구소 2018 민족문학사연구 Vol.67 No.-

        李箱 시의 다의성은 어디에서 비롯되는가? 본 연구에서는 그 원인이 이상이라는 문학적 페르소나에 내재된 양면성에서 비롯된 것으로 보고, 그 형성 국면의 작품인 「오감도 시 제1호」에 초점을 맞춰 다음과 같은 두 가지 질문을 통해 이상의 삶과 작품 세계에 대한 새로운 해석 틀을 벼려내고자 했다. 첫 번째 질문은 건축기술자이자 일문 시 작가인 김해경과 조선문단에 혜성과 같이 나타난 신예 작가 이상의 관계를 어떻게 설정할 것인가의 문제이다. 연작시 「오감도」는 자연인 김해경으로부터 독립된 새로운 문학적 페르소나인 이상을 확립한 작품으로 자리매김할 수 있다. 두번째 질문은 김해경의 ‘조감도’와 이상의 ‘오감도’의 관계를 해명하는 문제로, ‘조감’ 개념에 대한 분석을 통해 그의 작품에 다음 두 가지 모티브가 모순적으로 공존하고 있음을 발견할 수 있었다. 하나는 유년기 이래 그의 삶을 품어온 생활세계가 식민화되는 과정에 대한 피식민자로서의 원초적 공포감과 불안의식이고, 다른 하나는 근대문명의 하이모더니즘적 기획의 허구성에 대한 초국적·전위적 지식인의 급진적 비판의식과 초월의지이다. 초기 작품에서부터 김해경은 근대권력의 투시적 시선이 지닌 특권성과 폭력성에 대해 예리한 비판의식을 드러냈으며, 근대 시공간 질서의 보편적 구조를 꿰뚫어보고 있었다. 연작시 「조감도」와 「오감도」에는 상대성 이론 등 그가 흡수한 근대 과학혁명의 지적 발견, 총독부 소속 건축기사로서의 직업적 경험과 피식민 조선인으로서의 이중의식, 그리고 다다이즘 등 당대 초국적 아방가르드 예술가들의 사상적 영향이 녹아들어 있다. 그는 근대 기계문명의 시공간이 어떤 인식론적 혁명 위에 축조되어 있는지 예리하고 명증하게 간취하고 있었으며, 더 나아가 그것이 초래한 인간성의 내면의 심층적 변화까지도 투시하여 보여주고자 했다. 때문에 근대사회에 대한 그의 조감하는 시선에는 단지 물리적 공간에 대한 투시를 넘어서 내면적 인간성과 사회구조적 문제의 복합적 상관성에 대한 성찰이 포함된다. 「오감도 시 제1호」는 이상이 조선 문단에 자신의 존재를 알린 첫 작품이다. 김해경은 이를 계기로 이상이라는 새로운 페르소나를 확립함으로써 자신의 불우한 귀속지위에 얽혀있는 존재론적 굴레로부터 벗어나 초국적 다다이즘과 시공간적 비월(飛越)의 꿈을 이루고자 했다. 이상의 문학적 실천에서 나타나는 모호성과 다의성은 근대적 시공간에 대한 인식론적 각성과 존재론적 해방 사이의 극복 불가능한 절대적 간극 위에 형성된 이상이라는 페르소나의 본래적 이중성의 소산으로 볼 수 있다. Where does the polysemy of Yi Sang‘s poetical works stem from? It is difficult to grasp full meanings of his poem by regarding him simply as an owner of a fallen and diseased body, a patient with severe schizophrenia, a weak colonial intellectual or a modernist street observer. Focusing on the 「Crow’s-Eye Views No. 1」 and examining following two questions, this article aims to bring out an alternative framework to interpret Yi Sang’s poems. Firstly, why Kim Hae-kyung created his new pseudonym named Yi Sang and what are the critical characteristics of this new literary persona? Secondly, why Kim Hae-kyung and Yi Sang titled their major work by using the terminology of ‘jogam/ogam’ which meaned ‘bird’s eye views/crow’s eye views’? By answering these two questions, I tried to disclose the main reasons of both the ambilaterality of the persona of Yi Sang and the polysemy of his poetical works. From the outset of his literary career, Yi Sang has had a brilliant vision to penetrate the universal structure of modern spatio-temporal order, realizing both the privilege and the violence of the modern power of seeing. Yi Sang’s literary expressions of his bird’s eye view of modern society has caught the multi-dimensional changes including not only the materialistic and socio-structural changes but also the changes of deep inner humanity. By writing and publishing 「Crow’s-Eye Views No. 1」, he tried to establish a new persona to escape his heavy ontological bindings entangled in Kim Hye-kyung’s disturbed backgrounds. Through his ingenious radical practices of literary dadaism, he tried to realize the idealistic dream of artistic liberation and/or to transcend the limitations of the spatio- temporal conditions of the colonial modern society. Yi Sang’s frustrated literary practice can be regarded as an inevitable result of the impossible transcendental efforts to overcome the absolute gap between one’s epistemological awakening and ontological liberation of the colonial modern reality.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        금강산의 식민지 근대 - 1930년대 금강산 탐승 경로와 장소성 변화

        김백영(Kim, Baek Yung) 역사비평사 2020 역사비평 Vol.- No.131

        The railroad was a key device in the Japanese empire’s expansion of overseas territories toward the Korean Peninsula and Manchuria. While most of the colonial railways constructed by the Japanese imperialism were built and operated for military, political, and economic purposes, the Mt. Geumgang railway line, which was mainly constructed and operated for passenger transportation for tourism, is a very unique case. Since Mt. Geumgang is not only a traditionally famous scenic spot but an unrivaled world-class natural landscape in Korea, it has always been a critical target of the colonial tourism development of Japanese railway imperialism. In this article, I tried to analyze the spatial changes of Mt. Geumgang area in 1930s, particularly in relation to its access transportation, by focusing on the changes of touring courses and travel itineraries shown in 1931, 1934, and 1939 editions of the official travel guidebooks titled as “Travel Routes and Expenses Estimation” which were published annually by Japan Tourist Bureau in 1920~1930s. For the Chosen Government-General who led the development of Mt. Geumgang from the beginning, improving the convenience of transportation was a top priority for tourism development of Mt. Geumgang area. The access route to Mt. Geumgang can be divided into three routes: First, the sea route from Wonsan Port through the East Sea(Wonsan-Jangjeon line), second, the motorway that descends from Anbyon which is the nearest town from Wonsan by Gyeongwon railway line, and the third is the closest route to the traditional route that enters the Nae(Inner)-Geumgang through Jangansa temple beyond the Danbalyeong Pass from Cheolwon. As the railroad construction crossing over the rugged Danbalyeong Pass was delayed, the initial period of colonial modern tourism development focused on the Oe(Outer)-Geumgang area, in which process tourism resources around the Oe-Geumgang and the Hae(Seaside)-Geumgang were newly developed. The era of popular tourism of Mt. Geumgang has been opened since 1930s, when the railroad lines of the second and third routes to Mt. Geumgang were completed. In mid-1930s, mountain trails directly connecting the Nae-Geumgang area and the Oe-Gumgang area were developed, and various routes along the Mt. Geumgang tour were commercialized. As tourism in Mt. Geumgang became popular in the late 1930s, some areas where tourists gather became developed as a district of secular pleasure and entertainment. As a result, the traditional perception that mystified Mt. Geumgang as a landscape of sublime beauty or surreal novelty gradually weakened. In this aspect of the discontinuous change in the placeness of Mt. Geumgang, we can find out the coloniality of Japanese colonial tourism hidden behind the external modernity.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        강남 개발과 올림픽 효과

        김백영(Kim, Baek Yung) 도시사학회 2017 도시연구 Vol.- No.17

        이 글에서는 스포츠 메가이벤트가 도시공간에 미친 영향, 올림픽이 지닌 ‘도시개발의 촉매제’로서의 특성에 주목하여 1988 서울올림픽이 강남 개발과 서울의 도시발전에 미친 영향에 대해 살펴보았다. 올림픽을 개최할 수 있는 국제 규모의 경기장과 선진 대도시 수준의 세계도시를 건설하려는 계획은 잠실지구 개발사업이 본격화된 1970년대초부터 등장했다. 유신정권의 강력한 정책적 의지에 힘입어 서울시는 1970년대초부터 영동・잠실지구 신시가지를 포함하는 다핵화된 성상도시 플랜을 수립하고 잠실지구를 국제적 스포츠경기 유치를 위해 특화된 올림픽타운으로 조성하려는 계획을 수립했다. 1974년 잠실지구가 종래의 토지구획정리사업을 통해 조성된 단순한 주거타운과는 차별화된, ‘도시다움의 추구’라는 미래 이상도시 건설을 염두에 둔 종합적 플랜의 대상으로 재설정된 것은 이러한 배경에서다. 88서울올림픽 유치가 결정되자, 1980년대 서울시는 신군부 정권 주도하에 ‘세계는 서울로, 서울은 세계로’라는 표어에 부응하는 ‘국제도시’이자 ‘선진도시’로서 단기간에 압축적이고도 전 방위적으로 그 면모를 일신해 나아갔다. 한강고수부지 개발과 강남 · 북을 잇는 교량 건설, 동서 방향의 도시고속화도로와 지하철 건설 등 한강개발과 교통망 정비사업이 그 한 축을 담당했다면, 서울다핵도시화 계획에 따른 잠실 올림픽타운의 미관지구 조성과 도시 전반의 공원화 사업 등 도시미화운동은 그 다른 한 축에 해당한다. 결과적으로 1960~70년대 박정희 정권의 국가주의적 계획에서 비롯되어 ‘86 · 88의 시대’를 거치면서 관 주도적으로 추진된 올림픽도시 만들기 프로젝트는 강남 신시가지가 경이적인 규모와 속도와 획일성으로 조성되게끔 한 강력한 촉매제로 작용했다고 볼 수 있다. 그 과정에서 초대형 아파트단지 집중지역으로 재탄생한 강남은 한국 중산층 주거의 새로운 모델이자 ‘강남화’ 현상의 근거지가 되었다. Considering Olympics as a catalyst for urban development, this article examined the effects of the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games on the development of Gangnam area in Seoul. The plan to construct an international stadium and an advanced metropolitan city that can host the Olympics has been in place since the early 1970s, when the Jamsil district development project has started in earnest. Thanks to the strong political will of the Yushin regime, the city of Seoul established a plan to construct a star-shaped multi-core city plan, including new city areas of Yeongdong and Jamsil districts, as new cores in the early 1970s. Since then, Jamsil district has begun to be designated as a specialized Olympic town to attract international sports games. It was with this background that the Jamsil district in 1974 was redesigned with a comprehensive plan to build a future-oriented city in pursuit of urbanity, different from a simple residential town built through the conventional land readjustment project. With the decision to host the 1988 Seoul Olympics, the Seoul Metropolitan Government in the 1980s under the leadership of the new military regime, made a full-scale change as an "international city" and "advanced city," corresponding to the motto of "the world to Seoul, Seoul to the world." The Olympic city development plan was realized vigorously through ‘the age of 86 · 88’ mainly in the following two ways: first, the Han River development and the main transportation network establishment projects, such as the development of the Han River estuary site, the construction of the bridge connecting Gangnam and Gangbuk, the urban high-speed road and subway construction in the east-west direction, and second, the urban beautification movement, such as making aesthetic district of Jamsil Olympic Town according to Seoul multi-core city plan and city-wide park-building project. The Olympic city development plan was originated from the national mobilization strategy of the Park Chung-hee regime in the 1960s and 1970s. It was propelled and realized as Jamsil Olympic town by the 5th Republic regime, finally leading to the development of the Gangnam new urban area with a phenomenal scale, speed, and uniformity. In the near future, Gangnam would become a new model of Korean upper-middle class housing.

      • KCI등재

        식민지 도시성에 대한 이론적 탐색

        김백영 ( Baek Yung Kim ) 한국사회사학회 2006 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.72

        It can be said that so far studies on Korean modern cities under Japanese colonial rule has generally had several critical theoretical problems: ① Oversimplification of colonialism as politico-economic plundering and of colonial power as monolithic dictatorship. ② Lack of theoretical interpretations of modern urban culture. ③ Lack of comparative approach. In order to overcome those theoretical problems, this paper broadly review various tendencies of studies on colonial cities and classified them into three theoretically different groups: a modernization approach, a world-system approach, and a post-modern approach. As analytic results of the investigation and summary of those three different paradigms, some theoretical issues have been picked out as heuristic devices in terms of spatial sociology. Firstly, in terms of location and function, colonial cities are port towns linking the metropolis and the colony. Secondly, the inner apace of the colonial city is typically characterized as a dual city divided between the ``civilized`` space of the foreign colonizers and the ``uncivilized`` space of the native colonized, the former of which is decorated with the highly formalized practices of colonial architecture, modern urban planning and imperial ritual. Thirdly, even though the colonially dualized urban space has originally been designed as a material device of colonial domination, equipped with surveillance and violence on one hand, and enchantment and spectacle on the other, ironically it can be appropriated by the colonized as a ground for the culture politics of identity in their everyday life. It is necessary to consider these heuristic tools to solve the theoretical problems in the study of Korean modern cities under Japanese colonial rule, considering both the dynamics of Japanese imperialistic strategies in macro scale and the historical uniqueness of Korean``s colonial modern historical experience in micro scale at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        식민권력과 광장공간 -일제하 서울시내 광장의 형성과 활용

        김백영 ( Baek Yung Kim ) 한국사회사학회 2011 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.90

        일제하 서울에서 광장으로 대표되는 도시 공공공간은 어떻게 형성되고 활용되었는가? 광장을 ‘소통형’과 ‘과시형’으로 대별하여 유형화해본다면, 제국주의시대 식민지도시의 광장공간은 대체로 후자의 특성을 강하게 띤다. 광장공간에 대한 연구는 형태학적 분석과 화용론적 분석의 양 측면에서 이루어질 필요가 있다. 식민지 시기 서울의 광장공간은 일제 말기 전시 총동원체제기를 제외하면 대체로 사회문화적 차원에서의 화용론적 성격은 매우 미약하게 나타난다. 일제하 서울 도심부의 대표적인 광장공간으로는 조선은행 앞 광장과 경성부청 앞 광장을 들 수 있는데, 양자의 형성사적 배경이나 장소성은 다시 차이가 있다. 조선은행 앞 광장은 1910년대 형성된 대표적 광장으로, 당시 식민권력이 한편으로는 종로ㆍ덕수궁 앞ㆍ광화문거리 등 북촌지역에 남겨진 왕조시대 광장정치의 장소성을 파괴ㆍ말소시키면서 다른 한편으로는 남촌의 신시가지 개발에 주력했음을 보여준다. 1920년대 중반에는 식민지 행정수도의 상징경관이 일차적으로 완성되는데, 경성부청 앞 광장과 조선은행 앞 광장 및 주변 도심부 지역의 장소성의 기능적 분화가 본격적으로 가시화되는 것은 이때부터이다. 이들 광장은 형태학적 완성도가 비교적 높았음에도 불구하고 화용론적으로는 거의 의미있는 활용 양상을 보여주지 못하는데, 경성부청 앞 광장의 경우 1930년데 중반경부터 주민동원 행사를 위한 공간으로 간헐적으로 사용된다. 공간의 화용론이라는 관점에서 볼 때 가장 활성화된 광장은 1930년대 이후의 신궁광장이다. 남산의 신궁광장과 그 주변 공간은 특히 전시 총동원체제기 왕국신민화를 위한 상징적 장소로 자리매김하면서 주민들의 집단적 강제동원을 통해 이루어진 군국주의적 국가의례의 주된 무대로 사용되었다. 결국 일제하 서울의 광장과 공공공간은 전반적으로 소통성이 거의 부재한 압도적인 과시성으로 특징지어지는 공간으로서, 그 역사적 유산은 탈식민 서울의 도심부 공간구조와 시민 일상생활에 지속적으로 강한 영향을 미쳤다. The purpose of this paper is to study the historical formation and the pragmatic usage of the square space in colonial Seoul, which is called as Kyungsung or Keijo at that period. As a theoretical subsumption, I proposed to divide the square space into two types-one for the mutual communication of people`s and the other for the ostentation of the power. Lots of colonial cities built by modern imperialism show grand scale of squares, using them for political purposes. As a 500 years old historic capital of Chosun Dynasty governed by neo-Confucianism, the central area of Seoul was filled with several square places for both communicational and ostentational usage. Due to these spatial legacies, during the early period of colonization Japanese colonial power concentrated on the development of the south area of the traditional Seoul, alienating the north area which had been occupied mainly by the native Korean people. The central square space which would become the spatial symbol of the colonial politico-executive area began to be formed as late as in mid-1920`s, with the simultaneous completion of both the new headquarter building of the Government-General inside the Kyungbokgung palace site and the new building of Keijo municipal office nearby the traditional Duksugung(Kyungungung) palace. In terms of the pragmatic usage of the square space, in contrast to those squares mentioned above which were rarely used for social gatherings, the Shingung square located in Chosun Shrine at Mt. Namsan area was the most frquently used place for the mass-mobilizing rituals since the mid-1930`s which were held mainly for the propaganda of Kouminka movement or in advocacy of Japanese imperial militarism. In conclusion, the square space formed and used in colonial Seoul can be characterized as the space for the propaganda and domination of Japanese colonial power, leaving behind deep and long-lasting politico-sociological legacies in post-colonial Seoul.

      • KCI등재

        식민지 동화주의의 공간정치

        김백영(Kim, Baek-yung) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2009 인천학연구 Vol.11 No.-

        The structural inertias and resisting forces of Seoul, a 500 year-old historical city, determined the transformation of the urban space in all over the Japanese colonial period. With the completion of two monumental buildings, the new headquarter of the Colonial government and Joseon Shrine(朝鮮神宮), and the vigorous promotion of a masterplan to build a colonial administration city, 1920s culminated in the spatial division of the administrative fuction and economic function and completion of the symbolic landscape of the colonial capital to surpass the traditional royal symbolic space. After the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese war, with the so-called Kouminka policy, the enforced policy of colonial assimilation, the urban space of Gyeongseoung (Keijo) was turned into the experimentation field of military assimilationism. The Shrines in Gyeongseong were expanded and surveillance and discipline were strengthened in everyday life of civilians. Although such conflicts and contradictions were covered up violently and oppressively by the extreme assimilation policy of imperial militarism during the war time, it was bound to intrigue the 'politics of revenge' of people in a post-colonial era by intensifying the potential hostility of the colonial subjects.

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