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        Kadi 사건이 EU법에 미친 영향에 대한 연구

        김민서 충남대학교 법학연구소 2019 法學硏究 Vol.30 No.3

        안전보장이사회가 UN헌장 제7장의 비군사적 강제조치를 결정하고 EU 가 이를 이행하기 위한 제재조치를 취한 것이 이번이 처음은 아닌데, 이사건이 불거진 이유는 스마트 제재(smart sanctions) 때문이라고 할 수 있다. 새로운 방법은 새로운 문제를 수반하였다. 스마트 제재는 국가만을 대상으로 하던 UN의 기존 방식과 달리 강제조치의 부작용을 최소화하고 실효성을 극대화하기 위해 개인이나 단체를 제재의 대상으로 하였고, 더욱이 그들의 혐의를 입증할 수 있는 증거와 자료를 비공개로 하면서 EU법이 보장하는 의견진술권을 포함한 방어권 등의 인권 침해 문제가 제기되었다. Kadi 사건에서 이 문제가 다루어졌다. 제1심재판소(지금의 일반재판소) 의 Kadi I 판결과 이후의 (일반재판소의 Kadi II 판결을 포함하여) EU사법재판소의 Kadi 판결은 상반되는 두 시각을 잘 보여준다. 중요한 쟁점은 실질적 합법성, 즉 UN 안전보장이사회의 결의문을 이행하기 위해 제정된 EU입법이 EU법에서 보장하는 인권을 침해했는지가 사법심사의 대상인가 하는 점이다. 제1심재판소는 UN헌장 제103조와 TEC 제307조(TFEU §351)를 근거로국제법 우위의 일원론에 입각하여 형식적 합법성에 대해서만 재판관할권을 가진다고 판결하였다. 실질적 합법성에 대한 심사는 간접적으로 안전보장이사회의 결의문에 대한 심사를 의미하기 때문이다. 또한 제재위원회의 재검토절차와 옴부즈맨 제도는 행정적 구제로 사법적 구제수단은 아니지만 개인의 권리 구제를 위해 전자만 제공하는 것이 국제법 위반은 아니라고 하였다. 반면에 강행규범을 도입하였고 강행규범으로서의인권을 침해하지 않았다고 하였지만 강행규범을 통한 안전보장이사회결의문의 간접심사는 인정하였다. EU사법재판소는 이원론에 입각하여 EU법의 자율성을 보장하였다. 안전보장이사회의 결의문과 EU입법을 엄격하게 분리하여 후자가 EU법에서 보장하는 인권을 침해했는지에 대한 형식적 합법성뿐만 아니라 실질적 합법성에 대한 심사, 즉 완전한 사법심사에 대한 재판관할권을 가진다고 판결하였다. 강행규범의 도입을 배제하였고 안전보장이사회 결의문의 간접심사를 부정하였다. TEC 제307조(TFEU §351)는 EU의 헌법적 원칙인 인권에 적용될 수 없고 옴부즈맨제도와 같은 행정적 수단으로는 개인의 권리구제가 불충분하며 사법적 구제수단이 Kadi에게 부여되어야 한다고 하였다. 한 가지 주목할 것은 EU사법재판소의 확고한 입장에 비해 행동은 아직 그렇지 못하다는 점이다. EU가 회원국에 줄은 걸었지만 당기지는 않은 상태이다. EU사법재판소는 Kadi I 판결에서 이사회 명령의 취소를 한시적으로 유예했고 Kadi II 판결은 이미 Kadi가 제재명부에서 해제된 뒤에 이루어졌다. 후자의 경우 EU사법재판소는 재판의 신속한 진행을 통해 제제위원회의 해제 결정전에 판결을 선고할 수도 있었다. 요컨대 EU 법과 UN법의 충돌은 법리적으로는 돌아올 수 없는 다리를 건넌 상태라고도 할 수 있지만 현실에서는 구체화되지 않았다. 이는 UN의 입장을고려했다고 볼 수도 있지만 회원국의 반발을 염두에 둔 조치로 해석될수도 있다. 즉 의무 위반의 직접적인 당사자가 될 전체 회원국의 지지가있기 전까지 EU는 회원국들에게 선택을 강요하지 않을 수 있다. 자신의패배로 귀결될 수도 있기 때문이다. EU사법재판소의 Kadi I 판결(2008)이 나온 지도 이제 10년이 지났다. 다시 한 번 냉철하게 Kadi 사건을 ... Since 1999, the UN Security Council passed resolutions imposing non-military enforcement actions under Article 41 of Chapter VII of the UN Charter, targeting Osama Bin Laden and his followers. Based on the resolutions, the EU adopted legal acts to implement them, and Mr. Kadi was named in the resolutions and EU legal acts. He sought the annulment of the EU legal acts in question before the European Court of Justice. Smart sanctions, unlike the UNs conventional method targeting only countries, aim at individuals or entities concerned to mitigate the side effect of non-military enforcement actions and maximize their effectiveness while the non-confidentiality of evidences and information supporting the charges against the addressees raise issues concerning human rights violations, including the right to be heard guaranteed by the EU law. This issue was addressed in Kadi cases. The Kadi cases comprise the Kadi I and the Kadi II. The Kadi I ruling by the “Court of First Instance” (renamed the General Court afterwards) and the subsequent ones (including the General Court’s Kadi II decision) by the “Court of Justice” (the court of appeal of the EU) show two opposing views. The key issue was whether EU legislations enacted to implement the UN Security Council resolution are subject to judicial review before the “Court of Justice of the EU”(which term includes the “Court of Justice” and the “General Court”). On the basis of Article 103 of the UN Charter and Article 307 of the TEC (TFEU §351), the Court of First Instance ruled that it had to admit the superiority of international law and had only jurisdiction over the formal or procedural lawfulness of the EU legislations. The Court thought that the examination of the substantive lawfulness of EU legislations would mean the indirect, not-allowed, review of the Security Council’s resolutions as such. It also said that the UN sanctions committee’s review process and its ombudsman system are administrative remedies, but that only providing administrative remedies for individuals or entities concerned is not a violation of international law. On the other hand, the resolutions of the Security Council were indirectly reviewed, although the Court found that it did not violate human rights as a rule of jus congens. The Court of Justice safeguarded the autonomy of EU law on the basis of the dualistic thinking. The resolutions of the Security Council on the one hand and EU legislations on the other were fully separated to determine whether the latter infringed on human rights guaranteed by the EU law, and to examine the substantive lawfulness. In other words, it was ruled that it had jurisdiction over a full judicial review. It excluded the introduction of jus cogens and denied the indirect review of the Security Council resolution. The Court ruled that Article 307 of the TEC (TFEU §351) does not apply to human rights which are constitutional principles of the EU, that administrative remedies were not sufficient, and that judicial protection should have been given to Kadi. Actually, the Court of Justice did not take so firm a stand: it put strings on its member states, but has not yet pulled them. The Court of Justice temporarily suspended the cancellation of the restrictive measures in respect of Kadi in the Kadi I ruling, and the Kadi II ruling came out immediately after Kadi was lifted from the list of the Security Council Sanctions Committee. In the latter case, the Court of Justice could have sentenced earlier than the decision of the Sanctions Committee delisting Mr. Kadi. In short, the conflict between the EU law and the UN law looks like they have crossed a legal bridge that cannot be returned to, but this has not been materialized in reality. The Court might have had considered the UN’s position while its decision may also be interpreted as a sign that the Court is mindful of the resistance of the member states. In other words, the EU may not forc...

      • KCI등재후보

        조오현 선시의 양상과 주제연구

        김민서 경기대학교 인문학연구소 2018 시민인문학 Vol.34 No.-

        본고는 조오현(曹五鉉, 법명 무산, 자호는 설악, 1932∼) 선시에 주목해서, 그 의 선시의 양상과 주제를 살펴보았다. 그것을 구체적으로 나누어 보면 다음과 같 다. ‘견성오도(見性悟道)’의 선기시(禪機調), ‘자연경계(自然境界)’의 선취시(禪趣 詩), ‘중생구제(衆生救濟)’의 우범시(又凡詩), ‘승속일여(僧俗一如)’의 선화시(禪話詩)이다. 먼저 견성오도의 선기시는 선사들의 시가 종교적인 포교 목적을 떠나 순수한 시 자체로 존재하면서도 선적 함축성을 내포한 선시를 의미한다. 이는 선사의 입 장에서 바라보는 선적인 혜안을 시형식에 담고 있는 것이다. ‘선기’의 뜻은 선사 로서 선수행을 통한 자성의 깨달음에 이르는 관문을 말한다. 여기서는 「만인고칙」 의 연작들을 중심으로 살펴보았다. ‘만인고칙’은 제목에서 알 수 있듯이 화두를 가지고 수행하는 것을 의미한다. 둘째, ‘자연경계(自然境界)’의 선취시(禪趣詩)이다. 선취란 자연의 아름다움이 선적인 깨달음과 더불어 잔잔하게 스며있는 것을 의미한다. 그래서 그의 선취시 에는 서정시의 장르적 특성이 잘 나타나 있다. 그것은 자연과 시인 자신이 하나 가 되는 동일화의 원리와 선문답으로 순간과 압축성이 나타나 있다. 셋째, 중생구제의 우범시(又凡詩)이다. 이것은 선의 깨달음을 원용한 일종의 현실참여시라고 볼 수 있다. 그래서 시 속에는 중생의 삶과 역사의 현장이 매개 되어 있는데, 이것은 깨달음을 얻은 후에 ‘화광동진(和光同塵)’으로 나아가는 것 과 다르지 않다. 여기서는 「1970년 방문」과 「1980년 방문」 연작에 대해서 고찰 해 보았다. 제목에서 알 수 있듯이 ‘방문(榜文)’은 조오현의 제도적 의식이 나타 나 있다. 그래서 조오현의 우범시는 중생들이 현장에서 삶을 대하는 태도가 얼마 나 치열한지를 보여주고 있으며, 그것을 시로 승화시킨 텍스트를 중심으로 고찰 하였다. 넷째, 승속일여(僧俗一如)의 선화시(禪話詩)이다. 여기서는 「절간이야기」 연 작시를 중심으로 분석하였다. 이 시편들은 주제 면에서 크게 세 가지로 나누어 볼 수 있는데, 고승대덕의 일화에서 얻어지는 깨달음의 세계, 자연을 주제로 한 두두물물(頭頭物物)의 세계, 삶의 현장에서 자신의 직업을 천직으로 여기며 살아 가는 중생들의 세계 등이다. 그 중에서 중생들의 세계를 탐구하였다. 그래서 본고는 조오현이 승려로서 한국 근‧현대문학사를 막론하고 독보적인 선시(禪詩)를 창작해 온 바, 그의 선시에서 나타난 양상과 주제를 고찰해 보았다. This paper focuses on Jo Ohhyun's buddhist poetry, and I think to try to investigate his literary world through the Buddhist events that form the time. Jo Ohhyun is regardless of Korea modern literary history as a monk, where it has been created their own buddhist poetry, his buddhist poetry's assessment that are pursuing the enlightenment and metaphysical depth Buddhist thought and literature is bound. I was discussed Buddhist worldview and Buddhist poetry with Jo Ohhyun. In Ⅳ chapter section 1, as Buddhist worldview "Fire" of birth and death "Kegon" of the universe all things, "non-picture" of the masses indoctrination. The 'fire' of life and death is emerging and destroying it is based on a Gongsasang. His has been shown to guru "fire" also "live" at the top of the "flashing" and. 'Fire' in his Buddhist poetry is also a line of 'Life' and 'Death'. So I explained to center the relevant test piece to it. "Kegon" of the universe all things has the virtue ten thousand, all things are those that form the coalescence and reached the frontier that is not separated from each other by the preceding ten thousand. This is as 'Iljeukda', Dajeukil one of the inside of things already contains the universe, which means that it has entered into that space has. This is so that stare that no essential award that exists from exceeding representation, which means that those trivial including human beings nature is already inherent in my. So these are dependent on each other, has been reached Ilchebeop principles to coexist with each other. So here I've discussed around the test specimen on the Kegon Jo Ohhyun. "Non-picture" of the masses indoctrination is one in which the attendant and insight their inner surface to try to discover the "Geez". In Section 2, Seongisi of "Gyeonseongodo", Seonchwisi of "Jayeongyeonggye", Woobeomsi of "Jungsaengguje" Seonhwasi of "Seungsokilyeo" on the face and the theme of Buddhist poetry , was shown. off the market value religious missionary purpose of shipping companies, while present in self when pure, it is meant broke that encloses the shipment connotation. Seongisi of Gyeonseongodo was meant Seonsa's poem off the religious missionary purpose, while present in self when pure, it was enclosed linear connotation Buddhist poetry. It contains the linear of insight as seen from the perspective of Seonsa the Sihyeongsik. The meaning of "Seongi" refers to the barrier that leads to enlightenment of magnetism through the line run as Seonsa. Here, I was examined mainly in continuous cropping of "Maningochik". "Maningochik" is, as can be seen from the title, to run with the topic. In seonchwisi of "Jayeongyeonggye", beauty of nature permeated calmly with linear enlightenment. So, at the time of his preoccupation, genre properties of the lyrics are shown. It principle of identification that nature and yourself become one, moment and compressibility appears to encounter dialogue. Woobeomsi of "Jungsaengguje can be seen that during join the real one with the aid of understanding of the line. Although mediate site life and history of play in the case, which after the Illuminati unchanged and can proceed to 'Hwagwangdongjin'. Here, we have investigated about "Visiting 1970" and "1980 Bangbun 'series. As you can see from the title 'visit' can appear and institutional awareness of Jo Ohhyun. So Woobeomsi of Jo ohyhun it shows how intense the attitude toward life in the field playing, it was considered to center the text that was sublimed it to the poem. In Seonhwasi of "Seungsokilyeo", I was analyzed mainly Yonjakushi "Talk between The Sections" that is included in the "Talk between The Section". The test piece, but you can see it is divided into three large in terms of theme, enlightenment of the world obtained from Daeseunggodeok, in the world of Dudumulmul kind that the nature theme, and his in the field of life such as the world of playback to go live I think calling the work has been explored.

      • KCI등재

        비행경험 초기 청소년의 자아존중감과 사회적 위축이 공격성에 미치는 영향

        김민서,전수영,조연수,전훈정 한국학교보건학회 2018 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.31 No.1

        Purpose: This study was conducted to explore the relationship between aggression, self-esteem, and social withdrawal. Methods: This research is a cross-sectional survey. This study used the 5th-year data of the Korean Children & Youth Panel Survey (KCYPS) including 218 middle school students having delinquent behavior. The collected data was analyzed through chi-square test, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation, and hierarchical multiple regression, using SPSS/Win (ver. 23.0). Results: Significant positive correlations were found between aggression and social withdrawal and between aggression and self-esteem. Higher aggression was associated with higher social withdrawal and lower self-esteem. The results of the 2-step regression are as follows. Aggression was negatively correlated with self-esteem, whereas self-esteem was positively correlated with social withdrawals. The hierarchical multiple regression showed that 21% of the variance of aggression was significantly accounted for by self-esteem and social withdrawal. The most significant factor influencing aggression was social withdrawal. Conclusion: These results suggest that earlier screening and intervention programs to increase self-esteem and decrease social withdrawal for early adolescents should be developed to prevent aggression.

      • KCI등재

        Cellular internalization effect of Ara27 in various cell lines

        김민서,박상규,서정민,노상호 사단법인 한국동물생명공학회 2022 Journal of Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology Vol.37 No.4

        Protein and peptide candidates are screened to apply therapeutic application as a drug. Ensuring that these candidates are delivered and maximized effectiveness is still challenging and a variety of studies are ongoing. As drug delivery system vehicles, cell-penetrating peptide (CPP) can deliver various kinds of cargo into the cell cytosol. In a previous study, we developed Ara27 CPP, which are a zinc knuckle family protein of Arabidopsis, and confirmed internalization in human dermal fibroblasts and human dental pulp stem cells at low concentration with short time treatment condition without any toxicity. Ara27, an amphipathic CPP, could be modified and utilized in the biomedical field excluding the risk of toxicity. Therefore, we would like to confirm the non-toxic induced penetrating ability of Ara27 in various cell lines. The purpose of this study was to screen the cell internalization ability of Ara27 in various cell lines and to confirm Ara27 as a promising core CPP structure. First, Ara27 was screened to confirm non-toxicity concentration. Then, fluorescence-labeled Ara27 was treated on human normal cell lines, cancer cell lines and animal cell lines to identify the cellular internalization of Ara27. Ara27 was well intracellular localized in all cell lines and the intensity of fluorescence was remarkably increased in time pass manner. These results indicate that Ara27 has the potential as a core structure for applications in various drug delivery systems.

      • 대학 수학전공 영어매개강의에 대한 고찰

        김민서 고려대학교 교과교육연구소 2017 교과교육연구 Vol.10 No.1

        The English-medium Instruction can be expected to have a positive effect in that major learning contents and improving English ability can be achieved at the same time. Many universities are already offering English-medium Instruction, and some universities offer both major and general courses. There are many controversies about the effectiveness and necessity of the lecture on mathematics in English, because lectures on mathematics are conducted in English, without considering the specificity of mathematics. On the basis of theses results, this paper discusses the general background of introducing English-medium Instruction, examines the concept of English-medium Instruction and their mathematical peculiarities, and suggests the direction in which English lectures in mathematics majoring in college should proceed in the future.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        심화상염(心火上炎)으로 진단된 설통(舌痛)과 구강안면부 진전(振顫)의 세심약침을 이용한 한의치료 1례

        김민서,이준수,박상은,홍상훈,Kim, Min-serh,Lee, Jun-su,Park, Sang-eun,Hong, Sang-hoon 대한한방내과학회 2017 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.38 No.5

        Objectives: This clinical report describes one patient with the clinical characteristics of burning mouth syndrome accompanied by oro-facial dyskinesia. Methods: The patient with burning mouth syndrome and jaw tremor was treated using the following Korean medicine treatments: the herbal medicines Yukgunja-tang-gami (六君子湯加味) and Sibak-tang-gami (柴朴湯加味) and acupuncture for 16 days, together with 10 Se-sim (Uncaria Ramulus et Uncus) pharmacopuncture procedures. Patient symptoms were evaluated daily using a Visual Analog Scale questionnaire and twice using the STAI (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) questionnaire. Results: After the treatments, the oro-facial dyskinesia and burning sensation on the tongue were improved by 62.5%. The mental state of anxiety, regarded as the reason for these complaints, was also improved, based on the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory results (67/61 versus 57/52). We found that the improvement was better when combining Se-sim (Uncaria Ramulus et Uncus) pharmacopuncture with the conventional herbal medicine and acupuncture used in Korean medicine. Conclusion: Korean medicine treatments may be valuable for patients with burning mouth syndrome and oro-facial dyskinesia.

      • KCI우수등재

        FDM 3D 프린팅에 의한 helical coil 형태 디자인의 TPU 경도에 따른 의류 적용가능성 평가

        김민서,이소희 한국섬유공학회 2021 한국섬유공학회지 Vol.58 No.6

        FDM is a manufacturing process in which a material is selectively extrudedthrough a nozzle. The FDM method currently has the potential to develop textiles andfashion products because of its easy availability, simple mechanisms, and low initial investmentcompared to other 3D printing techniques. Among the filaments, which include theseal-type thermoplastic polymers used in the FDM method, thermoplastic polyurethane(TPU) is mainly used in textiles due to its excellent elasticity and wear resistance. Linking,like the woven form of a coil, is a continuous and open structure, and the yarn is woven upand down in the form of a spring such as a coil, which has the advantage of high elasticityduring knitting. In this study, textile structures in the form of springs such as coils werewoven and output to four types of TPUs with different shore hardness, and the applicabilityof fibers based on properties such as wrinkle recovery and tensile strength were evaluated. Using these results, TPU filaments suitable for textile structure output were selected. As aresult of the study, it was confirmed that the thicker the coil, the better the strength andelongation, and the E-TPU with 87A hardness is suitable as a filament for clothing production.

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