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      • KCI등재후보

        한국의 문화 : 되살아난 명성황후, 다양한 이미지 - 만화로 역사읽기와 역사대중화를 위한 시론 -

        김명숙 ( Myeong Sook Kim ) 한국사상문화학회 2005 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.31 No.-

        본고는 어린이 역사만화를 분석하여 역사대중화의 방법론을 모색해보기 위한 試論的인 연구로서, 최근 10년 사이에 출간된 9종류의 만화 『명성황후』를 기본 텍스트로 하여 검토한 것이다. 한국 사회는 1990년대 중반 이후 TV 史劇이 대중의 역사인식을 주도한다고 해도 과언이 아닐 정도로 ``사극열풍``이 지속되고 있다. 이러한 사극열풍과 함께 필자의 주목을 끈 것은 인기리에 방영된 사극들이 대부분 드라마 방영 시기에 맞추어 어린이 역사만화로 출간되고 있다는 점이었다. 이처럼 요즈음의 어린이들은 학교에서 교과서를 통해 ``본격적인 역사``와 만나기 이전에 이미 만화를 통하여 어떠한 형태로든 ``역사적 이미지``가 형성되고, 이는 한 인간의 역사의식이 형성되는 출발점이라는 점에서, 어린이 역사만화를 분석하여 만화로 역사읽기와 역사대중화의 방법론을 모색하려는 본 試論의 의미가 있다고 하겠다. 明成皇后(1851-1895)는 그녀의 드라마틱한 삶과 비극적인 죽음으로 인하여, 지금까지 "암닭이 울어서 나라가 망했다"는 반페미니즘적인 시각의 부정적인 평가에서부터, 개화의 선각자이자 反日의 기수였다는 최근의 긍정적인 평가에 이르기까지, 다양한 이미지를 가지고 있다. 본고의 텍스트인 만화 『명성황후』에 나타난 그녀의 이미지는 이러한 부정과 긍정의 이미지가 착종된 가운데, 한민족의 자랑스러운 국모로 묘사되어 있다. 바로 이러한 역사적 담론의 변화가 만화 『명성황후』를 탐구해야 하는 중요한 이유이다. This paper is an essay method research for the exploration on the methodology of popularization of history by analyzing children`s history cartoons, and for this research 9 kinds of cartoons for Cartoon 『Empress Myeong Seong』 which have been published during the last 10 years were reviewed as basic texts. In Korean society, there has been a series of historical dramas continuously broadcasted on TV since the middle of 1990`s, and it is not too much to say that historical dramas of TV seem to lead the historical consciousness general public. Together with such phenomena of booming historical drama on TV, what has drawn the attention of this essay writer was the point that children`s historical cartoons for the stories of such TV drama were published around the same time when the TV historical dramas were broadcasted on TV. Considering the point that children these days already formulate their ``historical image`` in certain form through cartoon before they study ``orthodox history`` from school textbook and it may serve the starting point for th formation of a person`s historical consciousness, it will be meaningful to review the reading of history through cartoon and the popularization of history in essay approach. Due to her dramatic life and tragic death, Empress Myeong Seong had diversified image from negative evaluation from anti-feministic viewpoint that says "It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock" to the recent positive evaluation that says she was the pioneer for civilization of the country as well as the standard-bearer for anti-Japanese movement. While her image which was demonstrated in the Cartoon 『Empress Myeong Seong』 was also mixed up with positive image as well as negative image, she was described as a proud Mother of the State for Koreans. Such change in historic essay serves an important reason to study the cartoon 『Empress Myeong Seong』.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국사상(韓國思想)(사학(史學)) : 1940-1950년대 여고생의 현실인식과 문예의 특성 고찰 -교지(校誌) 『동덕』을 중심으로

        김명숙 ( Myeong Sook Kim ) 한국사상문화학회 2011 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.58 No.-

        본고는 해방과 한국전쟁의 혼란 속에서 발간된 동덕여고 교지 『동덕』 14호·17호를 분석하여, 1940-1950년대 여고생의 현실인식과 문예의 특성을 고찰한 것이다. 1928년 창간된 교지 『동덕』은 일제의 황민화정책으로 교지의 일어전용을 강요당하자 이에 대한 저항의 의미로 1941년 『동덕』 13호를 끝으로 동덕여고보 스스로 폐간한 교지이다.해방의 기쁨 속에 폐간된 지 8년 만인 1948년 『동덕』 14호가 속간되었으나, 한국전쟁으로 다시 중단되었다가 피난처 부산의 임시교사에서 『동덕』 17호가 속간되었다. 『동덕』은 창립 당시부터 교우회지의 성격과 함께 문예면을 통해 당대 학생들의 문학적 창작 욕구를 분출하는 준문예지적 성격도 가지고 있었다. 문학적으로 수준이 그리 높은 것은 아니었지만, 감수성 예민한 여고시절에 해방과 전쟁 그리고 분단으로 이어지는 역사의 질곡을 직접 체험한 여고생들의 작품에는 1920년대에 유행한 계급문학의 전통이 면면히 흐르고 있었으며, 1950년대 전쟁문학의 특징이 잘 표출되어 있었다. 그러나 여학생들은 아직 배움의 단계에 있었고, ``남한``이라는 제한된 역사적 공간에서의 체험을 바탕으로 하였기에, 계급문학에서도 지주와 소작인, 여학생과 여공이라는 대립구도를 설정하고 계급 모순에 고민하지만, 좌우 이데올로기의 대립과 그로 인한 전쟁과 분단 등 암울한 현실 속에서도 여학생들의 삶에 대한 자세는 매우 긍정적이고 적극적이었다. 여고생들은 근대학문을 수용하려는 적극적인 자세와 함께 지식인 엘리트여성으로서의 자부심과 사회적 소명의식을 가지고 있었으며, 통일이라는 민족사적 과제에 여성도 한 몫을 해야 하고 또 할 수 있다는 강한 소명의식을 드러낸다. 그러나 해방된 한국사회가 여성을 남성과 동등하게 대우하지 않는 현실에 통분해 하며, 여권론 특히 여성의 참정권론을 주장하며 여성의 인권 향상을 미래 여성의 궁극적인 과제로 인식하는 진보적인 모습을 보이기도 한다. This paper is the study on the perception of reality and the characteristics of literature of highschool girls` in 1940-1950`s through the analysis of Volume 14 and 17 of school magazine 『Dongduk』 of Dongduk Girl`s High School which was published in the chaos of national liberation and Korean War. The school magazine 『Dongduk』 which published its first issue in 1928 voluntarily ceased its publication after issuing the Volume 13 in 1941 as a meaning of resistance against Japanese compulsory request for using Japanese characters only in the school magazine based on Japanese government`s policy to make Korean people as its Emperor`s citizens. In 8 years after having ceased its publication, the magazine 『Dongduk』 continued its publication issuing the Volume 14 in 1948 in the pleasure of national liberation, but it was stopped again due to Korean War and resumed the publication again issuing the Volume 17 at the temporary school building in Busan shelter. Even from the time of publishing its first issue, 『Dongduk』 had the nature of magazine for alumni association as well as the nature of quasi-literature magazine which served an outlet to vent the students` desire for creative writing at that time through literature section of the magazine. Although the level of literature was not that high but in the writings of high school girls who were at the age of having the most sensitive emotion and with the experience of a series of historical sufferings like national liberation, war and the division of country, the tradition of class literature which was popular in 1920`s was ceaselessly flowing and the characteristics of war literature in 1950`s were well expressed under the theme of ``Anti-communism`` and ``Unification``. As high school girls were, however, still in the course of learning and their writings were based on their experiences in the limited historical space of ``South Korea``, their writings showed the limit in proposing more active alternatives for their agony by merely concluding the story with individual faithfulness and efforts even though they set the plot of confrontation between landlord versus tenant farmers and high school girl versus factory girl and agonize the class conflict. Nevertheless, the attitudes of high school girls against life even under right and left ideological confrontation and dark reality from war and the division of country were very positive and active. High school girls demonstrated strong consciousness of calling that they had to play important role for social calling and national historical task of unification together with aggressive attitude to accommodate modern literature as the women of intelligence. On the other hand, they became greatly indignant against the reality of inequal treatment of female and male by the liberated Korean society, and sometimes they showed progressive attitude of recognizing the issue of enhancing women right as ultimate women task in the future advocating feminism particularly women political rights.

      • KCI등재후보

        2020년 민법총칙, 물권법 판례 평석

        김명숙 ( Kim¸ Myeong-sook ) 안암법학회 2021 안암 법학 Vol.- No.62

        2020년에 선고된 대법원 판결들은 민법총칙, 물권법에 관한 다양한 쟁점을 다루고 있다. 민법총칙 부분에서는 문화재수리법상의 명의대여 금지규정을 위반한 법률행위의 효력에 관한 판결이 선고되었는데, 이를 금지규정에 위반한 법률행위의 효력에 관한 대법원 판결들과 비교하여 보았다. 단체협약상 산재 유족 특별채용 조항이 사용자의 채용의 자유를 제한한다고 볼 수 있는지, 채용 기회의 공정성을 해하는지 여부에 관한 판결은 채용 기회의 공정에 대한 문제를 심도 있게 다루었다. 신의성실의 원칙이나 형평의 관념에 의하여 재건축조합총회의 보수에 관한 결의의 효력을 제한할 수 있는지에 관한 판결은 사적자치의 원칙을 지키려는 대법원의 노력을 엿볼 수 있는 판결이다. 허위표시의 무효에 대하여 대항할 수 있는 선의의 제3자에 해당하는지 여부에 관한 법리는 이에 대한 대법원의 견해를 확인해 볼 수 있는 판결이었고, 임차인이 임대차 종료 후 동시이행항변권을 근거로 임차목적물을 계속 점유하고 있는 경우, 보증금반환채권에 대한 소멸시효가 진행하는지 여부에 관한 판결은 구체적인 결론에는 동의하나 이론 전개에 아쉬움이 남는 판결이다. 물권법 부분에서는 소수지분권자가 다른 소수지분권자를 상대로 공유물의 인도청구를 할 수 있는지에 관하여 종전 대법원 판결을 변경하는 판결이 선고되어 공유물의 보존행위에 관한 법리를 재검토할 수 있었고, 채권자 아닌 제3자가 근저당권자인 경우의 근저당권의 효력에 관한 판결은 근저당권과 채권자가 다른 경우에 소송과정에서 변론의 내용이 어떠하여야 하는 것인지를 알 수 있게 한 판결이다. This paper reviews some of the noteworthy decisions concerning on civil cases(General Provisions and Real Rights) of the Supreme Court in 2020. General Provisions: The effect of a legal action in violation of the prohibition of the use of other’s name may be void. The clause of hiring families of workers who suffered industrial accidents under the collective agreement may limit employers' freedom of hire and harm the fairness of hiring opportunities. The resolution of the General Assembly may be restricted by the principle of good faith or the notion of equity. A ruling has been passed on whether it amounts to a well-intentioned third party who can fight against the nullification of false indications. The nullity of a fictitious declaration of intention cannot be claimed against a third person acting in good faith. If a lessee continues to occupy the lease object after the lease is terminated, the expiration prescription period on the rihgt about deposit bond shall not become complete. Real Rights: A ruling amending the previous Supreme Court on whether a minority stakeholder may file a claim of the delivery of joint ownership against another minority.; Judgment on the effectiveness of mortgage rights when a third party other than a creditor is a mortgage holder.

      • KCI등재후보
      • CT에서 조영제 주입검사와 Non Contrast IVP 검사의 연구

        김명숙(Myeong Sook Kim),이민수(Min Soo Lee) 대한영상의학기술학회 2009 대한영상의학기술학회 논문지 Vol.2009 No.-

        Purpose : The purpose is to obtain accuracy and convenience of diagnosis and economical examinations in CT and IVP as injecting contrast media only one time for patients. also, we purpose reducing NPO(Nothing per oral) time at least 6 hours as examining these examinations without twice contrast media injection. Object and Method : Normally, it takes 2 days for patient to examine these examinations. sometimes, patient to need these examinations for one day used to examine IVP first and then they examined CT examination after 2 liters normal saline injection for 6 hours to be hydrated because of limitation of artifact in pelvis scan images during CT examination. or after CT examination using contrast media, patient examine KUB. projection at time order(For example 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, lhr, 2hr, 3hr, 4hr……). We examined these above examinations to patient needed both examinations. 1. Doing NPO such as IVP to patient. 2. Reserving both examinations at similar time as much[far] as possible. 3. First, examining scout images in IVP room and then moving patient to CT room and examining IVP directly after CT examination using contrast media. 4. Notifying patient of coming back after CT examinations right away. 5. After CT examinations, laying down patient on the projection table and compressing their lower abdomen in a compression band and then examining IVP following routine procedure. Result : After following above method, we can provide more clear IVP images and high quality medical services with patient promptly and economically as examining these examinations at similar time. expecially, we can help operation plan for pre-operation patient because of reduce of examination time caused quick diagnosis. Conclusion : We have had clear contrast images in both examinations easily and quickly. also we had reduced NPO time at least 6 hours as injecting contrast media only one time during both examinations.

      • KCI등재

        조선족 결손가정아동의 사회적지지가 심리사회적 적응에 미치는 영향5

        김명숙(Kim, Myeong Sook),김성봉(Kim, Sung Bong),김도영(Kim, Do Young),허철수(Hur, Chul Soo) 한국비교교육학회 2012 比較敎育硏究 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 조선족 결손가정아동의 사회적지지, 탄력성, 심리사회적 적응간의 경로모형 검증과 조선족 결손가정아동의 사회적지지가 심리사회적 적응에 얼마나 영향을 미치는지, 탄력성의 매개효과가 있는지를 분석하는데 있다. 이러한 목적에 따라 본 연구에서는 중국 연길시 조선족 초등학교 4∼6학년의 결손가정아동 241명을 대상으로 조사를 실시하였다. 연구결과, 첫째, 직접효과모형에서는 조선족 결손가정아동의 사회적지지가 심리사회적 적응에 유의미한 영향을 끼쳤으나, 탄력성을 매개변인으로 투입한 연구모형에서는 사회적지지가 아동의 심리사회적 적응에 유의미한 영향을 미치지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 조선족 결손가정아동의 사회적지지, 탄력성, 심리사회적 적응간의 경로모형에서 탄력성을 매개로 한 수정모형이 직접효과모형과 연구모형보다 더 적합한 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 탄력성은 조선족 결손가정아동의 사회적지지와 심리사회적 적응 관계에서 매개효과가 있다는 것을 보여주고 있어 탄력성은 심리사회적 적응을 완화시켜주는 완충작용의 변인임을 시사해주고 있다. 이러한 결과에 기초하여, 외부적인 지지보다는 탄력성을 향상시켜주는 것이 결손가정아동의 정서와 행동변화에 더 효과적인 개입이 될 수 있음에 대해 논의하였다. This study aims to verify a path model among social support, resilience, and psychosocial adaptation for broken family korean-chinese children, and to analyze how their social support impacts with psychosocial adaptation and the mediated effect of resilience. According to those aims, this study was done to survey of 241 in 4th∼6th graders from broken family korean-chinese children elementary school in Yanji, China. The results of this study are as follow. First, their social support had meaningful influence on their psychosocial adaptation in a direct effects model, but their social support didn't have meaningful influence on the children's psychosocial adaptation in a study model with resilience as an intervening variable. Second, a correction model with resilience as a variable was more fit than a direct effects model and a study model in a path model among social support, resilience, and psychosocial adaptation for children from broken family korean-chinese children. The study shows that resilience has mediated effect on the relationship between the social support and psychosocial adaptation so that resilience as a variable of absorbing effect can be relieved the psychosocial adaptation. In addition, it has been argued that to improve resilience is more effective than external support for their emotions and behavioral changes.

      • KCI등재

        한국사상(韓國思想)(사학(史學)) : 1943-1945년 수원공립고등여학교 학적부 분석 -일제 강점기 한일공학의 특징을 중심으로-

        김명숙 ( Myeong Sook Kim ) 한국사상문화학회 2014 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.73 No.-

        본고는 제 3ㆍ4차 조선교육령이 시행되던 1941-1945년에 여고시절을 보낸 수원고녀 1ㆍ2ㆍ3회 졸업생의 학적부를 분석하여, 한일공학으로 운영된 재조선 일본인 공립고등여학교의 특성과 식민지 교육정책의 실상을 고찰한 사례연구이다. 한일공학인 수원고녀에서 한국학생들은 입학 단계에서부터 일어를 모국어로 하는 일본학생과의 경쟁에서 상대적으로 불리했다. 특히 일제는 성적 평가에서 16개의 학과목 점수 이외에 담임교사의 주관적 평가가 가능한 조행(操行)과 체위(體位, 나중에 근로 점수로 대체)를 점수화하여 종합성적으로 평가하였다. 그 결과 일본학생이 한국학생에 비해 종합성적우수상 수상자가 2배나 더 많았을 정도로, 이는 한국학생에게 절대적으로 불리한 제도였다. 학급 임원도 성적이나 능력과 무관하게 일본학생은 반장, 한국학생은 부반장만을 하도록 제한을 두었다. 교사의 주관적 관점이 가장 잘 드러나는 성행(性行) 평가에서 일본인 교사들은 대체적으로 일본학생에 비해 한국학생을 부정적으로 평가하였다. 성행 평가의 특징은 온순ㆍ명랑하고 활발ㆍ진취적인 여학생을 긍정적으로 평가한 것인데, 이는 일제가 이상적인 근대 여성상으로 ``양처현모``를 표방하며, 군국주의에 충실한 아내와 어머니가 되기를 강요하였던 식민지 지배정책과도 부합되는 점이다. 이처럼 교육현장에서의 민족차별이 제도적으로 자행되었음에도 불구하고, 한국학생들이 한일공학인 수원고녀를 선택한 일차적인 이유는, 1930년대 중반까지도 수원 인근에 여학생을 위한 중등교육기관이 없었기 때문이다. 그러나 이는 제 2차 조선교육령 이후 일시동인(一視同仁)과 내선융화(內鮮融和)를 목적으로 한일공학을 추진했던 일제의 식민지 교육정책에, 한국인들이 소극적 의미에서나마 타협적이었음을 부정할 수 없는 점이기도 하다. This paper is a case study that analyzed the school register of 1stㆍ2ndㆍ3rd graduates of Suwon Girls` High School who spent their high school days in 1941-1945 when 3rdㆍ4th Chosun Education Decree was enforced and studied the fact of colonial education policy and social characteristics of Japanese Girls` High School in Chosun operated as co-education between Korea and Japan. In Suwon Girls` High School of co-education between Japan and Chosun, Korean students were relatively disadvantaged in the competition with Japanese students who are Japanese native speakers from the stage of admission. Particularly, in addition to scores of 16 subjects, the Japanese Empire scored manners and posture (Replaced with work points afterward) that could be subjectively evaluated by a homeroom teacher in grade evaluation and evaluated comprehensive grades. As a result, it was the system absolutely unfavorable for Korean students such that Japanese students won twice as many as Comprehensive Grade Excellence award compared to Korean students. Class officers were also limited that Japanese students could take on class president, Korean students class vice president regardless of grades or ability. In behavior evaluation in which the subjective perspective of teachers was best revealed, Japanese teachers generally evaluated Korean students negatively compared to Korean students. The features of behavior evaluation were to evaluate gentle-cheerful and active-enterprising female students positively and this is consistent with the colony ruling policy that the Japanese Empire forced to be the mother of militarism claiming ``good wife and wise mother`` as an ideal modern woman. The primary reason that Korean students selected Suwon Girls` High School based on co-education between Japan and Chosun even if institutionalized ethnic discrimination was committed in the education field as above is because there were no secondary educational institutions near Suwon until mid-1930s. However, it cannot be denied that Koreans were passively compliant with Japanese colonial education policy that promoted co-education between Korea and Japan for the purpose of Il-si Dongin(一視同仁) and Nae-seon Yoonghwa(內鮮融和) after 2nd Chosun Education Decree.

      • KCI등재

        협동적 반응중심 모형에 기초한 유아미술 감상프로그램 개발

        김명숙(Kim, Myeong Sook),유구종(Yoo, Gu Jong),최승연(Choi, Seung Yeon) 한국열린유아교육학회 2020 열린유아교육연구 Vol.25 No.1

        본 연구에서는 유아가 명화를 감상하고 즐길 수 있으며, 상호 협동하여 다양한 반응을 촉진할 수 있는 감상과 표현이 연계된 미술 감상프로그램을 개발하고자 하였으며, 연구수행 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 반응중심학습법과 협동학습, 유아 미술교육과 관련된 국내·외 논문 및 자료들을 고찰함으로써 프로그램 개발을 위한 시사점을 검토하였고, 유아미술 감상활동에 대한 인식과 현황 조사를 통해 예비시안을 개발하였다. 이후 예비시안의 현장적용을 통해 시사점을 도출하고 이에 따른 1차 시안과 2차 시안 각각에 대해 유아교육 전문가와 현장교사대상 적합성 검토를 실시하여 수정·보완의 과정을 거쳐 협동적 반응중심 모형에 기초한 유아미술 감상프로그램 최종안을 확정하였다. 둘째, 협동적 반응중심 모형에 기초한 유아미술 감상프로그램은 12주차의 내용 및 방법으로 개발되었고, 각 주제별로 매주 1개 작품을 주요 감상제재로 선정하여 협동적인 형태와 반응중심모형의 내용으로 운영되며, 반응의 명료화와 심화단계에서는 협동학습이 이루어지고 반응의 형성과 내면화 단계에서는 작품과 교류하는 활동과정을 통해 스스로 의미를 창출하고, 통합적인 감상이 이루어 질 수 있도록 구성되었다. The purpose of this study is to develop an art appreciation program by which children can enjoy famous paintings, and cooperate with each other to promote various reactions. The results are as following. First, the implications for program development were reviewed by examining domestic and international papers and materials related to response-based learning, cooperative learning, and young children’s art education. The preliminary drafts were developed by understanding the current situation and teacher"s perception. Afterwards, the implications were derived through the application of the preliminary proposal and the first and second drafts were revised and supplemented by reviewing the suitability of young children’s education specialists and on-site teachers to finalize the children art appreciation program based on a collaborative response-centered model. Second, the young children’s art appreciation program based on the collaborative response-centered model was developed with the contents and method of the 12th week. An art piece from each subject is selected as a main appreciation material per week and the program is carried out in collaboration with contents of response-centered models. At the stage of clarification and deepening of the response, cooperative learning is carried out, and at the stage of formation of the response and internalization of the response, the infant is able to self-create meaning by connecting with the work, leading to an integrated appreciation.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국사상(韓國思想)(사학(史學)) : 관직 진출 동향으로 본 조선후기 여흥 민문 성장의 구조

        김명숙 ( Myeong Sook Kim ) 한국사상문화학회 2011 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.57 No.-

        본고는 17세기 중엽 이후 과거가 폐지된 1894년까지 270여 년 동안 문과·생진과·무과·천거·음직을 통한 관직 진출 동향을 중심으로 여흥 민문 성장의 구조를 고찰한 것으로 그 특징을 보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 여흥 민문은 문과에 163명이 급제하였는데, 경파 73명(44.8%), 향파 90명(55.2%)으로 향파가 17명(10.4%)이 많았으나, 19세기 세도정치기에는 향파의 문과 급제율이 식년시·별시 모두 낮아지고, 경파인 여흥 민문의 식년시·별시 독점현상이 두드러져 문과에서의 ``경(京)·향(鄕) 분기(分岐)`` 현상이 확연해졌다. 둘째, 여흥 민문 중에서도 인현왕후를 배출한 민유중계가 문과의 67.6%, 생진과의 48.2%, 무과의 72%, 음직의 67.3%라는 압도적 다수를 차지하였다. 민유중계는 상층에서 멀어진 지파가 무과를 통해 관직에 적극 진출하여 훈무세가(勳武世家)를 형성하였고, 음직도 관직 진출의 새로운 경로로 적극 활용하여 19세기 중반 이후 기득권을 유지하는 메커니즘의 하나로 활용하였다. 셋째, 여흥 민문의 민시중·민정중·민유중 형제는 현종-영조대 남인인 전서공파의 민희·민암 형제와 정치적으로 대립하였다. 민희·민암 형제는 현종대 예송논쟁에서 남인 영수 허목을 지지하고 송시열 처벌에 온건론을 펼치며 탁남의 입장을 지지하였으나, 경신대출척·갑술환국을 거치면서 서인에 패배하고 정치적으로 몰락하였다. 넷째, 여흥 민문에서는 민유중의 손자인 민익수와 민우수 형제가 유일로 천거되었다. 이들은 영조 전반기의 대표적 산림인 이재의 외종 조카로, 송시열·이단상·조성기·김창협·김창흡으로 이어지는 낙론 학맥을 계승하여, 여흥 민문이 18세기 후반 서울의 노론 낙론 산림가로서 사상적 기반을 마련하는데 일조하였다. 다섯째, 여흥 민문은 문과·생진과·무과·천거·음직을 통하여 267명이 관직에 진출하였고, 이 중에서 100명이 당상관으로 진출하였다. 당상관 진출은 민시중계 40.4%, 민유중계 38.7%, 민정중계 28.6%로, 이는 안동 김문 청음파·선원파·휴암파의 당상관 진출 비율인 25-30%보다도 높은 수준이었다. 19세기에 해당하는 26-29세에 와서 여흥 민문 당상관이 급격히 증가하는데, 그 중에서도 민유중계의 관직 독점이 압도적이었음을 실증적으로 확인할 수 있었다. This paper examined the structure of the growth of Yeoheung Min family focusing on the trend of the advancement to public posts through service examination from the aspect that the study on family can be a meaning index for the understanding of identify of the persons of historical importance and for evaluating the mechanism of the formation of hierarchy and the pattern of the changes of time. The characteristics, which were identified in the course of the advancement to public posts through civil service examination, minor and first level civil service examination, military service examination, recommendation and ancestor`s virtue for the period of 270 years from the middle of the 17C in which the political activities of Min family were unfolded in full scale as main force of ``Seo-in`` and ``No-ron`` to 1894 when the service examination system was abolished, are as follows: First, the advancement of people from Yeoheung Min family to public posts were structurally stabilized during the period of the 18C~19C as many people from Min family could advance to public posts through diversified channel such as civil service examination, minor and first level civil service examination, military service examination, recommendation and ancestor`s virtue. In the case of civil service examination, total 163 persons passed the examination, and 73(44.8%) of them were from city sect and 90(55.2%) from country sect. The country sect had 17 persons(10.4%) more compared to the city sect at that time but during the period of power based politics in the 19C the rates of pass of the country sect in civil service examination were all down in the service examination with 3 year term as well as special examination while showing the phenomena of monopoly of special examinations by Yeoheung Min family who belonged to the city sect, which demonstrated the phenomena of clear distinction between the city sect and the country sect in civil service examination. Second, even among Min family, Min Yoo-Joong sect from which Queen Inhyeon came occupied absolute majority of passes for 67.6% of civil service examination, 48.2% of minor and first level civil service examination, 72% of military service examination and 67.3% of ancestor`s virtue. Especially in the case of military service examination, many people from the branch of Min Yoo-Joong sect which had distant relationship with central people in Min Yoo-Joong sect could actively advance to public posts through military service examination and formed a so-called powerful military family. We can see that the influential family with vested rights like Min Yoo-Joong family actively made use of the ancestor`s virtue as one of the mechanisms to maintain the vested right since the middle of the 19C. Third, the brothers of Min Si-Joong, Min Jeong-Joong and Min Yoo-Joong of Min family who were the influential figures of ``Seo-in`` and ``No-ron`` and the brothers of Min-Hee and Min-Am of Jeonseogong sect who were the influential figures of ``Nam-in`` in the age of King Hyeon-jong and King Young-jo politically confronted each other. The brothers of Min-Hee and Min-Am, who supported the position of Tak-Nam unfolding moderate position for the punishment of Song Si-Yol supporting Huh Mok who was the leader of ``Nam-in`` at the debate of Yesong at the age of King Hyeonjong, were defeated by ``Seo-in`` going through the incident of great purge in the year of ``Gyeongsin`` and political return in the year of ``gapsul`` and were politically collapsed to the level of having only one person who passed the civil service examination during the time of King Youngjo. Fourth, only the brothers of Min Ik-Soo and Min Woo-Soo who were grandsons of Min Yoo-Joong were recommended for the public posts from Yeoheung Min family. The brothers were the mother`s side nephews of Doam Lee Jae who was a representative sanlim in the first half of King Youngjo and succeeded the academic legacy of ``Nakron`` which was succeeded to Song-Si-Yol, Lee Dan-Sang, Jo Seong-Gi, Kim Chang-Hyup and Kim Chang-Heup and contributed to the establishment of ideological base for Yeoheung Min family as persons living in forest for ``Noron`` and ``Nakron`` in the latter half of the 18C. Fifth, out of the people from Yeoheung Min family, the number of persons who advanced to public posts through civil service examination, minor and first level civil service examination, military service examination, recommendation and ancestor`s virtue were 267 persons, and only 100 persons representing approximately 1/3 of them were advanced up to the dangsanggwan. The dangsanggwan were taken up for 40.4% by Min Si-Joong sect, 38.7% by Min Yoo-Joong sect and 28.6% by Min Jeong-Joong sect, and these levels were even higher than the level of 25~30% which corresponds to that in the period of power based politics by Cheongeum sect, Seongwon sect and Hyuam sect of Andong Kim family. The numbers of persons who were promoted to the dangsanggwan in the government were rapidly increased at the age of 26~29 years old which corresponds to the period of power based politics in the 19C, and the author could positively confirm the fact that during the period of power based politics the monopoly of public posts taken up by Min Yoo-Joong sect even among Yeoheung Min family was at absolute level.

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