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      • KCI등재

        팔당호의 부영양화 경향 ( 1988 - 1994 )

        김동섭,김범철,황길순,박주현 ( Dong Sup Kim,Bom Chul Kim,Gil Son Hwang,Ju Hyun Park ) 한국물환경학회 1995 한국물환경학회지 Vol.11 No.4

        The trend of trophic state change was surveyed in a reservoir, Lake Paldang, that is water resource to capital area. Primary productivity of phytoplankton, chlorophyll a concentration, transparency, total phosphorus concentration, BOD, and COD were measured in 1988, 1990, and 1992-1994 at three sites; dam site, the inlet site of the North Han River, and the inlet site of the South Han River. Tophic state parameters of 1992-1994 showed trend of eutrophication compared with those of 1988. Trophic state was meso-eutrophic in 1988, but it was over eutrophic threshold in 1992. Chlorophyll a concentration at the dam site increased from 2-10 ㎍/ℓ in 1988 to 5-25 in 1992-1994, primary productivity increased from 500-1000 to 1000-2000 ㎎C/㎡/day, total phosphorus concentration increased from 10-30 to 20-120 ㎎/㎥, transparency decreased from 1.5-4 to 0.5-2.0m. Annual phosphorus loading increased from 297 tP/yr in 1988 to 938 tP/yr in 1993. 80% of phosphorus loading was contributed by the South Han River.

      • KCI등재후보

        팔당호의 일차생산

        김동섭,김범철 ( Dong Sup Kim,Bom Chul Kim ) 한국하천호수학회 1990 생태와 환경 Vol.23 No.3

        Primary production of phytoplankton and macrophytes were measured in a reservoir on the Han River, Lake Paldang. The primary productivity of phytoplankton was measured by photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) model method and the primary production by macrophytes was claculated from the harvestable above ground biomass. Daily productivity of phytoplankton per unit surface area was 500∼1,000 mgC㎡/day, falling in the range of eutrophic lakes. The initial slope of P-I curves (α) showed 6.1∼9.6 gC㎡/gChl/E of 50% percentile range and the photoinhibition coefficient (β) showed 0∼0.057 gC㎡/gChl/E of 50% percentile range. The seasonal variations of P-I model parameters were small compared with the reports in other lakes, which means that in Lake Paldang the seasonal variation of light intensity which phytoplankton is adapted to was small, because Lake Paldang is well mixed all the year round and the seasonal variation of mixed zone is small except only two or three months. The assimilation number showed 2.7∼4.7 gC/gChl/hr of 50% percentile range. 64% of total annual primary production was contributed by phytoplankton and 36% by macrophytes. Though the productivity per unit area is much higher for macrophytes, the total production of phytoplankton is larger because the macrophytes production is confined to narrow littoral zone along the shore.

      • KCI등재후보

        근자외선 ( UV - A ) 에 의한 식물플랑크톤의 광합성저해

        김동섭,도변태덕 (渡변泰德),김범철 ( Dong Sup Kim,Yasunori Watanabe,Bomchul Kim ) 한국하천호수학회 1994 생태와 환경 Vol.27 No.2

        Inhibitory effect of UV on phytoplankton photosynthesis was measured by incubating lake samples in quartz bottles transmitting UV, glass bottles cutting UV-B, and glass bottles wrapped with polyvinylchloride films cutting both UV-A and UV-B. Therefore photosynthetic rate of phytoplankton was measured under three different light conditions of PAR+ (UV-A)+ (UV-B), PAR+ (UV-A), and PAR conditions. UV-A significantly inhibited the photosynthetic rate of phytoplankton and UV-B showed small additional inhibition. Three species of phytoplankton, Microcystis, Melosira, and Chlorella showed similar degree of photoinhibition by UV. Suppression of photosynthesis due to UV-A measured by C-14 uptake method showed similar result with O_2 method. The photosynthesis-irradiance(P-I) curve measured in Lake Biwa was a saturated hyperbolic curve in the absence of UV-A conditions. In contrast, the P-I curve in the presence of UV-A showed significant depression of photosynthetic rate at high light intensity. From the results it is certain that UV-A exerts more impact than UV-B in the photoinhibition of algal photosynthesis. Solar UV-A measured in the Tokyo area, Japan, from 1992 to 1993 was about 2 times higher in summer than in winter. However, the ratio of UV-A to PAR was constant irrespective of sky condition, time of a day, and the season. On sunny days in summer, daily productions at the surface of Lake Suwa and Senzoku pond under the presence of UV-A conditions were inhibited by about 50% compared with the rate in the absence of UV-A conditions.

      • KCI등재

        액비 엽면시비가 켄터키 블루그래스의 생육과 질산염, 인산, 칼륨의 모래지반 토양을 통한 용탈에 미치는 영향

        조용섭(Yong-Sup Cho),조영래(Young-Rae Cho),김동섭(Dong-Sup Kim),양근모(Geun-Mo Yang),최준수(Joon-Soo Choi) 한국잡초학회·한국잔디학회 2020 Weed & Turfgrass Science Vol.9 No.1

        엽면시비시 켄터키 블루그래스의 생육과 토양 용출수 중 질소, 인산, 칼륨의 용탈량을 조사하고자 본 연구가 수행되었다. 모래상토가 충진된 라이시미터에 켄터키 블루그래스를 식재하였다. 엽면시비용 복합액비로 FFA (fertilizer for foliar application, N-P₂O5-K₂O-Fe-Cu-Mn-Zn=13-2-3-1-0.1-0.2-0.2)와 대조구(복합비료, 입상, N-P₂O5-K₂O=16:4:8)를 사용하였다. 엽면시비는 연간 15 g (FFA15), 10 g (FFA10), 5 g N m<SUP>-2</SUP> (FFA5) 수준이었고, 살포 물량은 50 mL m<SUP>-2</SUP>으로 하였다. 켄터키 블루그래스의 엽색과 품질은 FAA15 처리구에서 증가하였고, 액비 살포량이 증가될 수록 고온기 초장과 근장이 증가하였으나, 지상부 및 지하부 건물중은 통계적으로 유의차를 보이지 않았다. 엽면시비 수준에 따른 질산태 질소 용탈량 범위는 13.24-88.09 mg N m<SUP>-2</SUP> 이고, 용탈률은 0.58-1.76% 이었다. 이상 결과를 종합하면 살포 물량 50 mL m<SUP>-2</SUP> 수준으로 액비를 엽면 시비시 여름철 고온기 잔디 색과 품질 유지가 가능했으며, 질소와 인산의 용탈량도 대조구인 입상복합비료 살포구와 차이를 보이지 않은 것으로 나타났다. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of liquid fertilizer foliar application on the growth of Kentucky bluegrass. Lysimeter was established at the experimental site for the measurement of nutrient leaching as well as top and root growth of turfgrass. The liquid fertilizer used for the foliar application (FFA) was the compound fertilizer containing N.P.K (13:2:3)+microelements (Fe 1.0+Cu 0.1+Mn 0.2+Zn 0.2), and the granular compound fertilizer of N.P.K (16:4:8) was used as a check. The foliar application rates of liquid fertilizers tested in this study were 15 g (FFA15), 10 g (FFA10) and 5 g N m<SUP>-2</SUP> (FFA5) per year with spay water volume of 50 mL m<SUP>-2</SUP>. The experimental plot was laid out as the randomized block. Leaf color and quality of Kentucky bluegrass was good at the foliar application rate of 15 g N mv and the growth rate also increased as foliar application rate increased, but the top and root weight was not significantly affected by foliar application rates. The nitrate leaching following foliar application was 13.24-88.09 mg m<SUP>-2</SUP> indicating leaching rate of 0.58-1.76%, but it was not significantly different from those of the plot treated with the granular compound fertilizer. Kentucky bluegrass showed higher rating at leaf color, plant density and quality at the foliar application rate of 15 g N m<SUP>-2</SUP> per year with spay water volume of 50 mL m<SUP>-2</SUP>.

      • KCI등재후보
      • SPC 기법에 기반을 둔 포트폴리오 관리

        김동섭(Dong Sup Kim),류홍서(Hong Seo Ryoo) 한국산업경영시스템학회 2006 한국산업경영시스템학회 학술대회 Vol.2006 No.추계

        In this paper, we show that classical statistical process control (SPC) techniques can be used for monitoring portfolio performance and use them to develop an automatic portfolio revision procedure. Next, we extensively test the SPC-based portfolio management procedure on historical data of stocks traded in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Measured against the performances of the NYA index during the same time periods, the results produced in these experiments illustrate that SPC-based portfolio revision presents a convenient and reliable means for monitoring portfolio performance.

      • KCI등재

        Vaugeles 의 emarques 에 나타난 용례 정립의 주관성 연구

        김동섭(Dong Sup Kim) 한국프랑스학회 1997 한국프랑스학논집 Vol.23 No.-

        Vaugelas est considr comme un des plus clbres grammairiens qui a tabli le norme du fransis classique. Bien entendu sa doctrine et ses remarques survivent jusqui; present sauf quelques contradictions dans son oeuvre. Notre etude a comme but de dpouiller ses contradictions mthodologiques et le subjectivisme dguis en usage. Tout au long de ses $quot;Remarques$quot;. il a mis 1`accent sur 1`usage de la cour sans une raison justifiable. En plus, il a une tendance peu logique s$quot;incliner devant 1$quot;usage de la cour en cas de doute. TantBt il refuse le nologisme, tant8t il 1`accepte. Dans ce cas il justifie que 1`usage le veut ainai. Ce subjectivisme est dfl au fait que son observation est limitk au milieu ferm comme celui de la tour. Par ailleurs son subjectivisme provient de 1`incohrence personnelle peru souvent daps les $quot;Remarque Nous aeons prsen cette incoherence mthodologique et les contradictions de ses descriptions linguistiques. En tout cas son essai linguistique est mis en place en achevant le purisme commence par Malherbe.

      • KCI등재

        고대 불어 이격 작용의 상실에 관한 연구

        김동섭 ( Dong Sup Kim ) 한국불어불문학회 1996 불어불문학연구 Vol.33 No.2

        L`ancien franc¿ais est une langue flexionnelle gardant la trace du structure du latin. Cette trace s`aperc¿oit surtout au niveau de sa morphologie: de´clinaision a` deux cas par exemple. Pourtant cette de´clinaison a disparu au cours de la pe´riode de l`ancien franc¿ais. Notre e´tude a pour objectif de mettre au point les causes provoquant la disparition du cas. Il y a plusieurs raisons soit phone´tiques ou morphologiques qui ont eu une influence sur la disparition du cas: amui¨ssement de la finale -s, mise en ordre des phrases, emplois fre´quent du cas re´gime, existence de certains substantifs fe´minins non-de´clinatifs (ex. la rei¨ne/les rei¨nes) par rapport aux substantifs masculins de´clinatifs et emploi du virtuel et du re´el. Le fait que la de´clinaison a` deux cas existait en ancien franc¿ais nous ame`ne a` dire que l`ancien franc¿ais a he´rite´ l`essentiel morphologique du latin. Par contre la disparition du cas de´montre que le franc¿ais e´tait en mesure de s`approcher de la langue moderne. Ce phe´nome`ne linguistique est d`autant plus important que l`e´volution des langues refle`te celle de la socie´te´. Sur ce point la de´clinaison a disparu tant en franc¿ais qu`en alglais a` la fin de l`e´poque me´die´vale, mais l`allemand et le russe l`ont garde´ jusqu`a` pre´sent. Ceci peut s`expliquer par le fait que dans ces pays la tradition fe´odale persistait plus longtemps qu`en France et qu`en Angleterre.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        불규칙 명사형 ‘-aux’ 연구

        김동섭(KIM Dong-Sup) 한국프랑스문화학회 1998 프랑스문화연구 Vol.2 No.-

        Au fur à mesure que le CD-Rom est mis en place dans le domaine de multimedia, il procure également un outil nécessaire pour la recherche linguistique. Dire que les règles morphologiques sont parfois inexplicables, c’est dire qu’il faut chercher un autre moyen pour aboutir à résoudre ce genre de problème. Dans ce cas le media comme le CD-Rom nous propose un nouvelle vision en recherchant les problèmes linguistiques. Nous avons choisi le dictionnaire électronique chez Robert en éditoin de CD-Rom. D’abord nous avons classé tous les nom en se terminant en ‘~al’. Ensuite en vérifiant la date d’entrée dans le français, nous avons comparé les mots ayant la forme ‘-aux’ et ceux comportant ‘-als’. En guise de conclusion, nous avons obtenu; (1) Les noms datant du Moyen Age portent leurs pluriels en ‘-aux’. (2) Le pluriel des nom empruntés aux langues étrangères est en ‘-als’ ou en ‘-ails’. (3) Les noms(datant du Moyen Age) ayant le pluriel en ‘-als’ proviennet de ceux qui sont des monosyllabes ou des syllabes courtes.

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