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      • 「노인과 바다」에 나타난 극기정신 연구

        김덕주 順天大學校 敎育大學院 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This thesis aims to study Stoicism as revealed in Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea. Although Hemingway started writing nihilistic works as a representative writer of the Lost Generation group, he in his later years wrote a work entitled The Old Man and the Sea of which main subject is the stoic ideas as described in many literary writings. I intend to investigate Hemingway's stoicism by analyzing awareness, actions and milieus of Santiago, the hero of the novel. To carry out this purpose, this study is composed of three chapters. In Chapter I, the purpose and the method of the study is stated. To understand the importance of stoic ideas, Hemingway's change of interests from nihilism to stoicism is surveyed in this chapter. In Chapter II which is the central part of this study, stoic attitudes of Santiago are examined, the hero's stoic virtue is mentioned, and symbols encouraging him spiritual strength such as the vast sea, Manolin, DiMaggio and lions are analyzed. Finally in Chapter M, the concluding remarks are made. During his lifetime as one of the greatest writers in the world, Ernest Hemingway. tried to display the sincere matter of life and death through his writings. He was a man of courage and activity. He experienced heroically the real areas of struggle and hardship personally. Among his works, The Old Man and the Sea is a novel of the method of how we can meet this difficulty in the real areas of our own lives. He gave us a good model of the Undefeated Spirit of Stoicism through the main character, Santigo in The Old Man and the Sea. This novel expresses the sincere life, an attitude which a man should cultivate throughout his life, in spite of hardships and difficulties. In solving the vision of man and life we cannot but consider the struggling life of Santiago as the hero of this novel. There are many affirmative and negative views about Hemingway. Generally, these views arise from the characters and behaviors of Hemingway's heroes in his works. Santiago himself is no exception. To solve this problem, I would like to clarify the quality of Santiago's characteristics and his mind attitude which he shows in the presence of difficulties. Santiago has determined and strong will power. In The Old Man and the Sea, Santiago has attained his ethic point of the undefeated spirit of a man. In a sense, Santiago seems to be Hemingway's alter-ego and the very picture of Hemingway himself. That is to say, his value of life is told through the behavior of Santiago. Santiago, even if a humble fisher-man, has a very attractive personality. He may be called a noble humanist who has done the best within his reach to attain his own moral ideal as a man. Hemingway deals with the sincere matter of life and death consistently as his theme, stoicism in this work. The novel tells that the writer teaches us to have a brave, undefeated spirit through our code of conduct. It is said, "A man can be destroyed but not defeated." We have learned that such a triumph over death and difficulties can be got by a firm belief of stoicism. Santiago's moral attitude consists of his tries and efforts to attain the endless undefeated spirit. Compared with the great nature, a human being is a humble, feeble creature who can be defeated with ease, but in a real meaning of victory or defeat, the most important factor is his endless struggle and rigid attitude to do his best in the presence of great difficulties or great danger.

      • 4사이클 가솔린 機關의 性能解析에 關한 硏究(I)

        김덕주 全北大學校 大學院 1981 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The world has been more concerned about automobiles recently. Thus this study was attempted in viewpoint of the performace of a spark ignition automotive engine. Before engine was operated, experimental apparatuses installed were sophiscated so that exact data were obtained, the range of measurement was more expanded. At first, brake specific fuel consumption and engine output were studied, and we obtained the experimental formula of friction horse power as the parameter, engine output was considered. Whereas the formula of engine noise was experimentally obtained as the parameters, engine speed, boost pressure vacuum. The results were summarized as follows. 1) In the case of full-open throttle, brake specific fuel comsumption and torque were minimum and maximum respectively in the vicinity of engine economical speed 3000 rpm, in the case of constant engine speed, the value of economical output is smaller than maximum output. 2) At full-open throttle, the value of friction horse power is proportional to N^2.^62(N:engine speed) 3) Spark advance is increased with engine speed, but it maintains constant above 3300 rpm. And it is also increased with boost pressure vacuum but it maintains constant above 0.28 atg vacuum. 4) Experimental formula of engine noise can be obtained as follows. ESP = 29.8logN-6.8logΔP-21.2

      • 기악을 전공하는 시각장애학생의 음악경험에 대한 사례연구

        김덕주 이화여자대학교 교육대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 시각장애학생의 음악경험을 탐색하고 그 경험이 시각장애학생의 삶에 어떠한 영향을 주었는지 심층적으로 파악하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위하여 기악을 전공하는 시각장애학생 4명과 이들의 어머니를 연구 참여자로 선정하였으며, 개별 심층 면담을 진행하고 학생들의 음악활동을 참여관찰하여 자료를 수집하였다. 연구 문제에 따라 도출한 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 시각장애학생들은 대부분 어머니의 권유로 음악교육을 받기 시작하였으나 음악을 경험하면서 점차 음악에 대한 흥미가 증가하였고, 다양한 악기를 경험하며 음악경험의 폭을 확장하였다. 둘째, 시각장애인은 처음 음악을 접할 때 듣고 외우는 방법으로 시작하였으나 점차 점자악보를 통하여 음악에 접근하게 되었다. 그러나 점자악보의 복잡성과 음악점자를 제대로 가르칠 수 있는 교사가 부족하다는 것, 악보를 읽는 데에 많은 시간이 소요된다는 한계점이 있었으며, 점역 과정에서도 어려움을 겪고 있었다. 셋째, 연구 참여자들은 시각을 제외한 청각이나 촉각 등의 대체 감각만을 사용하여 정보를 수용해야 하기 때문에 정안인과는 다른 방법과 종류의 음악경험을 보였다. 시각장애학생은 정안학생이 감상하는 것보다 훨씬 더 다양한 연주를 청각과 촉각을 활용한 다양한 방법으로 감상하는 과정에서 음악성을 향상시킬 수 있었다. 그러나 시행착오 과정에서 보조적 도움과 대체 감각으로 경험을 통역하는 과정이 필요하였다. 또한, 장애로 인하여 많은 한계에 부딪혔으나, 연주 경험이 축적됨에 따라 성취감을 느끼고 연주에 대한 자신감이 증가되었다. 넷째, 시각장애학생들에게 음악은 소통 창구로서의 역할을 하였으며, 그 자체로 새로운 경험과 기회였을 뿐 아니라 합주를 통하여 타인과 소통하는 경험을 할 수 있었다. 또한, 합주 경험이 학생들의 음악성 향상뿐 아니라 자기 발전적 측면과 사회성 발달의 측면에서도 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 다섯째, 연구에 참여한 시각장애학생들은 음악경험을 통하여 음악가로서의 꿈과 교육자로서의 꿈을 갖게 되었다. 진학하는 과정에서는 어려움을 겪었으나, 음악은 직업 선택의 폭이 제한적인 시각장애인에게 새로운 선택지를 제공하였으며, 새로운 꿈을 가질 수 있다는 것은 이들에게 큰 의미를 부여하였다. 본 연구를 통해 시각장애학생의 음악경험을 이해하고, 시각장애학생들이 보다 다양하고 수준 높은 음악경험을 할 수 있게 되기를 기대한다. This qualitative research study was conducted to explore blind students’ musical experience and to understand what impact the experience has on their lives. Participants were four blind students majoring in instrumental music and their mothers, and the in-depth interview and participant observation were used as the methods to collect data. In the end, the study arrived at the following five findings. First, the research found that musical experience helped the participant students to become interested in music and ultimately led them to a deeper and broader experience in music. Most of the blind students began taking music lessons at their mother’s suggestion, but they have grown to like music and expanded their musical experience by learning to play several different instruments. Second, the study found that Braille scores have limitations for blind students to play instruments. At the beginning of learning music, the participants listened to the music they were going to play and memorized all the notes, but at some point, they began to use Braille scores. But it took too much time to read music on Braille scores because of their complexity, and there were other problems such as the lack of instructors who can teach Braille music and the difficulty in translating musical notes into Braille. Third, the four blind students had a different kind of musical experience than sighted students, as they had to take information through compensatory abilities such as senses of hearing and touch. While learning to play instruments, they have faced numerous challenges due to their blindness, but overcame them with the help of auxiliary aids. Also, to help the participants to understand the music they were learning to play, their instructor or mother translated visual descriptions about the music into the students’ past sensory experiences other than the visual. The blind students could improve their musical skills by appreciating music through hearing and touch. And as they became more experienced, they could develop self-confidence and a sense of achievement. Fourth, results showed that music is a way of communication for blind students. For the four students, playing a musical instrument was not only a new experience but an opportunity to interact with others. Playing in ensembles, they socialized with others who have a similar interest in music and improved their musical skills. Above all, they could develop themselves and build social skills. Fifth, the study found that musical experience allowed the participants to look forward to a future career as a musician or a music instructor. Though it was not easy for them to specialize in instrumental music, their music major offered them a broader choice for their future, which gave them a new meaning of life. The findings indicated that musical experience has a positive impact on the lives of blind students. Hopefully, this research will provide an insightful understanding of their musical experience and allow more blind students to have high-quality musical experience.

      • DMB 광고에 대한 소비자의 태도 및 구매행동에 관한 연구

        김덕주 한양대학교 언론정보대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study conducted a questionnaire survey of the users of DMB service, and analyzed the results to investigate how DMB advertisements impact consumers' attitude and purchasing behavior. Firstly, the investigation of current status of using DMB showed that the terrestrial DMB is being utilized more than the satellite DMB, and the mobile phone is being employed the most as a communication tool. The using period less than 1 year got an absolute majority, 93.6% users. The places of the most frequent use were the subway and a motorcar. Besides, it was being used frequently at the company and at the school. The average time of usage was less than 2 hours a day. At the time afternoon it was being utilized the most frequently, especially in the evening hours. The most preferred genre was news /economy. Drama was also one of the preferred program. Considering the attractiveness of characteristics, it was found that mobility was the most attractive, and the point of personal media was also considerably attractive. It was also shown that the time length less than 15 seconds was most pertinent for DMB advertising. Considering the motive for DMB utilization, interpersonal relationship acted as a rather high motive. and entertainment was also a motive of high level. On the other hand, seeks for information was not so important, self-identification was of low level, and the motivation by habituation was also rather low. The measurement of an attitude to DMB advertisement showed that the confidence in DMB advertising was low. However, acquisition of informations was rather high, and noticeability was also rather high. In general, an attitude after watching DMB advertisement was positive. The higher the motivation by self-identification and seeking for information was ,the more positive an attitude was. Similarly, the higher the motivation by personal relationship and habitation was ,the more positive an attitude was. On the other hand, the factor of entertainment did not give any influence on the attitude to DMB advertisement. Form the investigation of the correlation between a consumer's attitude and purchasing behavior after watching DMB advertisement it was firstly found that the notion of purchasing was not so highly increased after watching DMB advertisement. For more details, the more positive an attitude after DMB advertising was, the more the notion of purchasing was increased. Similarly, the higher the magnitudes of confidence, acquisition of information, and especially noticeability were, the more the notion of purchasing was increased. When we consider purchasing behavior, the frequency of purchasing through DMB advertisement during the last month was mostly less than 5 times. Furthermore, the most number of consumer answered that they purchased through DMB not more than one time. Considering the types of goods(services), the frequency of purchasing was high in the order of shoes, sports equipment, and accessaries like noble metals. The purchasing prices less than 100 hundred Won got an absolute majority. Purchasing was being conducted according to purchasing plan, however the time for carful consideration was not sufficient. In addition, the satisfaction with purchasing base on the information through DMB advertisement was high. The higher the notion of purchasing after watching DMB advertisement were, the higher the purchasing behavior became. The higher the noticeability of advertisement was, the higher the notion of purchasing became. Based on the obtained results, we make the suggestions as follows: First, DMB advertising is not still effective because it is in the early stage, however the basis sill be expanded gradually. Consequently, an advertising technique should be provided in accordance with it own feature of DMB. Second, an advertising program is required to reflect the characteristics of the effect of advertising and the purchasing behavior. Third, an advertising program should be directed toward the class of high income and of older ages for more effective advertising. Fourth, DMB advertisement is different form the other advertising media in the consumer's usage such as advertising fields, time slot, and time length of advertising. Therefore, a distinctive strategy should be provided to establish the identity of DMB advertisement. 이 연구는 DMB 광고가 소비자의 태도 및 구매행동에 어떤 영향을 미치는 가를 검증하고자 DMB 서비스를 이용하고 있는 이용자를 대상으로 설문조사를 하고 그 결과를 분석하였다. 먼저 DMB의 이용 실태를 보면, 현재 사용하는 DMB는 위성 방식보다는 지상파 방식의 DMB를 더 많이 사용하고 있으며, 휴대폰형 DMB를 가장 많이 사용하고 있다. DMB 사용 기간에 대해 1년 미만이 93.6%로 절대 다수를 차지하고 있으며, 가장 많이 DMB를 이용하는 장소는 지하철과 승용차이며, 학교나 회사에서도 많이 사용하는 것으로 조사 되었다. 하루 DMB 이용 시간은 2시간 미만이고, 오후에 가장 많이 사용하고 저녁시간대에 많이 사용하고 있었다. DMB에서 가장 선호되는 장르는 뉴스/경제이며, 드라마도 매우 선호되는 프로그램 장르이었다. DMB의 특성 중에서 가장 선호되는 특성은 이동성이며, 개인 미디어라는 특성도 상당히 선호되는 특성이었고, DMB 광고 길이는 전반적으로 15초 미만이 가장 적절한 것으로 나타났다. DMB 이용 동기를 보면, 대인 관계는 다소 높은 수준이었고, 오락성도 DMB 이용 동기로 높은 수준으로 작용하고 있었다. 이에 반해 정보 추구는 약간 덜 중요하였고, 자기 확인도 낮은 수준이었으며, 습관성은 다소 낮은 수준에서 DMB 이용 동기이었다. DMB 광고에 대한 태도를 보면, DMB 광고에 대한 신뢰성 정도는 낮았으나 DMB 광고의 정보성 정도는 약간 높았고, DMB 광고에 대한 주목성도 약간 높았다. 또한 DMB 광고에 대한 광고 시청후 태도는 긍정적이었다. 이러한 DMB 광고에 대한 태도는 이용 동기 중 자기 확인과 정보 추구 동기가 클수록 더 긍정적이었으며, 또한 대인관계와 습관성 동기가 클수록 DMB 광고에 대해 더 긍정적이었다. 이에 반해 오락성은 DMB 광고에 대한 태도에 영향을 미치지 않았다. DMB 광고 시청후 소비자 태도 및 구매행동을 보면, DMB 광고로 인한 구매의도는 다소 낮았으며, DMB 광고에 따른 구매의도는 DMB 광고 시청후 태도가 긍정적일수록 높아지며, 또한, 광고의 주목성, 정보성, 신뢰성이 높을수록 구매의도가 높아지고 특히 주목성이 높을수록 구매의도가 높아지고 있다. 또한 DMB 시청후 구매 행동을 보면, 지난 한달 동안 DMB 광고를 통해 얻은 정보를 바탕으로 상품(서비스)을 구입한 경험은 1회 이하가 가장 많은 가운데 대부분 5회 미만이었고, 많이 구입하는 상품(서비스) 유형은 신발류, 스포츠용품, 액세서리/귀금속류 등의 순이었다. 구입한 상품(서비스)의 가격대는 10만원 미만이 절대적으로 많았고, 구매 계획성을 토대로 구매가 이루어지고 있으나 구매시 생각할 시간은 충분히 갖지 않고서 구매하고 있었다. 그리고 DMB 광고를 통해 얻은 정보를 바탕으로 구입한 상품(서비스)에 대해 만족하고 있었다. 이러한 DMB 광고 시청 후 구매행동은 DMB 광고 시청 후 형성된 구매의도가 높을수록 높아지며, 광고의 주목성이 높을수록 구매의도가 높아졌다. 이상의 연구 결과를 토대로 다음과 같은 의의를 얻을 수 있다. 첫째, DMB 광고는 아직은 큰 효과가 없는 것이라고 하지만 이는 아직 초기 단계이기 때문이며, 점차 DMB 광고 기반도 확산될 것이므로 DMB 특성에 맞는 광고 기법이 요구된다. 둘째, DMB 광고에서는 광고 효과와 구매 행동에 특색이 있으므로 이를 감안한 광고 방안이 요구된다. 셋째, 분석 결과 DMB 광고는 효과가 높을 것으로 판단되는 중상위 소득 계층과 고연령층을 대상으로 하는 광고 방안이 더 효과적이 될 수 있을 것이다. 마지막으로 DMB 광고는 소비자의 이용형태에서 광고 분야, 광고 시간대, 광고 시간 등에서 여타 매체와는 차이가 있으므로 DMB 매체의 정체성을 확립을 위해 차별화된 광고 전략이 요구된다.

      • 교회학교 교사교육을 위한 교육과정 연구 : 기독교대한성결교회 교사교육 교재분석을 중심으로

        김덕주 서울신학대학교 대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This study aims to establish an effective and systematic educational program for a wholistic growth of the sunday school. Teachers are the key to the education. Without teachers there is no education and without education there are no teachers. Especially, because christian education is a faith-teaching process, teacher is a major component in this process. Sunday school teachers however, cannot take benefit of an adequate formation. The criterion of selection is almost arbitrary and teachers' formation course is far being an organized system. Moreover sunday school teachers are not even aware of their identity as christian educators and have no conscience of the church doctrine. In its effort to solve this situation, Korea Evangelical Holiness Church has started to publish a handbook for sunday school teachers since 1987. In the same time, it also focused on the education of its teachers on a national scale. As a result of this continuing effort, 2,046 teachers were graduated from "teachers' academy" till 2002 and 25,430 teachers completed at least one semester of the academy regular course. But as time goes by, the enthusiasm decreased and people completing the course are in the decline.「New Millenium Handbook of Christian Education」which tries to provide a new paradigm for the church education for the centennial birth of Korea Evangelical Holiness Church, notes that the present denominational church education doesn't befit the rapidly changing situation and context of the learners Even the world is changing, the church and sunday school teachers' vocation don't. Adapting to the changing situation of the world is not their concern. Their primary concern is to help the learners finding their identity as a christian in the changing context of the world and making them to develop a capacity to perceive the world through a christian's eyes. To complete this goal, sunday school teachers, who have the responsibility of taking care of the learners' faith, need to be provided with an organized educational system. For sure, they are not supposed to master secular educational philosophy. But instead by teaching and also learning christian belief, they have to recover their identity as christian educators. By that, I mean Korea Evangelical Holiness Church's teachers need to stand their knowledge firm upon the basis of the following factors : the evangelicalism which overcame the crisis between modernism and fundamentalism, the wesleyan quadrilateral (the scripture, the tradition, the reason, and the experience), and the fourfold gospels. Several problems revealed to be crucial for an effective establishment of an organized teaching program for sunday school teachers. A survey indicated that 1) 69.4% of the new appointed teachers neither passed any exam or received any skill test. 2) 68% of the subject were obviously in need for a preliminary education. 3) 32% of the teachers were aware they needed a deeper understanding of the learners. 4) 40.1% of the teachers didn't do anything to improve their competence as a teacher. 5) Churches with a congregation of 100~400 people have the tendency to rely on denominational teachers' academy or ecumenical teaching course. 6) Sunday school teachers and christian ministers are not satisfied with the teaching program provided to them by the Holiness Church. Obviously this sort of problem cannot be solved unless the Holiness Church intervene and set a systematic system for the teacher selection and an educational program. This thesis analyzed the content, the organization and the objective of the teachers' handbook of Korea Holiness Church to suggest an ideal educational model. First of all, I analyzed the correlation between the purpose and the objective of the education. Concerning the selection part, the criterions for the analysis were the appropriateness, the usefulness, the learning possibility, the priority, the application, and organization of the teaching material. Finally, the organization part was informed by those following criterions : the interrelation, the continuity, the unity, the balance of the teaching material. The result of all of this indicates a lack of explicit objective and purpose in the educational process for the sunday school teachers. But also we can notice the fact that the selection and organization of the teaching material don't take in count the actual skill of the teachers and the concrete need of church education. Rather, it emphasizes the traditional and one-sided existing pattern for the teachers' formation. This thesis suggested a solution to the problem of the traditional teachers' academy handbook. First, it proposed a strategy in selecting sunday school teachers. Also it described a new classification of the formation process which consists of a course for 1) newly appointed teachers, 2) common teachers, 3) specialized teachers. This three-staged teachers' formation program will stimulate newly appointed teachers to participate of his own accord to this course, to grow continuously in faith, and to become a teacher committed and specialized. I do hope that this formation program for sunday school teachers will be largely applied in the field of the church education. This also will be a opportunity for teachers, students and church-school to grow up in a wholistic way.

      • 리만 다양체 상의 측지관에 대한 연구

        김덕주 원광대학교 대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Fermi coordinate는 곡면 위의 곡선에 대하여 도입된 normal coordinate를 일반화시킨 개념으로 normal coordinate에 관한 사실들이 Fermi coordinate에서도 일반성을 갖는다는 것이 밝혀졌다. 최근 많은 저자들이 geodesic tube의 개념에 관하여 이용하고 확장하여 여러 공간상의 다양한 문제들을 연구해 왔다. 이 논문은 Riemannian manifold에서 geodesic tube의 성질들이 어떻게 그 manifold의 기하를 결정하는가를 연구하는 것으로 목표는 geodesic tube 상의 shape operator에 의하여 Riemannian manifold를 특성화하는데 있다.

      • 기업의 공유가치 창출(CSV)과 관계 효익이 기업 신뢰 및 비재무적 경영성과에 미치는 연구 -관계 몰입의 조절효과-

        김덕주 목원대학교 대학원 2022 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of corporate share value creation and relationship benefit factors on corporate trust as a means of securing corporate competitiveness and to investigate the effect of business trust on non-financial management performance. Verification of the moderating function of relationship commitment in the relationship between shared value creation and relationship benefits was also a subject of this study. Consequently, this study aims to establish marketing data for a sustainable relationship between companies and customers, and to suggest strategic implications for sustainable growth for business. For the empirical analysis of the study, the spatial scope was set up nationwide, and the survey was conducted on the employees working in companies. For the survey, a total of 420 questionnaires were collected from April 1 to April 30, 2022 through a panel survey agency using Google online questionnaires. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, it was confirmed that both economic and social value factors of creating shared value have a positive effect on business trust. Second, psychological and customization benefits of relationship benefits were found to have a positive effect on business trust, while economic benefits were found to have no significant effect on business trust. Third, business trust was found to have a positive effect on non-financial management performance. Fourth, relationship commitment was found to play a significant moderating role in the relationship between shared value creation and business trust. Fifth, relationship commitment was found to play a significant moderating role in the relationship between economic benefits and business trust, while psychological benefits and customization benefits were found to have no moderating role. Therefore, the implications confirmed based on the results of the study are summarized as follows. First, research on the relationship between shared value creation and organizational trust can be found in existing studies on various fields, but research on the relationship between shared value creation and business trust has been limited. Therefore, this study is meaningful in that it confirms the relationship between shared value creation and business trust. Second, among the sub-factors of relationship benefits, psychological benefits have the greatest impact on business trust, followed by customization benefits. This implies that trust of excellent products and the provision of various services from companies are very important in the process of selecting products (services), suggesting that consumers consider the benefits of psychological aspects first. Third, it was confirmed that business credibility exerted a significant influence on non-financial management performance, which is significant in that it was confirmed that mutual trust between employees and companies, and between companies and consumers, is a prerequisite for improvement of non-financial management performance. Fourth, it can be said that this study is different from existing research in that it identifies relationship commitment as the main moderating effect in between shared value creation to business trust, and relationship benefits to business trust. In particular, this study is significant in that it examined the moderating effect of relationship commitment in the relationship between economic value and business trust, and confirmed the moderating effect of relationship commitment in the relationship between economic benefit and business trust. 본 연구는 기업의 경쟁력 확보를 위한 수단으로 공유가치 창출과 관계 효익 요인들이 기업 신뢰에 미치는 영향 관계를 확인하고 기업 신뢰가 비재무적 경영성과에 미치는 영향 관계를 규명하고자 하였다. 또한, 공유가치 창출과 관계 효익의 영향 관계에서 관계 몰입의 조절 기능을 확인하고자 하였다. 이에 기업과 고객 간의 지속적인 관계가 유지되기 위한 마케팅 자료를 구축하는데 목적이 있으며, 기업의 지속가능 성장을 위한 전략적 시사점을 제시하고자 한다. 연구의 실증분석 조사를 위해 공간적 범위를 전국으로 설정하였으며, 조사대상은 기업에 근무하는 종사자를 대상으로 조사하였다. 설문조사를 위해 2022년 4월 1일부터 4월 30일까지 구글 온라인 설문지를 활용하여 패널조사 전문기관을 통해 총 420부의 설문 데이터를 확보하였다. 본 연구의 연구결과를 종합하여 요약하면 아래와 같다. 첫째, 공유가치 창출의 경제적, 사회적 가치요인 모두 기업 신뢰에 정(+)적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 둘째, 관계 효익 요인 중 심리적, 고객화 효익은 기업 신뢰에 정(+)적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 규명되었다. 반면, 경제적 효익은 기업 신뢰에 유의미한 영향을 미치지 못하는 것으로 확인되었다. 셋째, 기업 신뢰는 비재무적 경영성과에 정(+)적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 규명되었다. 넷째, 공유가치 창출과 기업 신뢰 간의 관계에서 관계 몰입은 유의미한 조절역할을 하는 것으로 확인되었다. 다섯째, 경제적 효익과 기업 신뢰 간의 관계에서 관계 몰입은 유의미한 조절역할을 하는 것으로 규명되었다. 반면, 심리적 효익과 고객화 효익은 조절 기능을 갖지 않는 것으로 확인되었다. 따라서 연구결과를 기초하여 확인된 시사점을 정리하면 아래와 같다. 첫째, 공유가치 창출과 조직 신뢰의 관계를 살펴본 연구는 다양한 분야의 기존 연구에서 존재하고 있다. 그러나 공유가치 창출을 다차원으로 구성하여 기업 신뢰와의 관계를 확인한 연구는 다소 제한적으로 이루어져 왔다. 이에 본 연구에서는 공유가치 창출과 기업 신뢰 간의 영향 관계를 확인하였다는 점에서 의의를 지닌다. 둘째, 관계 효익의 하위요인 중에서 심리적 효익이 기업 신뢰에 가장 큰 영향력을 미치며, 다음으로 고객화 효익 순으로 영향력을 행사하는 것으로 확인되었다. 이는 기업에서 제공하는 우수한 상품의 신뢰, 다양한 서비스 제공 등은 소비자가 상품(서비스)을 선택하는 과정에서 매우 중요하게 지각한다는 뜻으로 해석할 수 있으며, 소비자는 심리적 측면의 효익을 우선하여 고려하고 있음을 시사한다. 셋째, 기업 신뢰도는 비재무적 경영성과에 유의미한 영향을 행사하는 것으로 확인되었다. 이는 기업과 기업의 종사원, 기업과 소비자 간의 상호 신뢰는 비재무적 경영성과의 향상을 위한 전제조건임을 확인했다는 점에서 의의를 지닌다. 넷째, 기존의 공유가치 창출과 기업 신뢰, 관계 효익과 기업 신뢰 간의 관계에서 관계 몰입이 주요한 조절효과를 규명했다는 점에서 기존 연구와 차별된 것이라 할 수 있다. 특히, 경제적 가치와 기업 신뢰 간의 관계에서 관계 몰입의 조절효과를 규명한 부분과 경제적 효익과 기업 신뢰 간의 관계에서 관계 몰입의 조절효과를 확인한 점에서 연구의 의의를 지닌다.

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