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      • 농업생산기반정비사업 계획설계기준 배수편 개정

        김경찬,김영화,송재도,정상옥,Kim, Kyoung Chan,Kim, Younghwa,Song, Jaedo,Chung, Sangok 한국관개배수위원회 2014 한국관개배수논문집 Vol.21 No.1

        In Korea, global warming caused by the climate changes impacted on weather system with increase in frequency and intensity of precipitation, and the rainfall pattern changes significantly by regional groups. Furthermore, it is expected that the regional and annual fluctuation ranges of the rainfall in the future would be more severe. Nowadays, agricultural drainage system designed by the existing standard of 20-year return period and 2 days of fixation time cannot deal with the increment rainfall such as localized heavy rain and local torrential rainfalls. Therefore, it is required to reinforce the standard of the drainage system in order to reduce the agricultural flood damage brought by unusual weather. In addition, it is needed to improve the standard of agricultural drainage design in order to cultivate farm products in paddy fields as facility vegetable cultivation and up-land field crop have been damaged by the moisture injury and flooding. In order to prepare for the changes of rainfall pattern due to climate changes and improve the agricultural drainage design standards by the increase of cultivating farm products, the purpose of this study is to examine the impact of climate changes, the changes of relative design standard, and the analytic situation of agricultural flood damages, to consider the drainage design standard revision, and finally to prepare for enhanced agricultural drainage design standards.

      • 농업생산기반정비사업계획설계기준 배수편 개정 연구

        김경찬 ( Kyoung Chan Kim ),김영화 ( Youngwha Kim ),전건영 ( Keonyoung Jeon ),서동욱 ( Donguk Seo ),송재도 ( Jaedo Song ),조재용 ( Jaeryong Jo ) 한국농공학회 2013 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2013 No.-

        농업생산기반정비사업계획설계기준 배수편은 1970년도에 농지개량사업계획설계기준(배수편)이란 명칭으로 처음 제정하였으며, 그 이후 1983년도에 농지개량사업계획설계기준(배수편)이 1차 개정되었고, 2001년에 농업생산기반정비사업계획설계기준(배수편)이란 명칭으로 2차 개정되었다. 2차 개정 후 11년이 경과되어서 근래의 기후변화, 국지성 호우 등 강우 패턴 변화와 논 지대에 원예작물 등 밭작물 재배면적의 증가에 따른 농경지 배수 설계기준 개선 필요성 대두되어 왔다. 또한, 국지성 호우, 낙뢰 등으로 배수장 가동 중단 대비 비상전원 확보 및 낙뢰보호 시스템 기준 마련과 배수장으로 유입되는 쓰레기 등 협잡물 제거를 위한 제진기 설치기준 강화 등의 필요성이 강조되어 왔다. 이에 따라서 농림부는 2003. 2월에 집중호우와 기상이변에 대한 수리시설의 안전성을 높일 수 있도록 “재해대비 수리시설 설계기준”을 개정하였고, 이어서 농림수산식품부는 2012. 3월에 농경지 침수피해 예방을 위한 “기후변화에 대응한 배수개선 설계기준”을 개정하기에 이르렀다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 2003. 2월과 2012. 3월에 개정된 내용을 설계기준에 반영하고, 또한 최근의 여건 변화에 적합하도록 하는 일부 설계기준의 내용을 수정 보완하였다.

      • 농업생산기반정비사업계획설계기준 표준 코드체계 정립방향

        김경찬 ( Kyoung Chan Kim ),김영화 ( Youngwha Kim ),전건영 ( Keonyoung Jeon ),서동욱 ( Donguk Seo ),송재도 ( Jaedo Song ),조재용 ( Jaeryong Jo ) 한국농공학회 2013 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2013 No.-

        농업생산기반정비사업 계획설계기준은 필댐편 등 17개로 구성되어 있는데, 표준화된 코드체계(Code System) 부재로 인해 기준의 재개정 등 관리에 어려움이 크다. 이미 유럽은 유럽표준화기구의 유로코드(Eurocode)를 기반으로 구조물 설계기준에 대하여 10개의 대분류와 58개의 세부코드로 관리하고 있고, 국내 일반건설 분야에서도 건설공사기준 코드체계 도입방안 연구를 통해 표준 코드체계를 추진하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 유럽 등 선진국의 설계기준 체계를 분석하고, 현재 추진하는 일반건설분야의 설계기준체계를 조사함으로서 농업생산기반정비사업 계획설계기준을 코드체계를 어떻게 정립해 나갈지에 대한 방향을 제시하였다. 이렇게 제시된 정립방향은 향후 코드체계 설계 및 설계기준재정비에 활용할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        유휴농지 농업적 활용 평가지표 설정 및 현장적용

        김경찬 ( Kyoung Chan Kim ),박창원 ( Chang Won Park ),조석호 ( Seok Ho Cho ),최진규 ( Jin Gyu Choi ),윤성수 ( Seong Soo Yoon ),손용훈 ( Yong Hoon Son ) 한국농촌계획학회 2014 농촌계획 Vol.20 No.2

        Self-sufficiency rate of food in South Korea is almost at the lowest level among OECD countries, and the decrease tend of farmland is expected to be continued. In this situation, the government has been revised the target self-sufficiency rate of food, and carried forward various policies in order to achieve it. One of those policies is the restoration business of idle farmland which is planned to carry forward after 2015. This study set up indicators evaluating effective use of idle farmland, and tried to apply in the field before carrying forward restoration business. The result of this study may be summarized as follows. First of all, it reset an evaluation indicator that was based on the evaluation indicator developed in order to set application directions of idle farmland. Next, it selected 30 idle farmlands with reset evaluation indicator among 11,635 which were inspected nationwide in 2012. Before applying indicator, it measured the condition of recycling such as accessibility of farmland, condition of irrigation and drainage system, land state, and surroundings by field investigation. Then, it calculated composite score in each target area through applying indicators, and verified the indicator by comparing calculated result with the one which was decided from field investigation. Finally, it carried out field investigation, correct and upgrade some problems of the standard of score calculation that was found during applying previously set evaluation indicator to target area, and established the final standard of calculation for evaluation indicator.

      • 동북아 사이버범죄 대응과 형사사법공조 강화방안

        김경찬(Kim, Kyoung-Chan) 한국안보형사법학회 2017 안보형사법연구 Vol.1 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 사이버범죄에 있어 아시아 국가에서의 형사사법공조에 대한 협력강화 방안을 모색하는 것이다. 동북아시아 지역에서 발생하는 사이버범죄와 공격에 대한 공통된 시각은 각국의 경제 및 이념체제가 국가안보전략에 있어서 그 차이가 반영된다. 또한 중국, 북한, 러시아, 일본, 한국 등 5개 국가 간의 형사사법공조 및 범죄인 인도에 관한 협약은 없으며, 형사법상 증거확인 및 사용을 포함한 사법관할권의 차이로 인해 사이버범죄 및 형사증거 문제를 처리하는데 어려움이 따를 수밖에 없는 것이다. 사이버범죄에 대한 문제와 대책 및 보안에 관해서는 다른 국가와 관련이 있더라도 논의하기 시작하는 것은 사실상 어려운 현실이다. 이에 사이버범죄 대응과 관련하여 정보와 기술을 공유함으로써 다른 나라와의 국제협력에 대한 몇 가지 아이디어와 필요성을 제기 할 수 있다. 또한 사이버범죄 대응을 위한 역내 참가 국가들은 특정 국가를 비판하거나 비난하지 말고 참가 국가들은 대응책과 협력을 공유할 필요가 있다. 동북아시아의 사이버범죄 대응시스템은 한 나라의 대책과 보안법에 한계가 있으므로 다양한 조치가 필요하며, 전통적인 범죄와는 많은 종류의 문제와 관련 있기 때문에 국가안보전략 및 제4차 산업혁명과 같은 새로운 영역을 포함하게 된다. The aim of this study is to try to find some possible ways to cooperate with each other about Cyber Crime including the strengthening the cooperation for the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters in Asian Countries. It is difficult to have common perspective on Cyber Crime and Cyber Attack in Northeast Asia due to the difference of view from the national security strategy reflected by the discrepancy between the system of economic and the ideology. China, North Korea, Russia, Japan and South Korea don’t have Convention on the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters and Criminal Extradition that 5 countries can discuss together for the cooperation. It can bring some difficulty to deal with the Cyber crime and Criminal Asset Recovery because of the difference of the jurisdiction including the confirmation and the usage of the evidence. It is necessary to start to discuss on the problems, the countermeasure and the security about the Cyber Crime occurred in each domestic area even though they are related with other counties. It can bring some idea and necessity for the international cooperation with other countries through sharing the information and the technology about the Cyber Crime Response. It is also necessary for the participants in the conference for the Cyber Crime Response not to criticize or blame on some specific countries about the Cyber Crime, participants just share the phenomenon including the available or unavailable ways for the countermeasure and the cooperation. Cyber Crime response system in the Northeast Asia has the limitation on the countermeasure and the security law from one countries, it is necessary to have various steps and actions for the Cyber Crimes Response because it has many different kind of relations with the traditional Crime and the national security strategy as well as the new area like the Forth Industrial Revolution.

      • KCI등재후보

        중화인민공화국 검찰원(檢察院) 법률감독(法律監督)의 역할과 개혁과제

        김경찬(Kim, Kyoung-Chan) 강원대학교 비교법학연구소 2011 江原法學 Vol.34 No.-

        The structure of legal supervision of prosecution in china is different from many other countries. The origin of the chinese legal supervision of prosecution came from Lenin’s thought with Soviet Union, but it is synicized with peculiar form in separation and division of power. The chinese prosecution has right of overseeing the investigation of police and criminal suit including civil action and administrative litigation for the observance of law and the prevention of corruption especially in government affairs, it is distinguished from the structure of the authority of many other countries. Although the system of authority in china is toward compositive and reciprocal restriction, the independent right and power of prosecution is requested for the strong and proper examination through the legislation of inspection law of prosecution to embody the chinese Constitution, it is also based on the premise of self-transparency of prosecution and surveillance of party, assembly, court and people. The request of the supervision and observance of law in china has long history and the attempt of anti-corruption has been continued for ages, the new-china after Mao(毛) and the emerging china after the open-door policy of Deng(鄧) has multiple task for economic growth and judicial fair service through the balance and checks among the authorities founded on mutual surveillance and forceful, independent prosecution including self-inspection system in People’s Procuratorate.

      • KCI등재

        중화인민공화국(中華人民共和國) 법관독립심판(法官獨立審判)의 문제점과 개혁방향(改革方向)

        김경찬 ( Kyoung Chan Kim ) 영남대학교 법학연구소 2011 영남법학 Vol.0 No.32

        In China, the three powers of administration, legislation, and judicature are not independent of each other. Judicature is not only under the supervision of National People`s Congress, but also it is affected by the local government because of financial reliance. Futhermore the judge is under the influence of the Communist Party and the inquiry committee in the Court. After opening the market, China has been trying to adapt to variations of economic foundation and then reforms its current judicial system like no intervention from administration, the reinforcement of the panel of judges, the abolition of the inquiry committee, the specialized appointment of judges, enhancing self-cultivation and judicial ethic, building up judge`s training system and so on. China is sinicized socialism, the chinese judicial system including the judges also has its own way to understand social structure, historical progress, the profit of the people and the harmony of race. However, the renovation of china is still experimental, undecided and contemplative. Chinese judicial system was faced by the challenges after the entrance to WTO and chinese market is beyond the meaning of local area. The chinese law and the judges has a tendency to international law and demand. But it is necessary to check the prerequisite among the positions from many countries, the judges trained and accumulated by the cultivated ethic including the experience of the change of law/country system can be a good human resources for the area of adjustment of the combined and changing value in China in the future.

      • KCI등재

        인권의 보편성과 특수성 및 아시아인의 인권보장

        김경찬 ( Kyoung Chan Kim ) 안암법학회 2012 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.39

        It is very controversial to discuss on the politic of Human Right between western countries including United States and Asian countries including China. Human Right is based on the value of individualism from a long historical background of western countries, it is becoming increasingly universal with globalization, But Asian countries especially China object to take the concept of Human Right from western countries, which means, in other word, the partly universal concept of Human Right, therefore Asian Human Right need to have their own concept of model in Human Right reflecting diverse and special situations in Asia. Human Right is very much related with the power structure and corruption of the government including the value system of one country and its sovereignty. The structure of government power in Asian countries is diverse and different from that of the western countries. There has been criticism on the Asian countries` inadequacy of understanding reflecting the freedom of the western countries and it means impolite and immoderate in the Asian culture. Asian economic growth is very rapid and the explanation of basic social-economic theory has extremely various grounds with the mixture of the culture, the interpretation of value system, Asian Human Right need to have continuously open-oriented procedure accepting the diverse backgrounds of the Asian countries. Human Right is the basic conditions of Human being which can be common to everyone in the world but the situations and the circumstances of each country are very much different. The Universalism and the Specialism of Human Right need to be harmonized and unified with detailed and understandable explanation, integrated viewpoint and mutual help through the regional community among the countries in Asia.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷 기사 검색을 통한 유휴농지 활용유형 도출

        김경찬 ( Kyoung Chan Kim ),박창원 ( Chang Won Park ),조석호 ( Seok Ho Cho ),박준효 ( Jun Hou Pak ),손용훈 ( Yong Hoon Son ) 한국농촌계획학회 2014 농촌계획 Vol.20 No.3

        For the purpose of drawing a representative type of utilizing idle farmlands, this study collected and analyzed newspaper articles about cases of utilizing idle farmlands in the past decade using Internet search engines. Prior to this, it clarified a concept of idle farmlands to raise accuracy of searching articles, and selected NAVER as a search engine. It set “idle farmland”, “abandoned land”, and “utilizing” as basic search words in search option, and also set search period from 1st of January in 2004 to 31st of December in 2013. This study primarily searched 1,593 articles, and extracted 165 articles excluding overlapped and unrelated articles. Furthermore, it investigated extracted articles by date, media, headline, content of use, region(province), particular area(city and country), main agent, item and keyword 1, 2, 3 for proper use. This study also examined frequencies by year according to indoor and outdoor environment as well as regional differences through frequencies by regional groups and chronology. Furthermore, it drew a diagram of frequency flow of keyword 2, 3 with each keyword 1 as the central figure in order to draw various types of using idle farmlands. Through the diagrams, this study drew 9 using types such as ①community service. agriculture type, ②high income. agriculture type, ③sightseeing. landscape. agriculture type, ④livestock. agriculture type, ⑤weekend farm type, ⑥high income. woodland type, ⑦ecology. landscape. woodland type, ⑧agricultural work-study type, ⑨ecological environment type.

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