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        감각통합치료적 접근에서의 부모교육 프로그램의 만족도

        김경미,장문영,안덕현,Kim, Kyeong-Mi,Chang, Moon-Young,Ahn, Duck-Hyun 대한감각통합치료학회 2005 대한감각통합치료학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        Objective : The purpose of this paper was to suggest a model of the parent educational program with a sensory integration approach for developmental disabilities. Methods : A questionnaire survey were conducted to investigate the needs of the parent educational program and the satisfaction on after of the parent educational program with sensory integration for developmental disabilities. The parent educational program was completed by 8 mothers and each one children with developmental disabilities ranging in age from five to six years for five weeks. The parent educational program with sensory integration approach were consisted of the lecture, an exploration group and individual counseling for parent and individual evaluation and treatment, and group treatment for children. Results : 1. In the needs of the parent education, 50% for active participation of parent and 40% for the understanding with children. 2. In the satisfaction for the parent educational program with sensory integration, 9.3/10point for a individual education with the home program, 9.0/10point for the understanding with children, 8.7/10point for the chance of a participation in sensory integration program, 6.7/10point for a individual treatment, 5.7/10point for a group treatment. Conclusion : The parent educational program with sensory integration suggest that its useful program to understanding their children and sensory integration for parent.

      • KCI등재

        청각자극의 세기에 따른 노인의 인지 반응시간 분석

        김경미,장문영,홍은경,Kim, Kyeong-Mi,Chang, Moon-Young,Hong, Eun-Kyoung 대한감각통합치료학회 2007 대한감각통합치료학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        Objective: The purpose of this study was to get the cognitive reaction time according to the intensity of auditory stimuli in older people and to differentiate the cognitive reaction time between older people and adults. Method: 49 subjects consisted of 32 older people and 17 adults. Cognitive reaction time was assessed with Simple Auditory Reaction of Foundation I in PSS CogReHab. Analysis of the data was done by using independent t-test. Results: The results were as follows: 1. There was a significant difference of the mean of cognitive reaction time to the intensity of auditory stimuli. 2. There was no significant difference from older people regardless of sexual distinction in mean of cognitive reaction time. However, there was a significant difference of the mean of cognitive reaction time in adults. 3. There was a significant difference between older people who got a job or not in 90 dB of auditory stimuli. 4. The mean of cognitive reaction time to the intensity of auditory stimuli in older people was slower than adults. There was a significant difference of the mean of cognitive reaction time between older people and adults in 70 dB of auditory stimuli. 5. The mean of cognitive reaction time to the intensity of auditory stimuli in older people did not have the significant difference in scholastic ability. Conclusions: The results of the study showed slowing of the cognitive reaction time in auditory stimuli to aging in older people. Therefore, applying silver industry and development of equipment for older people may maintain independent life.

      • KCI등재

        대한감각통합치료학회 주최 "치료과정" 보고

        김경미,최정실,Kim, Kyeong-Mi,Choi, Jeong-Sil 대한감각통합치료학회 2006 대한감각통합치료학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        Objective : Korean Academy of Sensory Integration(KASI) planned and executed intensive sensory integration treatment course for children with the sensory integrative dysfunction and therapists, to suggest practical guideline for therapists through individual supervision, lecture, simulation therapy, observation, case study and free play etc. Method : The course was held during 5days in the children's center for developmental support that set up sensory integration tools. The course executed the 4 individual interventions, 1 simulation therapy, 1 observation, 4 free play sessions that consisted of 6 children with sensory integrative dysfunction and 6 therapists who manage them and 3 supervisors and 2 managers. Results : Their parents reported the satisfaction degree of the treatment course service was above 84%. Therapists also had a chance to understand the broader sensory integrative interventions through the supervision and various educational programs. Conclusions : Intensive treatment course can provide parents and therapists with satisfaction of the programs. Therapists can especially experience reeducation individually through supervision and lectures.

      • KCI등재

        대한감각통합치료학회 주최 제2회 감각통합치료캠프(치료과정) 보고

        김경미,최정실,이미희,Kim, Kyeong-Mi,Choi, Jeong-Sil,Lee, Mi-Hee 대한감각통합치료학회 2004 대한감각통합치료학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        Objective : Korean Academy of Sensory Integration(KASI) planned and executed sensory integration Therapy Camp to serve intensive sensory integration program for children with the sensory integrative dysfunction, to support their family with parent' education and home programs, and to suggest practical guideline for therapists through individual supervision and demonstrations. Methods : The camp was held during 5days in the children's center for developmental support that set up sensory integration tools. The camp executed the individual and group interventions that consisted of 7 children with sensory integrative dysfunction, especially dyspraxia and 7 therapists who manage them and 6 supervisors. Results : Children which served the intensive intervention showed the improved adaptive responses during the camp and their parents reported the satisfaction degree of the camp program was 83%. Their therapists also had a chance to understand the broader sensory integrative interventions through the supervision. Conclusion : To provide the clients for qualitative sensory integration service, the camp must be programmed that children with the sensory integrative dysfunction can service the intensive sensory integration program and their therapists can actually experience reeducation individually through supervision and demonstrations.

      • KCI등재

        감각통합치료의 역사적 고찰

        김경미,Kim, Kyeong-Mi 대한감각통합치료학회 2003 대한감각통합치료학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        The significant historical events and developments in the area of approach for sensory integration in Korean Society of Sensory Integration Therapists(KSSIT) are reviewed to stimulate future planning and clinical application in professional and health promotion. The paper reviewed the purposes of establishment, the role of members, progress of regular meetings and education for members and seminars in KSSIT. This review is placed within the context of the progressive period of KSSIT history, 1997-2003. Historical data are used as primary sources as records of events in KSSIT's homepage, official transcripts, professional articles, and secondary sources such as news letters for occupational therapists and oral information from first members. This review examined current actions and thinking, and suggests further actions and thinking for progressive professional education programs, research, clinical applications and public relations in sensory integration approach in KSSIT.

      • KCI등재

        취학 전 아동의 감각처리능력에 따른 행동적 특성에 관한 연구

        신지연,신혜정,조현희,차수민,김경미,Shin, Ji-Youn,Shin, Hea-Jeong,Cho, Hyun-Hee,Cha, Su-Min,Kim, Kyeong-Mi 대한감각통합치료학회 2005 대한감각통합치료학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        Objectives : The purpose of the study is to understand the sensory processing capacity and behavioral characteristics for preschoolers without disabilities, and to investigate the relationship between sensory processing skills and the behavioral characteristics. Methods : Mothers of preschoolers without disabilities between ages of 4 and 6 who attend Y kindergarten which is located in Busan, H kindergarten in Suwon, S kindergarten in Gimhae was participated. Mothers filled out the questionnaire at home from 4th to 14th of January in 2004. We used SSP(short sensory profile) which was used by Kim, Mi-Sun in 2001 to understand the sensory processing skills. We also used Behavior During Testing Checklist find their places in Miller Assessment for preschoolers to understand behavior characteristics. The results were analyzed with SPSS 10.0. Results : 1. Total incidents in sensory processing were 157 out of 190. Among sub items of the sensory processing, the mark of lower energy/weak was highest with 4.39 point and the mark of taste/smell sensitivity was lowest with 3.60 point. Total incidents in behavioral characteristics were 20 out of 24. Among the area of behavioral characteristics, the mark of sensory responses/threshold area was highest with 2.73 point and the mark of social interaction area was lowest with 2.29 point. 2. Children's total sensory processing capacity correlates with behavioral characteristics, the more sensory processing capacity, the more behavioral characteristics. Sensory processing point correlates with behavioral characteristics points except this item, reaction to separation from caretaker. Conclusions : We hope that the children who have behavioral characteristics with difficulties in sensory processing skills can be distinguished on the basis of this studying. Also, as we find and relieve early stage of the symptoms, following study which can present based to facilitate children's social development and improve the learning ability.

      • KCI등재

        영화 "상의원(尙衣院)"의 복식에 대한 고찰 -왕비복식을 중심으로-

        김경미 ( Kyeong Mi Kim ),이상은(교신저자) ( Sang Eun Lee ) 한국동양예술학회 2015 동양예술 Vol.27 No.-

        영화<상의원>은 궁중의상실이라 할 수 있는 <상의원>에서 벌어지는 두 침선장(조돌석과 이공진)의 아름다움을 향한 대결을 그린 영화이다. 본 연구에서는 영화<상의원>의상 중 왕비의 의상인 당의, 치마, 진연복에 대하여 유물, 문헌, 선행연구를 통해 고찰하고 이를 바탕으로 영화에 등장하는 두 침선장의 의상을 비교 고찰하여 의상의 시대적 배경을 밝히고 앞으로 사극의상의 방향성에 대한 제언을 하고자 한다. 당의는 조선시대 여성용 저고리 위에 입는 옷으로 옷의 길이가 엉덩이를 덮을 만큼 길고, 옆트임이 있으며, 소매 끝에 끝동처럼 거들지를 단 것이다. 당의의 기원은 조선 초기 옆트임 당저고리에서 유래되었으며, 신분에 따라 평상복과 소례복 등의 예복으로 착용하였다. 당의는 광대화(廣大化), 단소화(短小化), 왜소화(矮小化)의 과정을 거치면서 변화 되어간다. 한복치마는 삼국시대 이후 큰 변화 없이 현재까지 형태가 유지되어오고 있다. 치마의 종류로는 일상용, 의례용, 특수용으로 나눌 수 있다. 일상용은 자락치마와 통치마가 있으며, 평상시에 애용하여 입는 전통치마이다. 의례용 치마는 예복과 함께 착용하는 치마로서 스란치마, 대란치마, 전행웃치마가 있으며, 특수용 치마는 마상의(馬上衣)의 말군(襪裙), 외출 시 얼굴을 가리는 역할을 하는 쓰개치마, 작업복으로서의 행주치마 등이 있다. 한복치마의 착장에 따른 실루엣은 원뿔형, 원통형, 종형, 항아리형으로 분류할 수 있다. 조선 초기는 원통형과 종형의 실루엣이 나타나고, 조선 중기는 원뿔형의 실루엣, 조선후기는 항아리형과 종형의 실루엣이 유행한다. 조선 말기는 원뿔형, 원통형, 종형이 복합적으로 나타나지만 전(前)시기에 비해 치마폭이 줄어들어 활동적이고 간편함을 추구하였다. 치마의 실루엣을 살리기 위해 여러 겹의 속옷을 착장하였고 그 중 무지기치마와 대슘치마가 대표적이다. 진연(進宴)이란 궁중에서 베풀던 왕실의 잔치로 왕비는 진연시 진연복을 갖추어 입어야 한다. 영조(英祖) 때에 편찬한 “상방정례” 에는 왕비의 진연복으로 상복용 적의에 봉흉배를 단 적의(翟衣)를 입었음을 확인할 수 있다. 영화 <상의원>에는 명확한 시대적 배경이 나오지 않고 있으나 영화의 내용상 조선 영조시대를 배경으로 하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 그러나 영화의상은 16세기에서 18세기를 시대적 배경으로 하고 있다. 극의 초반 어침장인 조돌석은 16세기의 의상인 당저 고리와 대란치마를 선보인다. 이후 이공진은 18세기 의상의 특징인 하후상박(下厚上薄) 형태 즉, 항아리형 실루엣 치마에 곡선화가 심화된 당의를 입혀 볼륨감을 살려 여성미를 돋보이게 한다. 그러나 진연복의 경우 문헌과 다른 의상이 제작되었음을 확인 할 수 있었다. 영화 <상의원>의 의상 중 당의와 치마는 고증을 바탕으로 제작되었음을 알 수 있었으며 부분적인 소재나 장식의 현대화는 전통의상의 재해석이라는 측면에서 발전적 방향으로 평가된다. 또한 진연복은 상복용 적의가 아닌 원삼을 재현하였으나 전통적인원삼과 색상만 다를 뿐 원삼의 형태나 착장 시 받침옷까지도 심혈을 기울여 제작하였음을 확인할 수 있었다. 앞으로 영화나 사극의상 제작은 우리문화를 세계에 알리는 원천적 소스로서 역사적 고증에 바탕을 두고 현대적 재해석을 더하여 발전하기를 기대해 본다. The movie ``Sanguiwon`` depicts a confrontation between two royal tailors, who created the beauty of the majestic attire worn by the royal family during the Joseon Dynasty. This study will discuss the attires of Queens, the Dangui, Chima, and Ginyenbok, using their artifacts, the literature, and previous research done on them, to understand their historical background and make a suggestion on the use of these historical costumes. Dangui was a female``s hip length jacket worn during the Joseon Dynasty which was decorated with side darts and Geodeulji on the cuffs. It originates from the side dart style of the Dangjugori from the eary Joseon dynasty and was worn in casual or formal dress. Dangui has changed its forms starting from Wangdawha which was oversized, to Dansowha a less sophisticated form, then to Waesowha which was a dangui of reduced size. Chima has remained in its orignal form unchanged.It is classified according to its purpose as; Casual, Formal, and costume Chima. Casual Chima includes Jarak chima, and Tongchima, worn daily, and formal Chima worn with ceremonial garments. Seuran Chima, Daeran Chima and Junhang Chima, are classified as Casual Chima. Costume Chima were used for special purposes such as horseback riding, during which Malgu was worn over Masangui, Segae covered the face and Hangju chima was worn while working. The silhouette of Hanbok Chima can be classified into four different categories. The Tent silhouette appeared in the early Josen dynasty, Cylinder silhoutte during the middle Josen dynasty, and Bell and the Barrel silhouette were worn in the late Josen. By the end of the Josen dynasty, three different silhouette Chimas were combined and broadly used, their forms had been simplified for use in daily activities. They were worn with a few different types of underskirts to enhance the silhouette. Mujigi and Daesum Chima are two examples of these combined Chimas. At Jinyen, a palace ceremony, the Queen would wear ceremonial formal dress decorated with a phoenix on Jukui according to the book Sangbangjaerae, published during the era of King Youngjo. The Movie Sanjuiwon doesn``t mention the timeframe these garments were worn exactly, but it appears to have been during the time of King Youngjo, of the Josen dynasty. It contained costumes known to have been worn from the 16th century through to the 18th century. Royal designer Jo, Dolsuk wore the Dangjegoron and Daeran chima of the 16th century at the begining of movie and Lee, Gongjin dressed up in exaggerated curved Dangui with a Barrel silhouette Chima. There were some misuses of ceremonial dress in the movie, some garments shown were not of the correct period. However the movie was convincing, the costumes were mostly accurate for the depicted period, they were made according to historical research but obviously used alternate material and ornaments which closely resembled the originals through reinterpretation. At one point in the movie an actress wore Wonsam instead of the Jukui that would have been seen at that time, but the Wonsam was well made and was an accurate representation of Wonsam worn in other periods except for its colour. It is eagerly anticipated for historical movies and costumes, along with modern interpretation and historical research, to be a great source for introducing our culture to the world.

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