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      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Styles of Haircuts by Form

        공차숙(Kong Cha Sook) 한국인체예술학회 2008 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.9 No.3

        본 연구는 형태를 통한 헤어 컷 유형을 분석하기 위한 논문이다. 이를 위해 유행을 선두하는 2005년에서 2008년의 파리 여성 컬렉션 S/A와 F/W를 대상으로 675개의 헤어 컷을 분석 하였다. 분석결과 각 연도 별 헤어 컷의 유형을 살펴보면 2005년도에서 2008년으로 올 수록 그래듀에이션과 응용형태, 레이어와 응용형태, 솔리드와 응용형태의 빈도가 일정해지고 있다. 특히 솔리드 형의 빈도가 상승하여 간결하고 깨끗한 라인을 중심으로 한 형태가 증가하였다. 그래듀에이션은 꾸준히 높은 빈도를 보이는데 이는 미디움 길이를 가장 잘 표현해 줄 수 있고 질감처리에 따라 레이어와 솔리드의 특징을 응용할 수 있기 때문으로 풀이된다. 또한 레이어형태는 길이감이 있는 롱 헤어스타일에 적합하여 여성미를 나타낼 수 있고 스트록 컷, 샤기컷의 유행으로 가벼움을 표현할 수 있는 텍스쳐와 자유로운 라인으로 다양함을 표현할 수 있는 구성과 연출이 특징이다. 이러한 결과는 헤어의 유형이 정형화된 틀을 벗어나 다양화 되면서 헤어스타일이 개성과 유행을 표현하는 중요한 요소임을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Study on disconnection cut design by length

        Cha Sook Kong(공차숙) 한국인체미용예술학회 2009 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.10 No.3

        본 연구는 다문화 사회에서 절충과 변형, 조합으로 보여지는 여러 헤어스타일 중 헤어 컷을 대상으로 새로운 디스커넥션 컷 디자인 개발을 목적으로 연구를 진행하였다. 이를 위하여 디스커넥션 컷의 특징과 디자인에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석하고 숏, 미디움, 롱, 숏+롱의 디자인을 제작하여 직접 모델에게 시술 한 후 효과와 이미지를 분석 하였다. 연구결과 디스커넥션 컷은 기존의 원랭스, 그래듀에이션, 레이어 형태에 길이, 섹션, 베이스, 각도의 변형을 통하여 연결되지 않는 길이와 형태의 불규칙하고 자유로움을 느끼게 하는 컷으로 길이에 따라 특색 있는 이미지를 완성할 수 있었다. 또한 디스커넥션 컷은 길이를 부분마다 다르게 설정하여 속머리는 짧게 자르고 겉머리는 길게 자르는 언더 컷 기법과 섹션과 존(zone)의 불일치를 통하여 보는 각도에 따라 디자인 형태가 달라지게 하는 등, 길이와 질감의 변화를 통하여 다양한 디자인을 구상 할 수 있었다. 또한 헤어 펌을 사용하지 않고도 두상의 모양과 디자인 의도에 따라 기본 헤어 컷 형태의 배치와 변형에 퍼스널라이징 기법을 더하여 시술전과 시술후의 특징을 비교할 수 있었다. 이에 현대의 디스커넥션 컷은 불특정다수의 특이한 헤어스타일이 아니라 개인의 감성과 개성을 표현하는 하나의 수단이자 창조적인 헤어 컷 디자인으로 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        헤어 커트 디자인에 표현된 조형성에 관한 연구

        공차숙(Cha Sook Kong) 한국인체미용예술학회 2015 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        Hair styles in the modern days have been diversified according to the international exchange of cultures and styles through mass media and industrialization. Furthermore, the indivisual values and tendency to pursue individuality have been enhanced. The art field also shows the creative style based on imagination and inspiration beyond uniform design with limited forms. Hair design also suggests the cut design in creative form pursuing the novelty by combining, juxtaposing and overlapping existing styles. This paper expands the field of expression by creating the works expressing a variety of lines and planes, the formative elements of hair cut, and maximizes the values of hair cut design as the formative art. The hair cut design can create the forms using the elements represented by lines and planes and the creative and geometric cut design by combining a variety of lines. Thus, the formative elements need to be appropriately used for creating the design suitable for a model's face and image. Through such approach, the designers can express their characteristics and extensive kinds of styles.

      • KCI등재

        아르누보 양식을 응용한 헤어디자인 연구

        공차숙(Cha Sook Kong) 한국인체미용예술학회 2017 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        Hairstyle is a representative means of expressing beauty, and changes over time. Hairstyle has evolved from standardized and formal styles to imagination- and inspiration-based creative styles. The formative types can be divided into natural and geometric types. The natural phenomenon-based formative activities have been performed along with a human attempt for representation since the early stages of human history. They have continuously developed into Art Nouveau styles and modern design culture. In particular, the flower- and nature (typical motifs of Art Nouveau)-based curves, streamlined shape, and geometric lines and curves represent feminine beauty. The haircuts, up-styles and creative styles created using the motifs from Art Nouveau-style architecture and arts reflect the characteristics of constructive and geometric Art Nouveau and provide creative inspiration for hairstyles.

      • KCI등재

        신윤복(申潤福)의 풍속화(風俗畵)에 나타난 조선시대 미용문화(美容文化) 연구

        공차숙(Kong Cha Sook),김희(Kim Hee Sook) 한국인체미용예술학회 2005 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.6 No.2

          Beauty art culture with dress and its ornaments culture have developed in various image in age and country satisfying instinctive appetite of human. Hair style thought upper story seriously and a make-up sheep have been important who serve aesthetic desire sufficiency time that is done in overhead that human"s divine poet is converged most.<BR>  Also, hair and make-up are meaning of the wealth, sensuous, acted by sorcerous meaning, means of social position indication.<BR>  Genre picture has meaning called picture that draw wind velocity vector of human"s civil life, daily life. Hyewon Sinyunbok"s genre picture is displaying well dress and its ornaments and two exaltation of then manners and woman, a make-up sheep among our country relationship genre picture.<BR>  Sinyunbok"s genre picture that center ChoSun end 18~19C contains man and woman, culture that represent the age in terms of is reappearing daily life as is sincere without inquiring social position at that time.<BR>  Hereupon, this study wishes to be that investigate beauty art cultural characteristic and symbolism of beauty art that appear to genre picture and examine symbol of attendance culture, make-up culture, washing of the hair culture and wealth and status, sensuous meaning.

      • KCI등재

        두피케어 제품의 이미지 일치성이 구매의도 및 호의도에 미치는 영향 - 기능성 제품을 중심으로

        공차숙(Kong Cha-Sook) 한국인체미용예술학회 2006 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.7 No.3

          Each company strives to attract consumers" interest by providing visualand preferable advertisement with advertising model suitable to product’s image. As a brand promoter among constituent elements of advertisement, advertising model plays an important role in the advertising communication.<BR>  In purpose of studying how the effectiveness of advertising model have a direct influence on the behavior of model, I have found that there are two primary factors which are the intention of purchase and favorability that have an influence on customers’ decision according to product involvement of attributes (fidelity, attractiveness) of the model which is consentaneity between model and product.<BR>  As a result, when it comes to the hair care product for both high-involvement product and low-involvement product, customers favor highly with the purchase intention and favorability when the product fits the model’s image.<BR>  However, the low involvement product has an strong influence on consumers whether they purchase the product or not when the product fits the image of model.<BR>  In surveying on an attribute of model and the age of consumers, it concludes that attribute and age do not interact with each other. It seems that the age of consumers does not have an influence much on model’s fidelity and attractiveness.<BR>  On the involvement and consentaneity in both high involvement and low involvement product were recognized as suitable to advertisement when model’s image accorded with product, but concluded that it is more suitable for product’s advertisement when high involvement product accorded with image than low involvement product. In hair care product, it seems consumers feel suitable for advertisement when the product fits the image of mode, regardless of high or low involvement product.<BR>  The result shows that it is important to take cautious attitude on selecting model to create appropriate advertising effect and to understand what the image of model consumers trust, therefore, lead to consumer’s interest.

      • KCI등재

        자기감시와 브랜드 인지도, 판촉유형에 따른 모발 화장품의 호의도와 구매의도에 관한 연구

        공차숙(Kong Cha-Sook) 한국인체예술학회 2005 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.6 No.3

        In the late 20th century, the social participation of women increased greatly which lead their interest in cosmetics to shift from basic skin care products to various hair products, including hair styling, coloring and treatment. The consumers" purchasing pattern for hair products has changed accordingly. This study focuses on the university students. I looked into how much they monitored themselves and how different purchasing benefits affect their choice in hair product. The goal of this study was to find out how this influenced the purchasing intention and preference. The results showed that regardless of high or low brand recognition, price discount lead to greater preference rather than the offer of gifts. Analysing the sales method and purchasing intention, the group with high self-monitoring behavior showed higher purchasing intention according to different sales method than the group with low self-monitoring behavior. In addition, looking at the purchasing intention in brand recognition and sales method, price discount led to higher purchasing intention than free gifts. The purpose of this study is to understand the purchasing intention and preference of the consumer according to self-monitoring and purchasing benefits and provide companies with useful data on marketing strategy.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷 쇼핑몰에서 관여도와 판촉이 헤어 제품 구매의도와 구전의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        공차숙(kong Cha Sook) 한국인체미용예술학회 2007 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.8 No.3

          The advent of information technology and internet which are developing very fast has brought a change in the way of buying products offline in which customers used to touch and feel the product at the shop before buying. The emergence of internet along with computer in the 21st century -which resulted from the advancement of information technology- has enabled people to buy using various information about products and services without the spatial and temporal constraint at any time and place.<BR>  In this way, the advancement of electronic communication has helped overcome the spatial and temporal constraint under the traditional market system and enabled the expansion of market, improvement of efficiency, cost saving, and so on, bringing remarkable transformation in various bossiness activities and the flow of products and services which used to be carried out offline in the past.<BR>  In this context, the use of Internet has become an essential tool for companies to adjust to this business environment, an era of globalization and informatization, which is necessary for the survival and competitive advantage of businesses. The increased use of internet means that there are a growing number of internet shopping malls and people can browse products at a glance, and more and more people are using online shopping mall that delivers the purchase to the desired place which is just a mouse-click away.<BR>  This study tried to the effect of involvement and promotion on the purchase intention and oral advertisement of hair product in the internet shopping mall and to propose the efficient marketing strategy for the shopping mall.

      • KCI등재

        퍼스널 컬러 기반의 헤어컬러 디자인 개발에 따른 이미지 변화에 관한 연구

        공차숙(Sook-Kong Cha) 한국인체미용예술학회 2021 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        Hair color can differ with diverse factors such as hair texture and color of virgin hair. Even with the same color, different images can be created depending on base color. To analyze the influence of hair color by a type of personal color, this study developed hair color in consideration of the characteristics of a hair type after diving it into warm tone and cool tone. Then, they were cross-applied to experimental and control groups, and images were analyzed. The study results found the followings: When warm and cool colors were applied to warm and cool color groups respectively, a transparent and bright face was observed. When applied to a control group, on the contrary, the face looked dark with wrinkles and blackheads. It looked more unbalanced when cool tone was applied to a warm color type. The above results confirmed that the selection and use of right color by diagnosing a customer’s personal color would improve customer images with positive influence through the development and application of new hair color.

      • KCI등재

        쇼핑가치와 윈도우 디스플레이 유형에 따른 미용실 선택의 호의도에 관한 연구

        공차숙(Kong Cha-Sook) 한국인체미용예술학회 2007 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.8 No.2

          Promotion of visit to beauty salon that is widely used in businesses related to beauty industry is a visual way of exhibition. The displaying, one of the display of those exhibition methods, has the advantage of conveying the image of beauty salon directly to customers, and promotes and stimulates the visit of customers. Furthermore, customers buy and use beauty products because they believe that those products will help them achieve the goals that have to do with their value. Therefore, the value plays a pivotal role in individuals" consumption behaviors and acts as the primary cause of consumption.<BR>  Behavior is considered as one of the factors which have a direct effect on the purchase decision along with the value of shopping. Recently, conviction(faith) and emotion have been combined to form the behavior, and the purchase intention or behavior are considered to be determined accordingly. Generally, consumers develop the behavior by forming a behavior toward products unconsciously or treating the information about product consciously. In other words, they form the behavior through the emotional learning process and perceptional learning process, and this behavior is deemed to be an important concept along with the value of shopping in relation to the purchase intention.<BR>  Therefore, the purpose of this study was to figure out the effective responsiveness in terms of customers" selection of beauty salon depending on the value of shopping and the type of window display in an attempt to come up with marketing strategies, like establishing efficient visiting strategies for beauty businesses or distributors and encouraging a reasonable and rational consumption behavior for consumers.

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