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      • KCI등재


        孔美熙(Kong, Mi-Hee) 동북아시아문화학회 2013 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.37

        This study is obtained by analyzing types of particles that unspecified agent and agent of passives take, and the characteristics of semantic. After summarizing types of particles that agent takes and their characteristics of sematic, these are followed: First, if 「に」 takes only a case-particle in agent, it means the impact on the Y which is the subject of a passive sentence with an operating entity X, and as the behavior subject and the subject are closely related to each other, it is when the Y in the passive sentence acts as a 「受け手」. And, for verbs of thinking and feelings and emotions, they fulfill their role as the principal action X is realizing the situation still an active sentence, therefore particle 「に」 is used in the operation subject X. This moves from the operation subject X to Y, and then 「から」 particle can be used to reach Y. Second, from the standpoint of being a source of coming from action or operation of the X, characteristic of semantic of particle 「から」 is that it mainly takes behavior particle 「から」 and because it also acts as the operation subject, it is also possible to use particle of 「に」. Third, characteristics of semantic particle of 「によって」 is related to a case of creational consequences where as a result of the intentional behavior subject as a verb of type 「創る」, an incident that has not occurred yet may happen. Rearranging the characteristics semantics and types of particle that unspecified entity take, cases are in the following. I found that when X is used as the unspecified subject in the passive sentence, inanimated noun come to X and Y mainly, there is no action or intention to X in the realization of the situation, and it did not have any effect on the target. Therefore, for the particle that is used to the unspecified subject like this, I could see that there are many variations depending on the characteristics of X and Y and the that of semantic of verbs in the statement, and also the characteristics of semantic has been changed.

      • 요코하마항구의 변천과정과 특징 연구: 공간특성과 이동에 주목하여

        공미희(Kong Mi Hee) 동북아시아문화학회 2022 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2022 No.7

        This paper analyzed the transition process and characteristics of Yokohama Port, Focusing on spatial characteristics and movement. The research purpose of this thesis is as follows. First, the background and spatial characteristics of Yokohama, the port opening, will be considered. Second, the process of Yokohamas transformation into an industrial city after the Great Kanto Earthquake and post-World War II revival policies will be considered. Third, the cultural characteristics of Yokohama, a port city as a cultural space and urban regeneration through the promotion of six major projects, are analyzed along with the rediscovery of Yokohama through port expansion and maintenance in the 1960s. Finally, it is to derive the characteristics of the correlation between port culture and urban development.

      • KCI등재

        일본 근대화의 계기가 된 데지마를 통한 초량왜관 고찰

        공미희(Kong, Mi-Hee) 동북아시아문화학회 2018 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.55

        As the sole foreign trade port, Dejima played a bridging role in introducing foreign culture to Japan with the development of business. Though Dejima had a limitation of interaction with surrounding area, life-related medical practice, food ingredients, and essential techniques were naturally conveyed into daily life. For a typical example, the Dutch medicine was introduced into Japan by Kaempfer and Siebold, the doctors for a foreign store. And scholars interested in the new culture gathered from all over the country, as advanced technologies spread abroad through a Dutch interpreter. Knowledge, medical practice, food culture, and technology introduced from Dejima where cultural exchange with the outside was forcibly restricted made life rich and convenient. Dejima was the place where scholars eager to learn something new gathered from all over the country and modernization was provided for the north-east asian sea region. It was Dejima that the shogunate ordered an influential person of Nagasaki to form for the purpose of managing the Portuguese for two years from 1634. In the spring of 1638, the shogunate suppressed the Catholic riot which was provoked in Shimabara peninsula and Amakusa islands, and then the shogunate cut off relations with the Catholic nation of Portugal to prohibit the Catholic religion. Later Dejima became an uninhabited place, which resulted in the loss of trade profits and land use fee and on the appeal of the people who invested in the construction of Dejima, the shogunate moved the Dutch east india company of Hirado to Dejima in 1641. For about 200 years afterwards, Dejima had been the place where employees of the Dutch east india company had made their abode, and the dutch like Portuguese had been placed under surveillance of the shogunate. Therefore, on the basis of the formation of Dejima this paper searches the state of trade, the activities of doctors, and the lifestyle and food of the people and then investigates the aspects and characteristics of Dejima.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁기 부산의 경제상황과 피란민의 경제활동 연구

        공미희(Kong, Mi-Hee) 지역사회학회 2022 지역사회학 Vol.23 No.1

        본고는 한국전쟁 발발 후 피란수도 부산의 경제상황에 대해서 고찰했고 또 피란민들이 무엇을 해서 먹고 살면서 정착을 해 나갔는지에 대한 개별적인 경제활동을 당시 사회상황에 비추어서 분석해 사회현상에 대한 특징을 도출했다. 한국전쟁이 발발하자 사람들의 예금인출 격증과 통화 대량방출로 부산의 경제상황은 격심한 인플레이션이 발생했다. 이에 정부는 인플레를 해결하기 위해 「금융기관 예금지불에 관한 특별조치령」 공포 및 「국민저축운동 추진요강」 등의 금융정책을 실시했지만 물가는 여전히 급등했고 피란민들은 생계유지를 위해서 생업의 전선에 뛰어들어야만 했었다. 미제 깡통을 펴서 판잣집 지붕을 만드는 깡깡이 업을 하는 사람, 나무를 주워 땔감으로 파는 사람, 부두노무자나 지게꾼 등의 경제활동은 험난한 일임에도 불구하고 열심히 일을 해서 당시 혹은 향후에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳐 경제발전과 노동력을 창출하는 데 기여를 했다. 이처럼 힘겹게 법에 위반되지 않는 범위에서 경제활동을 한 사람이 있었던 반면, 반대로 곡류를 매점매석 혹은 은닉해서 곡가등귀를 꾀하는 사람들, 밀주제조 및 양주장을 비롯한 직물이나 물품에 대한 탈세자들, 마작도박판을 벌였던 고위정부간부들, 마약밀매를 한 사람들 등의 경제활동은 일명 지하경제로서 표면적으로 드러내어서 하고 싶었던 경제활동은 아니었으며 결과적으로 사회의 각계각층에 만연해 부정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 이런 기득권의 부정부패 의식은 전쟁혼란기에 더욱 더 잠재해 있었으며 퇴폐적인 이런 관습은 현재까지 존속해 여전히 사회적 문제를 발생시키고 사회발전을 저해시키는데 큰 요인이 되고 있음을 확인했다. 그리고 한국전쟁기 부산의 경제상황과 피란민의 경제활동 분석을 통해 당시 사회현상에 대한 4가지 특징(전시상황에서도 일반적인 경제체제와 유통구조 지속, 전쟁기 피란민의 삶과 일상, 전쟁시 이중착취상황에 처했던 여성들의 일상, 전쟁시 가혹한 독점경제)을 제시했다. 본 연구는 한국전쟁기 부산에 유입한 피란민들이 부산의 어려운 경제상황에도 불구하고 이들이 부산에서 정착해가는 양상을 경제활동 특히, 당시 사회문제로 대두된 식량, 주택, 식수, 연료 등과 같은 사회현상에 반영되어 직업이 생겨났음을 고찰한 데 의의가 있다고 말할 수 있을 것이다. 물론 사회적으로 부정정인 영향을 준 경제활동도 있었고 그것이 사회에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는가에 대한 특징도 제시했지만, 당시 그 어려웠던 피란시절에서 이들의 숨은 피땀 흘린 노력과 희생 등이 오늘의 부산을 있게 하는데 원동력이 되었다는 사실을 잊어서는 안 된다. This paper examines the economic activities of the refugees during the Korean War in light of the social phenomena of the time and what economic activities they did to make a living. With the outbreak of the Korean War, people’s deposits and withdrawals surged, and there was severe inflation due to the mass release of currency. As a result, prices soared and the refugees had to jump into the front line of livelihood in order to make a living. Positive economic activities such as those who open American cans to make shack roofs, those who pick up wood and sell them as firewood, and pier laborers and bearers, etc. It contributed to economic development and the creation of a workforce. In other words, it can be said that the soldiers were able to fight on the front line because they transported military goods as wharf laborers, and it can be said that these merchants, whether selling gum or cigarettes, were a member of the international market. And it can be said that clothes and cosmetics stores, hawkers, and food sales businesses have laid the foundation for Busan’s commercial facilities. While there were people who laboriously engaged in economic activities within the scope of not violating the law, on the other hand, people who tried to earn money by buying up or hiding grains, tax evaders for fabrics and goods including moonshine and liquor, and gambling in mahjong. Negative economic activities such as high-ranking government officials and drug traffickers were not the economic activities that they wanted to show on the surface as the so-called underground economy. This sense of corruption of the vested interests was more latent during the turbulent times of war, and this decadent custom continues to this day, still causing social problems and becoming a major factor in hindering social development. This study reflects the pattern of refugees who migrated to Busan during the Korean War and settling in Busan despite the difficult economic situation of Busan in economic activities, especially social phenomena such as food, housing, drinking water, and fuel, which emerged as social problems at the time. It can be said that there is significance in considering the existence of a profession. Of course, there were economic activities that had negative social impacts, but we must not forget that their hard work and sacrifice during the difficult evacuation period became the driving force that made Busan what it is today.

      • KCI등재

        사역문에 있어서 한 · 일 대조를 통한 고찰

        공미희(Kong Mi Hee),손동주(Son Dong Ju) 일본어문학회 2016 일본어문학 Vol.72 No.-

        本稿は、韓 · 日使役文の特徴を、形態的、構文的、意味的に分類して考察し、これに基づいて韓国語の使役文「이形」が日本語の使役文と対応する場合と対応しない場合に分けて分析した。 形態的な面では、日本語の使役形は「動詞の語幹+(s)aseru」 であるのに比べて韓国語の使役形は「이形」「시키다形」「하다形」で多様で複雑な面がある。構文的な面でも韓 · 日使役文は、大きく自動詞使役文と他動詞使役文に分類され、両方とも自動詞使役文が他動詞使役文よりは多少複雑な様相を見せて、被使役者が有情物か無情物かによってその用法が異なる。意味的な面では、使役主体の意図と被使役主体の意志的な動作によって事態が実現される典型的な使役から、使役主体の意図と動作によって事態が実現される他動まで様々であるのと同様に、韓国語の使役形式「이形」も主語の意図と動作の有無によって、典型的な使役から他動まで様々な意味がある。このような面で両言語は類似点もあるが、「이形」は、すべての動詞から派生するものではなく語幹の形態と音韻的条件に応じて、その形態が異なるので、日本語の動詞の(s)aseru形に比べて、その分布が極めて限定的だと言える。 In this paper, the features of the Korea-Japanese causative statement is described morphological, syntactic, and with semantically classification. In morphological aspect, Japanese causative form is compared to the monotonous to put the “stem + (s) aseru of the verb”, Korean causative form “이형” “시키다형” “하다형” are diverse and complex as compared to the Japanese In syntactic aspect, intransitive causative statement is somewhat complicated than transitive causative statement. we see that cause is used differently its usage depending on the animateness and inanimateness, in these aspects, both of language are similar, too. In semantic aspect, Korean causative “이형” is many ways from the typical causative to transitivity. Such although both languages in terms there are similarities, “이형” it compared to (s) aseru form the verb of Japanese and its distribution was limited to the fact that is extremely limited.

      • KCI등재

        일본어 배려표현에 관한 고찰

        공미희(Kong Mi Hee),손동주(Son Dong Ju) 일본어문학회 2017 일본어문학 Vol.76 No.-

        本研究は、主語の意志によって日本語配慮表現の類型と意味的な特徴を分析して話し手と聞き手との関係について分析した。 まず、主語の意志がある場合は、直示型、敬意型、依頼型、終助詞型、推測·様態型、副助詞型であり、主語の意志がない場合は、被害受身型、動詞の自·他対応型、否定可能型、主題優先型に分類することができた。 配慮表現の類型による意味的な特徴や話し手と聞き手との関係を見ると、話し手の意志が強ければ強いほど、聞き手が受け入れる負担が高く、話し手の断定的な表現によって聞き手に対する配慮が低くなって、結局は事態に対する聞き手の意思決定権及び利益が弱くなると見られる。反面、話し手の意志が弱ければ弱いほど聞き手が受け入れる負担が小さくなって、話し手の発言が減り、聞き手に対する話し手の配慮が高まって、結局は事態に対する聞き手の意思決定権及び利益が強くなると見られる。 In this paper, we investigated the relationship between the speakers and the listeners by analyzing types and semantic characteristics of consideration expressions in Japanese in terms ofthe intention of the speakers. We classified their relationships as follows. First, in cases where the speakers’ intentions are present, they are divided into the direct viewing type, respect type, request type, final particle type, guess mode type, and adverbial particle type. Second, in cases where the speakers’ intentions are absent, they are divided into adversative passive type, corresponding type of intransitive and transitive verbs, possible negative type, and subject priority type. We found that the speakers’ consideration extent for the listeners is the weakest in the direct viewing type with the speakers’ intention from the point of view of the listeners without having privilege to make a decision because a chance to speak their opinion is not given. On the other hand, in the subject priority type, the speakers’ consideration extent for the listeners is the strongest without expressing the speakers’ intentions in the situation because of the privilege to make a decision as well as lessening pressures to the listeners.

      • KCI등재후보

        스트레스 정도에 따른 혈중 인슐린 양 성장인자-1 농도의 차이

        공미희(Mi Hee Kong),김광민(Kwang Min Kim),박샛별(Sat Byul Park),김범택(Bom Taeck Kim),주남석(Nam Seok Joo) 대한스트레스학회 2008 스트레스硏究 Vol.16 No.3

        장기간 스트레스를 받으면 성장호르몬 분비가 억제되어 그에 따라 혈중 IGF-1농도 또한 감소한다는 실험실적 연구들이 보고되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 스트레스 정도가 높은 사람의 혈중 IGF-1 농도가 낮을 것이라는 가정하에 스트레스 정도에 따라 혈중 IGF-1의 농도를 나이와 성별군에 따라 알아보고자 하였다. 건강검진을 위해 내원한 18세 이상의 성인을 대상으로 혈중 IGF-1 농도와 한국어 BEPSI (수정판)을 이용한 스트레스 총점을 측정하였다. 나이에 따른 혈중 IGF-1의 변화를 고려하여 35세 미만의 젊은군(남자 705명, 여자 755명)과 60세 이상의 노인군(남자 499명, 여자 -412명)으로 나누었다. 각 군에서 스트레스 총점이 높고 낮음에 따라 혈중 IGF-1농도를 비교하였다. 젊은 남자군의 경우 스트레스 총점이 높은 경우 혈중 IGF-1의 농도가 221.3±89.88 ng/mL로 스트레스 총점이 낮은 경우의 혈중 IGF-1농도(235.7±94.20 ng/mL)보다 유의하게 감소하였다(p=0.019). 그 외 노인 남자군(141.9±82.49 vs 139.3±82.33 ng/mL, p=0.578)이나 젊은 여자군(255.2±100.07 vs 263.6±100.49 ng/mL, p=0.256)과 노인 여자군(113.4±69.34 vs 117.1±68.89 ng/mL, p=0.660)은 모두 스트레스 총점이 높고 낮음에 따라 혈중 IGF-1 농도의 차이는 통계학적 유의성이 없었다. 본 연구결과 스트레스 정도가 높은 경우 혈중 IGF-1 농도가 유의하게 낮아 있었다. 그러나 이러한 유의성은 젊은 남자에서만 나타났다. 나이와 성별이 미치는 영향과 인과관계 규명 등의 추가적인 연구가 필요할 것이다. Purpose: Stress by activation the hypothalamic-pituiraty-adrenal axis causes the release cortisol. Increased cortisol secretion is associated with low levels of growth hormone concentrations. Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) production is stimulated by growth hormone. We hypothesize that stress may be associated with IGF-1 levels. Methods: We assessed circulating levels of IGF-1 in 2,371 individuals (Men 1,460, Women 911) who coming at health promotion center. Stress score was measure by Modified-Korean BEPSI self reported questionnaire. Results: In young men, IGF-1 level of high stress group was significantly decreased than lower stress group. This significance was remained after multivariable adjusted. But, young women and elderly groups had not significant difference of IGF-1 level according to the low stress or high stress. Conclusion: The IGF-1 level of high stress group was decreased than low stress group. But, this significant difference was showed in only young men.

      • KCI등재후보


        孔美熙(Kong, Mi-Hee),孫東周(Son, Dong-Ju) 대한일어일문학회 2016 일어일문학 Vol.72 No.-

        In this research, the thinking of students learning Japanese is reflected by making respondents write the reason why the answer is selected during the questionnaire and the actual condition on the usage on Synonym of a verb is grasped by analysing the misuse caused by expression of verb synonyms in the real education field as well. Meaning and usage on the criteria of verb selection is considered by the difference compared and explained, focusing on the synonyms of the Japanese verb hard for the intermediate and advanced learners to use and distinguish. It is found that the misuse rate of 「思う · 考える、分かる · 知る、言う · 話す」 and so on is low for 3rd and 4th grade students who have studied the difference of the synonymic verbs in the freshman and sophomore years in the Japanese. On the other hand, the misuse rate of 「触る · 触れる、乾かす · 干す、余る · 残る、見抜く · 見破る、願う · 望む、握る · 掴む、脅す · 脅かす」 and so on is high for the students not to study these verbs in those years. Thus, the learning level of the junior and senior on the distinction of the verb synonyms has been understood. As the result of letting the respondents choose the answer during the questionnaire, the fact of comprehending the distribution chart of distinguishing level on the verb synonyms in detail has been found significant, which will be the foundation for the instruction in the usage of the Synonym of a verb to use distinctly in accordance with the scene and understand right the meaning difference of Synonym of a verb when the Japanese learners will be placed in the education field later.

      • KCI등재

        개화기 조선의 근대화와 관련된 조선과 일본의 인적 및 지식교류 연구현황 분석

        공미희(Kong, Mi-Hee) 동북아시아문화학회 2019 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.59

        As for historical records left in the process of exchange and conflict with Japan in the process of modernization, the prior study was analyzed in two areas: civilization and modernization of Joseon based on Japanese-made Chinese characters, and human, knowledge and cultural exchanges. In the case of extracting Japanese kanji, it is necessary to distinguish them based on the related specialized dictionaries and to analyze historical data. so it is required to analyze the background of the Japanese new language related to the history of science and civilization. Based on these perspectives, potential topics for future analysis are the following. Reevaluate the formation and conflicts of literary network in relation to the influx of New Chinese Characters in Japan and knowledge sharing based on overall analyses of missionary reports and travel logs. 1) Reevaluate the thoughts of authors on knowledge sharing through missionaries and literary network with people in Japan from Kisoo Kim’s 『日東記遊』, Hunyoung Lee’s 『日槎集略』, Younghyo Park’s 『使和記略』, and Daeyang Park’s 『東槎漫錄』. 2) In terms of missionary reports, the analysis of the Joseon Dynasty and Japan"s position and intention based on Japanese diplomatic documents 3) Analyze characteristics of New Chinese Characters in Japan as appeared in knowledge sharing based on books written by students studying in Japan and newspapers after the opening of trade. 4) Cross-referencing and analysis of words by indirect exchange, such as the books and newspapers, and the results of direct exchange will be somewhat different, meaning that the authors will study abroad and stay for a long period of time. 5) As for 1) and 2) above, analyze characteristics of New Chinese Characters in Japan as appeared in the excerpts from books and newspapers written by missionaries to Japan and students studying in Japan to identify their origin as to whether they are based on Western languages from Chinese classics translated by Japanese or independently created by Japanese.

      • KCI등재

        개항기 제 1차 수신사의 신문물 접촉양상과 근대화와의 관계 분석

        공미희(Kong, Mi Hee) 한국아시아학회 2020 아시아연구 Vol.23 No.1

        본고는 개항 후 제 1차 수신사로 파견된 김기수의 견문활동 보고서인 『日東記游』를 중심으로 김기수가 신문물을 접촉했을 때의 양상에 대해 4가지로 분류해 그것이 조선 근대화와 어떤 관련이 있는지에 대해 분석했다. 일본은 수신사행을 맞이해 가능한 많은 문물을 볼 수 있도록 하여 근대화정책에 대한 성공을 인식시키고자 했다. 당시 수신사의 입장에서는, 일본에 파견된 목적이 양국 간의 국교를 수호하는 것이기에 일본의 요구 및 의도대로 다 따라만 할 수 없는 상황이었다는 것은 잘 알고 있다. 그러나 견문활동에 있어서 김기수의 태도와 경제적, 군사적으로 중점적인 역할을 수행했던 조선소 견학포기 등은 먼저, 수신사의 역할과 임무면에서 아주 소극적인 것으로 판단되며 이것은 조선의 근대화에 부정적인 요소로 작용되었다. 두 번째로 김기수는 화륜선, 화륜차, 전신기, 가스등과 같은 근대문물을 직접 체험해 편리함을 느꼈음에도 불구하고, 근대화에 직접적인 원인이 되는 서양의 과학기술에 대해 인식 및 지식이 부족했음을 알 수 있었다. 그렇기 때문에 그것을 조선에 도입해 근대화에 활용할 필요성을 느끼지 못했다. 세 번째로 조선을 지킬 수 있는 부국강병과 근대화를 이루고자 하는 인식부족으로 일본국정탐문에 허점이 드러났고, 이것은 이후 일본의 조선침략에 대한 저의를 파악하지 못했다는 부정적인 평가의 한 단면을 나타냈다. 네 번째로는 조선에서 시행되던 주자학 및 명나라 의복제도가 시대의 변화에 방해가 된다는 것에 대한 인식부족이다. 즉, 어떤 제도나 사상을 도입할 경우에는 그 장단점을 구분하여 그 나라에 적합하게 도입할 필요성이 있다는 것을 인지했어야 했었다. 이처럼, 수신사의 임무 수행과정에서 김기수는 일본으로부터 다양한 신문물의 견학 및 도입을 권유받았으며, 러시아 및 서양세력에 공동대응을 위한 아시아 연대론의 제안도 받았다. 김기수가 비록 그 당시 조선내부의 상황 및 수신의 입장에서 견문을 했다할지라도, 일본이 어떤 전략에서 그런 권유를 하였는지도 생각해 볼 필요가 있었고 또한, 어떻게 대응을 할지 고민이 필요했었다. 그리고 우선 조선이 스스로를 지킬 수 없는 지경에 빠져 있었음을 인식하고, 조선의 부국강병 및 근대화를 위하여 어떻게 하면 서양의 과학기술 및 근대문물을 효율적으로 수용할 것인지 등에 대해서도 수신사로서 현명한 처신이 필요했다. This paper focuses on the issues related to science, technology, and modernization, which are the basis of national power, regarding the aspect of Kim Ki-Soo’s contact with new cultures, focusing on Kim Ki-Soo’s report on activity sent to the first Susinsa(修信使, envoy), 日東記游. The study was divided into 4 items, and also analyzed how it relate to Joseon modernization. During the mission of Susinsa(修信使, envoy), they were invited to tour and introduce various new cultures from Japan, establish friendly relations such as friendship with Japan, and receive proposals for joint responses to the Qing Dynasty in China, Russia and Western forces. However, it was necessary to think about what strategy Japan had made this recommendation, and how to respond. First of all, it was necessary to be wise as Susinsa(修信使, envoy) to recognize how Joseon was unable to protect itself, and how to effectively accommodate modern culture for the nation’s rich nations. Despite feeling directly experiences and conveniences in modern cultures such as wheel ships and wheel cars, they failed to perform their duties as receivers due to lack of knowledge, lack of eyesight and lack of willingness to achieve modernization. Of course, since the purpose of dispatching the Susinsa(修信使, envoy) was to protect the diplomatic relations between the two countries, it was impossible to follow all the demands and intentions of Japan, and even if Kim himself felt the necessity of modernization due to the existence of political conflict in Joseon The report would have been difficult to describe all honest feelings. However, since the mission was dispatched on behalf of Joseon to explore Japan’s current situation, it was not only necessary to write down Japan’s modernization as it is, but also to be active when contacting Japanese new cultures for further development. There was a need.

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