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      • KCI등재

        일본 인삼 재배의 쇠락 원인에 관한 연구

        고승태 한국세계문화사학회 2022 세계 역사와 문화 연구 Vol.- No.62

        In Japan, where ginseng did not grow naturally, ginseng seeds obtained from Joseon were sown in Nikkozan fields according to Bakufu's plan, which resulted in success of ginseng cultivation. Bakufu supplied for the domestic demand by establishing both governmental and private cultivation system for the expanded cultivation of Otane ginseng(Joseon ginseng). In addition, large quantities of white and red ginseng were exported to the Qing Dynasty, that at one time, ginseng cultivation was so prosperous that it ranked 13th among Japanese exports. However, entering the Showa era after the Meiji Restoration, ginseng cultivation began to decline, and ginseng lost its value in the Japanese agricultural industry. In this study, the causes of the decline of the Japanese ginseng industry including the influence of Joseon ginseng on the Japanese ginseng industry were investigated. The main reasons for the decline of ginseng cultivation in Japan were its modernization policy, and failure to increase the value of Japanese ginseng. At the time, price competition in Japan’s ginseng industry was intensified due to the absence of a function to control supply and demand for production. Accordingly, as ginseng was processed mainly for low-end products, it was not possible to gain an edge in price competitiveness. In addition, after the Meiji Restoration, as the market for traditional herbal medicines decreased due to the modernization policy of introducing western medicines, Japanese ginseng cultivation finally entered the path of decline. 인삼이 자생하지 않는 일본은 바쿠후의 기획에 따라 조선에서 입수한 인삼 종자를 닛코잔 밭에 파종하여 인삼 재배에 성공하였다. 바쿠후는 오타네인삼(御種人參, 조선 인삼)의 확대 재배를 위해 관영 재배와 민간재배 체제를 구축하면서 자국 수요에 대한 공급뿐만 아니라 청국에까지 다량의 백삼과 홍삼을 수출하여 한때는 인삼이 일본 수출 품목 중에서 13위에 오를 만큼 인삼 재배는 번창했다. 그러나 메이지 유신 이후 쇼와 연대에 들어오면서 인삼 재배는 쇠락의 길로 접어들고, 인삼은 일본농산업에서 그 가치를 상실하게 되었다. 본 연구에서는 조선 인삼이 일본 인삼농산업에 미친 영향을 포함한 일본 인삼농산업의 쇠락 원인을 규명하였다. 일본의 인삼 재배 쇠락의 주요 원인은 일본산 재배 인삼의 고부가 가치화 실패, 일본의 근대화 정책 등이었다. 당시 일본의 인삼 산업은 생산량 수급 조절 기능의 부재로 인하여 가격경쟁이 심화되었고, 이에 따라 하급품 위주로 인삼이 가공되면서 가격경쟁력에서 우위를 선점할 수 없었다. 또한 메이지 유신 이후 근대화 정책으로 서양 의약 사상 도입정책에 따라 재래 한약재 시장이 위축되면서 일본의 인삼 재배는 쇠락의 길로 접어들었다.

      • KCI등재

        Helical Ribbon Impeller의 중심축과 스트럿이 혼합성능에 미치는 영향

        고승태 한국화학공학회 2022 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.60 No.3

        The influence of the central axis and the strut supporting the helical ribbon was investigated in a helical ribbon impeller mixing tank through experiments and visualization. As a result, the strut, which is in the transverse direction, turned out to have a significant adverse effect on the mixing performance such as the occurrence of incomplete mixing region from the change of the liquid level. In contrast, the central axis, which in the longitudinal direction, did not show much adverse effects. 헬리컬 리본 임펠러 교반조의 중심축과 헬리컬 리본을 지지하는 스트럿의 영향을 실험과 가시화를 통하여 검토한결과, 액위 변화에 따른 불완전 혼합부의 발생 등 혼합성능에 크게 악영향을 미치는 것은 종 방향의 중심축이 아니라횡 방향의 스트럿임을 밝혔다.

      • KCI등재후보

        조선 최초의 가삼 재배지에 대하여

        고승태,Koh, Seungtae 고려인삼학회 2020 인삼문화 Vol.2 No.-

        인삼은 예로부터 연명(延命)의 약물로 분류된 상약(上藥)의 하나로 자리를 잡고 지닌 약성에 따라 만병통치약으로 사용되었으며, 특수계급만을 대상으로 하였던 인삼 수요가 다른 계층으로 확대되면서 그 수요가 급증하게 되었다. 이에 따라 무분별한 채취로 멸절(滅絶)되어 채취하기가 어렵게 되어 자연산 인삼으로는 공급의 한계에 이르게 되자, 인삼 공급 방법은 힘든 자연산 인삼의 채취보다는 가성비 높은 가삼 재배 쪽으로 이동하게 되었다. 인삼종주국인 우리나라의 가삼 재배 시기에 관해서는 연구가 이루어지고 있으나, 첫 재배지에 관한 연구는 아직 보고되지 않고 있다. 본 연구에서는 가삼 재배 관련 자료의 정리를 통하여 우리나라 최초의 가삼 재배지에 관한 정리와 고찰을 하였으며, 여기에 인용된 사료는 조선왕조실록, 임원십육지, 오주연문장전산고, 중경지, 증보문헌비고, 인삼사 등이다. 정리와 고찰의 결과, 조선 시대 최초의 가삼 재배지는 영남지역으로 특히, 풍기면(현재의 경북 영주시 풍기읍)으로 추측된다. Ginseng, also known as Insam, has solidified its status as one of the supreme drugs classified as life time expansion drug since ancient times and was used as a panacea based on its pharmaceutical effectiveness. The demand for ginseng rapidly increased as the demand for ginseng, which targeted only noble class people, expanded to other social class people. Accordingly, the wild ginseng supply reached its limit due to the extinction caused by indiscriminate harvesting and the difficulty of harvesting, and thus the ginseng supply method shifted to the cultivation of high-priced ginseng rather than complicated wild ginseng foraging. Although the timing of ginseng cultivation (also called gasam) in Korea has been studied, the research on the first cultivation area has not been reported yet. In this study, we critically reviewed Korea's first ginseng cultivation site by arranging data related to ginseng cultivation, and the historical data cited here include Joseon Wangjo Sillog (The Annals of Joseon Dynasty), Imwon Gyeongjeji (The Mid-19 Century Encyclopedia Koreana on Rural Living, Edible plants and Herb Volumes), Oju Yeonmun Jangjeon Sango (An Encyclopedic Writing during the Latter Half Period of the Joseon Dynasty), Junggyeongji (The Junggyeong Town Chronicle), Jeungbo Munheon Bigo (The largest encyclopedia of Joseon Dynasty), Insamsa (The Ginseng History) and etc. As a result of data assortment and critical review, the first ginseng plantation in the Joseon Dynasty resulted in the Yeongnam region, and in Yeongnam region, I have no choice but to conclude that it is Punggi-myeon (currently Punggi-eup, Yeongju-si, Gyeongbuk).

      • KCI등재후보

        동양에 있어서의 인삼재배 역사

        고승태,Koh, Seungtae 고려인삼학회 2019 인삼문화 Vol.1 No.-

        Ginseng has been recognized as a lifespan extending medicine which has been regarded as one of the medicines classified as top medicines, as the Boncho (medical herbs) study which is influenced by the idea of guidance's costume and food concept mainly in China is gaining its bona fide form. As the demand for ginseng has been expanded to other levels, the demand for ginseng has been increasing. Ginseng from the nature reached its supply chain limit due to its extinction and difficulty of picking, so it translated into ginseng cultivation of economy rather than harvesting in nature. After the start of ginseng cultivation, the ginseng cultivation was further enhanced by the rapid development of processing methods such as white-ginseng and red-ginseng, and the surge of consumption due to the traditional belief in ginseng drug efficacy and support of scientific research. In the Joseon Dynasty, the name Gasam (cultivated ginseng) had been created as ginseng was cultivated on farmland after the stage of SanYang (wild cultivated ginseng), the purpose of the new name Gasam is to differentiate from natural ginseng, and natural ginseng lost its firm position as the genuine ginseng as the Gasam replaced the genuine ginseng, and the natural ginseng got a new name of SanSam (wild ginseng). Because the real ginseng substance concept dissipated, and as Gasam is being called ginseng, the name Gasam was also disappeared. As a result, it was possible to grow large quantities according to the arrival of the Gasam era, and it was possible to supply the demand for ginseng, and it could become one agricultural industry. In this ginseng cultivation, in Japan where ginseng did not grow naturally, it was difficult to obtain ginseng from Joseon and faced with a shortage of ginseng at all times. Therefore, the shogun cultivated the Gasam systematically at the national level by the inside of the shogunate. However, since the natural ginseng is native to China and Korea, there is a concern about the deterioration of the quality of natural ginseng due to the incorporation of cultivated ginseng (Gasam). To protect the interests, the cultivation of ginseng was subject to control. For this reason, the lack of historical information on Gasam cultivation, which had to be started secretly, would be a natural result. In this paper, althouh not sufficient enough, the historical informations were used to summarize the history of ginseng cultivation in China, Japan and Korea.

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