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        태권도 교육과정의 비판적 분석을 통한 교육과정 개발 방향 탐색

        고문수 경인교육대학교 교육연구원 2014 교육논총 Vol.34 No.2

        본 연구는 태권도 교육과정의 비판적 분석을 통해 태권도 교육과정의 개발 방향을 탐색하는데 목적을 두었다. 수도권 소재의 태권도 지도자 4명을 연구참여자로 선정하여 개별 심층 인터뷰로 자료를 수집하였고, 추가적으로 태권도 교육과정의 개발 방향을 탐색하기 위해 문헌 연구를 병행하였다. 수집된 자료는 Spradley(1979)가 제안한 영역분석과 분류분석으로 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 태권도 교육과정의 운영을 태권도 교육 준비 및 교육 영역을 분석한 결과 태권도 교육과정에는 태권도 이념, 이론 및 실기에 대한 합의가 있어야 한다. 또한, 태권도 기초이론과 실기 자료의 부족이 해결되어야 한다. 특히, 태권도 교육과정이 개별화될 필요가 있다. 그리고 태권도 이론교육과 실기교육의 이원화가 마련되어야 할 것이다. 둘째, 태권도 교육결과 도출과 평가 및 유의미한 피드백이 제공되어야 한다. 구체적으로 태권도 교육결과 도출과 평가의 제한성을 지적하였다. 그리고 태권도 교육결과의 도출과 평가에 따른 피드백이 불충분함이 드러났다. 셋째, 태권도 교육과정의 개발 방향에서는 교육과정의 비판적 분석을 토대로 태권도 교육과정의 개발 원리, 교육과정의 개발 기준 그리고 교육과정의 의사결정 요인 등을 적용하여 태권도 수련생들에게 도움이 될 수 있는 교육과정 내용 개발의 근거를 종합적으로 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        국내 유소년 생활체육 정책 현황 및 지원 방안

        고문수,엄혁주 한국체육정책학회 2014 한국체육정책학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to seek for the importance of youth sports and policy support measures of youth sports. In research on the environment of domestic youth sports, first of all, it is shown that low participation rate of youth sports, continuously increasing obesity rate among youths, and discrimination of entering youth sports have been worsen. Second, youth’s sports for all policy brought changes in qualification system of physical education instructors, and promoting youth’s sports for all has increased the attention on schools’ sports for all policy. On the other hand, the absence of a department that is in charge of youth’s sports for all and the absence of youth’s sports for all policy as public welfare have been brought out. Moreover, as in the change of the youth’s sports for all environment, it is required to have attention on sports activity as fundamental rights regarding the changes of youth’s sports for all, increasing role of sports for all along the changes in school physical education policy, preferring multi-purposed education-based sports for all activity, and applying and designing youth’s sports program. Lastly, it is required that the youth sports policy support measures to increase daily sports activities, development of youth friendly school physical education and sports for all, and the enhancement on ability of youth’s sports instructors.

      • 생화학적 간기능 검사의 임상적 적용

        고문수 동국대학교 의학연구소 2009 東國醫學 Vol.15 No.2

        간은 우리 몸에서 가장 큰 기관 중의 하나이며 단백 합성, 해독작용 담즙생성 및 다양한 대사기능을 하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 그러므로 한 가지 검사만으로 간기능을 평가하기에는 어려움이 있어 임상에서는 간의 기능을 다면적으로 평가 하기위해 여러 종류의 생화학적 간 기능검사를 묶음으로 사용한다. 생화학적 간기능 검사는 비침습적이면서 적은 비용으로 임상에서 쉽게 사용 가능하며 동시에, 비교적 예민하고 간질환의 감별진단이 가능한 장점이 있다. 또한 간손상의 정도를 어느 정도 반영하며 치료 전후 추적 검사에 매우 유용하다. 임상에서 쓰이는 간기능 검사에는 간손상을 반영하는 AST/ALT로 알려진 아미노전이효소, 간의 합성능을 반영하는 알부민, 대사와 배설능을 보여주는 빌리루빈을 포함한 다양한 표지자가 사용된다. 그러므로 간질환을 다루는 의사뿐만 아니라 임상의라면 각각의 간기능 점사 표지자의 생화학적및 생리학적 특성을 이해하고 분석 하는 능력은 반드시 필요하다. The liver is one of the most biggest organ in body and carries out thousands of biochemical functions in metabolism. Therefore it is difficult to evaluate liver function using single test. The liver function test used as a battery for multi-disciplinary evaluation of liver function. Biochemical liver function test that is not invasive and inexpensive can be used to detect the presence of liver disease, distinguish among different type of liver disease, estimated liver damage extent and follow up after treatment. Biochemical liver function test consist with various markers such as transaminase that was reflect liver demage as known alanine transaminase(ALT)/aspartate transaminase (AST), albumin that related synthetic function and bilirubin that excretory and metabolic function. Not only if doctor who care liver disease, clinician should have ability to evaluate and understand to biochemical and biological feature of liver function test.

      • 레닌主義批判 : 마르크스主義의 러시아的 變型 Russian Way of Metamorphosis of Marxism

        高文洙,金泰丸 충남대학교 교육대학원 1983 碩士學位論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        Ⅰ. Preface Marxism began to lose its original form to a great extent at the time of Lenin, for it received modification under the pretext of what was called "a creative application."Then, what was Leninism? This is an old but new problem which has continued to be disscussed and controverted by non-Maxists as well as marxists. Leninism consists of such elements as "Volunteerism, the Organizational Theory of the Party, the Alliance of Workers and Peasants, and Imperialism."In the first place, according to Lenin's Volunteerism, in a socialist revolution, the importance of communists' political will was more emphasized than historical inexitability. In the second place, the Organizational Theory of the Party is Lenin's theory of the party. Lenin believed the Communist Party played the most important role in taking powed. His theory of the party had a tremendous effect not only on Bolshevic Revolution but also on all the communists. In the third place, Marx and Engels regarded presants as counterrevolutionary, whereas Lenin considered peasants' support of Bolshevic Revolution so important that he insisted on the Alliance of Workers and Peasants. In the last place, Imperialism, which is a strategy of Lennin's for the communist world revolution, is a communist's countermeasure against a new developed pattern of capitalism. Although Lenin based his theory on Marxism, he established his own theoretical system as a means of Bolshevic Revolution by the metamorphosis of Marxism. Ⅱ. Russian Backgrounds of the Spread of Marxism. Lenin meant to seek various social backgrounds which would enable Marxism to spread in Russia. One background was that the Russian working class and peasantry had a hostile feeling against the then ruling class. Another background was that Russia had no chance to receive Latin classical civilization or to be influenced by Western civilization because it accepted Christianity not from the Western Roman Church but from the Eastern Roman Church. Eastern Roman Empire had adopted a unique system of "Caesaropopism' which means an emperior is identified with a pope. As a matter of course, this system affected Russia. A third background was Nihilism in Russia which was a peculiar and different European thought. Under these circumstances of Russia, the dispute between Narodniki and Plekhanov made Lenin overcome the impracticability of their revolutionary theories and create his unique revolutionary theory fit for the real situation of Russia. Ⅲ. The Russian Revolution and the metamorphosis of MarxismBolshevic revolution, as Lenin said, was not the mass-rebellion of the people of working classes and peasants, but an individual coup detat. Then, what had enabled Russian revolution to happen? The four basic causes of the success of Boshevic revolution are as follows. 1. The inability of the provisional government and the disagreement between leaders. 2. The strongly organized system of and the instigation of propaganda of Bolshevists. 3. Bolshevists' having Lenin as a man of an excellent conspiracy. 4. The problem of international inter-relations during the period of revolution and civil war. Ⅳ. The Criticism of Lenin's theory of Revolution. What he wanted to do first of all was the organization of the party with the motto of the Marxist leadership. In order to introduce Revolution and to bring proletariats into communist revolution, he could not but revise Marxist ideology because of his emphasis on the party and his view of it's role. The main duty of the professional revolutionalists was to infuse Marxist world-view and policies into the hearts of the working class. He always maintained that "the practice of revolution could not be carried through without the theory of revolution."In such a insistency, even if he praised "the working classes were very revolutional and much advanced...", in fact, it was on the contrary: there was the secrete intention that working classes were no more than pitiful servant. Next, let's look over Lenin's Imperialism, whose theory seemed consistent logically, many paradoxes, in fact, were found in his theory. We can say he wrote "the Imperialism:The Highest Stage of Capitalism" with the arbitrary desire that he would want to inspire the inevitability of socialist revolution and the conviction of safe victory into the hearts of Bolshevists and Russian people, with a background of Imperial stage. In the last place, let's see Bourgeois' Revolution and the Alliance of Workers and Peasants. For the achievement of Brougeogis' Revolution in Russia, all Lenin needed was the strategy of its being carried on by the alliance of workers and peasants composed of proletariats, not Bourgeois as main forces and peasants as reserve forces, Proletariats' achieving Revolution in special-agricultural Russian situation. At any rate, it must have been a deceptive trick that as Bourgeois were inactive proletariats achieved Bourgeois' Revolution instead of them. It doesn't stand to reason that proletariats took the place of Bourgeois in achieving Bourgeois Revolution which would grow their enemy, Bourgeois. Ⅴ. Conclusion As Chalmers Johnson says, no such communist party can successfully pursue its transfer-culture goal in order to communism. And yet, it should be possible to understand any ideology even if we cannot partake of its spirit and share its biases. Surely, we need not be monkey in order to study the psychology and behavior of these animals. The anticipation that the knell of capitalism rings much more loudly in the imperialistic stage than it did at the time Marx heard it has been long melted away in the melting-pot, moreover the peal had not been sounded up to the period of Imperialism and will never be listened to from now on, as the lingering-charcoals are being burnt down the inside of the melting-pot will be gradually reduced to an insignificant one and left poor as it will be.

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