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        1930년대 만철(滿鐵)의 조선인 노동력 조사와 북선(北鮮)개발

        강필구 한국독립운동사연구소 2022 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.- No.79

        Since 1905, Japan has gained the right to build railways in Manchuria through the Portsmouth Treaty with Russia, and in the process, it established the Nammanju Railway Co., Ltd. in the form of anti-people and anti-government, helping to operate the Manchuria area and expanding its influence in northeastern China. After that, South Manchuria Railway Company established the Economic Research Council in January 1932 and operated as a subordinate institution of Manchul and a policy-making institution of Gwandong-gun. The Economic Research Council promoted efficiency improvement through scientific management, and these activities also participated in the improvement of labor force or safety inspection, and the development of military goods during the wartime regime. In addition, Heungjung Corporation was established as a unified organization for economic work in China by operating South Manchuria Railway Company’s Capital. After the start of the Sino-Japanese War, he was entrusted with the reception and management of coal mines and power projects, and was in charge of transporting military supplies including minerals, power, and cotton. The Economic Research Council and Heungjung Corporation conducted various investigation activities to operate Manchuria, among which a unique investigation is the comparison of front-line workers. Labor force efficiency was investigated by comparing front-line human workers. South Manchuria Railway Company’s interest in Korean workers led to the mobilization of Korean workers. Meanwhile, with the development of Northern Korea area, South Manchuria Railway Company expanded its business scope to the Northern Korea area, and at the forefront was International Transportation Co., Ltd. International Transportation Co., Ltd. grew as it monopolized freight transportation in Joseon and transportation rights between the three ports of the Northern Korea Line, and hired and utilized Korean workers along with the development of Rajin of South Manchuria Railway Company. However, the form of employment was deformed, and the use of workers by the International Transportation Corporation caused the collapse of the labor market on the North Line. 일제는 1905년 이래 러시아와 맺은 포츠머스 조약을 통해 만주내 철도부설권을 얻으며 만주지역을 본격적으로 운영하였고 이 과정에서 반민반관 형태를 한 남만주철도주식회사(南滿洲鐵道株式會社)를 설립하여 만주지역 운영을 도우며 중국 동북지역에서의 영향력을 넓혔다. 이후 만철은 1932년 1월 경제조사회를 설립하여 만철의 하부기관이자 관동군의 정책입안 기관으로 운영되었다. 경제조사회는 과학적 관리를 통한 능률향상을 추진하였고 이러한 활동은 노동력 향상이나 안전점검, 전시체제기에는 군수물품 개발에도 참여하였다. 또한 흥중공사(興中公司)는 만철자본을 가동하여 대 중국경제공작의 통일기관으로 설립되었다. 중일전쟁이 시작된 이후에는 탄광, 전력사업의 접수와 경영관리를 위임받아 광물과 전력, 면화를 비롯한 군수용품 운송을 담당하였다. 경제조사회와 흥중공사는 만주국 운영을 위해 여러 조사활동을 벌였는데 그중 특이할만한 조사가 바로 일선한인 노동자 비교이다. 일선한인 노동자를 비교함으로서 노동력 효율성을 조사하였다. 조선인 노동자에 대한 만철의 관심은 조선인 노동자의 동원으로 연결되었다. 한편 북선개발과 함께 만철은 그 사업 범위를 북선지역으로 넓혔고 그 선두에는 국제운수주식회사가 있었다. 국제운수주식회사는 조선내 화물운송과 북선 3항간 운수권을 독점함에 따라 성장하였고 만철의 나진개발과 함께 조선인 노동자들을 고용, 활용하였다. 하지만 그 고용형태는 기형적인 것이었고, 국제운수주식회사의 노동자 사용은 북선내 노동시장의 붕괴를 일으켰다.

      • KCI등재

        수종의 한약처방이 폐암세포에 미치는 영향

        강필구,박동일,최원철,전종철,Kang, Pil-Gu,Park, Dong-Il,Choi, Won-Choul,Jeon, Jong-Choul 대한한방내과학회 2000 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.21 No.4

        Objective : In this study, the medicine herbs above were directly treated to cultured normal lung cells and lung carcinoma cells, and the effects were investigated to develope new cancer treatments with increased anti-cancer efficiency as well as decreased side-effects and to suggest more useful clinical therapies. Materials and Methods : In the experiment, WI-26 VA lung normal cell line and A-427 lung carcinoma cell line were cultured. To observe the morphological change of the treated cells, were subjected to Giemsa staining and observed under Reflected Fluorescence microscope. To examine whether cell death occurred, cells observed under Reflected Fluorescence microscope, To investigate the degree of cell death in the nucleus, cells were screened by Laser cytometry ACAS 570. Results : Samgibopye-tang(Shenqibufei-tang) stimulated not only the growth of the normal cells but also that of the carcinoma cells, Wikyeung-tang(Weijing-tang) induced morphological change such as cytoplasmic constriction in the normal cells and the carcinoma cells, but it did not show any strong inhibitory effect on the cell growth. Samso-eum(Shensu-yin) caused severe cell damage in both cell lines, Eunkyo San(Yinqiao-san) significantly damaged the nuclei and caused weak cytoplasmic constriction in both cell lines, Normal cells treated with Gilgyeung-tang(Jingeng-tang) did not show any significant morphological change while some Gilgyeung-tang(Jingeng-tang) treated carcinoma cells were observed to have a normal cell-like shape, interestingly, conclusions : As the results above, Samgibopye-tang(Shenqibufei-tang), Wikyeung-tang(Weijing-tang), and Gilgyeung-tang(Jingeng-tang) helped the growth of both cell lines, and especially Samgibopye-tang(Shenqibufei-tang) showed the best effect, However, Samso-eum(Shensuyin) and Eunkyo-san(Yinqiao-san) caused lethal damage in the normal cells and also showed strong toxicity in the carcinoma cells.

      • KCI등재

        1937~1945년 이와키지역 조선인 노무동원과 관리의 실태 : 죠반(常磐)탄광 사례를 중심으로

        강필구(Kang, Pilgu) 고려대학교 아세아문제연구소 2019 亞細亞硏究 Vol.62 No.3

        이바라키(茨城)현 북부에서 후쿠시마(福島)현 하마도리(浜通り)남부에 걸쳐져 있는 죠반탄전(常磐炭田)은 1870년대부터 대규모 탄광개발이 이루어졌다. 이후 이와키선(磐城線)와 츠치우라선(土浦線)이 놓이면서 죠반탄전은 수도권과의 접근성이 높아지면서 이와키탄광(磐城炭鉱)과 이리야마채탄(入山採炭)과 같은 큰 채탄기업들이 들어서게 된다. 1920년대 후반부터 죠반채탄지역에서 조선인 고용이 시작되었다. 이후 대공황을 거치는 동안 일본내 농촌인구의 도시행과 맞물려 조선인들의 내지도항이 증가하였고 죠반탄전 지역에도 조선인들이 유입되기 시작하였다. 이후 1937년 중일전쟁이 발발한 이후에는 조선인 노무동원정책이 실시되면서 조반탄광으로 유입되는 조선인의 수는 늘어났고, 1938년 4월 ‘국가총동원법’이 결정된 이후에는 강제동원된 조선인들이 늘어났다. 죠반탄전지대로 동원된 조선인들은 일본인 광부들보다 30%나 적은 임금을 받았고, 각종 세금과 보험, 그리고 보국저축 등의 명목으로 공제되면서 일제의 침략전쟁에 재정적으로 뒷받침이 되었다. 이러한 죠반탄전에서의 조선인 노무자들의 실태는 동원된 조선인들의 증언과 함께 이리야마채탄에서 직접 조선인들을 동원, 관리하였던 키야마 시게히코(木山茂彦)의 증언에서도 확인할 수 있다. 그는 증언을 통해 조선에서의 모집활동의 실태와 과정, 이후 동원지에서의 강압적인 노무관리 상황을 설명하였다. 하지만 조선인을 동원, 관리자였던 키야마는 조선인 노무관리를 낭만적, 감상적으로 기억하고 있지만, 조반탄광으로 동원된 조선인 노무자들에게는 폭력이 기반한 일상관리와 강압적인 노동환경은 수많은 사상자를 낳았다. The Joban coal area, which stretches from northern Ibaraki Prefecture to southern Hamadori, Fukushima Prefecture, has been under development since the 1870s. With the deployment of Iwaki Line and Tsuchiura Line, the Jobantan War will bring in large coal-fired companies like Iwaki Coal Mine and Iriyama Chatan as access to the metropolitan area increases. Employment of Koreans began in the late 1920s in the Joban coal area. Later, during the Great Depression, the number of Koreans who visited Japan to visit the countryside increased, and Koreans began to enter the coal area. Since the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War in 1937, the number of Koreans flowing into the crude coal mine increased with the implementation of the labor-management policy for Koreans, and the number of Koreans who were forced to work increased after the “National Mobilization Act” was decided in April 1938. The Korean people who were mobilized for the Joban Coal Mine company were paid 30 percent less than the Japanese miners, and were deducted in the name of various taxes, insurance, and national savings, which financially supported the Japanese war of aggression. The status of Korean laborers in the Joban coal area can be found in the testimony of Shigehiko Kiyama, who mobilized and managed the Korean people in Iriyama coal company. In his testimony, he explained the status and process of recruiting in Korea and the coercive labor management situation at the site of mobilization. Kiyama, who used to be a manager of Korean labor, remembers Korean labor management romanticly and emotionally, but for Korean laborers mobilized as crude coal mines, daily management based on violence and coercive labor conditions have resulted in numerous casualties.

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