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      • 최홍석 교수의 개혁주의 인간론

        강웅산(Woongsan Kang) 신학지남사 2015 신학지남 Vol.82 No.3

        This paper is to commemorate Professor Hong-suk Choi’s retirement from his 30 years of teaching ministry at Chongshin Theological Seminary by critically reading his magnum opus Theological Anthropology written in Korean language. Of the various topics entertained in his works this paper concentrates on two subjects, namely the image of God and the nature of man. They are, I believe, Choi’s greatest contribution to Chongshin’s theological tradition and identity. This paper argues that Choi is consistent in taking both the image of God and the nature of man from the perspective of reformed worldview. He sharply points out the inherent short-fall of dualistic worldview for the formulation of the biblical doctrine of man. The medieval Roman Catholic and the Lutheran views of man for that reason do not sustain the biblical truth regarding the issues in view. However, reformed doctrine stemming from John Calvin successfully overcomes the dualistic tension and proves itself to be faithful to scripture by being in square with biblical worldview. Choi’s treatment of the doctrine, at last, deserves the mention for his practical and pastoral concern for the church and the people, which is felt throughout his works. He serves us to be a good role model by demonstrating himself how to subject dogma to the authority of scripture. His scholarship and piety shall be remembered by all his students who had set before him.

      • 통일과 구원

        강웅산(Woongsan Kang) 신학지남사 2016 신학지남 Vol.83 No.1

        Reunification in Korean peninsula has been thus far taken by many as a subject matter for theology. Sometimes it was theologized predominantly for the sake of the justification of reunification because one is not supposed to think otherwise. Sometimes reunification was used for the glorious mandate of mission and evangelization. How we are to take the matters of history depends on our historical philosophy. One might take the dichotomical view of history such as Augustine’s city of God versus the city of earth. Or one might take the integration view such as Jonathan Edwards’s history being one big salvation history of God with the secular history in service of it till the Lord’s return. This paper follows Edwards’s view of history and applies it to the case of Korea’s reunification. This paper takes a reunification issue in conjunction with the work of salvation that reunification may be realized in our practical effort to live out salvation that is in union with Christ. The sovereignty of God directs us to live the will of God rather than waiting upon the fatalistic hope. If reunification ever comes true in Korea, it will come as a part of the fulfillment of God’ work of salvation in Korea and for His Kingdom. That should be our engine that motivates us for the practical realization of reunification in light of salvation. For that matter this paper emphasizes the church’s role for the embodiment of the body of Christ. Also the church should include and incorporate in the life of the church the North Korean defectors that are living in Korea. Reunification is not a matter of the future but of the present, as salvation is not to be pushed off till later but to enjoy now in Christ. May God’s will be done in Korean peninsula and His Goodness be bestowed upon the numerous lives of North Koreans!

      • J. 그레샴 메이첸의 『기독교와 자유주의』: 출간 100주년을 기념하며

        강웅산(Woongsan Kang) 신학지남사 2023 신학지남 Vol.90 No.4

        This paper was presented at an academic conference held by Chongshin Theological Seminary to commemorate the 506<SUP>th</SUP> anniversary of the Reformation. This year also happens to be the 100th year since the publication of J. Gresham Machen’s (1881-1936) Christianity and Liberalism. It is fitting, I trust, with the Reformation spirit to remember and celebrate Machen and his book. What he argued in his book to defend the Christian churches 100 years ago was the very spirit of the Reformation, and the shape of the church today is not much better than 100 years ago when Machen published the book. Machen’s apologetical work to defend the authority of Scripture and the substitutionary atonement of Christ from the liberal theology of that time is recognized by Christianity Today that Machen’s Christianity and Liberalism is selected among the 100 best Christian books of the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century. What Machen repeated in this book is that Christianity and liberal theology are two different religions. As a New Testament scholar himself Machen argued that the effort of liberal theologians trying to restore the so-called “historical Jesus” and “the text trustworthy” is not Christianity. What we believe is what is testified in the Bible of Jesus Christ. Machen argued that liberal theology is not honest and, therefore, not Christianity, and the threat is still very much alive till today. Machen argued that Christian faith is grounded in the object rather than the example exemplified in the life of Jesus. He made it clear that the object of faith is Jesus and the message testified in the Bible that he died for our sin and resurrected. The liberals instead suggested the noble life of Jesus as a model to follow. We still find the preachers that pound the human will and emotion to live like Jesus who sacrificed himself for others. For Machen faith is a supernatural work of God to have us to believe the history of Jesus testified in the Bible. According to Machen, the history of past is still testified to us in the Bible. The “message” received by the apostles is testified in the Bible that records what we have to believe, that is, doctrine and theology. The tendency of the liberals is very much alive, who had despised doctrine and theology as an theoretical knowledge and instead emphasized the untheoretical knowledge like the experience of God. Machen sharply pointed out the problems of many pastors of that time that they do not check upon the confession of the congregation. For him it is dishonest that those who do not have confession become members of the church, become deacons and elders, participate in the decision-making, and even teach the congregation. Also, he did not believe that it is fair and legitimate to unite between the churches who do not share the same confession. Simply, it is impossible for Christianity and liberals to unite. Machen’s Christianity and Liberalism was a part of the Reformation program for the early part of the 20t<SUP>h</SUP> century that had defended the churches from the challenges by liberal theology. His book well deserves a re-visit because his Reformation program still remains valid and effective for today.

      • KCI등재후보

        찰스 핫지의 칭의론

        강웅산(Woongsan Kang) 개혁신학회 2008 개혁논총 Vol.8 No.-

        This paper is to analyze Charles Hodge's (1797-1878) doctrine of justification. The paper concludes that Hodge's justification concept needs to be understood in the context of covenant theology. For Hodge, a believer's justification (ordo salutis) is realized through Christ's fulfillment of the law (historia salutis). Hodge's strength in his treatment of justification is that the work of Christ is understood with reference to the law for the effect of justification. In other words, for Hodge, covenant theology serves as a framework to understand the function of the law, and Christ's death and resurrection answers the law in the framework of covenant theology. In that regard, we conclude that Hodge's soteriology is closely connected with christology. Hodge achieves that effect through the union with Christ concept. From the methodological point of view, we can say that Hodge is in line with the tradition of John Calvin, Francis Turretin and Jonathan Edwards. Hodge makes it ever clear that the justification concept appearing in the Bible is all forensic concept. It is not a process but an act of declaration. Also, for Hodge, it is important to maintain that justification is not just about a forgiveness of sins but there has to be reconciliation between God and the sinners. Not only the negative aspect but also the positive aspect of the righteousness of Christ should be taken into consideration when it comes to the imputation of Christ's righteousness. That is, through imputation Christ's satisfaction becomes the ground for the absolution of our sins, and Christ's obedience becomes the ground for the reward of a righteous status in justification. As Hodge understands justification through union with Christ, he denies all antinomian tendencies that are often the case in church life. Hodge's understanding of faith is that faith is only to hold on to Christ's righteousness and nothing else. Therefore, for him, that the ungodly is justified by faith alone is to protect and preach the gospel. For him, the greatness of the gospel is the fact that a sinner is saved by faith not by observing the Jewish law, and that should be a ever compelling motivation for us to witness the name of Christ.

      • KCI등재

        통일을 향한 탈북민교회 세우기 : 인천한나라은혜교회 사례를 중심으로

        강웅산 ( Kang¸ Woong San ) 아세아연합신학대학교 ACTS 신학연구소 2020 ACTS 신학저널 Vol.46 No.-

        본 논문은 통일을 향한 준비로서 성경적인 탈북민교회 세우기를 제시한다. 탈북민교회 세우기는 성경이 말하는 그리스도의 몸인 교회를 세우는 것과 다르지 않다. 단 한국교회가 통일을 실험하는 하나의 장이 될 수 있다는 가능성을 제시한다. 그 목적을 위해 먼저 “하나와 여럿”의 논의를 통해 통일의 존재론적 구조와 현실적 한계를 인지할 것이다. 통일의 성경적 근거로서 “한 새 사람”(엡 2:15)을 논할 것이고, 탈북민교회가 다문화의 이민교회 성격을 띤다는 점에서 “나그네”(벧 1:1)의 의미를 논할 것이다. 이제까지의 이론적 논의를 검증하며 실천을 강조하는 차원에서 필자가 사역하고 있는 인천한나라은혜교회 사례를 소개하고 한국교회를 향한 몇 가지 실천적 제안을 하면 논의를 마치려 한다. 본 논의가 탈북민 중심의 단문화 교회나 한국교회 내의 탈북민부서 사역을 부정하는 것은 아니다. 단 통일을 지향하는 노력과 실천의 일환으로 남한성도와 탈북민이 만나서 세우는 다문화 형태의 탈북민교회 세우기를 제안하는 바이다. 탈북민교회 세우기는 나그네 교회라는 점에서 이민교회이고 다문화교회이다. 남한성도와 탈북민 사이에 개체적 속성(여럿)이 다른 한 쪽으로 흡수되거나 희생되지 않으면서 한 교회(하나)를 이루는 것이 본 논문이 제시하는 통일을 실천하는 한 노력임을 제안한다. This paper suggests that to plant a North-Korean refugees (NKR) church may be an effort for unification of Korea. To plant a NKR church is not different from to build the body of Christ as found in the Bible. Simply, it is to suggest that it may be an experiment for Korean churches to prepare for unification of Korea. For the stated purposes the paper will discuss the so-called “one-and-many” problem from the ontological point of view for the scope of discussion of unification and its limit. For the biblical warrant we will learn the theological implication of “one new person” (Eph. 2:15) and “exiles” (1 Pet. 1:1) for the multi-cultural characteristics of NKR church as an immigrants church. Based on the discussion of this paper thus far wewill uncover the case study of Incheon Hannara Eunhae Church and make some practical suggestions to learn from our discussion in this paper. This study by no means to discredit or deny the place and value of NKR church as a mono-culture church or NKR ministry within the Korean churches at large. It is simply to introduce a multi-cultural NKR through built by the communal effort between South Korean Christians (SKC) and NKR as an a way for unification of Korea. We confirm NKR church as an immigrants church and exiles church. The “many” aspects of individual characteristics of SKC and NKR alike are not to be absorbed or sacrificed, while the “one”-ness of the church is to be achieved.

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