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      • 대규모점포의 엔터테인먼트 계획특성에 관한 연구

        강병권 연세대학교 대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        1990년대 초 국내 유통시장의 개방으로 외국의 대규모 유통업체들이 국내에 들어오면서 유통환경에 많은 영향을 주었으며, 상업시설은 단순히 물건을 사고파는 공간이 아닌 다양한 서비스를 제공하는 공간을 지향해야 할 것이고 또한 그것은 소비자의 구매의욕을 상승시키며 상업시설 활성화에 중요한 요소가 될 것이다. 또한 국내 건축시장도 세계화의 흐름에 동참해 국내 설계사와 함께 해외 설계사들이 많은 프로젝트에 참여하고 있으며 새로운 유형의 대규모점포인 엔터테인먼트 복합쇼핑몰은 서울뿐만이 아니라 전국에 계획되고 있으며 사람들의 의식에 많은 영향을 주고 있다. 이렇듯 대규모점포는 소비자들이 시설에 체류하는 시간을 연장시키기 위해 엔터테인먼트 요소가 적용된 대규모점포가 적극적으로 계획되어지고 있다. 이렇듯 국내에 많은 엔터테인먼트 복합쇼핑몰이 들어서고 있는 시점에서 향후 복합쇼핑몰 설계나 계획시 참고할 수 있는 기초자료를 제공하기 위해 ULI에서 제시한 엔터테인먼트 구성요소를 바탕으로 한 선행연구 분석을 통해 엔터테인먼트 구성요소를 건축 특성별로 종합?도출하고, 도출된 특성 분석을 통해 엔터테인먼트 조사내용을 추출하려고 한다. 이를 통해 하드웨어 요소의 특성으로는 접근성, 배경성, 목적성을 도출하였으며 소프트웨어 요소의 특성으로는 이벤트, 충동성을 도출하였고 그에 따른 특성별 조사내용 추출을 통해 엔터테인먼트 복합쇼핑몰의 건축계획 특성을 위한 분석틀을 구성하였으며 연구의 범위는 서울에 위치하고 있고 유통산업발전법에서 규정하는 대규모점포로 한정하여 최근에 몰링(Malling)개념이 적용된 복합쇼핑몰의 엔터테인먼트 계획특,성을 분석하였다. 사례분석을 통해 본 엔터테인먼트 계획특성의 하드웨어 요소 중, 첫째 접근성은 복합쇼핑몰을 찾는 소비자의 접근의 편의성 또한 엔터테인먼트 요소라고 생각되고 따라서 대중교통과 복합쇼핑몰의 연계성 부분에 대해서 분석해 보았고 선정된 사례들은 모두 지하철을 중심으로 대중교통과 연계성을 갖으며 접근의 편의성을 갖추었다고 볼 수 있다. 둘째 배경성에서는 바쁘고 획일화된 도심 속에서 사람들에게 복합쇼핑몰은 도시적인 배경의 역할을 하며 도심 속 환기를 시킬 수 있는 요소인 배경성 또한 엔터테인먼트 요소라고 생각되고 따라서 도시적 배경으로서 복합쇼핑몰의 배경성 부분을 분석해 보았고 선정된 사례는 대부분 건축물의 입면과 야간 조명, 외부공간, 조형물 등에 많은 할애를 통해 도시적 배경의 역할에 충실히 하고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 셋째 목적성에서는 복합쇼핑몰의 실질적인 집객의 역할을 하는 요소로 복합쇼핑몰에서 몰링(Malling)의 중요한 역할을 하는 엔터테인먼트 요소라고 볼 수 있다. 선정된 사례에서는 영화관, 백화점, 할인점 등이 키테넌트(Key-Tenant)의 역할을 하며 복합쇼핑몰의 규모와 형태에 따른 입점위치에 따라 몰링(Malling) 활성화에 큰 영향을 미친다고 볼 수 있다. 소프트웨어 요소 중, 첫째 이벤트는 복합쇼핑몰에서 하드웨어 요소인 배경성과 관계를 맺으며 복합쇼핑몰의 내부 또는 외부에서 집객의 역할을 하며 복합쇼핑몰을 문화적인 공간으로 탄생시키는 역할을 하는 엔터테인먼트 요소라고 볼 수 있다. 둘째 충동성에서는 복합쇼핑몰의 내부 또는 외부 가로에 형성되어 충동적인 구매를 조장하고 재미를 주는 역할을 하는 엔터테인먼트 요소라고 할 수 있다. 주로 테마코너 위주의 소형 이동식 매장과 매장 내 커피바 와 카페가 주류를 이루며 몰링(Malling)을 활성화시키는 역할을 한다고 볼 수 있다. 이와 같이 엔터테인먼트 복합쇼핑몰 계획시 우선, 건축계획적 부분인 하드웨어 요소의 특성을 바탕으로 한 소프트웨어 요소 특성들이 엔터테인먼트 복합쇼핑몰의 적합한 위치에 계획되어야 집객력을 증대시킬 수 있으며, 활기차고 재미있는 공간으로서의 엔터테인먼트 복합쇼핑몰이 될 수 있을 것이다.

      • 가족체계 및 가족의사소통 유형과 중학생의 문제행동과의 관계

        강병권 경남대학교 교육대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of the family system and family communication pattern of middle school students, two of the family-related factors of affecting them, to their behavioral problems. It's ultimately attempted to identify what variables had an impact on their behavioral problems and to discuss how such problems could be prevented and how they should be guided after causing any behavioral problems. The subjects in this study were 700 students in their second and third year of middle school in the city of Chaneweon. How their family system and family communication pattern were linked to their behavioral problems was investigated. As for each factor's subareas, two family-system variables were selected, including family cohesion and family flexibility, and two communication patterns were selected, involving conversation-orientated one and conformity-oriented one. And three types of behavioral problems were examined, including immoral, antisocial and sexually aggressive ones. The selected students were divided into some groups on the basis of the medians of family system and communication pattern, and ANOVA was implemented to track any intergroup gaps in problems behaviors. And correlational analysis and regression analysis were employed to determine the impact of the variables. The findings of the study were as follows: First, concerning the impact of the family system on the behavioral problems, the students whose families were more cohesive gave rise to less behavioral problems than the other whose families were less cohesive. The interaction of flexibility and cohesion had a significant effect at the marginal level of significance. Among the students whose families were more flexible, the group with higher family cohesion caused less behavioral problems than the other with lower family cohesion did. But in the case of those whose families were less flexible, both groups with better and worse family cohesion showed similar behavioral problems. Second, regarding connections between family communication and behavioral problems, the group that was more conversation-oriented gave rise to less behavioral problems than the other that was less conversation-oriented, and the highly conformity-oriented group behaved more improperly than their counterpart. Third, when regression analysis was carried out to find the impact of the family system, family communication and their subvariables on behavioral problems, their behavioral problems were affected by the conversation-oriented and conformity-oriented communication patterns. In other words, higher conversation-oriented communication and less conformity-oriented communication led to less behavioral problems. In contrast, the family system didn't exercise any significant influence on behavioral problems. Among the behavioral problem subareas, immoral and sexually aggressive behaviors were under the influence of family cohesion, conversation-oriented communication and conformity-oriented communication. Namely, less behavioral problems were triggered when their families were more cohesive and pursued less conformity-oriented communication. The above-mentioned findings suggested that the middle school students behaved more improperly when their families were less cohesive, less flexible and communicated with one another in a less conversation-oriented and more conformity-oriented manner. Those findings will be expected to provide good counseling services to help middle school students act decently. 본 연구는 중학생들이 가족들로부터 영향을 받게 되는 많은 여러 가지 요인들 중에 가족체계유형 및 가족의사소통유형과 중학생의 문제행동과의 관계를 알아보고 이에 영향을 미치는 변인들을 파악하여 학교현장에서 발생되는 중학생들의 문제행동을 예방 및 사후지도를 통한 바람직한 교육방안을 탐색하는데 그 목적을 두고, 창원시내중학교 2, 3학년 학생 700명을 대상으로 가족체계 및 가족의사소통유형과 중학생의 문제행동과의 관계를 조사하였다. 먼저 가족체계유형을 가족 응집성, 가족 유연성의 2개 하위 영역으로 가족의사소통은 대화지향적 의사소통과 순응지향적 의사소통의 2개 하위 영역으로 문제행동 영역은 도덕적 문제행동, 반사회적 문제행동, 성공격적 문제행동의 3개 하위 영역으로 구분하였다. 가족체계유형과 가족의사소통은 중앙값을 기준으로 집단화하여 집단 간에 따라 문제행동이 차이를 보이는가를 변량분석 방법으로, 변인들간의 영향관계를 상관분석과 회귀분석 방법으로 알아보았다. 검증된 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 가족체계유형이 문제 행동에 미치는 영향을 알아본 결과, 가족 응집성이 높은 집단이 낮은 집단에 비해 문제행동의 빈도가 적었으며, 유연성과 응집성의 상호작용효과는 경계적 수준에서 유의하여, 유연성이 높은 집단은 응집성이 높은 집단이 응집성이 낮은 집단에 비해 문제행동이 적었지만, 유연성이 낮은 집단에서는 응집성이 높은 집단과 낮은 집단의 문제행동이 비슷한 수준이었다. 둘째, 가족 의사소통에 따라 문제행동이 차이는 가족의사소통은 대화지향성이 높은 집단이 낮은 집단에 비해 문제행동이 적었으며, 순응지향성이 높은 집단이 낮은 집단에 비해 문제행동이 많았다. 셋째, 가족체계유형과 가족의사소통 및 그 하위변인들이 문제행동에 미치는 영향을 회귀분석한 결과, 문제행동에 영향을 미치는 변인은 대화지향적 의사소통과 순응지향적 의사소통변인으로 나타났다, 즉, 대화지향적 의사소통의 정도가 높을수록 순응지향적 의사소통이 낮을수록 문제행동의 발생이 적다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 한편 가족 체계 유형 변인은 유의한 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 문제행동의 하위영역에서도 도덕적 문제행동과 성공격적 문제행동에 영향을 미치는 변인은 가족의 응집성과 대화지향적 의사소통과 순응지향적 의사소통변인으로 나타났다. 즉 가족의 응집성 정도가 높고 순응지향적 의사소통이 낮을 수록 문제행동의 발생이 적다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 연구결과를 종합해보면, 가족의 응집성이 낮고 유연성이 낮을수록, 대화지향성 의사소통이 낮고 순응지향성 의사소통이 높을수록 중학생의 문제행동이 많이 발생함을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 결과는 중학생들의 문제행동 예방을 위한 상담에 좋은 기초자료가 될 것이다.

      • Partnerships of Korean Missionaries in World Missions

        강병권 총신대학교 대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        ABSTRACT In 2000, International Consultation on Global Partnership of World Missions Seoul 2000 was held in Seoul, Korea. At the opening service Dr. David Sang-Bok Kim, President, Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology, emphasized, There are four millions churches around the world. If we all see the same vision and work together with a master plan, the vision of the possibility of world evangelization in our life time, and if we do not waste our resources going independently and in separate ways as we have been doing before, the fulfillment of our Lord's last command can be achieved in our generation. This mission is entirely possible! Yes, mission is possible! With this emphasis, he suggested two ideas that all the churches of Jesus Christ must share the same vision of the mission possible and the churches must cooperate with one another to finish the entirely possible task of world evangelization near future. I totally agree with him that through partnership in world missions, which comes from the vision based in the Bible, the great commission our Lord Jesus Christ has given to us will be accomplished. To have the same vision for partnership all the churches need to learn about the Biblical meaning of partnership and principles of partnership. When we follow the examples of the Triune God in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the salvation of the world, we surely can cooperate together in world missions. All three persons of the Trinity took different roles in creation of the universe and the earth. God the Father spoke the earth into being and God the Son carried out those words (John 1:3) and God the Spirit sustained and manifested God's presence in creation. In our salvation God the Father loved the world so much and sent his one and only Son into the world to save the sinners. And God the Son has come down from heaven and died on the cross in obedience to God the Father. When Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven, he and the Father sent the Holy Spirit to apply the work of salvation to individual. In their works, we can see mutual respect and love. The Triune God shows us all about what partnership is and how to partner with one another. Based on these findings, this study suggested some implications for partnership practices. First, Korean missionaries have to partner with other missionaries from all other countries. Second, Korean missionaries should know our strengths and weaknesses in order to partner with others well. Third, Korean missionaries should prepare themselves for competence to work as global leaders in missions.

      • 비뇨기계 치료용 이동 제어형 마이크로/나노 모터의 미세유체 기반 제조

        강병권 포항공과대학교 2022 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        A drug delivery system (DDS) is a technology that improves the drug bio-lifetime and effectively delivers pharmaceutical compounds to a specific target in the body by encapsulating a drug in the carrier such as synthetic particles, lipids, micelles, and nanoparticles. The DDS has led to minimizing the side effects of native drugs and maximizing the therapeutic effect, resulting in significant progress in the medical field for many years. Despite many advances in drug delivery systems, these limitations are still a major challenge for the used clinical stage of DDS due to low penetration and accumulation effects by biological barriers such as the phagocytic system and blood capillary wall resistance, To overcome these limitations, micro/nano-motors have been developed as a DDS to improve treatment effects with self-propelled mobility. These micro/nano-motors in the blood circulation improve tissue permeability and promote cell absorption through the enhanced accumulation of therapeutic drugs by strong movement. In addition, using the targeting ligand decorated micro/nano-motor has an excellent synergistic effect of disease targeting ability. In general, micro/nano-motors require an asymmetric structure such as a Janus structure for an asymmetric gradient force to induce active motion in a fluid environment. To fabricate Janus structures of micro/nano-motors, thin film deposition, template sacrifice, and assembly methods such as layer-by-layer (LBL), self-assembly have been developed. Membrane deposition and template sacrifice methods include the multi-steps such as evaporation of the target material, transport of vapor to the substrate surface in a vacuum or partial vacuum environment, cooling and thin film formation, and removal from the template, resulting in high cost, reproducibility, non-uniform size, low yield, and multi-step processes. In addition, the methods focused on the fabrication of chemically propelled motors rather than the production of bio-catalytic micro/nano-motors. Then, the methods of fabricating micro/nano-motors using a Pickering emulsion and the self-assembly method were proposed to overcome high cost, multi-step process, elaborate operation, and low productivity. The traditional PVD method produces micro/nano-motors on a 2D plane. However, the Pickering emulsion and self-assembly method using a 3D environment is one of the potential scalable methods. In addition, these methods can produce various bio-catalytic the propellants based the micro/nano-motors. However, Pickering emulsion and self-assembly processes produced in flasks directly affect the Janus structure by the mixing speed/time of the agitator and also affect the reproducibility of the propellant of the motor due to the non-uniform shear force in the flask. Recently, microfluidic technology has been proposed as an alternative to traditional flask synthesis of micro/nano-carriers. A microfluidic device with a microscale has minimized dead volume by mixing in a small channel, and it is possible to form different flows with reproducibility by enabling rapid mixing and flexible control of the flow regime. The microfluidic platform typically has three types of flow through the control of the fluid: laminar flow, turbulent flow, and segmental flow, and offers new features related to space-time control. Laminar flow can control the concentration of reactants by molecular diffusion without mixing, while turbulent flow can induce rapid mixing within milliseconds. Furthermore, it is possible to reproducibly generate droplets or clumps of uniform size using immiscible heterogeneous solutions and segmental flow. The synthesis of micro/nano-motors in a microfluidic system demonstrates the possibility of quantitative/qualitative fabrication of nano/micro-motors through the reproducible and continuous fabrication of different motor types using different types of fluid flows. Meanwhile, the urinary system, including the kidney, urethra, bladder, and urethra, excrete various waste products to maintain homeostasis. Various urological diseases such as bladder cancer, hydronephrosis, urolithiasis, and renal failure can occur in this system. Representative urological diseases include bladder cancer and urolithiasis. Chronic irritation and inflammation associated with urolithiasis cause changes in the local environment and consequently lead to malignant neoplasms such as urinary tract epithelial hyperplasia and bladder cancer, both of which need to be addressed. Procedures to address these problems generally require surgical approaches such as endoscopic, percutaneous, and open access, and incisional surgery or retrograde ureteral catheterization is performed to reduce recurrence and progression. However, non-selective/invasive injection methods cause side effects such as severe pain, mucosal bleeding, and sepsis, and a differentiated and non-invasive method is needed for clinical application. Due to the relatively high concentration of urea in the urinary system and the large space filled with the solution, urea-used micro-nano motors have recently become a promising approach to treating urinary tract diseases. Micro/nano-motors synthesized with urease can induce asymmetric self-propelled mobility due to urea and urea and induce effortless mobility due to a wide space without obstacles, which can induce other organs such as the liver, intestines, and eyes to pay more attention. Although the currently developed micro/nano-motors show higher efficacy than traditional drug delivery systems, motors have a limitation of low reproducibility of therapeutic effect due to the low homogeneous size /reproducibility of the motors. In this Ph.D. thesis, the various types of motion-controlled micro/nano-motors synthesized in microfluidics for urological disease medication are introduced. The high-quality micro/nano-motors were reproducibly manufactured using the single Pickering emulsion, laminar flow, and double emulsion by controlling the different fluid-type microfluidic devices. The traditional manufacturing approaches of micro/nano-motors have the limitation of reproducibility, inhomogeneous size, and low productivity. However, microfluidics has the advantages of continuous flow, reproducible flow control, and homogeneous mixing, resulting in a homogeneous carrier size, reproducible carrier structure, and scalable production of micro/nano-motor. In addition, microfluidic manufactured high-quality micro/nano-motor have a potential therapeutic effect on urological diseases such as bladder cancer and Urolithiasis. In Chapter 1, for the explanation of the necessity of our approach, a general introduction of micro/nano-motor as a drug delivery system (DDS) for urological diseases was summarized such as the limitation of traditional urological disease treatment, advantages of micro/nano-motor prepared in microfluidics, and micro/nano-motor for urological disease treatment. In Chapter 2, to prove potentially scalable nano-motor, an integrated flow synthesis of triple-responsive (thermophoretic, chemical and magnetic movement) nano-motors by a droplet microfluidic based Pickering emulsification approach, and subsequent two steps for anisotropic surface modification of the bound nanoparticles in a scalable manner are presented. In general, Janus structure is required for mobility of micro/nano-motor. Conventionally, for the manufacturing method of Janus motor, the electric vapor deposition method which is mainly applied particles to membrane as a single layer and deposited a metal. However, the traditional method have limitation such as discontinuous/multi-step process, difficulty of single layer dispersion of particles, and the only production of metal-based motor. To overcome these problems, the microfluidics Pickering emulsion method was used. The droplet microfluidics platform contributed to in-situ generate the monodisperse size (600 µm) of photoresin droplet with equal curvature that allowed uniform Pickering emulsification by fast adsorption of colloidal m-SiO2/Fe3O4 particles (400 nm) with controlled amphiphilicity onto the droplet interface within a close proximity. Under the optimal conditions, superior Pickering efficiency with high reproducibility to the batch process led to produce Janus nanoparticles (m-SiO2/Fe3O4-Pdop/Pt) with 0.7 g hr−1 of high throughput functioned as triple-responsive nano-motors via site-selective Pdop and Pt decoration in a serial flow. Eventually, catalytic and thermophoretic swimming motions of the nano-motor exhibited 14.2 µm s−1 at H2O2 10 wt% solution, 3.8 µm s−1 at NIR light, 16.4 µm s−1 at H2O2 10 wt% with NIR-on condition, which are relatively better or compatible to the reported speeds, while it showed a magnetically actuated motion with velocity of 4.5 µm s−1. Note that a polydopamine based nano-motor is unique with the first non-metallic thermophoretic motion. In the Chapter 3, the protection of bio-catalyst (urease) and substrate (polydopamine: Pdop) by core@shell technique for prevention of the decreasing the therapeutic efficacy and movement is described. The enzyme-propelled nano-motor (Pdop@urease@aZIF-8) was synthesized for enhanced bio-catalytic motion and protection of substrates (Pdop as a core) and enzymes (urease and proteinase K) by an amorphous ZIF-8 shell. A capillary flow reactor connected with three- and two-way 3D-printed channels generated a stable triple laminar flow that enabled the controlled diffusion mixing of Zn2+ and 2-MIM precursors. A specific growth of amorphous aZIF-8 on the surface of Pdop NPs was examined (200 nm). The Pdop@urease@aZIF-8 (A-motor) exhibited satisfactory bio-compatibility and excellent enhanced movements in a urea-presenting basic aqueous (pH at 9.5) environment. When strong NIR was additionally applied, excellent photothermal (>60 °C) behavior along with successful urease enzyme protection (>90%) occurred and were maintained for 5 days. In addition, the nano-motor successfully crossed the endothelial tissue layer (>80%) with satisfactory adsorption into the bladder cancer tissue. With NIR exposure (808 nm, 2 W cm−2), successful elimination of cancer cells was observed within 10 min, and was supported by the temperature increase of the adsorbed A-motor. In the Chapter 4, the a novel urolithiasis treatment by delivering the chelating solution encapsulated PLGA-based microcapsules to urolithiasis, followed by US-responsive dissolution of the stones approach is proposed. The double-droplet microfluidics method and post-evaporation allowed the production of microcapsule of homogenous size (319±14 μm) through the encapsulation of HMP chelating solution and Fe3O4 NPs within a PLGA polymer shell (thickness <15 μm). The obtained microcapsules exhibited high magnetic collection efficiency (>99%) and US-responsive release in two different solutions: PBS (< 2 min) and gelatin (< 14 min). Moreover, in a customized Ψ-shaped flow chip, the selective HMP delivery of microcapsules with high magnetic delivery efficiency (> 90%) resulted in effective removal efficacy (>95 %, 7 repeated cycles) of artificial calcium oxalate (5 mm) via a chelating effect. Eventually, the potential urolithiasis treatment of microcapsule approach in humans was tested in a PDMS-based kidney-imitated chip where a human kidney stone (CaOx 100%, size range: 5–7 mm) was located in the minor calyx under artificial urine flow. A group of 500 microcapsules (HMP conc. 100 mM) was magnetically transported to the stone and successfully removed more than 50% of the stone after 10 repeated treatment cycles over a treatment time of 1 hour. Therefore, the selective delivery of chelator-encapsulated microcapsules to the urinary system via magnetic field and/or catheter-guidance offer a perspective for urolithiasis treatment compared with conventional approaches such as surgery and systemic dissolution. This doctoral dissertation has academic/industrial significance by suggesting potential solutions for urological disease treatment by various type of micro/nano-motor with improved productivity and long-term use, which are the limitations of clinical application of current medical motors, using various fluid flows in microfluidics. In addition, by showing the potential treatment of bladder cancer and kidney stones using various therapeutic micro/nano-motor, it is expected to be the alternative approaches to the existing surgical and systemic drug treatment of urological diseases and to become the basis for a new approach using therapeutic nano/micro-motors.

      • 컨테이너 터미널 장치장 재고수준에 대한 실증 분석 : 광양항 K터미널을 중심으로

        강병권 순천대학교 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Import containers arrive en masse at a container terminal in a containership and are eventually delivered to the consignees one by one, after staying in the terminal for a certain time. And export containers are received one by one from the hinterland to a container terminal by trailer. So distribution of export containers received from the hinterland and of import containers delivered to consignees for given time is important for container inventory analysis. And most container ships services are usually based on fixed day, weekly service, so we can consider the container terminal inventory level has similar tendency every week. In the paper, the container inventory levels are investigated using data obtained from container terminal operating company.

      • 동부아프리카의 문화와 세계관에서 본 기독교 리더십 개발 연구

        강병권 총신대학교 일반대학원 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        ABSTRACT “Study on Christian Leadership Development in the Perspective of Culture and Worldview in East Africa" Kang Byong Kwon Major of Missiology Graduate School of Education Chongshin University From the period of colonialism to the present, Africa has received Western theories and methods on leadership development and is using them to a great degree. However, most of them being used by Africans are not effective as expected, because they feel that Western theories and methods are strange to their worldview and cultural values. This reality has challenged scholars start studying cross-cultural leadership and found that there are strong elements of African culture and worldview in leadership. Missionaries who are doing cross-cultural ministries in East Africa have the same challenge. Is their method of implementing leadership development appropriate in the view of their culture and worldview? For several decades Korean missionaries have been involved in missions in East Africa. As they grow older they should think of leadership development and leadership succession. It is necessary that Korean missionaries should study about East African worldview and culture which affect leadership development immensely. To meet this need, I will examine the effects of East African culture and worldview on leadership and suggest some ideas for leadership development. This dissertation is aimed at finding a desirable leadership development method for Christian communities on the basis of culture and worldview in East Africa. The question of this research is “what are effective ways to develop Christian leaders in East Africa?” In addition, the questions for research performance for effective analysis of this topic for discussion are as follows: 1) What are elements of culture and worldview in East Africa? 2) What is leadership in the perspective of East African culture and worldview? 3) How to develop Christian leaders effectively in East Africa? This research introduced leadership theories to understand what leadership and leadership development are. In the following section, I researched about spiritual leadership aimed at understanding what kind of leaders we should train for. Next, I studied culture and worldview which effect developing spiritual leaders, and Biblical worldview and transformation of worldview to understand ways of changing worldviews to Biblical worldview. Finally, I summarized East African culture and worldview on the basis of the precedent research works. With this research on leadership, culture, worldview, Biblical worldview and East African culture and worldview, I made a quantitative questionnaire and analyzed the responses. At the end of the analysis, I suggested six ways to develop Christian leaders in East Africa as follows; 1. Plan for leadership development which intensifies community spirit. 2. Plan for leadership development which reinforces the perspective of God’s kingdom. 3. Plan for leadership development which respects followers. 4. Use mentoring for leadership development. 5. Develop East African leadership style and use of it. 6. Cooperate with local leaders in leadership development. This researcher is convinced that this study develops appropriate leaders for East African communities and helps them transform African traditional worldview to Biblical worldview. Key Words: leadership, leadership development, critical realism, familism, Sasa & Zamani, worldview, Ubuntu, cross-cultural Leadership study, GLOBE, Biblical worldview, spiritual transformation 초록 “동부아프리카의 문화와 세계관에서 본 기독교 리더십 개발에 관한 연구”    아프리카에서는 식민지 시대부터 현재까지 리더십 개발에 관한 서구의 이론과 방법들이 수용되어 사용되고 있다. 그러나 기대하는 것만큼 효과적이지 못하다. 그것은 서구의 이론과 방법들이 아프리카 세계관과 문화 가치에 적합하지 않기 때문이다. 이 같은 사실은 다수의 연구자들이 타문화 리더십을 연구하면서 드러났다. 연구에 의하면 한 지역의 세계관과 문화는 리더십 개발에 큰 영향력을 미치고 있음을 보여주었다. 1980년 중반부터 한국선교사들은 동부아프리카 선교에 본격적으로 참여하기 시작했는데 30년 가량시간이 지난 지금 점차 많은 선교사들이 은퇴할 시점을 맞이하고 있다. 선교사들이 은퇴이전 해야 할 사역은 동부아프리카 현지 리더십 개발과 리더십 이양이다. 이 과정에서 한국선교사들은 식민 시대 이후 동부아프리카에서의 리더십 개발의 도전을 반면교사로 삼아야 한다. 과연 선교사들이 리더십 개발의 이론과 방법을 동부아프리카의 문화와 세계관에 적합하게 계획하여 실행하고 있는지 점검해 보아야 한다. 연구자는 동부아프리카에서 사역하는 선교사들의 리더십개발의 긴급한 필요 때문에 동부아프리카의 문화와 세계관에서 본 기독교 리더십 개발에 관해 연구를 착수하게 되었다. 본 논문은 동부아프리카의 문화와 세계관을 고려한 기독교 리더십 개발 방법을 찾는데 그 목적을 가지고 있다.    이를 위해 연구자는 세 가지 질문으로 시작했다. 1) 동부아프리카 문화와 세계관의 특징은 무엇인가? 2) 동부아프리카 문화와 세계관에서 보는 리더십은 무엇인가? 3) 동부아프리카에서 기독교 리더십을 어떻게 개발할 것인가? 본 논문의 구성은 다음과 같다. 우선 리더십 정의를 다루었고, 리더십 개발에 사용되는 방법들을 이해하기 위해 리더십 이론을 다루었다. 다음으로 기독교 리더십 개발에서 사용할 수 있는 리더십 모델이 무엇인지 알고자기 성경적 리더십을 연구했다. 그 다음으로 성경적 리더십 개발을 위해 리더의 삶에 영향을 준 문화와 세계관, 기독교 리더가 가져야 할 성경적 세계관, 세계관의 변혁 과정에 관해 살펴보았다. 이어 다음 장에서는 동부아프리카의 문화와 세계관적 요소들이 무엇인지 리더십 관점으로 정리했다. 마지막으로, 동부아프리카 문화와 세계관에 대한 설문조사를 실시하고 설문 응답을 분석했다. 결론에서는 리더십 이론과 설문조사 분석 결과를 근거로 동부아프리카에서 기독교 리더십 개발을 위한 여섯 가지 방법을 제안했다. 1) 공동체 정신을 심화시키는 리더십 개발을 계획하라. 2) 하나님 나라 관점을 강화하는 리더십 개발을 계획하라. 3) 추종자를 존중하는 리더십 개발을 계획하라. 4) 리더십 개발을 위해 멘토링을 사용하라. 5) 동부아프리카의 리더십 스타일을 개발하고 사용하라. 6) 리더십 개발에서 지역 리더들과 협력하라. 연구자는 이 연구가 동부아프리카에 적합한 리더십 개발뿐만 아니라 그들의 전통적 세계관을 성경적 세계관으로 변화시켜 온전한 기독교 리더십을 개발하는데 큰 기여를 할 수 있으리라 전망한다. 핵심 단어 : 리더십, 리더십 개발, 리더십 유형, 리더십 변수, 타문화 리더십 연구, 영적리더, 멘토링, 세계관, 성경적 세계관, 비평적 사실주의, GLOBE, 우분투(Ubuntu)

      • 비파괴 검사법을 적용한 풍력발전용 복합소재 블레이드의 신뢰성 검증에 관한 연구

        강병권 남서울대학교 2015 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This study aims to verify the reliability of non-destructive tests by applying them to wind turbine composite blades. For achieving this purpose, three kinds of artificial specimens were produced by inserting the forms of blade faults which are most frequent, in different positions and then, as non-destructive tests, infrared thermography, ultrasonic testing, phased array ultrasonic testing, radiographic testing and digital radiography were applied to compare and evaluate the possibility of fault detection. For infrared thermography, outer heat sources of the specimens were examined using an active method and the heat sources were measured using an infrared camera. The faults of the positions with temperature changes were detected by analyzing the temperature changes of the measured images. For ultrasonic testing, straight-beam ultrasonic testing was conducted as a direct-contact method using the pulse-echo method. Based on the signals detected, it was possible to detect the faults by analyzing the echo depending on the positions of the faults. For phased array ultrasonic testing with the same basic principle as ultrasonic testing, the depth values and the widths of the faults were observed by applying A scan and B scan, at the same time. For radiographic testing, industrial X-Ray images were acquired by setting the exposure time in consideration of the distance with the specimens and the thicknesses of the specimens, and the faults were detected using film's density differences. Lastly, for digital radiography, the faults of the specimens were detected using fine ray sources and digital detector. In this research, all the tests were possible to detect the faults, but some of them were impossible to detect the faults below 3 mm. In conclusion, this means that for improving the reliability of blade tests, there is a need to conduct complementary tests rather than depending on one method.

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