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        경제역량 개념 정립 및 척도 구성을 통한 교양 경제교육 효율화 방안

        김준태 한국교양교육학회 2015 교양교육연구 Vol.9 No.2

        This paper aims to provide new insights on the concept of economic competence as the teaching of personal economic and financial knowledge with a direct intention of increasing an individual’s economic and financial literacy. Education is increasingly being scrutinized by criteria relating to specified performance in the broad world of work and social behaviour, and an important criterion for the measurement of efficiency is that of productivity. Economic competence of people and increasing economic and financial literacy levels to improve financial well-being is of global concern and is regularly identified as a core life skill for everyone. Economic education aims to empower individuals with competence to evaluate and to decide on economic situations as well as on economic policy. Education toward economic competence can no longer be left in the realm of guesswork and treated merely through incidental instruction. Skilfully presented, it can serve as means toward greater everyday competence, better personal and family life, and more effective citizenship. According to the knowledge about formal education as a crucial factor of developing economic competence, we will then integrate the curricular frame as one variable in this concept construction model. A wide agreement in the scientific community of economic didactics exists about the objectives of economic education in school. As a part of general education, it ought to enable learners, confronted with economic situations, to decide and act in an adequate and thoughtful way. They should be able to form these situations, and they should be interested in doing so in order to secure and improve society as one worth to live in. Society is a human product in the sense that society is continually reproduced by taken-for-granted assumptions about the nature of institutions and social organizations. Institutions and social organizations exist because the people performing specific roles within them act on the shared assumption that they exist. In this paper, economic competence has been defined as “the application of knowledge, understandings, skills and values in consumer and financial contexts and the related decisions that impact on self, others, the community and the environment.” Economic competence entails more than just knowledge and skills - it is deeply personal and financial decision-making involves attitudes, values and emotions. It has become imperative for individuals to develop a more nuanced understanding of the world of finance to secure their economic and financial future. However, research from around the world on economic competence raises serious concerns about the ability of individuals to secure their economic and financial well-being. We also assume a connection between curricular conditions and the degree of economic competence. If this will be proven, we are able to generate suggestions for educational policy in respect of school-curricula. The pivotal aspect of this research interest is the connection between the degree of economic competence, focused on a systemic understanding, and value judgements. This paper is suggestive that the influence of the environment is not only unidirectional but also the economic competence of the individuals is able to influence on the future state of the environment which these individuals live in. So it is obvious that it is necessary to focus also on the problem of economic and financial literacy because it is the important indicator of the country’'s future development. Only the country which people dispose of higher level of economic competence has the potential to improve its economic position world-wide. Plain common sense tells us it is high time to take education toward economic competence - both personal-practical and general - out of the realm of guesswork and merely incidental instruction. Economic education is not an esoteric speciality, good for only the few. We can learn to make it a vital part ... 경제생활 영위와 경제적 의사결정에 대한 능력은 개인의 삶과 사회의 경제적 생존조건 유지의 대전제이다. 본 연구는 개인의 경제생활 영위 능력이며 사회의 경제적 안정과 존속의 기능을 갖는 총체적 능력을 ‘경제역량’ 으로 정의하여 개념정립과 함께 ‘경제역량’ 측정척도 구축을 목적으로 한다. 또한 이를 기반으로 ‘경제역량’ 제고를 위한 교양 경제교육 효율화 방안을 모색하고자 한다. 급격한 변모 속에 예측 불가능한 경제사회의 미래는 개인들로 하여금 경제생활 영위에서 새로운 차원의 역량을 요청받고 있다. 인간 삶의 핵심영역인 경제행위와 의사결정에 대한 경제역량은 경제사회 구성원의 핵심적 생애능력(life competency)으로 기능하며 이를 위한 교육적 개입을 필요로 하고 있다. 개별경제주체의 경제적 의사결정 합리성과 최적성이 개인의 정상적이고 행복한 사회·경제적 생활의 영위와 경제사회 공동체 전체의 후생수준을 결정하기 때문에, 경제역량의 함양은 국가적 중요성을 가지는 경제교육의 지향점이고 목표이다. 인간 삶에서의 경제생활의 중요성과 경제역량이 가지는 사회적 함의를 고려할 때, 경제 지식, 경제적 의사결정과정에의 적용, 그리고 공동체내 경제시민으로서의 태도 견지 등의 총체적인 경제역량 배양은 교양교육으로서의 경제교육이 담당하여야 하는 중요한 교육 영역이다. 교양 경제교육은 개인과 사회의 숙명으로서의 경제역량 배양을 교육적 자원의 투하를 통해 지원하여야 한다. 이는 교양교육이 지향하는 인간 삶의 가치 고양과 접맥되는 것이다.

      • 서가대에 揭示된 小字報를 통해 본 科學英才들의 心理 硏究

        陸根鐵,金俊泰 공주대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1997 과학교육연구 Vol.28 No.1

        과학영재들이 도서실 서가대에 적어논 소자보를 수집 분석하여 그들이 어떤 문제에 관심을 가지고 있으며, 자신의 목표를 달성하기 위해서 자기 자신을 어떻게 통제하고 길들이고 있는가를 알아보았다. 그 결과 과학영재들은 학교공부 및 진학에 가장 큰 관심을 갖고있으며 자기자신의 자아실현을 위해서 끊임없이 담금질을 하는 목표지향적 특성을 가지고 있었다. 특히 교사와의 인간관계에 있어서 매우 힘들어하는 경향이 나타났다. We investigated the scientifically gifted students' major interests and the discipline for the perfection of themselves through the Sojabo post noted on their bookshelves. As a result, We recognized that they have goal-oriented characteristics and being stressed under competition among friends. Espacially, We discovered that the human relationship with their teachers have a tendency to getting difficult.

      • H.332 표준안에 근거한 소결합 멀티미디어 회의 시스템의 설계 및 구현

        김준태,성동수,이건배,Kim, Jun-Tae,Seong, Dong-Su,Lee, Geon-Bae 한국정보처리학회 2002 정보처리학회논문지D Vol.9 No.2

        Multimedia conference systems are classified into the tightly coupled conference and the loosely-coupled conference, the former is a peer-to-peer-conference or multi-point-conference based un the ITU-T H.323 standard, and the latter is the H.332 standard extended from the ITU-T H.323 standard. Loosely-coupled conference based on the H.332 standard is composed of small participants with the capacity of the send-receive mode and large participants with the capacity of the receive-only mode. In the H.332 conference, a subject and a media type of the multimedia conference is pre-announced for conquest of the difficulty of capability negotiation, and used SDP of IETF for that. Therefore, the H.332-conference can conquer a defect of the H.323 multimedia conference scalability. This paper analyzes H.332 standard for the loosely-coupled conference and describes an implementation of the H.332 multimedia conference systems. 멀티미디어 회의는 크게 밀결합 회의와 소결합 회의로 구분되며, 전자의 경우는 ITU-T의 H.323 표준에 근거한 일대일 또는 다자간 멀티미디어 회의가 있고, 후자의 경우로는 H.323 표준을 확장한 ITU-T의 H.332 표준이 있다. H.332 표준을 근거로 한 소결합 멀티미디어 회의는 송수신 능력을 갖는 소수의 패널과 수신능력 만을 갖는 다수의 청중들로 이루어진다. H.332에서는 참가자가 다수일 때 능력교환의 어려움을 극복하기 위해 회의의 주제나 미디어 형식등을 회의가 열리기 전에 미리 알리며 이를 위해 IETF의 SDP를 이용한다. 이와 같은 방법으로 H.323 멀티미디어 회의의 단점인 확장성을 극복할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 소결합 멀티미디어 회의를 위하여 표준화되고 있는 H.332를 분석하고, 분석된 결과를 토대로 구현된 시스템을 소개한다.

      • 尹草窓의 生涯와 草窓訣에 關한 硏究

        金準泰,尹暢烈 대한한의학원전학회 1992 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.6 No.-

        I have studied life of Yoon-Dong-Li(尹東里), who applied Un-Ki(運氣) theory to medicine during Suk-Jong(肅宗) to Jeong-Jo(正祖) in Yi-Dynasty and also studied his existing writings named 《Cho-Chang-kyeol》(草窓訣). The referenced original work prints were based on 1980's pring of Chung-Ku oriental medical society and National Central Library and The academy a korean studies possessed print. Studied with these books, I have concluded as follows. 1. Yoon-Dong-Li(尹東里) courtesy name is Ja-Mi(子美), pen name is Cho-Chang(草窓). He was born in 1705, Suk-Jong(肅宗) 31yrs, and died in 1784, Jeong-Jo(正祖) 3yrs in Yi-Dynasty. He had lineage of third-generationed-doctor and learned medicine from his uncle, Yoon-Woo-Kyo(尹雨敎). His father Yoon-Yi-Kyo(윤이교) gaved him second influence. 2. Confucianal physician in Ming Dynasty You-Bu(劉溥) respected Ju-Ryeom-Kyo(周濂溪), confucianist in Song-Dynasty and You-Bu(劉溥) does not removed grass in front of window (because in chinese, Cho-Chang(草窓) means grass in front of windows), and named himself Cho-Chang(草窓). Yoon-Dong-Li(尹東里) followed this suit so called himself Cho-Chang(草窓). 3. The main contents of 《Cho-Chang-Kyeol》(草窓訣), <Un-Ki-Yeon-Lon>(運氣衍論) was written in 1725, when Yoon-Dong-Li(尹東里) was 21yrs old and printed in 1736. The other part of 《Cho-Chang-Kyeol》(草窓訣), <Yong-Yak-Pyeon>(用藥篇) was written in 1746. These two parts were not written in the same time. The <Un-Ki-Yeon-Lon>(運氣衍論) was written 11years earlier than <Yong-Yak>(用藥). Two parts were combined another day and named 《Cho-Chang-Kyeol》(草窓訣). 4. Existing 《Cho-Chang-Kyeol》(草窓訣) is transcribed printing with the content of "Five elements motion and the six kind of natural factors theory"(五運六氣論). Each edition is generally similar in content, but also has different points each other so naw we hardly finds a complete set of works. 5. 《Cho-Chang-Kyeol》(草窓訣) is a first technical book which treats of Un-Ki(運氣) theory in korea. 6. The contents of <Un-Ki-Yeon-Lon>(運氣衍論) of 《Cho-Chang-Kyeol》(草窓訣) is mechanism of diease according to excess and insuffciency of five elements motion and six kinds of natural factors, and symptoms and priscriptions, includes variated priscriptions. 7. Two parts in <Un-Ki-Yeon-Lon>(運氣衍論) of 《Cho-Chang-Kyeol》(草窓訣), 'Sang-tong'(相通) and 'Kak-Tong'(各通), threats of mechanisim of the disease according to five elements, with the principle of inter-promoting and inter-acting, in the change of ten heavenly stems and five elements motion. 8. In the <Yong-Yak-Pyeon>(用藥篇) of 《Cho-Chang-Kyeol》(草窓訣) describes priscription for clinical application according to Un-Ki(運氣) and also records about misuse of medicine. 9. In the 《Cho-Chang-Kyeol》(草窓訣), most of priscription are common using one, which also found in 《Dong-Ui-Bo-Gam》(東醫寶鑑) and there are few of priscriptions by Yoon-Dong-Li(尹東里).

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