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        김기정 서원대학교 2004 敎育發展 Vol.23 No.1

        The study skills, learning motivation. academic adjustments are the significant factors that positively influence the learning process of school learners. In this study, the study skills were measured by 7sub-skills of self-managements, listening and participating in class, task-solving, effectively reading, report writing, information processing, and test-taking Learning motivation were composed of academic self-efficacy and academic failure tolerance And academic adjustments were composed of single scale with 20 items. The purpose of this study were to examine relationships between these process variables and learning outcomes, to explore the relative importance and combined effects of these process variables(10 factors) to academic achievements, and to find the differences in the process variables by sex and academic achievements levels. For this study, 100 male students and 229 female students were purposively sampled in S University. Their GPA were also obtained from their instructors. The major findings in this study were as followings. First, the study skills, learning motivation, and academic adjustments were closely interrelated with the correlation of .53 - .72. The combined effects of study skills and learning motivation to academic-adjustments were 61 percent. Among the variance, the test-taking skill had 57 percent, and self-efficacy skill, task-solving skill, and effectively reading skill had 11 percent, 2 percent, and 1 percent respectively. Second, lower achiever showed more negative behavior and attitudes than normal and higher achiever in 9 factors of the learning process variables. Among these factors. task-solving skill were found to be most important factor through regression analysis. This factor explained 15 percent of variance of academic achievements. Third, the level that college students have utilized study skills in their school learning were 2.8 and the level of learning motivation were 2.5 on 4-point scale. The skill that the students used most frequently were task-solving(3.1 point). Female students showed more positive behavior than male students in the use of study skills. In learning motivation, male showed more positive attitudes. But there were no significant differences by sex in academic adjustment.

      • KCI등재

        북한 붕괴시 다국적군 파병 가능성과 한국의 외교적 대응

        김기정 한국전략문제연구소 1999 전략연구 Vol.6 No.3

        One cannot think of any possible change in the international politics of East Asia without considering North Korea, which is surely a decisive variable determining stability and change in the regional security. This paper examines the regime crisis and possible alteration in the nature of North Korean regime. Therefore, a very starting point that this paper is concerned is possible collapse of North Korea and possibility of intervention by multinational forces, should any dramatic events occur. For the first part of the paper argues that, in forecasting North Korean collapse, the definition of collapse should be presented with more precise definition. When setting scenarios for the collapse of North Korea, its collapse scenario must be multidimensional rather than linear dimensional Not only the collapse of North Korea occurs due to a single factor but also it will not proceed in a single dimension. Distinguishing implosion and explosion tends to oversimplify and, moreover, ignore externality which accounts for foreign policies by surrounding states (the Us, Japan, Russia and China) toward North Korea. Considering externality implies that the Korean problem is influenced by the international community and especially North Koreas survival is much more determined by what types of foreign policy are exerted by the surrounding states in the region. The second part of the paper entails the actual scenarios of North Korea and examines possibilities of intervention by multi-national forces in the courses of the collapse. Collapse can be seen in the forms of socio-economic, political regime and system collapse. The socio-economic collapse entails the breakdown of food-rationing, surveillance and production systems. In it, the existing social stratification and class tension will be apparent. The collapse of political regime defines power struggles, military-coup and civil wars. The final phase of collapse is the demise of the system. Once the socio-economic and political foundation become obsolete, new fungible groups must come in to replace the old one. This is where the intervention of international community may be visible and gradual unification. may come into reality. Should North Korea collapse, the surrounding states (the Us, Japan, China and Russia) may intervene by claiming that their intervention is to secure the regional and international stability as well as their own national security. Each state may justify its decision based on prior-bilateral agreements that are formed either by North or by South Korea. The complex web of alliance pacts around the Korean peninsula may enable them to participate in the advent of the collapse. The US may intervene with the Time Phased Force Deployment under the Operation Plan 5027. The US may do so through its policy of engagement and enlargement. China, self-advocate to be a regional stabilizer, may intervene under the China-North Korea Pact, formed in 1961, which agrees to provide any necessary assistance, including military means, should any engaging party falls into invasion by other states. Japan can play its role under the new US-Japan New Guide Line which explicitly allows Japan to engage in the Non-combat Evacuation Operation (NEO) if any crisis occur in the region. As seen in the case of Somalia, Bosnia and East-Timor recently, the role of the United Nation may play decisively in implementing its peace keeping mission. The last part of the paper reviews the German experience, especially the foreign policies of the Kohl government in the phase of the German unification, which effectively dealt with and prevented any foreign intervention including the former Soviet Union. From this, the paper conclude with implications for the Korean foreign policy readiness: Korea should tighten its current alliance with the US and at the same time should be able to secure its unification initiatives independent of external influences. If not, Korea must at least minimize foreign intervention so as to maximize its interest and lead its national destiny as a unitary actor.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        19대 국회와 한국 외교 담론

        김기정 세종연구소 2012 국가전략 Vol.18 No.2

        Considering limited influence on foreign policy-making from the legislative branch, it is not clear that the 19th National Assembly of Korea would provide a momentum for changing courses of the existing foreign policy stance of the Lee Myong Bak administration. Nevertheless, it is plausible that political debates could occur in the National Assembly on several issues before the Presidential election in December, 2012. The debates on foreign policy issues of the Lee administration include Korea-U.S. FTA issue, the unsolved problem of establishing Peace regime on the Korean peninsula, the rigidity of the policy toward North Korea, the diplomatic costs derived from the declaration of ‘restoring ROK-US alliance’, and deterioration of Sino-Korean diplomatic relations due to the logic of ‘bloc-formation’ in the region. It is also expected that the 19th National Assembly could create a new discourse of the Korea’s foreign policy. And the political process in the National Assembly will give an significant influence in shaping foreign policy of Korea from 2013. Goals of Korea in foreign policy include Peace-building on the Korean peninsula, prosperity of Korea, and enhancement of positioning of Korea in the international society. For the sake of achieving those goals, Korea needs a new diplomatic discourses such as discourse for peace, discourse of responsibility and contribution, and discourse of dialogues and integration. It is highly expected that creation of new diplomatic discourses from the 19th National Assembly will make a new foreign policy paradigm of Korea. 외교정책에 미치는 의회의 제한적 영향을 고려한다면 19대 국회가 한국 외교정책을 변화시키는 동력을 만들 수 있을지는 미지수다. 그러나 12월 대선을 앞두고 몇 가지 사안에서 이명박정권의 외교정책에 대한 비판적 쟁점이 만들어 질 가능성은 있다. 그것에는 한미 FTA를 둘러싼 논쟁, 미완의 과제로 남은 한반도 평화구축과 대북정책의 경직성, 한미동맹 복원론이 낳았던 외교적 비용의 문제, 진영화 논리 때문에 생겼던 한중관계 악화의 부담 등이 포함된다. 19대 국회에서는 이명박 정권의 외교정책에 대한 토론과 논쟁을 통해 새로운 외교 담론을 발신할 수 있어야 한다. 그 정치적 과정이 2013년 이후 한국 외교에 영향을 미치게 될 것이다. 한국의 발전과 번영, 한반도 평화 구축, 세계 속 한국의 위상정립 등의 목표를 이루기 위한 새로운 한국 외교 담론에는 평화담론, 책임과 기여 담론, 소통과 통합의 담론이 포함된다. 19대 국회로터의 외교담론 발신이 한국 외교의 새로운 패러다임을 만드는 것에 일조하게 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        댜오위다오/센카쿠 제도 분쟁에 대한 중국의정책결정 구조 분석: 군부의 영향력을 중심으로

        김기정,정진문 한양대학교 아태지역연구센터 2010 중소연구 Vol.34 No.2

        1990년에서 1996년 사이의 중국의 댜오위다오/센카쿠 제도에 대한 정책을 살펴보면 타협에서 도발, 그리고 타협으로의 명백한 변동을 보이고 있다. 중국은 1990년과 1996년 분쟁 당시에는 일본과의 타협을 통해 문제를 해결하려 했으나, 1992년에는 댜오위다오/센카쿠 제도를 중국의 영토로 명기하는 영해법을 제정하는 도발적인 정책을 시행하였다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 변동을 당시 중국 군부의 외교정책에 대한 영향력 변화를 통해 분석해보고자 한다. 군부의 외교정책에 대한 영향력은 지도부의 군부 장악력과 군부의 외교정책 결정과정에 대한 개입의 의지의 강도에 의해 결정되며, 이에 따라 지도부 통제형, 지도부-군부 충돌형, 암묵적 타협형, 군부 주도형의 네 가지 정책결정 양태가 나타난다. 1990년에는 암묵적 타협형 정책결정 양태가 나타나 군부가 외교정책 문제에 개입하지 않았기 때문에 분쟁을 타협을 통해 해결할 수 있었고, 1996년에는 지도부-군부 충돌형 정책 결정 양태 속에서 지도부가 군부의 반발을 무시하고 분쟁을 조기에 봉합하는 정책이 나타났다. 그러나 1992년 영해법 제정 당시에는 군부 주도형 정책 결정 양태가 나타나 인민해방군이 지도부의 의사를 무시하고 영해법에 도발적인 영토 조항을 포함시키는 결과가 나타나게 된 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        관망과 개입:1,2차 북핵위기에 나타난 중국의 대북정책변화 요인 분석

        김기정,나웅하 한양대학교 아태지역연구센터 2009 중소연구 Vol.33 No.1

        본 논문에서는 북핵 1차 위기와 2차 위기의 전개과정에 드러난 중국의 정책적 행위패턴의 차이를 분석하였다. 중국의 대북정책을 변화시킨 요인으로 두 가지 변수를 고려하였는데 하나는 북중 동맹의 동태성에 기인한 동맹결속력이고, 다른 하나는 미국의 대북 정책 변화에 따른 중국이 체감하는 연루의 위험성이다. 이 두 변수의 상호작용에 따라 북핵 위기에 대한 중국의 안보민감성에 변화가 있었다고 가정하며 두 변수의 상관관계에 따라 선택 가능한 4가지 형태의 개입 전략을 모델화하였다. 중국-북한관계 같은 지리적으로 인접한 동맹국의 경우, 강대국의 개입 형태는 예방적 개입, 후원적 개입, 예의주시적 관망, 방관적 관망 등 네 가지 개입 형태가 있다. 실제 북핵 1, 2차 위기 시에 중국이 선택한 개입 전략이 방관적 관망 전략에서 예방적 개입 전략으로 변화하게 됨을 분석하였다. 요컨대 북중 관계의 양자관계적 변수 (동맹결속력)와 제3국(미국)의 행위양태의 변화에 의해 북핵 위기에 대한 중국의 안보민감성은 1차 위기와 2차 위기에 각각 다르게 나타났다. 그리고 이러한 안보민감성의 차이에 따라 중국의 대북 개입 방식이 변화되었음을 설명하는 것이 이 글의 주된 논점이다.

      • KCI등재

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