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      • KCI등재

        중앙버스전용차로 버스전용신호 도입시 신호 최적화에 관한 연구

        김보겸,김영찬,김승일,김진태 대한교통학회 2006 대한교통학회지 Vol.24 No.5

        Seoul and many large cities in Korea have implemented Median Exclusive Bus Lane(MEB). But exclusive bus lane in the middle of the road caused new contradictions between left turn movement and through bus movement and several signal operation techniques like ‘left turn protected’ and ‘overlap phase’ couldn't be applied in intersections on MEB. We suggest ‘Bus-only Signal for median lane’ technique as solution of these problems.This study presents optimum signal time design process and detailed algorithms for intersections where bus-only signals are installed. As a test field, we took Yang-Je intersection where Median Exclusive Bus Lane go through, and have large gap in volume of left turn in main direction. And we verified that revised optimum signal time including overlap phase can reduce average delay time of vehicle through before and after simulation. 서울시를 포함한 수도권 각 도시는 중앙버스전용차로의 적극적인 도입으로 버스속도 및 정시성 향상을 통해 대중교통우선 처리 전략을 적극 추진 중에 있다. 그러나 이로 인해 중앙부 1~2개 차로를 버스전용차로가 차지함으로써 기존 신호운영체계에 큰 변화를 가져오게 되었다. 좌회전 차량과 중앙버스전용차로를 이용해 직진하는 버스 간에 새로운 상충이 발생하게 되어 동시신호 기법 등 교차로 신호운영대안이 줄어들게 된 것이다. 이 해결방안으로서 버스전용신호를 도입하여 중첩현시 및 동시신호 등 Dual-Ring방식의 다양한 신호 운영을 가능케 하는 방안이 모색되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 버스전용신호 도입 시 교차로 정체를 최소화할 수 있는 신호설계방법을 제시하였고, 중앙버스전용차로가 운영 중인 양재역사거리에 동 기법을 이용한 최적신호 설계를 적용, 시뮬레이션을 통해 그 효과를 검증하였다.

      • Nietzsche의 Dionysos的 世界觀

        金保謙 제주대학 1981 논문집 Vol.13 No.1

        "Wissenschaft, Kunst und Philolophie wachsen jetzt so sehr in mir zusammen, das ich jedenfalls einmal Centauren gera¨ren werde", schreibt Nietzsche Ende Januar 1870. In seinem Fru¨hwerk " Die Geburt der Tragodie" offenbart sich schon eigentlich der ganze Nietzsche, der in bezug auch auf das Historische, auf ein zeitlich begrenztes, unr in sich gultiges geschichtliches Thema ganz und gar kontrapunktisch dachte (Betrachtung des Griechentums unter der Formel "apollinisch=dionysisch"), der Kulturen physiognomisch zu nehmen wusste. Netzsche war Romantiker, der letzte Romantiker, der sich eben deshalb nach Kultur nur schnen konnte, die er um sich herum bereits vermiβte. Nietzsche war auf der anderen Seite wiederum kein Systematiker, kein Vertreter analytisch=kritischer Wissenschaftsmethodik; er hat uns auch in dieser Beziehung neue fruchtbarer bzw. zeitgemaBere Wege gewiesen, Wege, die uns vom alten Wissenschsftsideal immermehr entfernt. Ob wir es zugeben oder nichet, ob wir es wollen oder nicht, wkr sind heute alle, was die Relativierung von Werten und Idealen jeglicher Art bzw, was deren Verzeitlichung betrifft, die Schuler Nietzsches, dessen Ideal schlieβlich die Ideallosigkeit gewesen ist(denn alle "Ideale" werden ja in dieser Philosophie zuletzt zu Krucken fu¨r die Schwachen), der-unter dem Aspekt des Willens zur Macht-zum groβen Moralerneuerer insofern wured, als er den Nachweis zweier von jeher nebeneinader bestehender Moralen erstmalig zu fuhren wagte, den Nachweis einer Herrenmoral und einer Sklavenmoral und damit den Nachweis von der Zektbedingtheit und Abha¨ngigkeit vom menschlichen Wesen, von Blut, Herkunft, Rasse des Individuums, auch aller morlischen Werte Der Wert des Wirklichkeitsformen, die das Leben jeweis annimmt, richtet sich in keiner Hinsicht nach "ewigenGestzen", sondern einzig und allein nach dem Intensitatggrade des dahinterstehenden W I l l e n s z u M a c h t. Nietzsches Fragment gebliebenes Hauptwerk des "Willens zur Macht", das die wesentlichen Probleme des 19. Jahrhunderts im Sinne des 20. Jahrhundert sieht und beantwortet, enthalt bereits alle Aufgaben der na¨chsten hundert Jahre.

      • Nietzsche 哲學의 現代的 照明

        金保謙 제주대학교 1984 논문집 Vol.22 No.2

        황혼이 짙어갈 무렵 오지리 Wien의 Karlenberg 언덕에서 시가를 내려다 볼 때 모든 걸물이나 많은 사원들의 뾰죽한 탑들이 어둠에 잠기어 버리는데, 오직 성 Stephan사원^1)의 탑만이 점점 높이 솟아오름을 볼 수가 있다. 마치 이와도 같이 시간과 공간의 거리를 달리하면 할수록 그의 위대성이 부각되는 고독한 Nietzsche - 다시에는 사회각층으로부터 냉대와 멸시를 받은- 의 철학을 여기 현대적인 각도로서 그 의의를 재조명해 보고자 하지만, 그 근원이 희미한 어둠속에 잠겨 있는 이상 Nietzsche 철학의 탐색의 여로는 그다지 용이한 것은 아닐 것이다. 위기와 동란의 세기라고 일컬어지는 더욱 원폭의 위협, 세계각지에서의 끊일줄 모르는 처참한 무력항쟁등, 그 어느 것을 보더라도 현대의 문명사회의 병근이 깊어만가는 느낌이 든다.

      • 전뇌(Whole Brain)치료 시 Field-in-Field Technique 적용에 관한 고찰

        김보겸,이제희,정치훈,박흥득,Kim Bo Kyoum,Lee Je Hee,Jung Chi Hoon,Pack Heung Deuk 대한방사선치료학회 2005 대한방사선치료학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        Purpose : Uniform dose distribution of the target volume is very important in the radiation treatment. We will evaluate the usefulness of Field-in-Field Technique use to get uniform dose distribution of the target volume and try to find Apply possibility out to a whole brain treatment patient of various thickness. Material and method : We compare the dose distribution when we applied Field-in-Field Technique and parallel opposed fields technique. establish the treatment plan to a phantom(acryl 16cm spheral phantom) and do the measurement, assessment use the TLD and Low sensitivity film. Also the assessment did Apply possibility of Field-in-Field Technique to 20 patient object of various thickness. Result : In the case to use the parallel opposed fields at the whole brain treatment $10-12\%$ high dose region appeared but reduce to $3-4\%$ lesses when we used the Field-in-Field technique. We could get similar numerical value the film and TLD measurement result also. The change of the dose distribution appeared to its ${\pm}1{\sim}2\%$ although it applied such Field-in-Field technique to various patient so that we were identical. Conclusion : We can get uniform dose distribution of in the treatment region if we apply the Field-in-Field technique at the whole brain treatment. Also alternate can play the role of the wedge filter and 3D compensator and We are thought by minimizing the obstacle to be happened due to the high dose region when radiation treatment.

      • KCI등재

        Performance of a Two-Phase Injection Heat Pump with the Variation of Injection Quality and Pressure

        김보겸,김동우,이동찬,김용찬 대한설비공학회 2017 International Journal Of Air-Conditioning and Refr Vol.25 No.2

        Heat pumps are becoming more commonly and widely used due to their advantages in efficiency and versatile applications in both cooling and heating. However, the reliability of its compressor is being compromised due to high discharge temperatures caused by harsh operating conditions. Among the numerous studies conducted in improving the discharge temperature and performance of the heat pump, two-phase injection is receiving great interest. In this study, the performance of the two-phase injection heat pump was measured with a variation of operating parameters. The experiment results were used to study the performance change according to the operating parameter such as injection quality and pressure. It was found that the performance of the heat pump using the two-phase injection was better in terms of COP by up to 5.8% compared to that using the vapor injection. Furthermore, the two-phase injection was effective in reducing the discharge temperature to improve the compressor reliability. Two types of optimum injection qualities were suggested through this study: discharge temperature optimum injection quality (TIQ), and performance optimum injection quality (PIQ). It was found that in most conditions PIQ was sufficient in satisfying the compressor reliability, but in harsh operating conditions, where the compression ratio was high, TIQ was required in order to maintain the compressor reliability.

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