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      • KCI등재


        鄭賢兒(정현아) 한국일본어학회 2017 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.52

        본고는 한일남성모어화자의 사죄행동의 상호작용에 의한 결과의 특징을 중심으로, 다시 말해, 사죄가 받아들여지는 상호작용과 받아들여지지 않는 상호작용의 유사점과 차이점을 한국사회, 일본사회와 관련지어 분석 고찰하였다. 조건을 통제(친구사이인 한일남성모어화자)하여 롤 플레이 조사방법으로 수집한 장면은 “제3자와도 관련이 있는 앞으로 불쾌한 상황이 발생하는 정신적인 사죄장면”으로, 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 먼저, 사죄가 받아들여지는 상호작용의 “사죄관련발화문”에서는 “사죄”, “대인배려”, “과실수복” 발화문에서, “응답관련발화문”에서는 “문제해결”, “승낙” 발화문에서 한일남성모어화자의 차이점이 명확하게 나타났다. 하지만 “사죄발화문”과 “과실수복발화문”의 평가는 한국사회와 일본사회에서 다르게 나타날 것으로 생각된다. 문제해결을 위한 구체적인 대안을 나타내지 않고 단지 사죄하는 행동을 보이는 것과 자신이 일으킨 불쾌한 상황에 대해 사과하지 않고 대신에 대안을 제시하여 해결하려고 하는 행동을 보이는 것은 양국에서 마이너스 행동으로서 인식될 우려가 있다고 생각된다. This paper reviewed and analyzed the similarities and differences between the acceptable and unacceptable interactions in relation to Korean society and Japanese society based on the characteristics of the results of the interaction of the apologetic behaviors of the male Korean and Japanese speakers. The collected scenes from role-play by controlling the conditions (male Japanese and Koreans who are friends)are "a mental apology scen causing future unpleasant situations related to third parties". The results of the analysis are as follows. First, in the "utterance related to apology" area of interactions in which the apology is accepted, there was a significant difference between male Korean and Japanese speakers in the utterance of "apology", "concerns for others" and "mistake reclamation", and the utterance of "problem solving" and "acceptance" in the “utterance related to response“. However, the evaluation of the "utterance of apology" and "utterance of mistake reclamation" will be different in Korean and Japanese society. There is a concern that it may be perceived as a negative action in the two countries by just apologizing without showing concrete alternatives for problem solving or by trying to solve the problem presenting alternatives instead of apologizing for the unpleasant situation caused. Next, in the "utterance related to apology" area of the interactions in which the apology is not accepted, there was a significant difference between male Japanese and Korean speakers in the utterance of "explanation of situation", and "mistake reclamation", and the utterance of ‘criticism’ in the “utterance related to response“. The previous research showed that Japanese speakers tend to not like stating only a reason without expressing apology, and Korean speakers tend to express one’s dissatisfaction directly among close friends. Based on the results of previous studies and the results of this study, it is found that attention should be paid to the "utterance of situation explanation", "utterance of mistake reclamation” and ”utterance of criticism" in apologetic contact situation between Korea and Japan,

      • KCI등재

        한중일 여학생의 불만표명행위에 대한 대조연구 - 상하 힘의 관계의 변화에 따른 특징을 중심으로 -

        정현아(鄭賢兒) 한국일본어학회 2022 日本語學硏究 Vol.- No.74

        This paper focuses on the mutual interaction of the act of expressing dissatisfaction, and quantitatively analyzes and discusses the (dis)similarities that Korean, Chinese, and Japanese female students use in a situation wherein the power relationship has changed. First, the tendency of Korean female students to express their dissatisfaction showed that <confirmation of the situation and direct/indirect expression of dissatisfaction> was used between peers rather than toward seniors while <Confirmation of alternatives and acceptance of alternatives and concessions> was used toward seniors rather than between peers. Korean female students tended to use language strategies that respect the seniors dignity. It is considered that the influence of power relationships is strongly reflected in language strategy. Next, the tendency of Chinese female students to express their dissatisfaction showed that <direct expression of dissatisfaction and requests for improvement, refusal, and acceptance of alternatives> was used between peers rather than toward seniors and <Confirmation of the situation and indirect expression of dissatisfaction, confirmation of compensation and rejection> were used toward seniors rather than between peers. Lastly, the tendency of Japanese female students to express their dissatisfaction showed that they tend not to use direct expressions of dissatisfaction regardless of the power relationship. <Confirmation of the situation and indirect expression of dissatisfaction> was used more frequently between peers than toward seniors and <Request for improvement and concession> was used toward seniors rather than between peers. Similar to Korea and China, in Japan, verbal behavior that infringes on the other persons dignity is used slightly more between peers where their hierarchical power is the same in the relationship.

      • KCI등재

        드라마를 통해 본 한중일 불만표명행위의 특징 - ‘미생(未生)’의 한중일 버전을 분석하여 -

        정현아(鄭賢兒) 한국일본어학회 2023 日本語學硏究 Vol.- No.78

        This study explored traits of interactions among Korea, China, and Japan in the expression of dissatisfaction by analyzing the Korea-China-Japan edition of the business soap drama Misaeng to derive quantitative and qualitative results and examine its traits closely. According to the results of the analysis, in cases of direct dissatisfaction to a superior, Korea and China tended to use 〈rough talk-type〉 and 〈command-type〉, and Japan tended to use 〈command-type〉. In cases of indirect dissatisfaction, Korea, China, and Japan used both 〈confirmation-type〉 and 〈explanatory-type〉. Moreover, for all of Korea, China and Japan, dissatisfaction providers were using language strategies that mainly clarified or confirmed the fact, but compared to Korea, Japan and China used non-verbal strategies that were silent about the expression of dissatisfaction of the superior. In the case of expressing dissatisfaction to a colleague, an ofincreasing trait was shown in the ratio of 〈sarcasm-type〉 among direct dissatisfaction expressions in Korea, in the ratio of 〈rough talk-type〉 in China, and in the ratio of 〈command-type〉 and 〈sarcasm-type〉 in Japan, whereas the ratio of the dissatisfaction providers 〈apology〉 tended to be decreased in all of Korea, China and Japan.

      • KCI등재

        신체적 피해상황에서 본 사죄담화의 한일대조 -한일남녀대학생의 사용경향을 중심으로-

        정현아(鄭賢兒) 한국일본문화학회 2020 日本文化學報 Vol.0 No.85

        Korean male college students are found to prefer using the trend of ‘core discourse’ after judging damage situations by ‘negotiation discourse’ and less by ‘successive core discourse,’ which continuously uses ‘apologies’. In contrast, Japanese male and female college students show the trend of continuing the interaction to solve the problem by ‘negotiation discourse’ after using ‘apologies’ first by ‘core discourse’ or ‘successive core discourse’. Moreover, it was observed that Korean female college students show almost the same rate of using ‘core discourse’ after judging the situation by ‘negotiation discourse’ and continue to use ‘negotiation discourse’ after using ‘core discourse’; they also use slightly more ‘successive core discourse’ than Korean male college students.

      • KCI등재

        물질적인 피해상황에서의 사죄행동의 한일대조 - 상호작용의 특징을 중심으로 -

        정현아(鄭賢兒) 한국일본어학회 2019 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.62

        The purpose of this study is to qualitatively analyze, on the basis of actual conversational data, the kinds of language strategies Korean and Japanese male and female university students use in order to interact with each other when restoring their relationships. When Korean and male and female students had positive and smooth conversations, apologizers uttered expressions of apology (미안하다), acceptance of responsibility, and damage reimbursement in order to actively solve the problem. The opponent of the apologizer also utilized utterances of acceptance and accepted the apologizer’s apologetic behavior when there was the possibility of problem-solving. However, when Korean male students faced negative and unsmooth conversations, the opponent of the apologizer continuously and directly blamed the apologizer, and the apologizer tended to show avoidance of responsibility and utterances of complaint expressions to reject the apologizer’s apologetic behavior. Korean female students utilized words showing friendliness such as ‘friend’ to alleviate damage somewhat when blame between friends or other situations of losing face occurred. When Japanese and male and female students had positive and smooth conversations, the apologizer continuously used expressions of apology (ごめん、すまない、申し訳ない) and uttered acceptance of responsibility and damage reimbursement to solve a problem. The opponent of the apologizer also tended to use concession and utterances of acceptance, rather than utterances of the clear demand for damage reimbursement. In negative and unsmooth conversations, Japanese male student apologizers tended to politely express ending words when the willingness for damage reimbursement was uttered even between friends. When opponents of apologizers are Japanese female students, they tended to use indirect blame more frequently compare to other groups, to avoid linguistic behaviors that could cause the other to lose face.

      • KCI등재

        負担度の高い場面での『謝罪 · 応答発話文』の日韓対照

        鄭賢兒(정헌아) 한국일본어학회 2018 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.56

        “사죄”는 미묘하고 복잡한 인간관계의 어려움을 반영하고 있으며, 인사표현과 같은 “정형표현(定型表現)”을 가지고 있는 언어행위이다. 본고에서는 롤 플레이 방법을 통해 실제로 대화한 데이터를 분석하여, 상호작용을 통해 나타나는 한일남녀대학생의 “사죄발화문”과 “응답발화문”의 유사점과 등의 특징을 화용론적 관점에서 고찰하였다. 자료는 한국남자대학생 16대화 , 한국여자대학생 16대화, 일본남자대학생 16대화, 일본여자대학생 16대화를 수집하여 분석하였다. 일본대학생은 남녀 모두 사죄자가 책임을 인정하는 발화뿐만 아니라, 자신이 일으킨 불쾌한 상황을 설명하거나, 피사죄자의 화를 풀어주기 위한 활동을 하는 등 보다 복잡한 “사죄발화문”을 사용하고 있었다. 그러나 “직접사죄”는 남성이 많이 사용하였고, “사태언급”, “달래기”는 여성이 많이 사용하는 경향을 보였다. 사죄받는 쪽은 “긍적적인 응답”이 남성은 40%, 여성은 약 60% 정도이고, “부정적인 응답”은 남성이 여성보다 3배 정도 많이 사용하는 경향을 보였다. 한국대학생도 일본대학생과 마찬가지로 남녀 모두 사죄하는 쪽은 책임을 인정하는 발화뿐만 아니라, 자신이 일으킨 불쾌한 상황을 설명하거나, 피사죄자의 화를 풀어주기 위한 활동을 하는 등 보다 복잡한 “사죄발화문”을 사용하고 있었다. 그러나 “직접사죄”는 남성이 많이 사용하고, “책임인정”, “사태언급”, “달래기”는 여성이 많이 사용하였다. 사죄받는 쪽은 “긍정적인 응답”이 남녀 모두 약 50% 정도이고 “부정적인 응답”은 남성이 여성보다 2배 이상 많이 사용하였다. "Apology" reflects the delicate and complex difficulties of human relationships and is a language act that has the same "定型表現 (means formal expression) " as the expression of human resources. In this paper, we analyzed the actual conversation data using the role play method and used features similar to those shown in the perspective of the "apology expression" and "answer expression" of Korean and Japanese college students through interaction. The material was analyzed by collecting 16 Korean male college students, 16 Korean female college students, 16 Japanese male college students, and 16 Japanese female college students. Both men and women in Japan expressed their responsibility when apologizing, explained the unpleasant situation they caused, and released more emotional statements to release the anger. They were using a complicated "apology expression". However, "direct apologizing" was popular with men, while "talking about the situation" and "a way to talk and soothe" tended to be used by women. The "positive response" is about 40 percent for men and 60 percent for women. "Negative Responses" showed that men used about three times more than women. In Korea, both men and women, like Japanese college students, not only admitted responsibility but also explained the unpleasant situations they created and helped ease the anger of a person who was upset. However, "direct apologizing" is more popular with men, and "admit responsibility ", "refer to the situation" and "a way to talk and soothe" are popular among women. About 50 percent of both men and women replied "positive" in an apology, while men used "negative responses" more than twice as much as women.

      • KCI등재

        불만표명행위의 상호작용에 대한 한중일 대조연구 -부담도의 차이를 중심으로-

        鄭賢兒(Jung, Hyun-A) 한국일본어학회 2021 日本語學硏究 Vol.- No.68

        In this study, similarities and differences of linguistic strategies used by Korean, Chinese and Japanese male and female college students in situations involving different levels of imposition, one with a high degree of imposition and the other with a low degree, are analyzed and discussed quantitatively with special attention given to the interactions of complaint expressing acts. Firstly, male and female college students in Korea, China and Japan show a common tendency to use an expression of apology, explanation of reason, confirmation of situation, admission of responsibility, self-justification, presence of compensation, and soothing speech more frequently than other linguistic strategies when they are a complainant in situations with a lower degree of imposition. Further, the complainants tend to use the confirmation of situation, direct and indirect expression of complaint, active improvement request and concession speech more often than other linguistic strategies in common. Next, the complainants tend to use in common an expression of apology, explanation of reason, confirmation of situation, admission of responsibility, evasion of responsibility, self-improvement, self-justification, presence of alternative, presence of compensation, and soothing speech more frequently than other linguistic strategies in situations with a higher degree of imposition. In addition, the complainants exhibit a common trend of using confirmation of situation, direct and indirect expression of complaint, active improvement request and concession speech more often than other linguistic strategies.

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