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        [연구마당] 초고의 문헌학적 분석과 저자의 결정본 : 「독일 이데올로기」 “Ⅰ. 포이어바흐” 장 잠정판(2004)의 개관과 비판

        정문길(Moon-Gil Chung) 한국인문사회과학회 2005 현상과 인식 Vol.29 No.3

        「맑스-엥겔스-연지 2003」에 게재된 「독일 이데올로기」 제1부 제I장(“Ⅰ. 포이어바흐”)은 1970년대 이후 30여 년 만에 출간된 판본으로 관련 학계의 주목을 받고 있다. 이 글은 “철저한” 문헌학적 분석에 근거한 이 판본을 과거의 여러 판본과 비교하여 개관하고 비판적 주석을 붙인것이다. 이러한 과정에서 필자는 유고의 출판에서 중요한 기준이 되는 “저자의 결정본(Ausgabe letzter Hand)”이 무엇을 의미하는가를 새삼 음미하게 된다. The chapter “Ⅰ. Feuerbach” has been famous for its bespeaking of the early stage of the construction of Marxian materialistic world view. It's the reason why the text of this chapter has lured so many attentions of the concerned scholars and ideologues from its first publication in 1926. Since then, there were lots of editions of this chapter, but neither edition satisfied fully the demands of readers and concerned scholars. For this reason, the publication of new MEGA I/5 (Die deutsche Ideologie) with final definite text of “Ⅰ. Feuerbach” has been awaited with expectation.<br/> In spring of 2004 there appeared the Vorabpublikation of the German Ideology which comprised the chapters of “Ⅰ. Feuerbach” and “Ⅱ. Sankt Bruno” with Joseph Weydemeyer's “Bruno Bauer und sein Apologet” as an appendix. Even though it was published in Marx-Engels-Jahrbuch 2003, the Begleitzeitschrift of MEGA-Arbeit, it has received with prompt attention from the concerned readers and scholars. The reason for this awakening comes from the editorial of M-E-J 2003 which announced that this Vorabpublikation will fill the vacuum of the MEGA edition until its final publication of MEGA I/5 in 2008.<br/> In this paper, the writer examines the text of “Ⅰ. Feuerbach” of the Vorabpublikation in comparison with other reliable texts of “Ⅰ. Feuerbach” in Originalsprache. Here included R-edition(Marx-Engels-Archiv, 1926), A-edition(MEGA¹ I / 5, 1932), D-edition(Dtsch.Zeitschr.f.Phil., 1966) that based on Bagaturija's Russian text(1965), MEGA² Probeband-edition(1972) and Hiromatsu-edition(1974). The foci of this paper's arguments concentrated upon the two points. The first is the ordering of manuscripts. The second is the method of Wiedergabe der text.<br/> In comparision with other texts, the most conspicuous feature of the Vorabpublikation was its “rigid” chronological ordering of every manuscripts through philological analysis. It's very logical, from this standpoint, that the principal manuscripts preceded the small bundle of manuscripts which was generally regarded as the introductory parts of the chapter “Ⅰ. Feuerbach.” (But in case of all other editions, the arrangement was reversed).<br/> But the most controversial characteristics of the Vorabpublikation comes from its indisputable principle, the rigid adherence to philological analysis which concentrated on every manuscript's chronological writing date. Its devotion to this principle is one of the major reason which distorted the organic coherence of “Ⅰ. Feuerbach” as a chapter of the first volume of the German Ideology. The most significant example of this is the editors' disregarding of the traditional title of the chapter “Ⅰ. Feuerbach / Gegensatz von materialistischer / & idealistischer Anschauung”.<br/> Even though it was added by Engels after the death of Marx, this title was written one of the authors at the end of principal manuscripts with Pencil. The other aspect which disturbs the unity of the chapter is the editing of principal manuscript into four parts with unexpected editorial title, “Feuerbach und Geschichte”. And, further, every Reinschrift, Variant and Fragment of the small bundle were compiled as an “independent” fragment with headings of each manuscript with original or editorial ones. If we expand this kind of chronological approach to the extreme, we have to arrange the order of the chapters of the first volume of the German Ideology as following:Ⅲ. Sankt Max → Ⅱ. Sankt Bruno → Ⅰ. Feuerbach.<br/> As a conclusion, we could say that the Vorabpublikation has made up a meticulous edition of “Ⅰ. Feuerbach” upon the philological analysis of the manuscripts in chronological base. But it has not fulfilled to construct a comprehensive chapter of “Ⅰ. Feuerbach” which has an organic coherence as a chapter of the German Ideology. On this occasion, we should contemplate once again what's the golden means to accomplish the editorial maxim of “die Ausgabe letzter Hand” as it is.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        맑스-엥겔스의 장서에 쓰인 난외방주의 의의와 출판문제-엥겔스 전집, 제Ⅳ부/32권(선행판)의 발간에 즈음하여

        정문길(Moon-Gil Chung) 한국인문사회과학회 2003 현상과 인식 Vol.27 No.1ㆍ2

        In the year 1999, the IMES(Internationale Marx-Engels-Stiftung) published MEGA² IV / 32, as a preliminary publication of the annotated inventory of Marx' and Engels' personal books in their libraries. It arose some kinds of concerns among professional scholars as it was whenever a new volume of the MEGA was published.<br/> But this time, the scholarly concerns are somewhat different from before ones. The publication of the MEGA² IV / 32 has been waited for a long time for its possible ways of presentation of annotated inventory of books and the marginalia in them by Marx and Engels. As the subtitle of Vorauspublikation of the MEGA² IV / 32 shows, present volume is only the annotated inventory of Marx' and Engels' books of their private libraries. It comprises almost two third of their own original books which were repeatedly dispersed and collected since 1883 when Marx had transferred his own books to Engels.<br/> This paper, needless to say, presented a little comments on the annotated inventory. But the major concerns of the article are the elaborations on the meaning of Marx' and Engels' Lesespuren in their own books and the technical problems of their presentation in the printed book as MEGA.<br/> In case of Marx(and Engels), the traces of reading in their own books are generally compared with their excerpt-notebooks. Normally they read the books with passions that they marked words, sentences and passages in the book with underlines, marginal lines and some special marks and sometimes jotted down some long and short marginal notes. But these kinds of writing marginalia were confined only to their own books. When the books were loaned ones from the libraries of Paris, Brussel, Manchester, London and others, the reading circumstances are totally different. They couldn't use the time-saving reading method such as marking and writing marginalia directly in the books which were generally regarded as "a crime against the books" of the public libraries. On this occasion. they had to write down notes and excerpts to their own notebooks. From this perspective, the scientific importance of their marginalia in their own books are equaled with their notes and excerpt-notebooks which were destined to be published in Ⅳ. Abteilung of the MEGA².<br/> Originally, the Ⅳ. Abreilung of the MEGA' was divided into tow parts(Teile). The excerpts and notes were belonged to the Part 1 and the marginalia to Part 2 which will be comprise 40 and 30 volumes respectively. After the collapse of the Berlin wall in 1989, the authorship of MEGA-Publication was transferred from communist party-financed lML(Institut fur Marxismus und Leninsimus) of Moskau and Berlin to the non-profit private foundation of the IMES of Amsterdam. The newly founded IMES has intensified the internationalization and academic orientation of the MEGA-project, but it had no sufficient financial resources to support the uninterrupted publication-work of MEGA. For this reason and others, the IMES had to revise the original publication plan of MEGA and cut down the number of volumes dtastically. Under such a situation, the greatest victim for sacrifices was marginalia part of MEGA² which was reduced from 30 volumes to barely one.<br/> In the researches on Marx and Engels, this paper emphasized, the importance of marginalia couldn't be weighed down in comparison with the excerpts and notes which had been determined to be published in MEGA-Bande. Even though we have a great aspiration for the publication of the marginalia in its original plan, it is, at present, totally improbable. For this reason, this paper proposes the CD-ROMization and DVD- ROMization of the whole texts of marginalia parr as an alternative for the printed edition of MEGA. The restoring of the orignal plan of marginalia part of the MEGA through the CD-ROMization is, needless to say, technically possible, financially profitable and academically worthwile.

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