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      • 관상동맥질환자의 퇴원 후 추후관리 내용분석

        정선경,송라윤 충남대학교 간호과학연구소 2005 충남대 간호학술지 Vol.8 No.2

        Coronary artery disease (CAD) patients are facing life-long commitment to change their health habits. It is necessary for these patients to maintain their health habits even after discharge by nursing intervention. The purpose of this study was to analyze the follow-up nursing management consisting of personal interviews and telephone coach after discharge to CAD patients. The data were collected from 35 CAD patients between June, 12, 2005 and October, 19, 2005. Data were processed by SPSSWIN V.13.0 program with descriptive statistics. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The proportion of the subjects were male patients(82.9%), married(94.3%), over high school(71.4%), having a job(71.4%), middle socio-economic state(65.7%) and everage age was 55.4 years. 2. The average hospital days for the subjects were 3.0days, with 20.31 months for the period since their diagnosis of CAD. About 85.7% of the subjects reported no family history of heart disease, while 80% is diagnosed for angina among whom 57.1% has comobity of diabetes or hypertension. 22.9% are smokers, 48.6% are drinking alcohol more than once a week, 65.7% drinks coffee, and 34.3% are doing exercise regularly. Most subjects (91.4) never receive CAD related formal education. 3. The checklists for patients' counselling areas by personal interview and telephone couch includes exercise, medication, stress management, diet, weight control, smoking cessation, glucose control, sex behavior, hospital visit schedule, and changes in their employment. 4. According to time frame for their specific counselling needs, the areas of medication, diet, weight control, glucose control, and sex behavior were the main concern during the first 2 weeks after discharge. The areas of exercise and smoking cessation was the focus of counselling during the following 2 weeks. After 4 weeks of discharge, the major concern of the subjects was about stress management. In conclusion, there were major areas of concern for CAD patients after discharge as reported by a personal interview and telephone couch, and those concerns were different according to the time frame after their discharge. There is a need to develop the formal nursing management program that can be applied easily and effectively to CAD patients at outpatient clinic after discharge according to their education needs. The study findings supported the potential cost-effectiveness of the follow-up nursing management program utilizing a nurse-led interview and a series of telephone couch.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 한(韓),중(中) "환(幻)" 서사(敍事)의 시공간적(時空間的) 서술미학(敍述美學) ―《열선전(列仙傳)》,《태평광기(太平廣記)》,《어우야담(於于野譚)》,《해동이적(海東異蹟)》을 중심으로

        정선경 중국어문학회 2010 中國語文學誌 Vol.33 No.-

        In this paper, I reviewed the aesthetic characteristics of Korean and Chinese fantasy literature focused on time and space in the viewpoint of the culture of 21 century east asian society and discussed the meanings of them in the position of modern age. The space-time characteristics of Korean and Chinese fantasy literature was examined and the aesthetic characteristics embeded in the east asian fantasy literature was revealed by analyzing examples in the original sources. For the purpose of these, the aesthetic characteristics of both Korean and Chinese literature was investigated with " Lie Xian Zhuan(《列仙傳》)" which is the oldest tale of China on Taoist hermits with miraculous powers, "Tai Ping Guang Ji(《太平廣記》)" which is called the ocean of Chinese novelists, "Eo U Ya Dam(《於于野譚》)" which is the first Korean historical story book and "Hae Dong I Jeok(《海東異蹟》)" which is the oldest tale of Korea on Taoist hermits. Especially, "Tae Pyong Kwang Ki" has not only a tremendous value in the history of Chinese novels but also great influences on Korean stories, novels and even other east asian literature. Thus it is the most important reference and we cannot help taking a careful look at it. First of all, the origin and development of Korean and Chinese fantasy literature was examined. In the section of "Aesthetics of Description of Time in Fantasy Literature", the narrative characteristics of dissolving the physical and objective time into the personal and relative time and restructuring it with literal imaginations was considered. In the sectionof "Aesthetics of Description of Space in Fantasy Literature", It was considered that the hyper-space in a work exists in the real world where we live with psychological desire. Fantasy originates from the point where physically absent but psychologically present desire is visualized. Fantasy is a gap between reality and surreality. Fantasy is also the contact point of reality and surreality.

      • KCI등재

        발달장애 아동의 허약 증상에 관한 연구

        정선경,유선애,이승연,Jung, Sun-Kyung,Yu, Sun-Ae,Lee, Seung-Yeon 대한한방소아과학회 2012 대한한방소아과학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        Objectives The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between developmental disabilities and oriental medicine using diagnostic procedure based on the symptoms of weak children. Methods The questionnaire administrated to 42 developmental disability children in ${\bigcirc}{\bigcirc}$ Hospital's physical therapy room, and 90 general children in day care center. Results 1. The mean value of every organ's weak score was higher in developmental disability children group than that of general children group. 2. Regardless of developmental disabilities, the biggest portion among all children was lung weak children. 3. The percentage of the weak children was 38.1% in developmental disability group and 20% in general children group. 4. Heart, spleen, kidney weak children were significantly more in developmental disability group than in general children group. Conclusions Developmental disability children's weak symptom scores were higher than general children. Also, developmental disability children were more prone to weaker heart, spleen, kidney than general children.

      • KCI등재

        中ㆍ韓 神仙說話의 類型 및 敍事構造 比較考察

        정선경 한국중국소설학회 2002 中國小說論叢 Vol.15 No.-

        神仙思想是不死的思想. 神仙說話是將不願死去而希望成爲神仙的慾望加以形象化的文學作品. 形成神仙說話最根本的思想是神仙思想, 該思想是想從現世中追求永生的道敎形成的根本所在. 本文列擧了神仙傳記集-≪列仙傳≫和韓國最著名的神仙傳記集-≪海東異蹟≫中的神仙說話, 對其類型和敍事結構進行比較和思考, 以幇助人們加深對中國與韓國初期敍事文學的理解. 本文在說明構成神仙說話根本思想的神仙思想的理論背景後, 闡述了神仙說話在中國與韓國産生的地區、背景和發展過程. 作者以≪抱朴子≫[內篇]裏的神仙三品說爲依據進行分類, 幷說明了各類型的特點. 作者在最後章節將神仙說話分爲“得仙的敍事結構”與“≪史傳≫的敍事構造”, 敍述了初期神仙說話裏的敍事體系特征. 總之, 作爲神仙思想基礎的神仙說話, 是隨着現世中追求永生的道敎的形成與發展而變遷. 此間, 타在中國與韓國兩地朝着各自獨特的方向發展. 神仙說話如果只停留在“無聊趣味故事”的層面上, 那마타只能在特定時期和階層流行一時而消聲匿迹. 但是, 神仙說話在時間、空間、文化等逈異的環境裏得以持續發展, 是因爲타的本質是出自人類潛在意識中的無限慾望. 這就是能將神仙視爲現實與經驗之談的理由.

      • KCI등재

        유기체 소설로 본 근대 전환기 서사의 특징 : 『鏡花緣』과 『老殘遊記』를 중심으로 -

        鄭宣景 동아시아고대학회 2016 동아시아고대학 Vol.0 No.41

        본고는 중국의 근대 전환기 유기문학에 담겨진 서사적 특징에 대하여 서사구조 의 사회문화적 의미와, 시점과 서술의 문제를 중심으로 논의하고자 했다. 『鏡花緣』 은 唐敖 일행이 해외이국을 방문하며 보고 들은 견문과 그에 얽힌 사건을 기록한 소설이다. 『老殘遊記』는 老殘이라는 여행자가 중국의 북방지역을 여행하며 부딪치 는 사건을 중심으로 기록한 소설이다. 아편전쟁 직전에, 신해혁명 직전에 발표된 『鏡花緣』과 『老殘遊記』를 대상으로 두 작품이 공통적으로 사회비판성이 농후한 유 기문학이라는 점에 주목하여 그 위상을 재고해 보고, 전근대에서 근대로의 이행기 에 살아간 지식인 작가들의 자기의식 표출의 방법을 탐색해 보았다. 나아가 전환기 지식 인 작가들은 작품 속에 어떻게 시대적 요구를 담아내고 있었는지 살펴보고 자 했다. 작가의 내면의식이 투영된 견문적 지식은 어떻게 재구성되고 있었는지, 또 전통소설에서 일반적이던 전지적 작가 시점은 어떻게 3인칭 제한적 시점으로 전환되고 있었는지를 중심으로 유기체 소설과 전환기 서사의 근대적 특징에 대해 고찰했다. In this paper, the sociocultural meanings and the stylistic characteristics of the itinerary literature is discussed through the case studies of Flowers in the Mirror and The Travels of Lao Chan which were published just before the Opium War and the Chinese Revolution. Firstly, their positions are reconsidered focusing on the point that both of them are itinerary literature imbued with social criticism. The way of letting out the self-consciousness of the intellectuals, who lived in the transition period from premodern times to modern times, is investigated. It is also looked at how they presented the period in their works. As a conclusion, the modernity of itinerary novels and narration in transition period can be shown with the facts that the knowledge based on their experience was restructured expressing their inward consciousness and the omniscient viewpoint common in the classic novels were changed to the limited third person viewpoint.

      • 간호학생이 경험한 아동간호학 임상실습 내용 분석 (SNS를 활용한 카카오토론방 토의내용을 중심으로)

        정선경,신태임 대전대학교 기초과학연구소 2018 自然科學 Vol.29 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to identify clinical practice experience on child health nursing practicum by analyzing the discussion and interview contents among professor and students using Social Network Service(SNS). The participants of the study were 151 nursing students in the third grade who conducted clinical practicum of child health nursing (55 students in the neonatal intensive care unit and 96 students in the pediatric ward) at 2016-2017. During the course of the clinical practice on Child Health Nursing Practicum, students opened the Kakao talk discussion room and freely posted experiences of the day when the professor did not visit the clinical practice site. In the two weeks of the clinical practice period, the contents of the 4 day practice experience when professor did not visit were analyzed. In the case of the neonatal intensive care unit, 704 observations and 108 performance experiences were reported. In the case of pediatric wards, 505 observations and 281 performance experiences were reported. The ratio of observation and performance experience during practice is as follows. In the case of the neonatal intensive care unit, the observation was about 6.5 times the performance and in the case of the pediatric ward, the observation was about 1.7 times the performance. The clinical practice focused on observation rather than performance. In order to expand the experience of nursing students in an observation-oriented clinical practice environment, it is necessary to develop various simulation modules for child healtn nursing.

      • KCI등재

        中國 幻夢說話에 나타난 時間의 原型

        정선경 한국구비문학회 2009 口碑文學硏究 Vol.0 No.28

        본 논문은 중국 幻夢說話에서 시간의 原型을 탐색하고 그것의 서사적 의의에 관해서 논의하고자 했다. 지금껏 幻夢說話에 대한 연구가 공간성에 치중한 다각도의 접근이 이루어진 것에 비해, 문학적 시간과 그 안에 담긴 내재적 원형성을 논의하고자 했다. 먼저, 중국 고대의 각종 문헌에서 보이는 문자학적 의미와 분류방식을 통해서 꿈의 본질을 살펴보았다. 눈을 감고도 보이는 바가 있으며, 현실에서 기인한 감춰진 심리상태를 반영하는 실체였음을 밝힐 수 있었다. 幻夢說話의 典型이 되어버린 「呂翁」·「淳于棼」·「櫻桃靑衣」 이야기를 중심으로 時流와 時距의 항목으로 나누어 탐색했다. 時流 항목에서는 현실세계에서 갈망하는 이상이 무의식중에 투영되는 과정을 시간의 자연스런 흐름과 연관해서 논의하였고, 時距 항목에서는 현실과 꿈의 세계에서 드러나는 시간의 거리감을 논구해 보았다. 時流와 時距를 통해서 사건의 개연성과 환상성은 배가되었으며 幻夢說話에서 나타나는 시간은 내 안에서 느껴지는 경험지평이었음을 ‘我中之時’라는 용어로 논의했다.

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