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        조건부 생성모델을 이용한 강수 패턴에 따른 지하수위 생성 및 이의 활용에 관한 연구

        정지호,정진아,이병선,송성호,Jeong, Jiho,Jeong, Jina,Lee, Byung Sun,Song, Sung-Ho 대한자원환경지질학회 2021 자원환경지질 Vol.54 No.1

        본 연구에서는 Jeong et al. (2020)의 연구에서 수행된 지하수위 변동 패턴의 저차원 특징추출 과정의 문제점을 분석하고, 이에 대한 개선방안이 제안된다. 해당 연구에서는 Denoising autoencoder (DAE)를 이용해 전국의 연 단위 지하수위 변동 자료로부터 저차원 특징이 추출되며, 추출된 자료를 이용해 대수층의 수리 특성값을 예측하는 회귀 모델이 개발되었다. 그러나 특정 지역의 연도별 강수 패턴이 달라질 경우, 지하수위 변동 패턴 및 저차원 특징 또한 달라지며, 이에 따라 동일 지역임에도 불구하고 저차원 특징으로부터 추정되는 수리 특성값이 다양하게 나타날 수 있다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해, 본 연구에서는 조건부 생성 모델인 Conditional variational autoencoder (CVAE)를 이용하였으며, 전국 71개 지역에서 10년 동안 획득된 지하수위 자료와 강수 자료 간 상관관계가 학습되었다. 학습된 모델을 통해 모든 지역에 대해 동일 강수 조건이 적용될 때의 지하수위 자료가 생성되었으며, 생성된 지하수위 자료로부터 저차원 특징이 추출되었다. CVAE를 이용해 동일 강수 조건으로 생성된 지하수위 자료의 저차원 특징과 기존 DAE를 통해 추출된 저차원 특징이 비교되었으며, 그 결과 CVAE를 이용해 추출된 저차원 특징 간 거리가 저차원 공간상에서 보다 가깝게 분포하는 것이 확인되었다. 따라서 제안된 방법을 이용할 경우 대수층 특성에만 영향을 받는 지역별 지하수위 자료 및 저차원 특징이 효과적으로 추출될 수 있으며, 이를 통해 기존 개발된 회귀 모델의 성능이 개선될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. In this study, a method has been proposed to improve the performance of hydraulic property estimation model developed by Jeong et al. (2020). In their study, low-dimensional features of the annual groundwater level (GWL) fluctuation patterns extracted based on a Denoising autoencoder (DAE) was used to develop a regression model for predicting hydraulic properties of an aquifer. However, low-dimensional features of the DAE are highly dependent on the precipitation pattern even if the GWL is monitored at the same location, causing uncertainty in hydraulic property estimation of the regression model. To solve the above problem, a process for generating the GWL fluctuation pattern for conditioning the precipitation is proposed based on a conditional variational autoencoder (CVAE). The CVAE trains a statistical relationship between GWL fluctuation and precipitation pattern. The actual GWL and precipitation data monitored on a total of 71 monitoring stations over 10 years in South Korea was applied to validate the effect of using CVAE. As a result, the trained CVAE model reasonably generated GWL fluctuation pattern with the conditioning of various precipitation patterns for all the monitoring locations. Based on the trained CVAE model, the low-dimensional features of the GWL fluctuation pattern without interference of different precipitation patterns were extracted for all monitoring stations, and they were compared to the features extracted based on the DAE. Consequently, it can be confirmed that the statistical consistency of the features extracted using CVAE is improved compared to DAE. Thus, we conclude that the proposed method may be useful in extracting a more accurate feature of GWL fluctuation pattern affected solely by hydraulic characteristics of the aquifer, which would be followed by the improved performance of the previously developed regression model.

      • KCI등재

        近代 中國 會社企業의 經營構造 ― 137개사 定款분석을 중심으로 ―

        정지호 한국중국학회 2012 중국학보 Vol.65 No.-

        Despite extreme importance in the role of companies in economic development of modern China,there had not been many studies that quantitatively analyzed management structure of such companies. Accordingly, characteristics of management structure were analyzed in this study using large number of articles of association in China, while focusing on ‘公司律’ (Gongsilu) and ‘公司條例’ (Gongsitiaoli). Analysis results can be briefly summarized as follows. First looking at existence of general meeting of stockholders as the highest decision making body of corporations, majority of companies have regulations on general meeting of stockholders, whether they only mention regular meeting or regular and temporary meetings together. Considering the fact that even ambiguous cases showed traces on general meeting of stockholders, general meeting of stockholders in China can be seen as ‘democratically' organized in relative terms based on corporate laws. Especially,general meeting of stockholders performs an extremely important role in determining important matters for companies, such as expansion of capital size and modification of management principles. If so, who is the majority rule conducted at general meetings? Method of exercising voting rights is an important issue for stockholders. Methods can be classified into (1) 1 vote per stock, (2) majority stockholder method, (3) minority stockholder method, (4) majority and minority stockholder method, and (5) no regulation. Overall difference among different methods is not large, and there had been many cases in which regulation on voting rights was modified depending on management conditions of companies. With a minute trend of placing importance on moral equality, companies are slowly transforming into management systems based on capital equality principle. However, voting right entrustment system is not developed as much. Since majority of companies limit entrustment of voting rights to stockholders of corresponding company, individual rights as stockholders are still not completely objectified and rely strongly on individual character. Board of directors is a body composed of executives that supervises management of company and hold general meeting of stockholders. Most of companies configure their board of directors by selecting members through election during general meetings (show of hands or secret ballot). Size of board was found to range between 3 and 15, proportional to capital size of the company. In contrast, minimum investment required on directors was not proportional to capital size. Ratio of investment by directors was not very high when compared to overall capital value. Chief executive officer, an individual with actual responsibility for corporate management, was elected using diverse methods. Different methods include (1) board of directors as chief executive officer, (2) chief executive officer elected at general meetings along with members of the board, (3) chief executive officer invited by the board or initiator from stockholders or external body, and (4) dispatch of specific person. Election at general meetings was most widely used. Chief executive officers had relatively guaranteed status compared to directors because many of them had long or no term in office. Chief executive officers have strong authorities on general corporate management and exclusive control over appointment and dismissal of executives. Articles of association for modern Chinese companies were analyzed in this study to examine characteristics of management structure. However, since articles of association do not directly reflect actual management structure of companies, future studies shall examine actual conditions of management structure more clearly through analysis on actual examples and cases.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        전통중국 합과자본의 구성과 그 변동에 대해

        정지호 중국사학회 2001 中國史硏究 Vol.14 No.-

        合과の資本は, 「自己資本」と「借入資本」によって構成されている.「自己資本」の主な比重を占める「股本」の出資方法は, 股額一定にして引き受ける股額に定じて出資金を出す方法と, ただ各合과人の出資額を金額を以て表す方法とがある. 歷史的にみると, 後者の方式から前者の方式へに展開していたと考えられる. とりわけ淸末以後民國期に確認される合과契約文書からみると,ほとんどが前者の方式によって出資がなされている. その邊化の背景には, 淸末以後外國から株式會社(公司)の影響下で, 出資金が股(株)という形で有價證券化していたことがあると考えられる. 無論, 合과の規模が擴大されるに從って, 合과人の人數が增え, さらに出資金の均等性がなくなったことも一要因と考えられる. この「股本」の重要な機能といえば, 合과の損益分配の基準となっていることである. さらに「自己資本」の中には「公績金」があげられる. これは, 合과の利益から, 官利及び, 股東と과計の配當を差し引いた部分を合과自身の資産として積み立てたものである. 「公績金」は利子, 配當などの經費がかからず, 合과が自由に使用できるものであったが, 合과にとってはあまり重視されなかった. それは結局合과は資本蓄積の面で弱かったことを示しているといえよう. さて, 合과の總資本額の中で「自己資本」が占める割合は少なく, 實際合과の運轉資本は「借入資本」によって賄われていたことがわかる. そして「借入資本」は, 企業の狀況によって各種各樣であるが,全體的に錢莊からの借入金がが多くを占めている. これを「錢莊借款」(または「往來借款」) と呼んでいる.「錢莊借款」は主に無擔保の信用借款である, 究極には股東に賠償の責任を期待して貸與されたものである. 次に合과資本の變動について股分の讓渡情況を中心に考察してみた. 合과において股分を他人に?ることは株式會社とは異り, 比較的に自由ではなかった. その理由としては合과は人的結合に基づいた組織であるために構成員の間の結束力は非常に?いように見えるが, 個性的な結合であるから個人の動向によって簡單に崩れる可能性もあるからである. この点は株式會社の社員(株主)の沒個性的な結合であるために個人の動向にほとんど左右されない点と比較してみるとはっきり區別される. したがって合과は組織の結束力を妨げ, ひいては合과の解散を防ごうとする意圖から股分を他人に讓ることは嚴しく制限されたと考えられる. 一方股東は股分を他人に讓った後退과約を結び合과に對する損益問題を淸算し, 合과を離脫する. その後新聞廣告などの方法を通して退과したことを債權者へ通知する義務があった. 以上, 合과資本の構成と變動について檢討してみたが, それぞれの性格については各合과經營によっと文字通り多種多樣であり, それを全部極めることは現時点では難しいといわざるを得ない. 各地域, 業種における具體的實態については今後の課題として, 不足ながら本章を結ぶことにする.

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