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        닭의 살모넬라 감염증(感染症)에 관한 연구

        정길택,한홍률,Chung, G.T.,Han, H.R. 대한수의학회 1973 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.13 No.1

        Investigations of the prevalence of SalmoneIla organisms in chicken of Suwon area and the effect of selenite broth on the growth of Sal. pullorum were made. The results obtained were summarized as foIlowings. 1. Salmonella organisms was not isolated from fecal samples of 357 chicken from 6 poultry farms of Suwon area. 2. In selenite broth, the growth of Sal. pullorum was completely inhibited may due to the toxic effect of the medium when the inoculum contained less than $5{\times}10^3$ organisms. However, enrichment was attained overcoming the inhibitory action of the medium when $5{\times}10^3$ or more organisms were inoculated.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Salmonella choleraesuis의 증균(增菌)에 관한 연구 -Tetrathionate Broth Base에 대한 옥도용액(沃度溶液)의 함량(含量)이 증균효과(增菌效果)에 미치는 영향-

        정길택,탁연빈,Chung, Gill Taik,Tak, Ryun Bin 대한수의학회 1976 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.16 No.1

        The growth of Sal. choleraesuis and its kunzendorf variety in tetrathionate broth containing various amounts of iodine solution was studied and compared with that of Sal. typhi, Sal. typhimurium and E. coli. The results obtained were as followings. 1. When 2.0 ml of iodine solution, normal amount, was added to 100 ml of tetrathionate broth base, the number of Sal. choleraesuis decreased rapidly until 24 hours after inoculation and slightly increased 48 hours after inoculation. The numbers of Sal. choleraesuis var. kunzendorf and E. coli decreased rapidly and none of the organisms recovered 24 and 48 hours after inoculation, respectively. The growth of Sal. typhi and Sal. typhimurium, however, was not inhibited at all. 2. When 4.0 ml of iodine solution was added, to 100 ml of tetrathionate broth base, the growth of all the organisms was inhibited, among which Sal. choleraesuis, Sal. choleraesuis var. kunzendorf, and E. coli were not recovered 24 and 48 hours after inoculation. 3. When reduced amounts of iodine solution, 1.0 ml and 0.5 ml, were added to 100 ml of tetrathionate broth base, the growth of all the organisms was not inhibited.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        산양유(山羊乳)의 앨콜심전시험(沈澱試驗)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        정길택,CHUNG, GILL TAIK 대한수의학회 1964 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.4 No.1

        The alcohol precipitation test(APT) is widely used in the inspection of cow milk, whereas the APT in goat milk inspection is not specifically known. The APT is used to determine the precipitating ability of milk by heat used in sterilization and evaporating process at the milk plant. The APT may also be used to detect abnormal milks such as acid milk, colostrum, and any milk in which the salt balance is disturbed so that it may be more subject to precipitation than normal milk. In the experiments the applicability of the APT of goat milk was studied. The results obtained by using 87 sample of goat milk are as follows: 1. As all the fresh samples(100%) were APT positive by using 70% ethanol which is used in the practice of cow milk and 3 out of 87 samples(3.7%) were positive by using 45% ethanol, it is suggested that 45% ethanol may be applied in the APT of goat milk. 2. The distribution of natural acidity (apparent acidity) was between 0.12%-0.30% and the amount of natural acidity did not significantly affect the precipitating ability of goat milk by APT. 3. The freshness of goat milk cannot be detected sharply by APT even though 45% ethanol is applied.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A STUDY ON NEWCASTLE DISEASE VACCINATION: The Immunological Response to Inactivated and Attenuated Virus Vaccines

        정길택,Chung, Gill Taik The Korean Society of Veterinary Science 1962 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.2 No.1

        필자(筆者)는 한국(韓國)에 특(特)히 많이 유행(流行)하고 있는 가계(家鷄)의 유행병(流行病)인 Newcastle discase에 착안(着眼)하였다. 예방방법(豫防方法)으로서 종래(從來) 사용(使用)된 Forinalin-inactivated vaccine은 수산화(水酸化) "알미늄 젤"을 부가(賦加)하므로서 근육내주사방법(筋肉內注射方法)으로 사용(使用)할수 있게되어 사용방법(使用方法)이 비교적(比較的) 편리(便利)하게 되었으나 그 면역효과(免疫效果)에 대(對)하여서는 아직 이론(異論)이 있으므로 Hitcher등(等)이 제창(提唱)한 Attenuated Vaccine에 대(對)하여 더 흥미(興味)를 가지게 되었다. 특(特)히 이와같은 생독(生毒) Vaccine은 닭의 age에 차별(差別)없이 독력(毒力)이 거의 없을뿐만 아니라 경비적(經鼻的)으로 대단(大端)히 간이(簡易)한 방법(方法)으로도 투여(投與)할수 있고 고도(高度)의 면역(免疫)을 장기간(長期間) 부여(賦與)할수 있는 점(點)을 들어 기(其) 실용성(實用性)을 주목(注目)하게 되었다. 그러나 vaccine투여방법(投與方法)은 기면역율(其免疫率)과 vaccine투여(投與)로 인(因)한 손실(損失)을 좌우(左右)하게 되므로 중요(重要)한 연구과제(硏究課題)임을 인정(認定)하고 급수법(給水法)을 채택(採擇)하여 일정량(一定量)의 vaccine을 투여(投與)한후(後) 면역항체(免疫抗體)의 출현(出現)을 혈구응집조지항체(血球凝集阻止抗體)와 강독방어능력(强毒防禦能力)을 관찰(觀察)하여 구체적방법(具體的方法)을 검토(檢討)하려 하였다. 먼저 생독(生毒)vaccine으로 사용(使用)한 Lasota strain과 사독(死毒)으로 사용(使用)한 서울주(株)를 각각 $10^{-1}$에서 $10^{-11}$까지 희석(稀釋)하여 9일란(日卵)의 Allantoic Cavity로 접종(接種)하여 60시간(時間)이 경과(經過)한 후(後) Allantoic fluia를 채취(採取)하여 비교(比較)한 결과(結果) 서울주(株)는 $10^8MLD/ml$, $10^{9.6}LD_{50}/ml$였고 Lasota strain은 $10^9MID/ml$, $10^{10.5}ID_{50}/ml$였다. Formalin-mactivated Vaccine을 만들기 위(爲)하여 서울주(株)로 감염치사(感染致死)된 계태아(鷄胎兒), 양뇨막(羊尿膜), 요수등(尿水等)의 혼합유제(混合乳劑)에 Formaldehy를 1% 가(加)하여 48시간후(時間後)에 4배(四倍)의 생리식염수(生理食鹽水)를 가(加)하고 이 혼합물(混合物) 100ml에 4% "알미늄 젤"을 20ml.의 비(比)로 가(加)하여 Inactivation Test (9일(日)에 난접종(卵接種)) 및 Sterility Test(Thioglycollate Medium에 접종(接種))를 한 결과(結果) 완전(完全)히 inactivation 되었고 무균상태(無菌狀態)임을 인정(認定)한 후(後) 사용(使用)하였다. Attenuated Vaccine을 만들기 위(爲)하여는 Lasota strain을 9일란(日卵)의 Allantaic carity로 접종(接種)하여 3일간(日間) 발육(發育)케 한 후(後) Allantoic fluid를 채취(採取)하여 Allantoic fluid 100ml.에 탈지유(脫脂乳) 4ml.의 비(比)로 가(加)하여 2.5ml.식(式) 분주(分注)한 후(後) 냉동건조(冷凍乾燥)하여 $4^{\circ}C$에 보관(保管)하였다. 오개월팔일령(五個月八日齡)의 백색(白色)레구흥 200수(首)를 100수식(首式) 2군(二群)으로 나누어 각각(各各) 사독(死毒) Vaccine (1ml.I.M.) 및 생독(生毒) Vaccine (1 : 400, 10ml 경구(經口))을 투여(投與)한 후(後) 105일간(日間) 관찰(觀察)한 결과(結果) : 1. 사독(死毒) Vaccine은 HI항체(抗體)나 감염방어작용(感染防禦作用)이 105일간(日間)의 실험기간 동안 모두 고도(高度)로 유지(維持)되었다. 2. 생독(生毒) Vaccine은 감염방어작용(感染防禦作用)은 완전(完全)히 유지(維持)되었으나 HI항체(抗體 Immune response to two methods of Newcastle disease virus vaccine, one inactivated and the other attenuated was observed and the data presented. (1) Administration of inactivated virus vaccine in an amount of 1.0 ml. by intramuscular route gave an appreciable immunity to Newcastle disease for a period of at least three-and-half months. (2) The chickens given attenuated virus vaccine in the drinking water produced satisfactory immunity as manifested by the fact that immunized birds showed resistance when challenged 105 days after the vaccination and maintained high degree of HI titer for a period of 75 days. (3) Vaccination with the attenuated virus vaccine in drinking water is very simple and time saving in procedure, although the duration of immunity seems to be slightly shorter than that proced by inactivated virus vaccine. The author wishes to express his appreciation, to Drs. Kyu Myung Lee, Chang Koo Lee, and Ryong Sook Kee of their suggestions and help. The author is also indebted to Dr. Chang Hi Lee, Director of Anyang Veterinary Laboratory, who allowed the use of the facilities of the laboratory, whitout which this experiment could not have been undertaken.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        유우원(乳牛源) 대장균군세균(大腸菌群細菌)의 치사열(致死熱)에 관한 연구

        정길택,한홍율,Chung, G.T.,Han, H.R. 대한수의학회 1971 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.11 No.2

        Survival and thermal inactivation after heat treatment at $143^{\circ}F$ were observed among 27 strains of coliform bacteria isolated from dairy cattle. The results obtained were as follows. 1. The obvious differences in heat-sensitivity were observed among the strains tested. 2. No strain was found resistant to the heat treatment of $143^{\circ}F$ for 30 minutes. 3. A marked effect of density of coliform bacteria on the survival after the heat treatment was observed. As the density of coliform bacteria was increased, the rate of survival was increased markedly regardless of the length of heat treatment.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Studies on the Methods for the Isolation of salmonella from Pigs

        정길택,Chung, G.T. The Korean Society of Veterinary Science 1969 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.9 No.1

        건강도쇄돈(健康屠殺豚)의 장간막임파선(腸間膜淋巴膳)과 분(糞)(대장내용물(大腸內容物))으로부타 살모넬라균(菌)의 분리방법(分離方法)을 비교연구하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 비교적 다른 세균에 의한 오염도(汚染度)가 낮은 장간막임파선(腸間膜淋巴膳)을 검사하였을 경우, 증균배지(增菌培地)로서는 tetrathionate broth(TB)가 selenite broth(SB) 보다 살모넬라균(菌) 분리율(分離率)이 월등히 높았으며, 선택배지(選擇培地)로서는 brilliant green agar (BG)가 SS agar(SS) 보다 역시 월등히 높았다. 2. 여러가지 장내세균(腸內細菌)에 의한 오염도(汚染度)가 높은 분(糞)을 검사하였을 경우에는, 살모넬라균(菌)의 분리율(分離率)에 있어서 증균배지(增菌培地)로 사용한 TB와 SB의 우열(優劣)을 인정할만한 차이를 보지 못하였으며, 선택배지(選擇培地)로 사용한 BG와 SS의 성적도 비슷하였다. 증균배지(增菌培地)나 선택배지(選擇培地)를 어느 한가지 배지(培地)만 사용한 경우보다는 두가지 배지(培地)를 동시에 같이 사용함으로써 살모넬라균(菌)의 분리율(分離率)이 크게 높았다. 3. Brilliant green McConkey broth 를 증균배지(增菌培地)로 사용하였을 경우에는 장간막임파선(腸間膜淋巴膳)과 분(糞)의 두 가지 재료중 어느것이나 TB 보다 살모넬라균(菌)의 분리율(分離率)이 훨씬 낮았다. 분(糞)을 brilliant green McConeky agar 에 직접 배양(培養)하는 방법은, TB나 SB에 증균배양(增菌培養)을 한 뒤에 BG나 SS의 증균배지(增菌培地)를 사용하는 방법보다 또한 훨씬 분리율(分離率)이 낮았다. 4. TB 및 SB의 증균배양시간(增菌培養時間)은 $37^{\circ}C$에서 24, 48 및 72 시간(時間)등 세가지를 비교해본 결과 장간막임파선(腸間膜淋巴膳)은 48 시간(時間) 배양(培養)했을 때에 살모넬라균(菌)의 분리율(分離率)이 가장 높았으나 분(糞)은 24 시간(時間)배양했을 때에 가장 분리율(分離率)이 높았다. Various methods for the isolation of salmonellae were compared by examining mesenteric lymph nodes and faeces of 395 pigs at slaughter. The conclusions were as follows. (i) Tetrathionate broth was significantly superior to selenite broth for the examination of mesenteric lymph nodes. (ii) There was no significant difference between tetrathionate broth and selenite broth for the examination of faeces. The use of both tetrathionate broth and selenite broth as enrichment media for faeces produced far better results than the use of any single enrichment medium. (iii) Brilliant green agar was significantly superior to SS agar for the examination of mesenteric lymph nodes. (iv) There was no significant difference between brilliant green agar and SS agar when faeces were examined. The use of both media produced far better results than the use of either singly. (v) Brilliant green MacConkey broth was much inferior to tetrathionate broth as an enrichment broth. Direct culture of faeces on brilliant green MacConkey agar yielded less isolates than prior enrichment in tetrathionate or selenite broth. (vi) The optimum incubation period of enrichment was 24 hours for faeces and 48 hours for mesenteric lymph nodes when either tetrathionate broth or selenite broth was used as enrichment media.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Multiplication and Survival of Salmonellae in Raw Meat

        정길택,Chung, G.T. The Korean Society of Veterinary Science 1968 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.8 No.1

        여러가지 저장온도(貯藏溫度)에서 S. typhi-murium, S. anatum 및 S. meleagridis의 생육내(生肉內) 증식(增殖) 및 생존(生存)에 관하여 관찰하였다. $10^{\circ}C$에서는 세가지 균종(菌種)이 모두 증식하고 접종후(接種後) 3일(日) 내지 5일(日)만에 최대균수(最大菌數)에 이르렀지만 $7^{\circ}C$나 그 이하에서는 증식하지 못하였다. $7^{\circ}C$ 및 $5^{\circ}C$에서는 접종후(接種後) 3적일(適日)까지는 균수(菌數)의 변동이 별로 없었지만 그 이후엔 약간 감소되었다. $12^{\circ}C$에서는 6개월간(個月間)의 실험기간 동안에 S. typhi-murium파 S. anatum 은 균수(菌數)가 대단히 서서히 감소되었지만 S. meleagrids는 다른 두 균종(菌種)보다는 균수(菌數)의 감소율(減少率)이 약간 더 컸다. Multiplication and survival of S. typhhi-murium S. anatum and S. meleagridis in raw meat were observed at different storage temperatures. All the three serotypes grew in raw meat at $10^{\circ}C$ reaching the maximum numbers in three to five days. However, none of the serotypes grew at $7^{\circ}C$ or below. At both 7 and $5^{\circ}C$ the number of organisms remained almost constant for the first few weeks but decreased slightly thereafter At $-12^{\circ}C$ the numbers of S. typhi-murium and S. anatum decreased very slowly over a period of six month but the number of S. meleagridis decreased faster than the other two serotypes.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        놀이속성 분류에 따른 적정 어린이 놀이시설물 연구

        정길택,신민지,신지훈 한국조경학회 2018 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.46 No.1

        본 연구는 놀이의 본질을 설명하는 놀이속성어를 추출하고, 이러한 속성이 현재 사용되는 어린이놀이시설물과의연관성을 지니는지를 확인하는 연구이다. 놀이시설물에 반영된 놀이속성을 조사하여 부족한 점을 보완함으로써 어린이에게 균형 잡힌 놀이 환경을 제공할 수 있다고 생각하기 때문이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 문헌조사 및 분석을 통해 속성어를 추출하고, 추출된 속성어에 대하여 전문가 설문을 실시하였다. 놀이를 설명하는 키워드는 참고문헌과 신문기사 등에서 추출하고 압축하여 놀이속성어로 규정하였고, 6개의 대분류와 26개의 중분류로 분류하였다. 이 내용을 바탕으로 실시한 전문가 인식조사에서 주요 놀이속성어의 중요도는 소통(0.268%) > 상상력(0.201%) > 정서(0.190%) > 발달(0.167%) > 학습(0.108%) > 지능(0.067%)의 순서로 나타났다. 전문가들은 ‘소통’과 ‘상상력’ 등을 놀이에서 가장 중요한 요소로 인지하고 있었다. 도출된 내용을 바탕으로 놀이시설물과 연관되는 각각의 놀이속성어를 구분하고, 서울시 114개소 어린이 공원에 설치된 놀이시설물 현황을 파악하였다. 서울시 어린이공원에 설치된 놀이시설물에는 놀이속성어 중 ‘발달’을 위주로 한 신체발달 놀이시설물이 높은 빈도로 모든 어린이공원에 반영되었으며, 전문가들이 중요한 요소로 나타난 ‘소통’과 ‘상상력’ 등 인지관련 놀이시설물은 실제 충분히 반영되어 있지 않아 적극적으로 도입할 필요성이 있는 것으로 판단되었다. 본 연구를 통해 현재 이용되고 있는 어린이 공원의 부족한 놀이시설물을 파악하고, 놀이의 기능에 대한 의문을 제기함으로써 향후 개선방향을 제안하고자 하였다. This study intends to derive play attribute words to describe the nature of play by analyzing the correlation betweenplay facilities and play attribute words. To investigate play attributes at playing facilities and supplement areas of weaknesscan provide a balanced play environment. Play attributes words were compiled via a literature review and the importanceof each play attributes word was surveyed by experts. The keywords explaining play derived from news articles and referencesare defined as play attributes words. These words were classified into six broad categories and twenty-six sub-categories. The importance of major play attribute words show: Communication (0.268%) > Imagination (0.201%) > Amusement(0.190%) > Development (0.167%) > Learning (0.108%) > Intelligence (0.067%). Experts have recognized the most importantelements are communication and imagination. Each play attribute associated with an amusement facility was separatelyidentified in the amusement facilities installed in 114 children's parks in Seoul. Of the play attribute words, the amusementfacilities at Seoul’s Children's Park reflected a high frequency in ‘development’. Furthermore, the importance of majorplaying attribute words such as 'Communication' and 'Imagination' were not fully reflected in cognitive play facilities. Therefore, it was judged that there is a need to actively introduce these attributes. This study proposed future improvementsby determining weaknesses of amusement facilities in children's parks and analyzing the features and functions of playso as to suggest future improvements.

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