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      • KCI등재

        초기 露韓辭典의 편찬 經緯 및 체제와 구조

        곽충구(Kwak Chung-Gu) 한국사전학회 2006 한국사전학 Vol.- No.7

        The compilations of early Russian-Korean dictionaries had relation with Korean diaspora to the Far East. The dictionaries are compiled so as to govern Korean and to teach Russian language, to preach Russian Orthodox to Korean residing in the Russian territory, and are compiled for political and military purpose. So these Russian-Korean Dictionaries were different in the purpose of compilation, compiler, user, structure of dictionary and Korean dialect from other bilingual dictionaries. Opyt Russko-Korejskago Slovarja which was published at Sankt-Peterburg in 1874 by M. Putsillo, is the first bilingual dictionary of Korean. It was based Translation of A Comparative Vocabulary of Chinese, Corean and Japanese 朝鮮偉國字彙 (Batabia: 1834). Opyt Kratkago Russko-Korejskago Slovarja compiled by The Association of Russian Orthodox published for the purpose of teaching Russian to Korean students in the Far East. Korean in these dictionaries were the narrowly transcribed colloquial Yukcin dialect or North-eastern dialect in Hamgyeong North Province. Two Russian-Korean dictionaries are important as well to the history of Korean bilingual Lexicography as the study of Korean language.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        <國境의 밤>(김동환)의 표기와 함북방언 어휘

        곽충구(Kwak, Chung-gu) 국어국문학회 2013 국어국문학 Vol.- No.165

        This paper revealed the writing and dialects of Kim, Dong-Hwan"s "Gukkyeongeoi Bam"(Night of the border), and annotated about 65 Hamgeongbuk-do dialect words. This work is necessary fully to understand this poem, to serve as educational material, or to study the usage of vocabulary in the period of Modern Korean literature. Because the writing of "Gukkyeongeoi Bam" accepted not only traditionally and customary writing formed from Modern Korean period but also "Botonghakkyoyong Eonmun-Cheolcabeop(1912)"(Spelling for usage in the elementary school) that accompanied him, the spelling is considerable confusing. And the various poetic words as like archaic, Hambuk-dialects, Sino-Korean and foreign words were shown in this poem. The goal and motivation of use of dialects is not clear. Supposedly it seems to emphasize the geographical background of the poem, not for characterization of the figures or aesthetics and identification of new poetic word. And that the author inserted his own dialect unconsciously or that used his own dialect in the case of the phenomenon and feelings that were difficult to replace with the Centraldialect seems to be that.

      • KCI등재

        동북방언에 잔존한 만주퉁구스어와 몽골어 차용어

        곽충구 ( Kwak Chung-gu ) 국어학회 2017 국어학 Vol.84 No.-

        동북방언 어휘 속의 만주퉁구스어와 몽골어 차용어를 제시한 뒤 그들 어휘의 성격을 밝히고 음운대응 및 성조를 보였다. 만주어 사전과 어휘집을 참고하여 동북방언과 음상 및 의미가 일치하거나 유사한 만주퉁구스어, 몽골어 어휘를 가려 뽑은 뒤 그들이 우연한 대응이 아닌, 차용어임을 입증하기 위해 ≪漢淸文鑑≫, ≪御製增訂淸文鑑≫의 뜻풀이를 참고하였다. 총 18항의 차용어를 제시하였는바, 이들은 대체로 국어 어휘체계의 빈칸을 메운 예들이자 低頻度 어휘이며 名詞이다. 때문에 이들 차용어가 지금까지 동북지방에 잔존할 수 있었던 것이다. 또 합성어나 관용구의 구성 성분을 이룬 까닭에 사멸을 면한 것도 있다. 이들 중 일부는 함경도의 생활 문화를 보여 주기도 한다. 모음은 규칙적으로 대응되나 폐쇄자음은 그 대응이 다소 유동적이다. 차용어의 성조는 대체로 단음절은 고조로 실현되고 다음절은 어말 음절에 고조가 놓인다(L0H). 麗末鮮初의 지정학적 및 사회적 상황을 고려하면 그 무렵 동북지방에는 여진어가 많이 쓰였을 것이다. 그러나 수세기에 걸친 국어의 끊임없는 영향으로 점차 국어로 대치되거나 생활 문화의 변화로 사라졌을 것이다. This paper showed the loan-words of Manchu(or Jurchen), Mongolian in the Northeastern dialect of Korean, and discussed their meanings, phonological correspondences and tones. Among the words of the northeastern dialect, I selected Manchu or Mongolian words that are same or similar in the phonetic shape and the meaning in a comparison with Manchu dictionaries and the interpretation of the "Hanchengmungam(漢淸文鑑)". Next I made effort to ascertain and to prove that they are not a accidental correspondence but are loan-words. As a result, I found out 20 loan-words which are almost low frequency nouns. Some of them filled the hole of Korean vocabulary system, some are residuals in the component of the compound words or idiom. Some words show the lifestyle of the Hamgyeong province. Phonological correspondence of Manchu and Korean is regular in vowel, but Manchu /d/ were reflected to /t/ or /tʰ/ of Korean. Generally, the high pitch are placed on the final syllable in the multi-syllable words, and monosyllable words have high pitch. Judging from the political and social situation of the late Goryeo dynasty and early Joseon dynasty, much Manch words would have used in the northeastern dialect of Korean, but they have disappeared because of the constant influence of the Korean language for centuries.

      • KCI등재

        방언의 사전적 수용

        곽충구(Kwak Chung-Gu) 국어국문학회 2007 국어국문학 Vol.- No.147

        Regional dialects represent the history and the culture of the areas where they are being used. The dialectal words which show the regional culture must be entered in dictionary and be interpreted like other head words. And dialectal words which are (almost) the same as standard language in meaning, but have the different pedigree, must be entered in dictionary, too. This paper looked up to the interpretation, criteria for selection of dialectal head words in Korean dictionaries. As a result, we could find out there are a lot of mistakes and lacks consistency in the interpretation. In order to correct those problems, it needs to survey and research dialects sufficiently through field works, and review data which have been gathered before, and to refer to adjacent sciences, and to take into consideration to phonemic and vocabulary systems of each dialect.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        동북방언 ‘X자/사/다-’류 형용사의 음운론과 형태론

        곽충구 ( Kwak Chung-gu ) 국어학회 2013 국어학 Vol.67 No.-

        동북방언에는 본디 어근의 말음이 치음인 세 부류의 형용사가 있다. (1)‘깨까자-’(깨끗하-), (2) ‘넙쥬사-(넙죽하-), 두리두리사-(둥글둥글하-), 산뜨사-(산뜻하-), 높다사-’(높다랗-). (3) 꼳꼬다-(꼿꼿하-). 이 논문은 이들 형용사의 내부 구조 변화와 관련된 음운과 어형성의 문제를 논의하였다. (1)류는 [[XC(=ㅈ, ㅅ, ㄷ)]<sup>R</sup> +- □-]<sub>A</sub>의 구조에서 어근 말 C(=ㅈ)가 접사 ‘- □-’ 앞에서 중화를 겪지 않고 잔존한 사적 잔재이다. 이는 ‘ㅈ’가 어말 위치에서 ‘ㅅ’와 대립을 유지했던, 15세기 이전 음운사의 한 방증이 된다. ‘*□□-> □□-> … >깨까자-’. 15세기의 ‘□□-’는 ‘- □-’ 앞에서 ‘ㅈ’가‘ㅅ’로 중화된 것이므로 (1)류의 ‘깨까자-’는 그보다 더 오랜 역사를 보여 주는 셈이다. (2)류의 C(=ㅅ)는 본디 어근의 말음 ‘ㅅ’, 어근을 형성하는 ‘-cVs’(또는 ‘-cVk’)과 ‘-읏’(또는 ‘-윽’)의 말음 ‘ㅅ’로, 이들 어근에 결합한 ‘-하-’의 ‘ㅎ’가 탈락하여 ‘X사-’로 실현되었다. 이 ‘X사-’에 다시 정도성을 강조하는 ‘-어/아 하-’가 결합하여 ‘X샇-’이 출현하였다. ‘-샇-’과 부분적으로 대치가 가능한 ‘X맣-’은 ‘X-음 하->X으마-’ 이후 ‘-어/아 하-’가 결합하여 출현한 것이다. 예: 땰쮸마-(짜름하-), 또릿또리사-, 또리또리마-(똥글똥글하-), 또릿또리샇-, 또리또리맣-(아주 똥글똥글하다). 또 ‘-샇-’과 ‘-맣-’은 ‘-다-’와 결합하여 ‘-다샇-’, ‘-다맣-’(-다랗-)을 형성한다. 예: 높다샇-, 높다맣-(높다랗-). 이를 통해 ‘-읏, -윽, -음’이 어근 형성에 참여하고 있음을 확인하였다. (3)류의 C(=ㄷ)도 역시 ‘-하-’의 ‘ㅎ’가 탈락하여 출현한 것이다. 한편, 위와 같은 통합관계로 설명할 수 없는 형용사는 구조적 압력 또는 유추에 의해 형성된 것이다. 예컨대, (1)류의 형용사들이 변이형을 갖게 된 동기는 용언화의 ‘X-하-’ 파생 규칙에 의하여 이미 재구조화한 ‘깨까자-’가 ‘깨깢하-’로 분석된 데 있다. 여기에 중화 규칙(‘ㅈ>ㅅ’, ‘ㅈ>ㄷ’)이 적용되어 ‘깨까사-’, ‘깨까다-’가 출현한 것이다. 유추에 의한 것으로는 ‘떧떠사-’(<덛덛□-, =떳떳하-) 따위가 있는데 이는 ‘동일한 활용 패러다임의 형용사’라는 공통의 기반 위에서 ‘-자-’, ‘-사-’, ‘-다-’가 각각 하나의 형태로 인식되면서 단일화를 꾀하는 과정에서 출현한 것이다. In the Northeast-dialect of Korean, there are 'Xca-', 'Xsa-', 'Xta-' adjectives which originally had root final consonants /c(=ts)/, /s/, /t/. e.g. 'k’εk’ac-ha-'("clean"), 'sant’is-ha-("neat"), 'k’otk’ot-ha-'("straight"). In the past, these were not neutralized with /s/ or /t/ in front of suff. '-ha-', but /h/ of '-ha-' was deleted. As a result those adjectives were restructured to 'k’εk’aca-', 'sant’isa-', 'k’otk’ota-'. There are four types of 'Xsa-' adjectives. First, adjectives which were formed by combination of the root formative '-cVs-' and suff. '-ha-', and co-exist with adjectives which '-cVk' and suff. '-ha-' combined. In this case, /h/ of '-ha-' was also deleted. The root formatives '-cVs' and '-cVk' were combination of '-cV-' and '-is' or '-ik'. The '-cVs' seems to have appeared later. Second, it was originally the root final consonant /s/. Third, 'the root+-is ha-' adjectives. The 'Xsah-'(occasionally realized as 'Xsaha-', and 'Xsa-') were formed by adding '-□/a ha-' to 'Xsa-'. The 'Xsah-' had more emphasis on meaning than that of the 'Xsa-'. And '-mah' was formed by combining '-im ha-' and '-□/a ha-'. The combination of '-sah-' or '-mah-' and '-ta-' formed suff. '-tasah-', '-tamah-'("very much") corresponding to Central-dialect suff. '-tarah-'. The '-is', '-ik', '-im' which took part in forming the root have the function of nominalization and emphasis. However, 'Xca-', 'Xsa-', 'Xta-' adjectives have a small number of variations for each class. There are two factors in appearance of these variations. One is the structural factor. For example, by the influence of the highly productive derivation rule 'X-ha-', 'k’εk’aca-'("clean") was reinterpreted as 'k’εk’ac-ha-' and by applying the neutralization rule(changed to /c/, /s/ before suff. 'X-ha-') 'k’εk’ac-ha-' became to 'k’εk’ata-'. The other one is an analogical leveling. As the '-ca', '-sa-', '-ta-' of 'Xca-', 'Xsa-', 'Xta-' are regarded as the same grammatical unit, there appeared the tendency to unify among '-ca', '-sa-', '-ta-'. e.g. 't’ □t’ □ta-'("honorable") was changed to 't’□t’ □sa-'.

      • KCI등재후보

        일제 강점기의 방언 의식과 작품 속의 북부 방언

        곽충구 ( Chung Gu Kwak ) 영주어문학회 2011 영주어문 Vol.21 No.-

        At the dawn of modern Korean literature, deviating from phase of ``patois`` dialect began to be used as literary language. we can ascertain the consciousness to dialect in the period of Imperial Japanese through literary works, mentions of writers, dispute about literary language or standard language at that time. The writers used the dialect for reality, geographical background in works, national culture and tradition(history and culture of region, local color and customs), expansion of vocabulary, finding of new poetic language, expression of ideology, aesthetics etc. Novelist Kim Dong-in and Kim Nam-cheon commented about dialect in the point of culture of region, local color and local customs, expansion of vocabulary. In referring to the establishment of standard language, the intellectuals generally differentiated dialect from patois. The one part asserted to establish standard language under the basis on Seoul middle class dialect, the other part asserted to establish on the consideration to various regional dialects. And Korean linguists thought that dialect was very important to study Korean history. As writers hold on to above consciousness and attitude to dialect, they used their native dialects in works. Meanwhile, The dialects in works are precious to study Korean history and dialectology. But when we are going to utilize these dialectal materials for study, it needs to do textual approach, to examine to be modified or not by writers. We must ascertain that dialects accord with the scene in the works or not, and also need linguistical analysis to the dialects.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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