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        제조업체의 판매촉진이 유통업체상표(Private Label) 구매와 소매업체 매출이익에 미치는 영향: 스캐너 데이터 분석

        조재운 한국마케팅관리학회 2018 마케팅관리연구 Vol.23 No.1

        The purpose of the study is to analyze the effect of promotion strategy which national brand(NB) manufacturers frequently use as a means to defend from the attack of private label(PL). According to the previous research, the effect of NB manufacturers promotion on private label purchase is inconclusive. Some argue that NB promotion offers benevolent environment for PLs by boosting up consumers’ deal-proneness, while others maintain that NB promotion is needed for NB manufacturers to be supported by retailers and is indispensable especially in economic recession because consumers become price-conscious. Empirical analysis using a Korean super center’s scanner panel data shows that proactive NB promotion is effective for NB to defend from PL’s attack. The second purpose of the research is to verify whether PL’s and NB’s price promotion have an impact on retailer’s sales and sales profit. Korean retailers heavily promote PL products. While some argue that PL’s price cut appeals to price-conscious consumers, others argue that it intensify the low quality image of PL. Empirical result shows that PL’s high promotion frequency results in high retailer’s sales and high sales profit. Lastly we tested the effect of NB and PL promotion on the contribution to other product category’s sales(halo effect) and it turned out that NB promotion frequency generates halo effect. 본 연구에서는 유통업체상표(private label: PL)가 확산되면서 제조업체 상표(national brand: NB)의 제조업체들이 흔히 사용하는 대응전략 중 하나인 판매촉진활동이 PL 점유율과 소매매출 및 소매매출이익에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가를 분석하고자 한다. NB의 과도한 판촉활동은 소비자의 브랜드 로열티를 감소시키고 가격민감성(price consciousness, deal-proneness)을 높여서 가격경쟁력이 높은 PL에게 유리한 환경을 제공한다는 연구결과와 소매업체의 강력한 지원을 받기 위해서는 적절한 판촉전략을 구사하여야 하며 특히 불경기에는 소비자의 가격민감도가 커지므로 가격할인의 폭과 빈도를 높여야 한다는 연구결과가 병립하고 있다. 우리나라 한 대형마트의 스캐너 패널 데이터를 분석한 결과 NB의 적극적인 판촉전략은 PL의 점유율을 하락시키는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 두 번째 목적은 NB의 판촉활동과 PL의 판촉활동이 소매업체의 매출액과 매출이익에 어떤 영향을 미치는가를 분석하는 것이다. NB의 판촉활동은 소매매출을 증가시키는 것으로 나타난 반면 소매매출이익은 감소시키는 것으로 나타났다. PL이 이미 저가상품임에도 불구하고 국내 유통업체들은 PL의 가격할인 전략을 활발히 전개하고 있다. 우리나라에서 저가/저품질로 인식되고 있는 PL의 가격할인전략이 가격중시형(deal-prone)소비자에게는 더욱 매력적일 수 있으나 저품질의 이미지를 더욱 심화시키는 다는 측면에서는 바람직하지 않다는 추론도 가능하다. 실증분석 결과 PL의 가격할인빈도가 소매매출과 소매매출이익을 증가시키는 것으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 NB의 판촉 빈도는 후광효과(halo effect), 즉 판촉 제품매출뿐 아니라 타 제품군의 매출도 증가시키는 것으로 나타났다.

      • 梔子가 腎臟의 Natriuretic Peptide 系에 미치는 影響

        조재운,최성용,김경아,금경수,유인식,김종욱,황우준 한국전통의학연구소 2004 한국전통의학지 Vol.14 No.1

        Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), a circulating peptide hormone with 28 amino acids secreted from cardiac atria, plays an important role in the maintenance of fluid and electrolytes homeostasis. The actions of ANP appear to be mediated by specific receptors on target cells. However, the specific antagonist for ANP receptors is not yet to be defined. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the antagonistic effects of water extract obtained from the gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides Ellis) on the natriuretic peptide receptor system in the kidney. In the kidney of Sprague Dawley rats, specific 125I-ANP binding sites were localized in glomerulus, inner medulla, intrarenal artery, and vasa recta bundle by using quantitative in vitro receptor autoradiography. These specific bindings were competitively displaced in a dose dependent manner by water extract obtained from the gardenia. Moreover, productions of 3',5'-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) via activation of particulate guanylyl cyclase (GC) by ANP were increased in receptor proteins from the glomerulus and inner medulla of rat kidney. These cGMP productions were inhibited in a dose dependent manner by water extract obtained from the gardenia. The inhibitory effect of water extract obtained from the gardenia on activation of GC was quantitatively more potent rather than on 125I-ANP bindings to these renal structures. From affinity cross-linking study on the specific receptor proteins, the water extract obtained from the gardenia inhibited the 125I-ANP labeling of GC-coupled natriuretic peptide receptor from renal glomerulus of rat. Intravenous infusion of ANP elicits the potent diuresis, increment of urine osmolariry, and excretions of urinary chloride, creatinine and PAH in New Zealand White rabbit. These renal effects of ANP were inhibited by the intravenous pre-treatment of water extract obtained from the gardenia without changes in systemic hemodynamics including mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate. These results indicate that the water extract obtained from the gardenia may could be block the GC-coupled natriuretic peptide receptor, and suggest that the extract may contain a natural antagonistic molecule regulating the renal natriuretic peptide system.

      • KCI등재

        전속대리점 제도의 경제적 효과와 정부의 유통정책 제언 연구

        조재운,이종우 한국유통경영학회 2022 유통경영학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to overview the existing studies on the effects of exclusive agencies on the industrial structure, economic effect, producer profit, retail price, social surplus, which have been studied in the marketing field, legal economy, and industrial organization theory. Considering the implications of the results on the distribution structure of Korea, it is intended to present a normative distribution structure for distribution of specialty products in Korea. In addition, we will propose hypotheses for future empirical studies and suggest public policy measures for the government’s exclusive agency system. Research design, data, and methodology: By analyzing and comparing previous research papers on Exclusive Dealing & Non-Exclusive Dealing, the economic effects were summarized and government policies were proposed. Results: There are four research results on ED. ED has a profound effect on the industrial structure. The consensus view of most studies is that manufacturers will benefit from ED. ED raises the retail price. ED is judged to lower social surplus and consumer surplus. Although developed countries have reflected the impact of ED on their perceptions and policies, Korea still lacks research and policy. Implications: Based on the economic effect of ED, there are four implications. First, the supply of retail space is required to reduce the anti-competitive effect of ED. Second, as the time, cost, and inconvenience required to travel to retailers increase, competition decreases and consumer surplus decreases. Third, ED reduces consumer surplus by limiting consumers’ convenience in choosing a brand. Due to the absence of public policy regarding D, the anti-competitive effect of ED can be realized, leading to an increase in retail prices, and a decrease in consumer surplus and social surplus. Based on the implications, Korea needs institutional support for complex shopping malls and policies to promote e-commerce.

      • KCI등재
      • 속리산국립공원 재도입 산양의 행동 특성에 따른 복원 대상지 확대

        조재운,김규철,이용학,손장익,송동주,정승준,한혜성,조부환 한국환경생태학회 2017 한국환경생태학회 학술대회지 Vol.2017 No.2

        본 연구는 백두대간의 남부권과 중부권을 연결하는 속리 산국립공원에서 수행되었으며, 멸종위기종 산양의 복원을 위해 재도입된 산양의 GPS collar(Global star track S)의 Web data를 분석하여 행동권 및 서식지 이용선택 등에 대 하여 연구하고자 2015~2017년 까지 수행되었다. 속리산국 립공원에서 산양은 2010년도 로드킬에 의한 첫 발견이 되 었으며 지속적인 조사가 이루어 졌으며, 2015년 군자산일 원에서 산양의 서식 흔적이 발견되었고, 분변 분석결과 수 컷으로 확인이 되었다. 이 수컷산양의 안정적인 서식지 정 착을 위해서 산양을 도입하기로 결정하였고, 군자산일원에 2015년 산양 3개체(♂1, ♀2), 2016년 산양 4개체(♂2, ♀ 2)를 방사하였다. 이후 방사개체 모니터링을 지속적으로 수 행하였으며, 2015-16년 방사된 총 7개체(♂3, ♀4)의 Web data를 분석한 결과 평균 MCP95%에서 2.61±3.75㎢로 나 타났으며, FK50%에서 0.07±0.05㎢로 나타났다. 수컷 3개 체의 평균 MCP 95%에서 3.86±5.91㎢로 나타났으며, FK 50%에서 0.08±0.05㎢로 나타났으며, 암컷 4개체의 평균 MCP 95%에서 1.68±1.48㎢로 나타났으며, FK 50%에서 0.06±0.06㎢로 나타났다. 서식지 이용 특성에서 산양은 경사도는 35°~40°에서 26.1%, 30°~35°에서 25.7%로 나타났고, 고도는 300~400m 이상에서 30.7%, 400~500m이상에서 23.6%로 나타났고, 향은 SW에서 25.9%, W에서 22.3%, 수계와의 거리는 50m 에서 34.0%, 100m에서 32.3%, 도로와의 거리는 1000m에 서 20.3%, 600m에서 16.2%의 특징을 나타내어 가장 많은 이용 빈도수를 파악하였다. 처음방사한 지역의 이용특성과 현재의 이용특성을 보면 주로 남서향을 주로 이용하는 것으 로 보아, 속리산 산양의 서식지 선택 특성 분석을 토대로 속리산국립공원 산양의 복원을 위한 중요한 자료로 활용할 것이며, 이러한 산양의 특성을 분석한 결과 남사면에 추가 방사나 도입이 필요할 것으로 판단되며, 현재 산양들이 이 동하여 서식하는 백두대간의 희양산, 칠보산 지역에 방사대 상지로 적합한 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        저관여 생필품 소매업체상표 구매자의 특성: 스캐너 데이터 분석

        조재운 한국유통과학회 2019 유통과학연구 Vol.17 No.5

        Purpose - The purpose of the research is to identify the demographic characteristics of the customers with high private label purchase intention. According to the previous research demographics such as gender, age, income, and residence type affect private label purchase intention indirectly through psychographics rather than directly. For instance, higher income group is time pressured, price-insensitive, quality-sensitive, less likely to enjoy shopping utilitarian products, and less likely to be variety-seeking. The main contribution of this research is to verify the results found in the previous empirical foreign research using scanner data and to investigate the differences of the characteristics of private label users between Korea and the foreign countries. Research design, data, and methodology - In order to empirically test the proposed hypotheses, scanner data of a Korean major super center was analyzed. Results - Empirical results show that private labels are more favored by old people over 50s, dwellers in individual house, lower income group, and frequent store visitors. Age of 30s, dwellers in the apartment of 30 pyung, higher income group, and consumers who purchased a large amount are less likely to purchase private labels. Gender turned out not to affect private label purchase. It should be noted that there is a significant multicollinearity among independent variables. Conclusions - The research findings provide managerial implication for retailers’ private label strategy. In general, retailers heavily send private label coupons to the customers with high purchase volume. According to the research, however, store visit frequency is much more positively associated with private label purchase than purchase amount. The study has some limitations. The samples are only consumers with private label purchase experience. The data were drawn from one store and only 8 commodity products were used for the analysis. Also, if more demographics were available, a more complete description on the private brand users’ profile could have been derived. We propose the following future research. Research using the data including consumers without private label experience, research investigating direction of causality between private label loyalty and store loyalty, and research using hedonic private label products such as TV and PC could be promising.

      • KCI등재

        Habitat use of reintroduced Long-tailed Gorals (Naemorhedus caudatus)in Woraksan (Mt.) National Park in Korea

        조재운,김규철,권구희,김기윤,이배근,손장익 한국환경생태학회 2015 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.29 No.2

        This study aimed to analyze characteristics of the seasonal habitat use of reintroduced Long-tailed Gorals (n=7) in Woraksan (mountain) National Park. We collected 10,721 goral coordinates in Woraksan (mountain) National Park via transmitters, and analyzed habitat use (e.g., aspect, distance from stream and road) from November 2006 to January 2013. Aspect use was southwest (22.6 %), and seasonal aspect use had a southwestern slope (in the spring, summer, and autumn). A northwestern aspect was detected in winter, but slope of 30°∼35° (19.0 %) was used regardless of the season and mean elevation use was 500 m. Moreover, seasonal use was higher in the summer and lower in the winter and spring. The distance from the stream was mainly 50 m in 17.2 %, except in the winter (distance of 300 m), and it was within 50 m in the spring, summer, and autumn. The distance from the road was 100 m in 25.7 %, and seasonal use was within 100 m except for the winter. Thus, we examined significant differences in the habitat use of reintroduced gorals in Woraksan (mountain), and provide elementary data for habitat stabilization of Woraksan (mountain) National Park where goral restoration has advanced.

      • KCI등재

        유통업체상표의 확산과 이에 따른 제조업체의 대응전략 및 공공정책 제언

        조재운(Jae-Wun Cho) 한국경영학회 2014 Korea Business Review Vol.18 No.4

        유통업체상표(private label: PL)는 유통업체가 제조업체에게 하청을 주어 생산된 제품에 자신의 상표를 부착하는 것이다. 유통업체는 제조업체와 제조업체상표(national brand:NB)의 판매, 수익, 위험을 나눠 갖는 데 비해, PL의 경우, 신제품도입, 하청생산, 보관, 광고, 판촉 등을 전적으로 책임져야 한다. PL의 도입은 소매상-제조업체의 관계에 변화를 가져와서 양자는 협조자 관계이자 경쟁자 관계가 된다. 유통환경의 변화, 장기적인 불황에 따른 소비자의 합리적 구매성향에 부응하여 소매업체는 PL의 비중을 확대하고 있고 이러한 전략은 소매업체의 수익성을 제고하는 방안으로 급부상하고 있다. PL이 발달한 유럽의 국가들의 경우에 소수의 소매업체들이 시장을 과점함으로써 규모의 경제가 달성되어 PL이 크게 발달하였다는 점에 비추어 볼 때, 우리나라의 경우에도 소수의 대형소매점의 시장과점도가 매우 높은 수준이므로 향후 PL의 확산이 빠르게 진행될 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구의 목적은 PL에 관한 이론적, 실증적 연구 결과를 고찰하고, 소매업체의 PL성공전략과 PL점유율이 증가하고 있는 상황에서 NB제조업체의 효과적인 대응전략을 제시하는 데 있다. 그리고 PL의 약진에 의해 가장 큰 피해를 입고 있는 중소제조기업의 경쟁력 향상을 위한 정부의 공공정책적 방안을 제안하고자 한다. Private label(PL) or private brand is the product on which retailers attach its own brand. Changes of distribution structure, nagging recession, and consumers’ rational shopping behavior motivated retailers to grow PL’s market share and PLs are regarded as one of the major sources to increase retailers’ profit. Considering the fact that PLs are growing faster in European countries where retail industry is dominated by a few retailers because the territory is relatively smaller than big countries such as US and China, PLs are expected to grow at a very fast pace in Korea even though introduction of PLs in Korea was relatively late. The purpose of the study is to introduce the theoretical and empirical results of PL research and to suggest successful PL strategy for retailers and the effective counterstrategy for NB manufacturers, and to recommend public polity to support small NB manufacturers which are expected to be seriously harmed by the invasion of PLs.

      • KCI등재

        GPS Collar를 이용한 멸종위기 한국 산양(Naemorhedus caudatus)의 행동 특성

        조재운 ( Chea Un Cho ),권구희 ( Gu Hee Gyun ),양정진 ( Jung Jin Yang ),임상진 ( Sang Jin Lim ),이안나 ( An Na Lee ),박희복 ( Hee Bok Park ),이배근 ( Bae Keun Lee ) 한국환경생태학회 2014 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        본 연구는 멸종위기종인 한국산 산양(n=3)의 생태 및 행동학적 특징을 밝히기 위하여 2010년 5월부터 2011년 9월까지 설악산국립공원에서 이루어졌다. 구조된 산양은 GPS Collar 발신기를 부착하여 구조된 원서식지에 재 방사 하였으며, 연구기간 동안 수집된 4,752개의 위치 좌표를 이용하여 연간 행동권, 계절별 행동권, 월별 이용 고도를 분석하였다. 연구결과, 설악산 산양의 연간 행동권은 MCP 95% 0.88㎢, MCP 50% 0.27㎢, FK 95% 0.43㎢, FK 50% 0.09㎢로 계절별 행동권은 MCP 95%에서 봄 0.47㎢, 여름 0.45㎢, 가을 0.63㎢, 겨울 0.50㎢로, 가을 행동권이 넓은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 FK 95% 분석을 통해서도 봄 0.23㎢, 여름 0.19㎢, 가을 0.33㎢, 겨울 0.22㎢로 가을철 행동권이 가장 큰 것으로 나타났다. 암·수 연간행동권은 MCP 95% 수준에서 암컷 1.03㎢, 수컷은 0.58㎢로 분석되었다. 월별 이용 고도는 6, 7, 8월이 가장 높았으며 12, 1, 2월에 가장 낮은 고도를 이용했다. 본 연구는 산양의 서식지 관리 정책 및 복원과 보전을 위한 객관적 자료 확보 및 국내에서 수행 중이거나 계획 단계에 있는 야생동물의 성공적인 복원에 기여하고자 수행되었다. This study was to understand the ecological characteristics of the goral through the study on goral behavioral characteristics and to be carried out to provide basic behavioral data such as annual home range, seasonal home range and monthly used altitude with 4,752 locations obtained during the study period through home range analysis of three long-tailed gorals (Naemorhedus caudatus) in Soeraksan. For this study, gorals who were rescued from heavy snow in Seoraksan were used. The gorals were equipped with GPS Collar, released at their natural habitats, and then monitored from May, 2010 to September, 2011. According to our results, annual home ranges of the gorals (n=3) have 0.88㎢ of MCP 95%, 0.27㎢ of MCP 50%, 0.43 ㎢of FK 95%, and 0.09㎢ of FK 50% respectively. Seasonal home range of MCP 95% was 0.47㎢ in spring, 0.45㎢ in summer, 0.63㎢ in fall and 0.50㎢ in winter respectively and home ranges of fall was the largest. In the case of FK 95% analysis, home ranges were 0.23㎢ in spring, 0.19㎢ in summer, 0.33㎢ in fall, and 0.22㎢ in winter respectively and the largest seasonal home range was fall. Female and male annual home ranges of the gorals were 1.03㎢ for female and 0.58㎢ for male. In analysis of the monthly used altitudes which were used Jun, July, and August were higher than in the other months and the altitudes which were used in Dec, Jan, and Feb were lower than in the other months. This study was to secure basic data for the habitat management policy, restoration, and conservation of Korea gorals and to be conducted to contribute to the success in doing or planning stage of the wild animal restoration.

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