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      • KCI등재

        성폭력 피해 여성의 미술치료 경험에 관한 내러티브 탐구

        미정(Huh, Mi Jung),최선남(Choi, Sun Nam) 한국미술치료학회 2021 美術治療硏究 Vol.28 No.4

        본 연구는 성폭력 피해 경험이 있는 여성이 미술치료 과정에서 경험한 것이 무엇이며 그 경험의 의미가 무엇인지 탐구하는 것이 목적이다. 연구 참여자는 성폭력 피해 경험이 있는 성인 여성으로 2019년 9월부터 2020년 10월까지 주 1회, 약 50분씩 비구조화된 미술치료 방식으로 총 52회기 개인 미술치료를 실시하였다. 본 연구를 위해 연구 참여자의 동의서를 받고 미술치료를 실시하였으며 매회기 녹취, 관찰일지, 미술 작품, 연구자와 참여자의 저널, 면접지 등을 수집하였다. 수집된 미술 작품과 면담자료는 내러티브 방식으로 분석하였다. 이 과정에서 성폭력 피해 여성은 ‘악은 일반적일 수 없어요’, ‘내 몸에 남은 역겨운 증거’, ‘팔․다리는 의미 없는 소모품’, ‘그날 나의 영혼은 죽었다’, ‘그림이 저를 살려요’의 5개 경험 이야기를 발견하였다. 그 경험의 의미는 다음과 같다. 첫째, ‘이제 도망가지 않겠다.’ 둘째, ‘그림으로 희망을 말하다.’로 성폭력 피해 여성에게 미술치료 경험은 자신의 상처와 만나고 상처를 창의적 미술 작품으로 표현하는 역할을 하였고, 이는 자신과 타인, 나아가 세상을 향해 성폭력에 대한 경각심과 예방의 중요성을 알리는데 가치가 있다. This research aimed to explore what a female sexual violence survivor experiences during art therapy and what those experiences mean. The study participant was a female adult who took part in unstructured art therapy once a week for nearly 50 minutes per session, a total of 52 times from September 2019 to October 2020. For this study, the participant’s written consent form was received before executing and recording the art therapy sessions; the observation log, artwork, the journal between researcher and participant, and the interview log were collected at each therapy session. This research narratively analyzed collected pictures and interviews. During that process, the rape victim discovered five experiential stories: “evil cannot become generalized.” “disgusting evidence left on my body.” “my arms and legs are useless tools.” “that day, my soul was murdered:,” and “painting brings me back from death every day.” The meanings of those stories were twofold for the participant; First, “I will not run away anymore,” and second, “I speak hope through paintings.” This research presented an art therapy experience that provided the sexual violence victim with an opportunity to confront her wounds and played a significant role in her ability to express her pain from trauma through her original artworks. The results illustrate that such art therapy is a valuable achievement in not only enhancing the ability to express trauma for the participant but also in focusing the world’s attention on sexual assault and the importance of establishing proper prevention to prevent such assaults.

      • KCI등재

        미디어 리터러시 교육에 대한 보육교사의 인식과 실태에 관한 연구

        미정,최재원,방효국 한국교원대학교 교육연구원 2023 敎員敎育 Vol.39 No.6

        연구목적 본 연구의 목적은 보육교사를 대상으로 미디어 리터러시 교육에 대한 인식과 실태를 알아보는 것이다. 이에 따라 보육교사의 미디어 리터러시 교육에 대한 인식, 교육, 실태, 교육활성화에 대한 인식 등으로 연구 문제를 설정하였다. 연구방법 연구 대상은 서울, 경기, 인천, 등 수도권에서 현재 근무하고 있는 보육교사를 대상으로 200부의 설문지를 수집하였으며, 이 중 부적합한 29부를 제외한 171부를 SPSS 26.0 Window용 프로그램을 사용하여 평균, 표준편차, 빈도, 백분율, 다중응답 등을 구하였다. 연구결과 연구 문제에 따라 연구 결과를 살펴보면 보육교사 중 대다수는 미디어 리터러시를 접한 적이 없으며, 영유아에게 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 매체로 유튜브라고 답하였으며 미디어의 폭력적인 장면은 영유아의 공격성에 부정적인 영향을 미친다고 인식하고 있었다. 보육교사의 미디어 리터러시 교육 실태는 주 1회 실시하는 교사가 가장 많았으며, 교육 내용으로 미디어 사용시 지켜야 할 약속을 알아보는 것이라고 답하였다. 미디어 리터러시 교육 활성화에 대해 미디어 리터러시 교육이 영유아의 다양한 경험을 위해 필요하며, 향후 미디어 리터러시 관련 연수가 있을 경우 '가능한 참여하겠다'고 답하였다 또한 교육현장에서 사용할 수 있는 미디어 매체 교육자료 등 환경적인 지원이 필요하다고 하였다. 결론 미디어 리터러시는 영유아기 때부터 지속적으로 교육이 필요하며 교육기관 뿐만 아니라 가정과의 연계를 통해 이루어질 수 있도록 좋은 미디어 리터러시 교육 자료와 프로그램 개발이 필요하다는 시사점을 알 수 있다. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the perception and practice of media literacy education among childcare teachers. Accordingly, the research questions were estalished to include childcare teachers' awareness of media literacy education, educational practice, and perception of educational revitalization. Methods: The subject of the study involved two hundred questionnaires collected from childcare teachers currently working in metropolitan areas such as Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Incheon. Of these, 171 copies, excluding twenty-nine inappropriate ones, were collected using the SPSS 26.0 Window program to determine the mean, standard deviation, frequency, and percentages, multiple responses, and other areas were calculated. Results: According to the research question, the research results indicated that the majority of childcare teachers have never been exposed to media literacy, and answered that YouTube is the medium that has the greatest influence on infants and toddlers. They recognized that violent scenes in the media have a negative impact on infants’aggression levels. As for the status of media literacy education for childcare teachers, most teachers conducted it once a week, and the content of the education was to learn about promises that must be kept when using media. Regarding the revitalization of media literacy education, they responded that media literacy education is necessary for infants and toddler sto have diverse experiences, and that if there is media literacy-related training in the future, they will ‘participate if possible’. They also said that environmental support, such as media and educational materials that can be utilized in educational settings, is required. Conclusion: Media literacy requires continuous education from infancy, and the implication is that it is necessary to develop good media literacy education materials and programs so that media literacy can be achieved through connections not only with educational institution but also with families.

      • KCI등재

        미국 연방헌법 수정조항 제17조의 제정에 담긴 시대적 의미

        미정(Heo, Mi-Jeong) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2021 인문과학연구 Vol.- No.71

        미국 연방헌법 수정조항 제17조는 상원의원 직접 선거에 관한 조항으로 혁신주의 시기인 1913년에 채택되었다. 미국 상원의원은 전통적으로 주 의회에서 선출하는 ‘간접 선거’ 방식을 통해 선출하였고, 이 방식은 20세기 초까지 이어졌다. 그러나 19세기 말부터 상원은 정치 부패의 온상으로 전락하였다. 20세기에 접어들면서 부패 양상은 더욱 심화되어 심각한 상황에 이르렀고, 기득권 다툼으로 인한 주 의회의 잦은 파행과 이로 인한 주 의회의 교착상태 그리고 상원의원 궐석 문제가 가장 큰 정치적 문제로 대두되었다. 상원의원 선거 개혁에 관한 문제는 혁신주의 시기에 본격적으로 거론되기 시작하였다. 이 조항은 상원의원의 선출 방식을 이전의 간접 선거 방식에서 직접 선거 방식으로 변경하는 내용을 포함하여 상원의원 궐석시에는 주 지사가 임의로 의원을 임명할 수 있는 권한을 헌법에 명시하고 있다. 그러나 개혁적 차원에서 제정되었던 수정조항 제17조는 연방의 권한이 과도하게 확대된 점에 반해 주의 권한을 축소시키는 법이라는 이분법적 논쟁 속에서 시행과정에서부터 현재까지 논란의 대상이 되고 있다. 법의 유지와 폐지를 둘러싼 논쟁이 여전히 진행 중이지만, 이 조항의 제정은 민주적 절차에 의해 국민의 정치참여를 확대하였다는 점과 정치 개혁을 통하여 정치적 권리의 평등을 쟁취하였다는 점에서 그 의미가 있다고 강조될 수 있을 것이다. The Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Federal Constitution was adopted in 1913 during the progressive era as a provision for direct election of senators. U.S. senators have traditionally been elected through an “indirect election” method elected by state legislatures, which lasted until the early 20th century. However, from the end of the 19th century, the Senate has degenerated into a hotbed of political corruption. In the 20th century, corruption intensified and reached a serious situation, and the frequent disruption of the state legislature due to the dispute over vested interests, the resulting deadlock of the state legislature, and the absence of senators emerged as the biggest political issue. The issue of Senate election reform began to be discussed in earnest in the progressive era. This provision stipulates in the Constitution the governor’s authority to arbitrarily appoint a member of the Senate in the event of a Senate vacancy, including a change from the previous indirect election method to a direct election method. However, the Seventeenth Amendment, which was enacted at the reform level, has been controversial from the implementation process to the present amid a dichotomy that it is a law that reduces state authority while the federal authority has been excessively expanded. Controversy over the maintenance and abolition of the law is still underway, but it can be emphasized that the enactment of this clause is meaningful in that it expanded the political participation of the people through democratic procedures and achieved equality of political rights through political reform.

      • KCI등재

        학대 피해 여성의 자발적 그림으로 본 생애사 연구

        미정(Mi Jung Huh),최선남(Sun Nam Choi) 한국미술치료학회 2023 美術治療硏究 Vol.30 No.5

        본 연구는 주 양육자에 의해 지속적인 학대 피해를 경험한 여성의 자발적 그림은 무엇을 이야기하는지 깊이 있게 살펴보는데 의미가 있다. 학대 피해 여성의 자발적 그림이 나타내는 메시지를 사회적 구조 속에서 살펴보기 위해 생애사 연구 방법을 적용하였다. 연구 참여자는 목적 표집을 통해 최종 1인을 선정하였다. 연구 기간은 2019년 9월부터 ~ 2021년 4월까지이며 참여자의 자발적 그림, 심층 면담 자료, 저널, 전자우편과 문자 메시지로 받은 자료를 활용하였다. 연구 결과, 학대 피해 여성으로 살아내는 여정에서 만난 그림은 ‘조각난 기억과 불안정한 상처들의 조우’, ‘내 편은 아무도 없는 억울함’, ‘몸이 기억하는 무력감’, ‘트라우마 속에서 발견한 혼돈’, ‘서툴지만 나를 위로하며’였으며, 그림의 의미는 ‘실체가 있어도 보지 못하고, 듣지 못하는 이들에게’, ‘신의 침묵과 인간의 탐심’, ‘무심코 뱉은 말(言)의 무게와 온도’, ‘기억에서 가슴, 창작으로 이어지는 초상(肖像)’을 도출하였다. 이러한 내용을 바탕으로 첫째, 한 사람이 감당하기 힘든 경험을 함께 공유하는 계기가 되었다. 둘째, 예술로 승화된 학대 경험이 사회에 보내는 메시지. 마지막으로, 자발적 그림은 한 사람의 삶을 온전히 녹여낸다. 이러한 연구 결과를 바탕으로 본 연구의 의의와 제한점에 대하여 논의하였다. This study was meaningful in deep examining what the voluntary pictures of women who experienced continuous abuse by their primary caregivers. The life history research method was applied to examine the message expressed by the voluntary paintings of abused women in the social structure. One final participant was selected through objective sampling. The research period was from September 2019 to April 2021. The participants's voluntary drawings, in-depth interview data, journals, and data received by e-mail and text message were used. As the result of the study, paintings from the victim of abuse were ‘The encounter of fragmented memories and unstable scars', 'Regret with no one on my side', 'Helplessness remembered by the body', 'Chaos found in trauma', and 'It's clumsy, but it comforts me', The meaning of the painting was 'To those who cannot see or hear even though they exist', ‘God's silence and human greed', 'The weight and temperature of unintentionally spoken words', and 'From memory, the chest and portrait leading to creation’ were derived. Based on these contents, first, it became an opportunity to share experiences that the participant could not handle. Second, A message to society from the experience of abuse sublimated into art. Lastly, spontaneous paintings completely dissolved her life. Based on these research results, the significance and limitations of this study were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        미국 남북전쟁 시기 연방소득세법 제정과 전후 그 적용의 변화

        미정 ( Heo Mi-jeong ) 한국미국사학회 2020 미국사연구 Vol.51 No.-

        The 16<sup>th</sup> Amendment to the U. S. Federal Constitution was enacted in 1913 during the Progressive Era as a part of the legislation of ‘income taxes’. It was during the War of 1812 that the issue of a federal bill on income taxes was raised for the first time, but it was legislated into the Constitution and really implemented by the Lincoln Administration in 1861 when the Civil War broke out. The bill was proposed as an option to overcome the national crisis of war and afterwards passed into an act through some deliberative processes in Congress. In the implementation of the Income Tax Act at the beginning of the war, the federal government imposed a relatively agreeable level of tax rates, and the scopes and rates of tax applied to the Act were fixed in step with the progress of war. It was not until the act was put through five adjustments of tax rates during and after the war that this could be implemented. The levy of different tax rates among income strata, nevertheless, has triggered controversy over grading legislations by class in applying the income tax law. The income tax, which was temporarily enforced in the crisis of war, failed in silencing the social controversy over unstable administrative errors and classified legislation, culminating in its complete abolition. However, the aspects of social “justice” and “publicity”, which were assessed to be the usefulness of income tax laws during the Civil War, began to arrest attention again in the Progressive Era. On the other hand, the enactment of the Federal Income Tax Act in 1913 not only bore a meaning of social reformation, but resulted in strengthening the federal government’s power by specifying it in the Constitution. The federal income tax, which is one of the most important sources of tax revenue in the United States today, was initiated as a means to cope with the national disaster of war. And yet, by the Progressive Era it came into being as Article 16 of the Amendment to the Federal Constitution at the request of that time, which is believed to have functioned as a groundwork for the United States to grow and develop on a stable financial basis.

      • KCI등재

        아동학대와 방임을 경험한 성인여성의 미술치료 경험에 대한 내러티브 탐구

        미정(Huh, Mi Jung),전종국(Chun, Chong Gouk) 한국미술치료학회 2021 美術治療硏究 Vol.28 No.3

        본 연구는 아동학대와 방임을 경험한 성인여성이 미술치료 과정에서 경험한 것이 무엇인지 그 경험의 의미를 탐구하는 것이 목적이다. 아동기 학대와 방임의 경험에 대한 깊은 이해와 의미를 풍부하게 전달하고자 질적 연구의 한 방법인 내러티브 탐구를 사용하였다. 연구 참여자는 아동학대와 방임을 경험한 성인여성으로 2020년 04월부터 2021년 02월까지 주 1회, 약 50분씩 비구조화된 미술치료 방식으로 총 30회기 개인 미술치료를 실시하였다. 본 연구를 위해 연구 참여자의 동의서를 받아 매회기 녹취, 관찰일지, 미술작품, 연구자와 참여자의 저널, 면접지 등을 수집하였다. 수집된 미술작품과 면담자료를 내러티브 방식으로 분석하였다. 이 과정에서 아동학대와 방임을 경험한 여성은 ‘버려진 아이’, ‘말 못하는 아이’, ‘자신을 위한 보상’, ‘용서하고 싶다’, ‘새로운 도전’의 5개 경험이야기를 발견하였다. 그 경험의 의미는 다음과 같다. ‘망각된 감정이 되살아나다’, ‘결핍이 만들어낸 공허함을 채우다’, ‘결핍 속에서 나를 발견하다’로 3개의 의미를 생성하였다. 또한 이를 통해 ‘애착외상이 남긴 흔적’, ‘방임도 심각한 학대’, ‘사회적 문제인 아동학대’로 함의를 확장시켜 볼 수 있었다. This research aimed to explore what a female adult survivor of child abuse and neglect experienced during art therapy and what that experience means. In the study, a narrative inquiry, a qualitative research method, was used to deliver a thorough understanding of child abuse and neglect. The participant was a female adult who participated in unstructured personal art therapy once a week for nearly 50 minutes, for a total of 30 times from April 2020 to February 2021. For this study, the participant’s written consent form was received before executing art therapy, and at each therapy session, a recording, observation log, art work, the journal between researcher and participant, and the interview log were collected. During the process, the participant created five experiential stories: “abandoned child,” “dumb child,” “reward for me,” “I would like to forgive”, and “new challenge.” The meanings behind these stories were as follows: “forgotten emotions are revived,” “filling up the empty space made by deficiency,” and “discovering myself within deficiency.” The implications of what was revealed through this inquiry can be expanded into “wounds from affection trauma,” “negligence is also severe abuse,” and “child abuse is a social issue.”

      • KCI등재

        청소년의 자아존중감이 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향: 이타심과 자기통제에 의한 또래관계의 조절된 매개효과 검증

        미정 ( Mi Jeong Heo ),노미화 ( Mi Wha Noh ),최연실 ( Youn Shil Choi ) 한국가족관계학회 2016 한국가족관계학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        Objectives: The purpose of this study was aimed to examine the effect of self-esteem on life satisfaction and happiness among adolescents, and to verify moderated mediation of peer relations mediated by altruism and self-regulation. Method: The study referred to the 2015 Annual Report of the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey. More precisely, report on the fourth year research process of the study cohort comprising 2,091 subjects was used to verify the research model. Overall data were analyzed by using SPSS 18.0 program and specifically, moderated mediation were verified by using SPSS Macro, as suggested by Preacher, etc. (2008). Results: As a result, firstly, the peer relations mediated the relationship between life satisfaction and self-esteem among adolescents. Secondly, altruism and self-regulation had moderated mediation effects between self-esteem and peer relations among adolescents. Conclusion: These results suggest that self-esteem affects on life satisfaction and happiness by mediation of peer relations among adolescents and altruism and self-regulation agent is applied positive adjustment to further promote the peer relations and increase life satisfaction among adolescents. Through these study results, the implications for counseling and suggestions for future research were discussed.

      • 中風閉證에 對한 文獻的 考察

        許美晶,薛仁燦,黃致元,安澤源 대전대학교 한방병원 1998 惠和醫學 Vol.7 No.1

        The following results was obtained to study old books of oriental medicine about Sthenia-syndrome of apoplexy (中風閉證). 1. Sthenia-syndrome of apoplexy (中風閉證) and Collapse syndrome of apoplexy (中風閉證) was classifed by the "An Essential Medical Manual" at the first. Sthenia-syndrome of apoplexy(中風閉證) was classifed into yang-sthenia-synd rome(陽閉) and yin-sthenia-syndrome(陰閉) by recent literature. 2. The cause of Sthenia-syndrome of apoplexy(中風閉證) was "yang of wind stirring(中風閉證)" and "evil heat accelerating(邪熱亢盛)" due to "yin-deficiency of liver and kidney. The cause of yang-sthema-syndrome(陽閉) was "phlegm-fire shaking upside (痰火上援)" and "liver-wind stirring inside(肝風內動), The cause of yin-sthenia-syndrome(陰閉) was "mental disorder due to the stagnation of phlegm(痰濁內閉)" and "stagnation of phlegm-wetness(痰濕阻塞). 3. The syndrome of yang-sthenia-syndrome(陽閉) was severe headache, frequent vomiting, syncope, unconsciousness, trismus(牙關緊急), hands grasping(口臭), hemiparesis, seizure, facial color flushed, fever, snoring(鼻한氣粗), halitosis(口臭), fidgetiness(煩躁不寧), dysuria, constipation, bright red tongue (舌質紅絳), yellowish and dry fur(舌苔黃이而乾), pulse of smooth rapid or large(脈滑而數或洪大) etc. 4. The syndrome of yin-sthenia-syndrome(陰閉) was severe headache, dizziness, vomiting, facial color paled, syncope, unconsciousness, trismus(牙關緊急), hands grasping(兩水握固), hemiparesis, seizure, fidgetiness(靜臥不煩), cold limbs(四肢不溫), abundant expectoration(痰涎壅盛), snoring(鼻한), dysuria, constipation, black pale tongue(舌質暗淡), white pur(舌苔白니), pulse of sinking and smooth(脈象沈滑) etc. 5. The treatment of Sthenia-syndrome of apoplexy (中風廢證) was "clear away liver-fire and stop the winde(淸肝熄風), open the sensory organs(開竅), open the blocking(啓閉) by giving the first consideration to eliminate the evil factor(祛邪). 6. The treatment of yang-sthenia-syndrome(陽閉) was open the sensory organs of acrid flavour and warm nature(辛溫開竅), clear away liver-fire and stop the wind(淸肝熄風), clear away heat and disperse phlegm (淸熱化痰). The principal prescription of yang-sthenia-syndrome(陽閉) was YOUNGYANGGAKTANGGAGAM(羚羊角湯加感). 7. The treatment of yin-sthenia-syndrome(陰閉) was open the sensory organs of acrid flavour and cool nature(辛凉開竅), stop the wind by eliminatmg(辛痰熄風). The principal prescription of yin-sthenia-syndrome(陰閉) was CHUCKDAMTANG(??痰湯) 8. The principal drug of pill and powder was GIBODAN(至寶丹), WUHWANGCHUNGSIMHWAN(牛黃淸心丸) and cupuncture and moxibusdon therapy was points of open the sensory organs by wake up the patient from inconsciousness(醒腦開竅). The drug of injections was drugs of open the sensory organs by wake up the patient from inconsciousness(醒腦開竅) by refining and intravenous or intramuscular injection. 9. The first emergency measure was open the blocking(啓閉) and measure was Tracheotomy, measure of opening the blocking by acupuncture(鍼開閉方法) , measure of opening the sensory organs by drugs(藥物通竅方法), measure of nipping points(겹穴法), penetrating the nose(휵鼻法) etc. 10. The management of Sthenia-syndrome of apoplexy(中風閉證) was reducing movement, management of envimment, observation of the condition of a disease, mouth care, airway care, prevention of bed sore and infection, prevention of deformation of joints, management of emotion, management of urine and stool.

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