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      • 植物生長調整劑의 莖葉處理가 감자의 部位別 窒素化合物의 分配에 미치는 影響(Ⅰ)

        蔡潤錫 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 1998 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.11 No.-

        Four different concentrations of kinetin, GA3, KCl, and NaCl were applied to spring crops of Dejima potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) in 1995. Chemicals were sprayed three times at a one-week interval from the time of flower bud emergence. Results obtained are summarized as follows: 1) Total nitrogen concentrations were less than 1% of dry weight in all parts of a plant. Chemical sprays did not change the concentrations in the tubers to a significant level. Since KCl and kinetin significantly increased the numbers of tuber and the yield per plant, no significant changes in nitrogen concentrations in the tubers upon those treatments were taken to indicate the increaed translocation of nitrogen from source organs to the tubers. 2) Protein concentration were 0.8 to 1.6% of dry weight in the leaves and stems, 1.3 to 2.1% in the roots and stolons, and 1.1 to 2.8% in the tubers. A significant decrease in protein contents of leaves and stems was found especially with KCl at 250 mM and kinetin at 50 ppm. 3) Amino acid concentrations were not affected by chemical sprays. Since KCl at 250 mM and kinetin at 50 ppm increased the numbers of tuber and the yield per plant, no changes in amino acid concentrations in the tubers indicated an increased mobilization of amino acids from the leaves to the tubers.

      • 葡萄 Muscat Bailey A의 無核果 生産을 爲한 Streptomycin 利用 試驗(Ⅱ)

        蔡潤錫,朴相眩,安相烈 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 1993 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.6 No.-

        GA_3 100ppm單用과 GA_3 100ppm+Streptomycim 200ppm 混用을 葡萄 Muscat Bailey A 品種의 滿開期 10日前에 新稍長 30, 40, 50cm의 着果房에 處理한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 熟期는 兩處理區 모두 無處理보다 20日 前後 早熟되었으며 混用區는 GA_3 單用區 보다 2∼3日 빠른 傾向을 보였고, 新稍의 길이에 따른 差異는 비슷하였다. 2. 有核粒數는 無處理 平均 5∼6個에 비해 混用 및 GA_3 單用 모두 無核의 傾向을 보였는데 新稍長 50cm의 GA_3 單用區에서 1∼2個의 有核粒을 나타내었다. 3. 果房長의 兩主區의 新稍길이 30cm와 40cm 處理區는 비슷하였으며 상품성이 없었고, 50cm, 處理區에서는 높은 有意性을 보였다. 4. 果房重은 GA_3 單用區가 混用區보다 80∼90g정도 무거웠으며, 新稍길이 間에는 50cm處理區에서 가장 무거웠고 과방당 과립수와 평균과립중도 50cm 처리구에서 고도의 유의성을 나타내었다. 5. 糖度는 混用區가 單用區보다 높고, 新稍의 길이間에는 길수록 다소 높은 傾向을 보였다. GA_3 100ppm solution and GA_3 100ppm+streptomycin 200ppm solution are applied on the cluster of 30, 40, 50cm shoot length of Muscat Bailey A variety at 10 days before full bloom day. The results are as follows : 1. The maturing season was 20 days or so ealier in both exprimental plots than in the control plot. The GA_3+streptomycin solution applied grapes atured 2∼3 days ealier than the GA_3 solution applied grapes. Thd shoot length of application revealed little difference. 2. The GA_3+streptomycin plot and GA_3 plot produced no seed holding berry, but the control plot produced 5∼6 seed holding berries. GA_3 of 50cm shoot length plot produced 1∼2 seed holding berries. 3. The cluster length of 30, 40cm shoot length plot among both main plots were similar and the value of merchandise were not found. The 50cm shoot length plot among both main plots showed high significant difference. 4. The cluster weight of GA_3 plot was significantly 80∼90g heaviet than that of GA_3+streptomycin plot. The cluster weight of 50cm shoot length plot was the heaviest. The berry number per cluster and average berry weight of 50cm shoot length plot showed high significant differencd. 5. The sugar content of berry was significant larger in the GA_3+streptomycin plot than in the GA_3 plot. The longer shoot length was, the larger the sugar content of berry was.

      • Priming과 발아기간중 토마토 종자의 형태학적 변화

        蔡潤錫,姜点淳 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 1996 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.9 No.-

        토마토 종자의 Priming 기간중 일어나는 물리적, 형태적 변화와 발아기간중 형태변화를 관찰하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. Priming 처리 최종기에는 무처리 종자에 비해 건물중 변화는 없었으나, 부피 및 직경이 증가되는 물리적인 변화가 있었다. 2. Priming 종자는 유근이 돌출되는 주공부위에 있는 배유조직의 세포층이 침식되어 배유의 기계적 저항이 약화되었다. 3. 발아시 유근돌출 부위인 micropylar cavity의 구조적 변화양상은 priming 종자는 치상후 6시간 경과된 micropylar cavity는 유근출현을 위한 준비단계였으며, 12 시간 후에는 유근이 출현되었다. 반면 침지처리 및 무처리는 유근출현이 관찰되지 않았다. 4. Priming 처리는 20℃보다 15℃에서 무처리에 비해 조기 및 균일한 발아를 보였으며, T50이 '영수'는 7.6일, '월광'은 6.5일 단축되었다. Endosperm cap 제거종자는 종자처리에 관계없이 조기 발아력이 향상되었다. This studies were conducted to physical and morphological changes during priming and germination were observed using scanning electron microscopy. Seed volume increased up to 23.0% after priming, although there was no change in dry weight of seeds. Morphological changes were observed in the endosperm opposite to the radicle tip. Scanning electron microscopy showed loss of 2 to 3 layers of endosperm cells at the micropylar area during the priming process. Imbibing the seeds slightly lost mechanical resistance by losing 1 to 2 endosperm cell layers. Micropylar cavity of primed seeds opened in 6 hours, and radicle emerged in 12 hours after sowing at 20℃. No such changes were observed during the same period in non-primed or imbibed seeds.

      • 여름 고추육묘의 트라이졸계 처리에 의해 유기된 생육억제 해소에 관한 연구

        채윤석,강호종,황서진 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 2007 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.20 No.-

        고온기 고추육묘에 처리한 생장억제제 처리 효과 및 정식 후 생육억제를 회복하기 위하여 GA, 관수, 고온처리 효과에 대한 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 1.생장억제제 트리아졸계 처리 횟수에 따라 초장 및 주경장은 뚜렷한 차이를 나타냈고 근장도 2회 처리를 함으로 1회 처리를 한 것보다 발달하지 않았다. 2. 왜화된 고추묘의 생육억제 해소에 미치는 영향은 초장 및 주경장의 생장에는 GA처리구가 뚜렷하였으나 다른 처리구는 비슷한 경향이었고 경경은 변화가 없었다. 3. 생육회복을 위한 처리별 생체 및 건물중은 정식 후 30일까지는 변화가 거의 없었으나 그 후 45일까지 급격히 증가하였는데 고온 및 관수처리구에서 뚜렷한 차이를 보였으며 45일 이후에는 모든 처리구에서 비슷한 경향을 보였다. 4. 정식 45일 경 처리구간 엽록소 함량은 GA처리구에서 가장 낮았으며 다른 처리구간에는 비슷했다. This study was carried out to find effects of restoration of hot pepper seedling dwarfed by the treatment of diniconazole by introducing GA₃, Irrigation and high temperature at knight and the results obtained are summarized as follows. The main results of this research are summarized as follows. 1. In the case of plant height and main stem hight treated with the first time and second time diniconazole showed the strongest effect than untreatment. The root length treated with diniconazole the first time effect gradually disappeared than the second time. 2. Sprays of GA₃100ppm to the dwarfed seedlings by diniconazole pretreatment were effective in counteracting the plant height and main stem height growth inhibition caused by diniconazole pretreatment. 3. The fresh and dry weight of pepper seedling were not significantly different untill 30days in planting, but were increased to 45days from 30days in planting. 4. The chlorophyll content were decreased more or less treatment of GA₃ 100ppm after 45days in planting.

      • KCI등재

        동물성 아미노산 시용이 토양이화학성과 노지고추 생육 및 품질에 미치는 영향

        채윤석,홍점규,이상우,Chae, Yun-Seok,Hong, Jeum-Kyu,Lee, Sang-Woo 한국유기농업학회 2011 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.19 No.4

        This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of applying levels of Bestamin, animal amino acid, on growth and quality of hot pepper and physicochemical properties of soil. Treatment was given with 200, 400, 800, 1600kg per 10a to control of Bestamin, difference of physicochemical properties was lower than Bestamin, and $P_2O_5$ seems to be reduced, also $K^+$, $Ca^{++}$ were obviously low compared to the control. The content of $NO_{3-}N$ was low compared to control at the Bestamin treated plot. Plant height was longest at 800 treatment and main stem length, main stem weigh and the number of leaves were significantly different with 400 and 800 treatment. No difference was found among the fruit weight, length, diameter in first harvest, but there was significantly different at control of 2nd, 3rd harvest and more increased than 400 and 800 treatment. Fruit weight per plant was the heaviest at 400 and 800 treatment, and the number of fruit was no difference at red pepper but increased with 400 and 800 at green pepper, and yield per 10a was significantly increased to 4503.6kg and 4582.5kg, respectively. Nitrogen in mesophyll accumulation content was obviously reduced at Bestamin treatment compared to control, and amino acid was reduced with control.

      • 葡萄 Muscat Bailey A의 無核果 生産을 爲한 Streptomycin 利用 試驗(Ⅰ)

        蔡潤錫 진주산업대학교 농업기술연구소 1992 農業技術硏究所報 Vol.5 No.-

        葡萄 Muscat Bailey A 品種의 生産安定과 無核果 生産을 爲한 Gibberellin(GA_3)單用과 GA_3+Streptomycin 混用의 前處理 適期를 모색코져 試驗한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 熟期는 兩 處理區 모두 無處理區 보다 24日 前後 早熟 되었으며, 混用區는 GA_3 單用區 보다 2-3日 빠른 傾向을 보였으며 處理 일자에 따른 差異는 비슷한 傾向을 보였다. 2. 有核粒數는 GA_3 單用區에서는 無處理의 平均 有核數 5-6개 보다 절반정도 減少되었고 混用區는 30개 處理區 중에서 4個區가 1個 정도의 有核數를 나타내었다. 3. 果房長은 兩 主區間에 有意性 없지만 GA_3 單用區에서 길어지는 傾向을 보였고 細區間에는 비슷한 傾向을 나타내었다. 4. 果房重은 GA_3 單用區가 混用區 보다 有意的으로 무거워 100g정도 差異가 있었고 果房數는 混用區가 多少 많은 傾向을 보였으나 平均 果粒重이 1g정도 가벼운 傾向을 보였다. 5. 粘度는 混用區가 有意的으로 높고 處理일자에 따라서는 有意性이 인정되지 않았으나 GA_3 單用區의 8日 前 處理는 높은 傾向을 보였다. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the proper time of prebloom application of Gibberellin(GA_3) and GA_3+streptomycin solution. Such solutions are applied for stable and seedless grape production of Muscat Bailey A variety. The results are as follows: 1. The maturing season was 24days or so earlier in both experimental plots than in the control plot. The GA_3+streptomycin-solution-applied grapes matured 2∼3days earlier than the GA_3+solution-applied grapes. The dates of application revealed little difference. 2. The GA_3 plot produced half the seed-holding berries of the control plot(5∼6). 4 of the 30 GA_3streptomycin plots produced only 1seed-holding berry. 3. The cluster lengths of both main plots showed no significant difference. But the cluster length tended to become longer in the GA_3 plot. The difference between each split plot was not significant. 4. The cluster weight of GA_3 plot was significantly 100g heavier than that of GA_3+streptomycin plot. the berry number per cluster tended to be more of less larger in the GA_3+streptomycin plot. The average berry weight was 1g or so lighter. 5. The sugar content of berry was significantly larger in the GA_3+streptomycin plot. The dates of application revealed no significant difference. But 8-days-earlier application in the GA_3 plot tended to show higher sugar content.

      • KCI등재

        국내 해상풍력발전단지에서의 바이오파울링에 대한 연구

        채윤석,김호민,김지형,이성훈 한국풍력에너지학회 2023 풍력에너지저널 Vol.14 No.4

        We have studied biofouling in Korea's offshore wind farms by using image analysis through monitoring and surface energy analysis. To observe the biofouling characteristics, samples were fabricated using Micron extra 2 and PropOne, which have a self-polishing property, and Hempathane HS 55610, which is used in substructure coatings. The manufactured samples were installed at the bottom of a ladder in a substructure, and monitored for 10 months. The most biofouling occurred in the sample without the self-polishing property, and algae, barnacles and corallinales were observed. The surface energy analysis used the Owens-Wendt-Rabel and Kaelble (OWRK) model, which uses the contact angles of two standard fluids. As a result of calculating the surface energy using contact angle measurement, the sample without the self-polishing property showed the highest value. This result was consistent with the biofouling incidence observed through monitoring.

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