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      • 동두천 두드림패션센터 활성화 방안 연구

        신기동,강식,남기범,박소영 경기연구원 2022 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        The achievements of attracting companies and creating jobs through the establishment of the Do Dream Fashion Center are contributing insignificantly to the economic growth of Dongducheon City in the current situation where the foundation for high-tech or specialized industries is weak. However, although it should have a regional corporate support service base function that matches the official name of the ‘Gyeonggi Textile and Sewing Knowledge Industry Center’, it is currently only playing a supporting role for resident companies. In the direction of strengthening the role of the Do Dream Fashion Center, the vision of the Do Dream Fashion Center is to establish a base for nurturing the fashion sewing industry specialized in knit and leather, which are regional specialized material industries. As a strategy for strengthening marketing, which is a key short-term task, it is necessary to set ‘brand companies’ and ‘Internet shopping malls’ as key target distribution channels and focus on discovering and expanding suppliers. Another short-term key task, a sewing education program to improve manpower supply and demand, is to introduce the ‘on-demand education’ method and operate a hobby class and a job class separately. In particular, in relation to the goal of strategically fostering specialized sewing industries such as knitwear and leather, it is necessary to review the operation of specialized programs for nurturing human resources suitable for this field. In the direction of expanding the corporate support public infrastructure for the Do Dream Fashion Centers wide-area base function, it is necessary to prioritize the expansion of shared equipment over public facilities in terms of relative importance. Sewing machines and Design machines are the highest priority targets for provision of public infrastructure, and Completion automation system, Cutting machine, Pattern machine, and Product exhibition hall should also be reviewed as priority targets. will be. Meanwhile, as a way to reorganize the guidelines for resident companies of Do Dream Fashion Center, it is necessary to expand the occupancy opportunities for new businesses by setting a limit on rental space per business, and to increase the number of occupants by reducing the occupancy space and period per business. It is necessary to support the establishment of a smart sewing factory equipped with automated production facilities by creating a smart sewing industrial complex for companies whose contracts have expired to resettle within the region. For the public space function and facility improvement plan to support the strengthening of the role of the Do Dream Fashion Center, two alternatives are proposed: ‘business-friendly use plan’ and ‘companies and residents joint use plan’. Exterior space design improvement measures include designing the exterior walls of the building and installing promotional materials to enhance the character of the fashion center, installing external access stairs to the 3rd floor roof garden and rest facilities such as cafes, and open, Consider the symbolic entrance design, etc. As an improvement plan for interior space design, it is necessary to improve the design of the low-rise lobby and entrance to be user-friendly, and to enhance the symbolism of the space with the characteristic design of the open gallery space on the 1st and 2nd floors.

      • KCI등재

        아쿠다가와류노스케의 회의적인 세계관 - 「추산도」를 중심으로 -

        신기동 일본어문학회 2011 일본어문학 Vol.52 No.-

        本論文は、「秋山図」に繰り広げられている作中人物たちの混沌たる言説に注目しながら、それを中心として芥川の懐疑的な世界観の実態を掘り下げていくことを主眼とする。従来の研究は問題提起こそそれぞれ違うものの、論旨においては「秋山図」から芥川の芸術観及び精神様式の変貌と屈折を読み取ろうとする方向へ進んできたと言える。確かに、「秋山図」には秋山図の美のずれと美的価値の可変性が主なモチ-フになっている。しかし、これまで登場人物たちの行動様式と作品末尾の検討を通して明かになったように、「秋山図」の世界は少なくとも美のず れに対しては何の確定的な答えも、価値判断も提示されずに閉じられてしまった、といえよう。そこにあるのは、唯、美の不確定性または可変性に対する疑念と不安、そして、そうした不安を動因とする美の絶対性または普遍性への強い願望だけである。だから、「秋山図」から美あるいは美のずれに対する芥川の確信に満ちた自己論理及び確定的主観を見いだすわけにはいかない。もし、「秋山図」と、作品を総括している主体としての作家を結び付け、そこから何かを導き出すなら、不確定的な美に不安と疑念を抱きながらも不変的あるいは普遍的美への願望を捨て切れなくて美的世界に対する価値判断を留保するしかない芥川の懐疑的な態度をよみとるべきではあるまいか。

      • 공공임대상가 조성사업 추진방안 연구

        신기동,이정훈,박태원,마주영 경기연구원 2020 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        The purpose of this study is to improve the degree of completion of the public rental store business model proposed in the Gyeonggi Province Ordinance. As the basic direction of the Gyeonggi-do public rental store policy, it is necessary to focus on establishing the “business model” rather than the “long-term comprehensive plan”. In addition, there is a need to seek alternatives to policies for public rental stores to respond to the shock of Covid-19. The business model development strategy for each type of public rental store is as follows. First, the public rental store business model that links the overheated commercial zone type and the declining commercial zone type is a method of accepting small-scale merchants pushed out of the overheated commercial area into the public rental stores established in the declining commercial area. Second, the business model for public rental store that connects the declining commercial zone type and the start-up base type is based on the case of Shinchon Box Square. In this model, the role area of the management of public rental stores has been expanded to an incubation center that is necessary to enhance the business competency and increase sales performance of early start-ups. Third, as a strategy for regenerating the old town center in response to COVID-19, we propose a “win-win cooperation mall” or “start-up base-type public rental store” model using long-term unleased vacant stores. This business model is a method of using stores that have been closed for a long time in traditional markets or shopping centers in the downtown area as a business incubation space to foster newly growing or high-tech service industries such as IT services, online distribution, finance, education, and culture and arts. As the basic direction for establishing the subject of the public rental store business, the most efficient method is that the local government directly purchases land or buildings using its own resources. However, it is also necessary to actively consider how local governments can lease buildings of private business owners for a long period of time and use them as public rental stores or win-win cooperation stores. Gyeonggi Province needs to expand the manpower in charge of the general planning and coordination department of public retal store policy, and it is necessary to clearly set the scope of roles and authority in official documents such as ordinances and enforcement regulations regarding the division of roles of related departments and public institutions. The ownership and management entities for each type of public rental store are to be set as follows. First, in the case of overheated commercial area type public rental store, it is best for the public sector to pre-purchase buildings or sites in the commercial area, but if large-scale development is expected, it may be possible to secure rental space through donations from the private sector. In addition, rental stores can be managed by local governments or entrusted to private entities such as social enterprises and cooperatives. Second, in the case of declined commercial area type public rental store, the public sector is needed to secure empty stores or sites in declining commercial areas, and it is common to establish a public rental store through remodeling or new construction. These rental stores can be directly managed by local governments or entrusted to village dream companies or community business entities among CRCs. Third, in the case of a start-up base-type public rental store, public-led supply is the main method, and there are cases where some private companies or private entities provide start-up space. Technology-based startups are often managed directly by the public sector, whereas general startups with low entry barriers due to the low level of source technology are generally managed by the private sector.

      • 코로나19에 따른 경기도 소상공인 지원정책 혁신방향 연구

        신기동,남윤형,황상연,유보배 경기연구원 2021 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        The purpose of this study is to derive a survival strategy for small businesses in response to environmental conditions that will change significantly after COVID-19, and to suggest the direction of innovation for Gyeonggi-dos small business support policy to actively respond in the post-COVID-19 era. The issues and tasks of the small business support policy triggered by COVID-19 are summarized in the following three categories. First, it is necessary to establish a policy support system to improve the viability of small business owners in response to economic crises such as an infectious disease pandemic. Second, it is important to support the enhancement of the response capacity of small business owners as large changes in consumption patterns such as non-face-to-face consumption and the spread of individualized consumption are fixed. Third, it is necessary to reexamine the supplier-led policy paradigm from the point of view of protectors for small business owners. As an innovation method of the small business support policy that is being implemented, first, an alternative to the development of the traditional market specialization support project was presented. In the vision and goal setting, the need for innovation from a merchant-centric to consumer-centric perspective, and a plan to discover and promote high-quality talent-led projects were presented. Next, the development plan of the public delivery platform business was presented. Along with the need for a strategy to secure the sustainability of public delivery apps, the evolution of core values and business models (reasonable exit strategy) from ‘public’ to ‘sharing’ was presented. As a policy task for supporting small businesses related to crisis response and recovery, first, relieving the burden of ‘fixed costs’ such as rent and labor costs is the top priority support task for business survival in a sales cliff situation. Second, problems such as borderline dilemma and overlapping support need to be addressed in the legislative discussion of the ‘loss compensation system’ for small businesses related to the implementation of quarantine measures. Third, a policy response task was presented to solve the problem of unfair trade caused by the increase in market dominance of online platforms. Fourth, an effective promotion strategy was presented to supplement the problems of technology-biased approach related to the smartization support project for small businesses. As for the institutional and organizational innovation tasks of the small business support policy, first, it is necessary to expand policy development and support at the level of specific industries instead of reducing the common support projects for small businesses that are not related to the characteristics of specific industries. Second, a plan to convert the public offering method of the top-down business district promotion project to a bottom-up one was suggested. Third, in order to overcome the limitations of the project group method, which is a temporary organization, it was proposed to change the promotion system of the local commercial area development project centering on a permanent agency. Fourth, it is necessary to shift the core area of the small business support policy from indirect support (environment improvement, consulting, education and training, etc.) to direct support (distribution of local currency, establishment of a joint logistics center, etc.). Finally, a method to innovate the fragmented organizational system of the supplier-oriented partition system of small business support organizations into the consumer-oriented organizational system such as “one-stop service”, “platform method” and “cell method” was presented.

      • 산업단지 조성사업 개선방안 연구

        신기동,이수행 경기연구원 2010 정책연구 Vol.2010 No.1

        이 연구는 외국의 산업단지 조성 선진사례를 조사분석함으로써 경기도내 산업단지 조성사업의 개선방안과 대안적 정책방향을 도출하는 데 목적이 있다. 연구를 위한 전제조건으로서 경기도 산업단지 조성사업의 현황과 문제점 파악을 위하여 기초자료 검토와 관계자 자문 등을 거쳤으며, 외국사례 조사는 문헌조사와 현장조사를 병행하여 진행하였다. 먼저, 2장에서 살펴본 경기도 산업단지 조성사업의 문제점은 산업단지내 기반시설 및 지원시설 부족의 문제와, 산업단지 조성과정 지연에 따른 고분양가 문제 등으로 압축된다. 전자는 산업단지 입주환경의 문제이고 후자는 입주비용의 문제라 할 수 있다. 이러한 문제의 발생 배경에는 사업시행 절차상의 미비점과 불합리함과 수도권 토지이용규제 문제가 복합적으로 작용하고 있는 것으로 파악되었다. 외국사례 현지조사는 동북아 3개국, 즉 일본, 대만, 중국을 대상으로 하여 실시되었으며 현지조사 결과와 시사점은 3장에 상세하게 소개되어 있다. 현지조사 대상지는 일본의 경우 가나가와현청과 가와사키시 사이언스 파크(THINK), 후쿠오카아일랜드 시티, 키타큐슈 에코타운 등이며, 대만은 신주 및 타이중 소재 과학공업원구를 방문하였고, 중국은 산동성 지난고신기술산업개발구와 강소성 쑤저우공업원구 등을 방문조사하였다. 이 밖에 각종 문헌자료를 통하여 세계적으로 경쟁력있고 성공적인 산업집적지로 소개되는 선진사례들을 수집하여 사례별 개발현황, 산업집적현황, 개발 및 운영시스템 등 제반 요소별로 정리하여 주요 특징과 성공요인들을 비교분석하였다. 선진사례들을 비교 검토한 결과, 산업집적지의 성공요인으로는 세계적인 경쟁력을 지닌 첨단기술산업 중심의 산업집적지들에 있어 풍부한 고급인력(거점대학)과 산업인프라 확충(단지개발)이 기본적 토대가 된다는 것을 알 수 있다. 여기에 수준높은 공공연구기관(대학연구소 포함)과 글로벌 첨단 대기업의 입주라는 촉매가 더해질 때 본격적인 기업투자 증가와 클러스터 형성이 가속화되는 경향이 일반적이다. 고도의 혁신지향형 클러스터일수록 R&D거점의 존재가 필수적이다. 고도의 기업지원서비스 또한 기업유치의 촉진을 통한 성공적인 산업집적지 창출에 있어 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있다. 또한 대다수의 성공적인 산업집적지들은 저렴한 토지공급, 혁신거점 기관의 유치, 파격적인 세제혜택 등과 같은 국가적 차원의 지원대책이 뒷받침되었다는 측면에서 공통성을 지닌다. 외국 선진사례의 시사점 고찰을 통하여 경기도 산업집적지 육성 전략을 도출하였는데, 지식집약형 산업집적지 육성을 통한 고학력 청년층 고용확대를 추구할 필요성이 부각되었다. 구체적인 대안으로는 산업단지 모델의 선진화 전략이 제시되었는데, 첨단기술산업단지, 생태산업단지, 산업단지 재생 등 세 가지 모델을 설정하고 선진사례 시사점에서 도출한 추진전략을 제시하였다. 다음으로는 산업단지 개발 및 운영 시스템의 선진화 전략이 제시되었는데, 산업단지 개발 및 운영 주체와 역할의 재정립, 산업단지 입주환경의 질적 개선, 산업단지 기업유치 전략의 고도화 등이 구체적인 방향으로 제시되었다. 마지막으로, 산업단지 조성사업의 당면 현안과제인 높은 분양가 문제와 열악한 입주환경 문제에 대해 해외사례의 시사점을 참조하여 충분치는 않으나 몇 가지 개선방안을 제시하였다. 높은 분양가 문제는 임대 산업용지 공급확대 또는 저렴한 토지확보를 통하여 분양가(입주비용) 자체를 낮추는 방안과, 산업단지 분양시장의 가격-품질 조합수요층 타깃 세분화 전략에 의한 산업단지 수급 원활화 방안 등을 대안으로 제시하였다. 산업단지 입주환경 개선방안으로는, 산업단지 조성원가에서 지가 비중을 낮춤으로써 입주환경 개선비용을 높이는 방안, 입주환경 고급화를 통한 고가 산업용지 수요층 흡수 방안, 산재된 중소규모 산업단지의 입주환경 개선을 위한 hub & spoke 방식의 관리 방안, 소프트웨어 측면의 기업지원 시스템 강화를 통한 입주환경 개선방안 등 네 가지가 제시되었다.

      • 유통산업 기술혁신과 중소유통 발전방안 연구

        신기동,황상연,조영진 경기연구원 2018 경기개발연구원 기본연구 Vol.- No.-

        With the recent introduction of advanced technology related to the fourth industrial revolution, the speed of substitution of human labor in the distribution industry is accelerating, which is promoting the structural change of the distribution industry. Technology development is a direct and powerful variable in the overall distribution industry structure, from the way distribution functions work, to competition between companies, and to emergence of new businesses. The distribution industry is important in terms of the local economy in that it is a domestic industry related to everyday consumer life and an area of survival of a large number of small businesses. However, with the rapid pace of change in the distribution industry due to technological innovation, the viability of small self-employed businesses and small business owners who are less adaptive to technological changes is getting lower. The crisis situation in the small and medium-sized retail sector is demanding a policy response at the local government level aiming at the value of sustainable development and the self-sustaining power of the local economy. As a result of research, we presented the following five directions for supporting small and medium retail business and traditional commercial districts in response to technology innovation and structural changes in distribution industry. · First, developing new technology-based business models as technology innovation adaptation strategy of self-employed businesses · Second, fostering food trucks and farmers" markets as a way to expand the base of self-employment survival · Third, pursuing specialization and high quality as a survival strategy for offline small businesses · Fourth, revitalizing offline traditional commercial districts through fusion and combination of shopping experience · Fifth, promoting business rehabilitation of traditional commercial districts through public-led model connected with local governance

      • 京畿道 經濟動向과 展望

        신기동,김흥식,문미성,이수행,최환,최우정 경기연구원 2003 경기도경제동향 Vol.2003 No.12

        1. 경기 (동향) 경기동행지수 증가세 지속, 경기선행지수 감소세로 반전 경기동행지수 전월비 1.5%p 증가, 경기선행지수 전월비 1.0%p 증가 전국 실물경제 생산 증가세 확대, 설비투자 및 소비 감소 경기도 실물경제 전년동월비 산업생산, 출하, 재고 모두 증가 (전망) 생산은 빠르게 회복, 소비와 설비투자의 부진은 지속될 것으로 전망 2. 산업생산 (동향) 10월중 경기도 생산동향은 전년동월대비 산업생산 5.6%, 생산자제품출하 0.1%, 생산자 제품재고 7.9% 각각 증가 10월중 전국 산업생산 : 전년동월대비 7.4% 증가 10월중 경기도 산업생산 : 전년동월대비 5.6%증가, 전월대비 6.4% 증가 (전망) 산업별로는 내년 다수업종이 회복초기 국면에 진입할 것으로 전망 3. 소비 (동향) 10월중 소비관련지표에서 도매는 증가하였으나, 소매와 자동차판매 및 차량연료는 감소하여 전년동월대비 1.7% 감소 10월중 국내 도소매판매 : 전년동월대비 1.7% 감소 10월중 내수용소비재출하 : 전년동월대비 6.6% 감소 (전망) 본격적인 소비회복은 내년 하반기에 이루어질 것으로 전망 4. 투자 (동향) 설비투자 감소세 지속 10월중 전국 설비투자 전년동월비 3.8% 감소 10월중 전국 건설수주 전년동월비 18.8% 증가 10월중 경기도 건설발주액 전년동월비 61.6% 증가, 전월비 18.2% 증가 5. 고용 (동향) 11월 실업률 3.3%로 전월보다 0.1%P하락, 전년대비 총근로시간 증가세로 반전 11월중 경제활동참가율 62.3%로 1년여만에 전년과 동일수준으로 회복 실업자수 162천명으로 전월비 7천명 감소, 취업자수는 전월과 동일 산업별로는 도소매ㆍ음식숙박업(1.6%) 및 건설업(1.6%) 취업자수 급증 (전망) 2003년도 경기도 연간실업률 3.2%로 당초 전망치 상회 예상, 경제성장률 호전에 따라 2004년 경기도 실업률 2.9∼3.0% 내외로 전망 6. 물가 (동향) 11월 경기도 생활물가 소폭 하락(-0.2%) 전국 소비자물가 전월비 0.2% 하락, 전년동월비 3.4% 상승 경기도 소비자물가 전월비 0.2% 하락, 전년동월비 3.2% 상승 전국 생활물가 전월비 0.5% 하락, 전년동월비 4.2% 상승 경기도 생활물가 전월비 0.4% 하락, 전년동월비 4.2% 상승 7. 수출입 (동향) 10월중 경기도 수출입 두 자릿수 증가세 시현 10월중 경기도 수출액 37.0억 달러로 전년동월비 18.3% 증가 10월중 경기도 수입액 32.1억 달러로 전년동월비 13.7% 증가 10월중 경기도 무역수지 흑자규모는 4.9억 달러에 달함

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