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      • Morris 樹木園 紹介

        玄正悟 서울大學校 農業生命科學大學 附屬樹木園 1997 서울大學校 樹木園 硏究報告 Vol.- No.17

        Morris수목원은 미국 펜실바니아주의 필라델피아시 북쪽 근교의 Chestnut Hill이라는 곳에 자리잡고 있는 식물원으로 면적은 71ha인데 서편으로는 'S'자로 굽이쳐 흐르는 Wissabickon이라는 내(川)를 경계로하고 있고 중앙에는 동서로 뻗은 언덕이 있으면 그 언덕 북쪽에는 대부분 자연 그대로 유지되고 있는 숲과 초원이 있고 남쪽에는 각 종 식물들이 식재 관리되고 있다. 북쪽지역과 남쪽지역 모두 한 가운데로 작은 시내가 가로 질러 흘러 내리고 있어 매우 전원적이고 아름다운 풍경을 보여주고 있다. 이 수목원에는 미국은 물론 세계 각처에서 수집된 6,800여종의 각종 식물들이 식재, 전시되고 있다. 또, 곳곳에 Morris남매가 각국에서 수집해 놓은 조각품 또는 구조물들이 전시되고 있다. 특히 언덕 서쪽 기슭에는 Marsh land가 자연상태로 그대로 보존되고 있으며 이 수목원내에는 50여 마리의 사슴이 서식하고 있어 수목원을 더욱 자연스러운 숲으로 보이게 하고 있다. 필자는 1996년 7월말, 1997년 2월 하순 그리고 1997년 8월중순등 모두 세차례 Morris수목원을 방문할 기회를 가졌다. 1997년 2월에 방문하였을 때 수목원장인 Dr. Paul W. Meyer와 원예부장인 Dr. Rick J. Lewandowski로 부터 수목원 현황과 활동등에 대하여 소개를 받았다. 오후에는 마침 자원봉사자들을 위한 원장의 강의가 있어 참관할 수 있는 기회를 갖기도 하였다. 이 수목원은 년중 매일 10시부터 오후 4시까지 개장하며 입장료는 어른은 4달러, 어린이는 2달러를 받고 있다. 이 수목원은 각종 교목과 화관목 그리고 초본들이 언덕과 잔디밭과 잘 어울리게 식재되어 있어 대학수목원으로 이상적인 수목원이라고 생각된다.

      • 산림생태계의 생물다양성 보존 및 서식지 복원을 위한 연구 : 구상나무림을 중심으로

        정오 서울대학교 농업생명과학대학 농업개발연구소 1998 농업생명과학연구 Vol.2 No.-

        Abies koreana Wilson is an endemic conifer species in Koeaa. Its natural distribution is restricted to the subalpine areas of the southern high rising mountains such as Mt. Halla, Mt. Jiri and Mt. Dukyu. Recently, the decline in growth of A. koreana became obvious and it appears to be a serious problem for maintaining the populations. The decline in growth of the species is not limited to the one area but it is rather rangewide. Besides the problem of declining in growth, the poor regeneration of the species was found to be an even more serious problem for the long term survival of the species. This research was conducted to investigate the environmental characteristics and the structure and growth of A. koreana natural stands, to investigate the genetic structure of the species and to develope a technique for restoring the damaged A. koreana stands. Genetic structure in DNA level revealed that the 18.45% of the total genetic variation was found among populations indicating a significant differentiation among populations. The Mt. Halla population found to be genetically very different from other inland populations. This means that it is important to use the right source of plant materials with plenty of genetic variation when restore the damaged stands of the species. It was found that a serious decline in growth of the A. koreana trees occurred in the year of drought or following the drought year. The various species of mycorrhizae were found in the stands of Mt. Jiri and Mt. Halla, but no common species were found in both area.

      • 國內 常緣性 참나무類의 遺傳的 構造 및 多樣性과 붉가시나무 集團의 保全戰略

        정오 서울대학교 농업개발연구소 2001 농업생명과학연구 Vol.5 No.-

        This study was conducted to estimate the genetic variation and the phylogenetic relationship of the Quercus species of the subgenus Cyclobalanopsis and to examine a spatial genetic structure of Q. acuta population in Korea. When genetic variation of Q. acuta, Q. glauca, and Q. salicina were estimated by AMOVA (analysis of Molecular variance) procedure, most of the genetic variation reside within populations. The three species of the subgenus Cyclobalanopsis, the genetic diversity was relatively low and the genetic distance between populations was very small, but a slight differentiation between the species appeared to be exist. The analysis of phylogenetic relationship revealed that the three species formed different clade in the UPGMA and NJT tree. This indicates that sexual isolation between the three species was developed, and thus hybridization among them was not occurring frequently. In the clonal diversity and fine-scale genetic structure in Mt. Baekun population of Q. acuta, of the 120 trees, only two individuals were identified as a clone. Most individual had a unique genotype. This indicates that trees of the Mt. Baekun population were regenerated by stem sprouts rather than root sprouts after disturbances. Moran's I-statistics revealed that most of the genetic similarity was shared by individuals separated by less than 17-21m in distance, and there were a trend along the slope. This indicates that they themselves are distributed in substantially structured manner resulting from isolating by distance. Donnaeko population in Jejudo and Mt. Baekun population in Wando are thought be the most important populations for in situ conservation because they are larger in size and more diverse than others. If it is necessary to conserve one more population, Mt. Chumchal population in Chindo must be added because they are most heterogeneous. Since genetic distances both among connected populations and among isolated populations were very small, for conserving genetic variability of Q. acuta, maintaining of the natural populations would be more effective than transplanting of individuals originated from other populations. For ex situ conservation and restoration of Q. acuta, it is recommended that a total of 500 individuals should be collected at least 40m apart each other.

      • Chloroplast Gene Marker를 利用한 현사시나무 選拔 Clone間 Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism 分析

        玄正悟,金龍律,洪庚洛 서울대학교농과대학농업개발연구소 1990 서울대농학연구지 Vol.15 No.2

        The total DNA samples, isolated from 4 clones of P. alba x P. glandulosa were digested with 6 restriction enzymes and hybridized with ?P-labeled gene probe from pCB16, pCB19 and pCB35 containing 2-4 kb of Chloroplast DNA. When DNA samples were digested with Clal, EcoRI and BamHI and hybridized with the probes from pCBl6 and pCB29, we found the same band pattern clone 1 and 3 and also between clone 2 and 4. However, restriction site variation was found between clone 1and 2 and also between clone 3 and 4. This result is in good agreement with the fact that the pollen parent is common for all 4 clones while clone 1 and 3 share the same seed parent and clone 2 and 4 share another same seed parent. This indicate that the inheritance of chloroplastal DNA in Populus may be maternal and that the 'RFLP' method used in our study can be useful for identification of aspen clones.

      • 江原道內 거제수나무 天然集團의 葉形質變異

        玄正悟 서울大學校 農科大學 1984 서울대농학연구지 Vol.9 No.2

        江原道內 6個 地域의 거제수나무 天然植生地로부터 30個體를 選拔하여 18個 特性에 걸쳐 葉形態의 變異를 調査한 結果를 要約하면 아래와 같다. 1. 大部分의 特性間에는 有意性이 높은 相關(p<.05)이 나타났다. 2. 分散分析의 결과 集團間의 모든 葉特性에서 높은 有意差(p<.05)를 보였다. 3. Duncan의 多重檢定法에 依한 集團間의 比較에서 그 어떠한 特性에 있어서도 集團相互間의 유사성이 나타나지 않았다. Analyses of variance, Duncan's multiple range tests and t-tests were used to analyze 18 characteristics of standard leaves of 30 individuals in 6 natural populations (in Gangwon Province) to investigate the geographic variability in leaf morphology of Betula costata Trautv. The major findings are; 1. Significant correlations (p〈.05) were found between most of the leaf characteristics. 2. Analysis of variance indicated significant differences (p〈.05) among the populations for all 12 original and 6 ratio characteristics of leaf. 3. Duncan's multiple range tests indicated that no two populations were similar each other for any leaf characteristics.

      • RAPD 표지자를 이용한 국내 자생 황칠나무 천연집단의 유전변이 및 보전전략

        정오 서울대학교 농업개발연구소 2000 농업생명과학연구 Vol.4 No.-

        Dendropanax morbifera Lev. has been traditionally considered as an important species for golden lacquer production in Korea. But now the geographical disturibution of this species is restricted to a few islands and the population size has been decreased. The pattern and partitioning of genetic variation is important baseline knowledge for ex. situ. Conservation and tree breeding. To establish conservation strategy, we examined genomic DNA polymorphisms via the analysis of RAPD in the natural populations of D. morbifera from southern Korea. A total of 120 trees derived from 6 populations were analysed using 6 arbitrary 10-mer primers. Genetic diversity and structure of the natural populations of D. morbifera was estimated by AMOVA (analysis of molecular variance) procedure. The average value of percent of polymorphic markers was 72.2%. Most variation(80.5%) existed among individuals within population. Genetic differentiation among populations (θst ) was 0.196. On the nested analysis, the genetic variability among individuals accounted for 76.3%, among population for 12.6% and among region for 11.1%. When the populations were grouped into two regions (i.e., southern coast, and Jeju island region), 15.6% of the total genetic variation was explained as regional differences. Using UPGMA cluster analysis based on Nei's unbiased genetic distance, the populations were assembled according to their regions. The heterogenetiy of genetic variance between populations was investigated by pairwise Bartlett's test, which revealed that all of the pair of populations were significantly heterogeneous.

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