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        樂浪 王調政權 成立의 國際的 環境

        權五重(Kwon O-jung) 역사학회 2007 역사학보 Vol.0 No.196

        This study concerns the revolt of Wangjo that took place in Lorang Commandery from 25 to 30 A.D. Lorang was a weak commandery established by Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty at the land of Eastern Barbarian. Considering that it was a revolt by a military force which was weak and based on a barbarian region, Wangjo's revolt gives rise to some questions: 1. Was the revolt a nationalistic resistance of the natives? 2. Where did the revolting energy derive from? 3. Why did Wangjo revolt against the newly founded Later Han Dynasty? 4. Why did Emperor Kwangwu choose to quell the revolt of Lorang abroad earlier than the other domestic revolts of China? This thesis was intended to illuminate these questions and the result is as follows. Wangjo's revolt can hardly be regarded as a nationalistic resistance. For its leader Wangjo, adapted to Chinese political culture and custom, did not have any purpose for independence from China. Moreover, Lorang tombs of the early first century, the period of Wangjo's revolt, abound in things which were produced in, and flowed from China and this disproves the nature of Wangjo's revolt as a nationalistic resistance against the Han race. The period of the revolt corresponds to that of the shift from Xin Dynasty of Wangmang to Later Han Dynasty and consequently produced a lot of refugees and exiles. Many refugees are supposed to have been from Shandong region considering the incessant popular uprisings and disturbances that occurred there. These refugees contributed to increase the popularity as well as wealth of Lorang. Such inflows of popularity and goods led to the golden age of Lorang, which encouraged Wangjo to revolt. His revolting act involved the killing of the existing governor and the appropriation of the tide "the Great General, Governor of Lorang." He did not originally rise against the empire of Kwangwu, but in due course he showed himself to be unwilling to yield to the Later Han Dynasty. The main reason resides in Shandong region. The eastern part of China centering around Shandong at that time opposed the Later Han Dynasty situated in the western part. Zhangbu, who belonged to the East, took the reins over Langye(琅邪) and Ji(齊) region which was in intimate relationship to Lorang. Under such circumstances, it was no wonder that Lorang formed an alliance with the East against Emperor Kwangwu, In addition, there were no forces at Liaodong, the North, that were capable of suppressing the revolt of Lorang; rather, Xiongnu, situated north of Liaodong, supported Lorang. The beginning of year thirty Emperor Kwangw brought the complete suppression of the East and then he dispatched an army to Lorang. The latter can be understood as an extension of the suppression of the East. For, after all, Lorang meant either a supporting force of the East or a potential seat of revolt in the area. The suppression of Lorang gave rebirth to tributes from Eastern Barbarians via that region. Further, the migration of the Lorang residents compelled by Later Han's military expedition provided a momentum for the expansion and spreading of the culture of Lorang into the area south of Lorang commandery since the first century.

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 요동 공손씨정권의 대방군 설치와 그 의미

        권오중 ( O Jung Kwon ) 대구사학회 2011 대구사학 Vol.105 No.-

        Daifang commandery was established to make up for the collapsed Lolang Commandery. This administrative machinery began to sink from the middle of the second century and Daifang Commandery was established in the early part of the third century. Whereas the Commandery system was originally to be established by the Central Government of the Empire, Daifang Commandery was sets up by Gongsun Kang who maintained a separatist regime in Liaodong. The Gongsun regime remained in power from Gongsun Duo who is father of Kang to Gongsun Yuan for three generations. The Gongsun regime, therefore, deserved to be called the Liaodong Kingdom. The reason why the Later Han Dynasty couldn``t deal with the issue of Lolang Commandery in time and the Liaodong Kingdom could appear was its decline of power. The Liaodong Kingdom separated from China at that time. The Chinese had a concept of ``overseas region(海外)`` whose counterparts were the Chinese territories. When the Gongsun Family rose up in Liaodong, it was considered not as the Chinese territories but as ``Overseas region`` which also included Goguryeo, Buyeo, and the ``Three Han Tribes``. The Liaodong Kingdom was definitely stood out among overseas countries, and Daifang Commandery was established under these circumstances. Daifang Commandery controlled Han(韓) Tribes and the Japanese. The counterpart of their early subjugation was not the Chinese Empire but the Liaodong Kingdom. Dongye(東濊), Okjeo(沃沮), Goguryo(高句麗), and Buyeo(夫餘), which were controlled by Lolang Commandery and Xuantu Commandery, were under the same situations. The Liaodong Kingdom lasted for fifty years and the tribute of the Eastern Barbarian Dynasties was paid not to the China Empire but to the Liaodong Kingdom until it was defeated by the Wei Dynasty in 238. The Liaodong Kingdom was the suzerain state of East Asia, including Manchuria, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan. Thereby, Daifang Commandery played an important role in these circumstances.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        ‘樂浪史’ 時代區分 試論

        權五重(Kwon O-jung) 한국고대사학회 2009 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.0 No.53

        낙랑군은 4세기가 넘는 기간 동안 존속하였다. 이처럼 오랜 기간을 하나의 단일한 시대로서 이해하기는 곤란하며 또한 낙랑군의 모습은 시기에 따라 차이가 뚜렷하였다. 이에 따라 본고에서는 낙랑군의 역사에 대한 시대구분을 시도하였고, 그 결과 다음과 같이 여섯 시기로 구분하였다. 제1기는 한무제가 조선을 공격하여 멸망시키고 그 지역에 낙랑군을 비롯하여 군현을 설치했던 시기이다. 이 시기는 중국적 지배방식을 현지 주민에게 강요하던 시기로서 지배형태는 무단적이었으며, 이에 따른 원주민의 반발도 만만치 않았다. 그 시기는 무제기에 해당한다. 제2기는 한무제의 사망이후 원주민에 대한 지배가 다소 완화되었던 시기이다. 진번군과 임둔군이 폐지되고 현도군이 이사한 것도 이 때문으로서, 이 시기는 공권력에 대신하여 민간(주민)의 역할이 확대되었다. 특히 낙랑인 王調가 봉기한 후한 초는 민간 활동의 전성기라고 할 만하다. 제3기는 후한이 왕조정권을 진압한 이후 낙랑에 군현의 공권력을 복원하던 시기이다. 이 시기 이후 민간의 교류는 2期의 산동에 대신하여 요동에 의존하였으며, 특히 祭?이 요동태수로 재직하던 시기 낙랑에 대한 요동의 영향은 컸다. 이 시기는 2세기 초 安帝期까지 지속한 것으로 이해하였다. 제4기는 후한 중기부터 말기에 이르는 시기로서 이 기간 중 낙랑군은 크게 쇠퇴하였다. 그 원인은 낙랑 밖의 원주민사회가 성장한 때문으로서 이로 인한 낙랑주민의 동요와 이탈이 있었다. 낙랑을 지원해야 할 漢 조정도 무기력한 상태로서 낙랑의 쇠퇴는 후한말까지 계속되었다. 제5기는 후한 말기에서 曹魏의 기간으로서, 이 시기 낙랑군은 요동에 자리한 세력의 지원을 받아 부흥의 기회를 맞았다. 요동에 공손씨정권이 출현하면서 낙랑은 그 지배 아래 있었는데, 2대 군주인 公孫康은 낙랑군 남부에 대방군을 신설하여 낙랑주민의 이탈 문제를 해결하였다. 공손씨정권이 붕괴한 이후엔 요동에 주둔한 幽州刺史가 대신하여 낙랑과 대방을 지원하였다. 제6기는 낙랑 최후의 시기로서 魏ㆍ晉의 교체기로부터 西晉 말기에 이르는 시기이다. 이 때에 낙랑과 대방에서 군현체제를 확인하기 어렵다. 잠시 東夷校尉의 후원을 받는 시기가 있었으나 그 영향은 과거 요동군이나 幽州刺史府의 지원에 미치지 못하였다. 그리고 낙랑 최후의 과정은 官府의 모습이 아닌 주거집단으로서의 모습이었다. This study attempts the periodization of Lorang history and divides the six historical periods as below. The first period features that Han Wu-ti conquered Gojoseon(古朝鮮) and set up four commanderies including Lorang commandery in that area. As it forced the chinese ruling system on the barbarian inhabitants, its ruthless governance faced with resistance of the aboriginal inhabitants. The first period amounts to Han Wu-ti(漢武帝)'s reign. The second period features that the loosened governance on the aboriginal inhabitants after Wu-ti's death. As this caused Zhenfan(眞番) and Lintun(臨屯) to be abolished and Xuantu(玄?) to be moved, nongovernmental circles came to play extended roles instead of public power. The early of the later Han Dynasty in which Wangjo(王調), a native of Lorang, rose in rebellion, is the zenith of Lorang history. The third period features that the later Han restored commandery system to Lorang after suppressing the regime of Wangjo. Nongovernmental interchange from this period based on Liaodong(遼東) instead of Shandong (山東) of the second period. At the time of Zhaitong(祭?) appointed as the governor of Liaodong, had influence on Lorang. This period lasted until the reign of An-ti(安帝) at the early second century. The fourth period features that Lorang commandery was wasting away from the middle to the end of the later Han. As the native societies at the outside of Lorang came to develop, the Lorang residents were in disturbance and fled from Lorang. The Han Dynasty was so incapable of supporting Lorang that the decline of Lorang lasted by the end of the Later Han. The fifth Period features that Lorang commandery was restored with the support of local power in Liaodong from the end of the later Han to the kingdom of Cao Wei(曹魏). With the establishment of the Gongsun Kingdom(公孫氏政權) in Liaodong, Lorang was under the control of the Kingdom. Gongsun Kang(公孫康), the second ruler of the family, established the Daifang commandery(帶方郡) at the southern half from the Lorang and settled the problem of Lorang residents' breakaway. After the collapse of the Gongsun Kingdom, Regional Inspector of Yuchou(幽州刺史) who stayed in Liaodong supported Lorang and Daifang. The sixth period features the ending of Lorang from the replacement period of Wei(魏)and Jin(晉) to the end of the Western Jin Dynasty. It is hard to ascertain the commandery system in Lorang and Daifang at this time. The Commandant of Eastern Barbarians(東夷校尉) supported Lorang for a while but its influence was less than the support of Laiodong commandery (遼東郡) and Regional Inspector of Yuchou. The last appearance of Lorang looked not like an administration but like a inhabitants group.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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