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        박정현 전남사학회 2002 역사학연구 Vol.19 No.-

        商品經濟的發展不僅對江南農村經濟的變化, 對農村社會也産生了不小的 影響。1930年代江南農村不再處于穩定的結構之中, 在直接受至商品經濟影響的同時從傳統社會中擺脫出來, 持續着異質化的過程。江南農村的變化沒有帶來包括地主佃農關係在內的社會結構的變化。但是這충變化和現代性有一定的距離, 幷一直和傳統性有聯系, 盡管如此, 타不能說是无意義的、表面的、量的變化。在江南農村, 包括在商品經濟內的農民生活, 土地所有權的變化, 副業的一般化, 流動性的增加, 家族關係的變化, 意識的變化等在農村社會正發生着各충各樣的變化。本文旨在對商品經濟發展下江南農村社會發生了즘樣的變化, 對此農民們的對應方式如何進行詳細的探討。 江南農村的日常生活雖然帶有흔多傳統因素, 但是從經濟生活開始漸漸受到商品經濟的影響。在土地所有方面, 1930年代經濟蕭條時期農民想維持田面權都흔困難。因此農民中轉賣田面權, 棄農的人數增加, 永佃制逐漸衰退, 農村的土地所有權漸漸一元化。在家族關係上, 開始擺脫傳統的家父長制, 由于婦女參與勞動因而女性的在家庭中的地位提高了。령一方面, 因爲放棄農業人口的增加, 農村社會的流動性增加了, 農村人口不斷涌進城市。這충流動性已經對傳統的親族關係和家庭的穩定構成了威脅。離開農村進入城市的離鄕勞動者在城市里主要成爲産業工人和手工業工人, 從這一点可以看出, 江南農村的變化與該地區的工業發展有着密切的聯系。 想要准학地掌握農村居民在意識上的變化是一件常困難的事。但是, 大體上來說在意識形態方面1930年代江南農民同時具有傳統和現代雙重性格。他們在生活和習俗上維持着傳統性, 雖然具有排他的一面, 在經濟方面却相對較具有合理性, 幷能動地發生着變化。1930年代江南農村社會雖然在結構土沒有發生變化, 但是農民存在的方式却産生了흔大的變化。 農村社會的這충變化使農村的經濟因素産生了新的分配。農村勞動力在市鎭的非農産業部門從事勞動, 這樣農村勞動力的就業結構變得多樣化了。例如, 由于曾經是重要農副業的桑田的增加沒能給傳統的糧食生産帶來大的沖擊, 因而雖然沒有影響土地的再分配但是土地的利用率提高了。而且, 這충變化改變了農家經濟的性格。對農家經濟市場的依賴加强, 農家經濟的平衡有相當大一部分得從市場的交換過程中尋조。農村經濟從單一的、封閉式的傳統經濟結構轉變爲一定程度同時具有市場性和開放性的多層次經濟結構。 農村和現代工業相連的過程順利時農村的社會結構發生了흔大的變化。費孝通分析的吳縣開弦弓的變化就是江南農村變化的一個實例。卽, 由于經濟恐慌養蠶業衰退, 購買力下降, 隨之加速了農村的衰退。但是開弦弓通過對蠶桑進行改革使農村工業獲得成功, 겁大地改變了農村社會。相反, 遠離城市的偏遠農村仍然停留在傳統的關系中。江南農村的變化活躍在城市近郊。至此, 我們探討的江南農村的變化雖然不是專一地産生的, 但至少不可否認, 這一變化逐漸擴散, 對于在農村社會不斷增加現代化因素以及對江南農村社會的發展起了積겁的作用。

      • KCI등재

        마을만들기 시민활동가들의 문화적 학습과정에 관한 연구

        박정현 한국문화교육학회 2015 문화예술교육연구 Vol.10 No.3

        본 연구에서는 마을 만들기를 ‘일상 생활환경의 문제를 다루는 시민자치운동’으로 이해하면서 시민단체의 역할을 강조하고자 한다. 시민단체에 속해있는 개인들은 ‘시민활동가’ 라 불리우기도 하며 공무원들과는 다른 특유의 ‘시민적 창의성’을 갖고 있다. 시민적 창의성은 공공 및 민간자원의 재배치를 통하여 보다 나은 사회적 결과, 보다 높은 사회적 가치, 사회자본을 창출하게 되므로 그것이야말로 우리가 배양해야 할 중요한 자원’이라고 할수 있을 것이다. 본 연구에서는 마을만들기 과정에 있어서 ‘시민적 창의성’을 발휘하고 있는 시민활동가들이 직업세계에서 어떠한 문화적 학습을 통해 문화인지 구조를 가지고 있는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 분석하기 위해서는 문화적 관점에서의 인지와 학습에 관한 이론인 ‘문화인지(cultural cognition)’ 이론이 적절하다. 문화인지이론인 Ch. Wulf의 역사문화적 안트로폴로지 연구에서는 5가지 핵심기제인 신체성, 미메시스, 연행성, 의례, 이미지를 제안하고 있다. 여기에는 사람들이 추구하는 가치나 생활양식, 실천방식들은 인간 개체의 인지구조에 영향을 받기보다는 사회문화적 맥락 속에서 작동한다는 가정이 깔려있다. 이를 위해 해당분야에서 경력 5년 이상의 시민활동가들을 대상으로 마을만들기 관련 경험과 문화 인지와 문화적 학습 경로에 대한 심층인터뷰를 하였고, 그 결과를 해석학적 현상학으로 분석하였다. This research intends to understand village making as ‘civic autonomism treating problems of daily life environment’ and emphasize roles of civic organizations. Individuals belonging to civic organizations are called as ‘civic activists’ and have unique 'civic creativity' different from public servants. Civic creativity creates better social outcomes, higher social value and social capital through the relocation of public and private resources, so it can be 'an important resource we must develop'. The purpose of this research is to examine which cultural learning is helpful to have the structure of cultural cognition in occupational world for civic activists who are displaying 'civic creativity' during the village making process. To analyze it, 'the theory of cultural cognition', the theory of cognition and learning from a cultural angle, is proper. The theory of cultural cognition, Ch. Wulf's historical and cultural anthropology research, suggests 5 main mechanisms; physical property, mimesis, performance property, rites and image. The value, lifestyle and practical methods, pursued by people, have the presumption that they are working in social and cultural context, rather than influenced by cognitive structure of humane individuals. Therefore, this researcher conducted in-depth interview of village making related experiences, cultural cognition and cultural learning course for civic activists who have more than 5-year experience in the field and analyzed the results by analytical phenomenology.

      • KCI등재

        자연 퇴행한 양안 망막모세포종

        박정현,정호경,곽상인,유영석,Jung Hyun Park,Ho Kyung Chung,Sang In Kwarg,Young Suk Yu 대한안과학회 2006 대한안과학회지 Vol.47 No.12

        Purpose: To report four cases of spontaneous regression of retinoblastoma. Methods: The clinical courses of two patients were retrospectively investigated: a patient who has been diagnosed with bilateral retinoblastoma and has survived more than six years after his parents refused treatment and a patient with bilateral retinal lesions who has survived nine years whose sister was treated for unilateral retinoblastoma. Results: A nine-year-old girl, diagnosed with bilateral retinoblastoma when she was three months old, remained well for nine years after her parents refused to seek treatment. The right eye had three retinal masses that had regressed, and the left eye showed signs of phthisis and was enucleated for a cosmetic purpose. Microscopic examination of the left eye showed a mass, which consisted mostly of fibroblasts and ground substance and a few retinoblasts without mitotic figures. A six-year-old boy with a family history of retinoblastoma presented with regressed retinal masses in both of his eyes at the first funduscopic examination. The retinal lesions showed no change until his ninth year. Conclusions: Two cases of spontaneous regression of bilateral retinoblastoma were observed. No distant metastasis was detected during long-term follow-up. The retinal lesions were similar to regressed masses after treatment.

      • KCI등재후보

        디지털홈서비스의 상황적 유인을 통한 수용의사에 관한 연구

        박정현,문유진,이영로,이소영 한국콘텐츠학회 2005 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.5 No.5

        This paper investigates potential favor and intention for acceptance of digital home services through the situational inducement. The result shows that digital home services for the interactive TV, security management, family management and geographical image affect users' intention for acceptance. And it shows that favorable attitudes of the interactive TV services increase in the younger generation and internet users, favorable attitudes of the family management services increase in the thirties, and favorable attitudes of the medical management services increase in the ages of the fifties. In addition it shows that relationship between favor and intention for acceptance of digital home services affects affirmatively, which was illustrated in the coefficient value (0.661) of the R-square by the regression analysis. 본 연구에서는 디지털홈서비스를 대상으로 요인분석을 하고, 각각의 요인들이 이용자의 호감도와 수용의사에 어떻게 영향을 미치는지를 정량적으로 분석하여 보았다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면, 요인분석한 결과 양방향서비스, 안전관리서비스, 가족관리서비스, 의료관리서비스, 위치영상서비스 등 다섯 개의 요인으로 분류되었다. 양방향서비스의 경우 연령이 적을수록, 인터넷 사용시간이 많을수록 요구가 큰 것으로 나타났다. 안전관리서비스의 경우 나이가 많을수록 요구도가 높았다. 가족관리서비스의 경우 30대가 가장 요구가 높은 것으로 나타나 어린아이를 키우는 연령대를 대변하는 것으로 나타났다. 의료관리서비스의 경우 연령이 높을수록, 인터넷 사용시간이 작은 그룹이 요구가 높은 것으로 나타나 연령간의 관심도에 차이가 큰 것으로 나타났다. 호감도와 수용의사와의 관계에서는 결정계수가 0.661로 회귀선이 높은 설명력을 보였으며 호감도가 수용의사에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나 호감도가 높을수록 수용의사가 높은 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        음성데이터 증강을 통한 3D 특징 벡터 기반 신생아 울음소리 분류

        박정현,고준혁,김시웅,문남미 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2023 韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌 Vol.28 No.9

        Infants utilize crying as a non-verbal means of communication [1]. However, deciphering infant cries presents challenges. Extensive research has been conducted to interpret infant cry audios [2,3]. This paper proposes the classification of infant cries using 3D feature vectors augmented with various audio data techniques. A total of 5 classes (belly pain, burping, discomfort, hungry, tired) are employed in the study dataset. The data is augmented using 5 techniques (Pitch, Tempo, Shift, Mixup-noise, CutMix). Tempo, Shift, and CutMix augmentation techniques demonstrated improved performance. Ultimately, applying effective data augmentation techniques simultaneously resulted in a 17.75% performance enhancement compared to models using single feature vectors and original data.

      • KCI등재

        아유르베다(Āyurveda)의 치유교육학적 의의 및 방법론 탐색

        박정현,고진호 한국종교교육학회 2019 宗敎敎育學硏究 Vol.60 No.-

        This paper aims to explore the significance and methodology of Ayurveda’s healing education. Ayurveda develops human potential and enables Whole Person development and It is a healing system that provides the practical means necessary to prevent and resolve the problems of the body, mind and soul. The purpose of this paper is to present the meaning and effect of Ayurveda’s formation, system of content, healing purpose and practical method in healing education dimension. To do this, I looked at the five basic elements of Ayurveda and the meaning of Doṣa and Guṇa. In addition, we introduce ways to pursue and maintain physically balanced Doṣa and psychologically high-level sphere to integrally manage body, mind and soul health. Then, I searched the meaning of the above introduction from the educational point of view. Based on these discussions, we sought to find Ayurveda’s healing educational significance and practical methodology which have Ayurveda’s integrated healing and self-transcendent characteristics in educational aspect. As a result, if Ayurveda is used in education, he suggests that he can practice holistic education through practicable methods in real life and provide a better educational environment through human integrated healing and spiritual growth.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        LAS계 내열충격성 재료의 미세구조 제어(II): $Li_2O{cdot}4B_2O_3$ 프릿트 첨가가 ${\beta}$-Spodumene의 미세구조 및 열팽창특성에 미치는 영향

        박정현,김현민,이화선 한국세라믹학회 1992 한국세라믹학회지 Vol.29 No.7

        Effect of Li2O.4B2O frit on the microstructural and thermal expansion behaviour of $\beta$-spodumene ceramics was investigated. With 4.0~8.0 wt.% frit addition, sintering temperature range was enlarged and densification was enhanced through liquid phase sintering. As the amount of frit addition was increased, thermal expansion coefficient was increased to 1.72$\times$10-6$^{\circ}C$-1 of its highest value, which indicated that the increment of thermal expansion coefficient due to the second phase was constrained.

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