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      • 韓末 전환국의 경제사적 의의

        박준 朝鮮大學校 法政大學 經商學會 學生會 1970 經商論集 Vol.4 No.1

        되돌아 보건데 구 한국정부 스스로의 창의에 의하여 설립하려고 애썼던 중앙은행의 창립계획이 노일전쟁에 따르는 정치 경제적 변화로 말미암아 휴지화 되고 말았다는 역사적 사실은 매우 애석한 일이었다. 그것은 일본의 정치 경제적 침략을 막기 위하여 최후로 활용할 수 있는 방어 수단을 상실한 것이나 다름없는 의의를 지닌 일이기 때문이다. 요는 이조봉건사회 말기에 있어서 농업, 수공업, 상업등을 통하여 자급자족 경제의 단계를 면치 못한 시기에 전환국의 설치에 따른 신식화폐제도의 사용은 한국경제사상 일대혁신이라 아니할 수 없었고 또한 한국자본주의의 맹아를 촉진시킨 중대한 의의를 가지게 한 것이다.

      • 韓國 近代貨幣制度 確立의 史的考察

        朴準採 朝鮮大學校法政大學 1973 法政大論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        This thesis aims at describing the way the Japanese abolished the traditional Korea monetary system and implanted their own monetary system from the Japan-China war the foundation of old BOK(The Bank of Korea). To specify this subject, the authotries not only to disclose the historical significance of the money rearranging project which acted within political boundaries to abolish the traditional Korean monetay sys tem, but also to analyse the backgrounds and characters of the politics that pushe the Japanese monetary system into Korea by the way of the establishment of th Japan Dai Ichi Bank, the gold standard system, and old BOK. As is generall known, the organization of the modern capitalism system in the western countries has played a decisive role in the completion of a modern monetary system in the western countries, In the same way, Japan completed its own monetary system as an important precondition in colonizing Korea. Based on this view point, the author intends to contribute to the academic field by means of making clear the characteristics of the Korea economic system under the Japanese colonial policy.For this purpose, tthis thesis tries analyse the established process of the new monetary system which Japan implanted forcibly and to disclose the basic precondition of colonizing politics. This author regarded in this thesis that the new monetary system, implanted forcibly by Japanese, was accom plished by the establishment of old BOK in 1909. Because the Bank of Chosen, buil with Korea-Japan incorporation, was not so different from old BOK in its organizin principle, constituents and political lines. As the Japanese introduced modern banks, the tendency to established them with dome stic funds was strongly resented by the people. The Han Sung Bank in 1807, the Da Han Chun Il Bank in 1899 and the Han Il Bank in 1906, were established, but these could not be operated normally because of lack of funds and political interference, especially during the end of Yi Dynasty,these factors played a leading role in moder nizing the Korean national fund. On the other hand the Chun Whan Kook, established in 1883, should readjust the disordered monetary system and make much contribution to modernizing Korea as nati-onal coinage bureau preparing the foundation in drawing of western new style money. The machinery equipment in that bureau was established for the purpose of casting metallic coins, but their capabilites were good enough to issue any type of money. Therefore they, estblished for the first time in Korea, contrubuted to the development of Koorean capitalism. Likewise this text, the establishment of the old BOK was a historical factor in the completion of their policies on the Korean monetary system that Japan enforced steadily from the days of the Japan-China War. Japan, in a low level of the progresing degrees of capitalism, did not select the way to construe the precondition of colonizing through the direct export of capital, but they select a course which was to form an economical basis by colonizing Korea thro-ugh the hegemony of management of monetary and financial system. It is due to the historical fact that Japan deprived Korea of power on the management of monetary and financial system as a precondition of colonization of Korea, and diffe-rent from the advanced nations, that they tried to describe the economical background supporting the Korea-Japan incorporation in the aspect of monetary system.

      • 4차 산업혁명 시대의 사회갈등 양상과 갈등관리에 관한 연구

        종헌,김성근,박준,윤영근 한국행정연구원 2020 기본연구과제 Vol.2020 No.-

        1. 서론 □ 연구흐름도 □ 연구의 기대효과 2. 이론적 검토 : 4차 산업혁명 시대와 갈등관리 □ 4차 산업혁명 시대의 사회변화 □ 4차 산업혁명 시대의 사회갈등 양상 □ 4차 산업혁명 시대의 갈등 최소화와 조정 위한 노력 3. 4차 산업혁명 시대와 갈등과제 및 사례분석 □ 중장기 미래 갈등관리 과제 쟁점 분석 ○ 신기술 등장 관련 갈등사례 및 쟁점 ○ 규제(법규) 정비 등장 관련 갈등사례 및 쟁점 ○ 사회경제구조 변화 관련 갈등사례 및 쟁점 □ 해외 4차 산업혁명 대응 및 예상 갈등 분석 ○ 4차 산업혁명 관련 해외 대응 사례 : 독일ㆍ영국ㆍ일본ㆍ미국 비교 □ 새로운 갈등사례에 대한 해외 대응 비교 : 우버(Uber) 사례 4. 4차 산업혁명과 사회갈등 관련 인식조사 분석 □ 4차 산업혁명 시대의 사회변화와 사회갈등 인식조사 ○ 4차 산업혁명 시대의 사회변화와 갈등영역 및 갈등 관리에 대한 인식 조사 결과 ○ 4차 산업혁명 시대의 분야별 예상 갈등 인식조사 결과 ○ 사회적 대화와 갈등관리 인식조사 결과 □ 인식조사 결과의 시사점 5. 4차 산업혁명에 따른 사회갈등 시나리오 분석 □ 시나리오 분석 순서 및 내용 □ 사회갈등의 인식구조에 대한 인과순환구조 분석 ○ 4차 산업혁명에 따른 세 가지 시나리오와 인과순환구조 분석 및 결과 ○ 4차 산업혁명 시대의 갈등 관리 2개 시나리오와 인과순환구조 분석 및 결과 □ 분석 결과 및 시사점 ○ 4차 산업혁명 시대의 갈등 관리를 위한 전략지점 및 정책지렛대 6. 4차 산업혁명 시대의 갈등최소화를 위한 정책 및 우선순위 도출 □ 정책우선순위 분석 목적/과정/모형 □ 정책우선순위 분석 결과 ○ 4차 산업혁명 시대 갈등 최소화를 위한 정부 정책우선순위 분석 결과(종합) ○ 정부역할과 정책우선순위 분석 결과 7. 결론 및 추가 정책 제언 □ 4차 산업혁명 시대의 갈등관리와 사회적 숙의의 중요성 ○ 사전적 갈등 관리와 사회적 숙의의 중요성 ○ 4차 산업혁명 대비를 위한 갈등관리 모델: 3개 영역 차별화 접근 □ 4차 산업혁명 시대의 갈등관리 모델: 3개 영역 차별화 접근 전략 ○ 4차 산업혁명 시대를 대비한 3개 갈등관리 전략 유형과 특징 ○ 사전적 숙의 기반 사전적 갈등관리 전략의 특징과 예시 ○ 사후적 조정 갈등관리 전략의 특징과 예시 ○ 사전적 조정 갈등관리 전략의 특징과 예시 ○ 4차 산업혁명 갈등 관리 모델의 성공을 위한 추가 제언 New industries that emerge during the Fourth Industrial Revolution cannot avoid conflict with existing economic and social systems. It is still unknown exactly how the new economic system will develop, but social conflict in the process of transitioning from the old to the new economic system is inevitable, and it is necessary to predict and prepare for this in various fields. Expected social conflict in the Fourth Industrial Revolution This study categorized the social conflict that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is likely to cause in the political, economic, and social context of Korea by industry. With the advent of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and the Internet of Things, the industrial structure is changing, machines are starting to replace human labor, the number of jobs is falling, and regulatory delays in existing regulatory systems are expected to occur. As a result, there will be a gap due to the divergence of wealth between those who have access to technology related to the Fourth Industrial Revolution and those who do not, conflict between new and old industries, and conflict between platform companies and the workers depending on them. The limitations of the existing social security system based on employer-employee relations will be exposed, and conflict between new technologies and existing ethical systems will also arise. The following types of social conflict are expected with the emergence of new technologies. Safety issues, unclear responsibility for accidents, personal privacy violations, and the replacement of human labor are expected from the commercialization of drones. With the introduction of telemedicine, conflict between large and small hospitals, possible misdiagnoses, and differences in medical services due to information gaps are likely. With the development of genetic scissors technology, safety issues, bioethical issues, debate over improvements to human biology, and the widening of the gap between the rich and poor are expected. It is also predicted that the development of AI-based medical technology, the issue of responsibility for medical accidents, the release of personal medical information, and the replacement of medical personnel will arise. Copyright disputes over AI creations are also possible. As examples of regulatory conflict, there may be conflicts of interest in new and old industries in areas such as vehicle and accommodation sharing, issues surrounding employment patterns and legal issues for drivers of shared vehicles, and issues of profit distribution and liability for damages between platform companies and housing owners. Cryptocurrency transactions and related criminal issues are also a potential source of conflict. The introduction of autonomous driving can lead to safety issues, arguments over legal responsibility in the case of an accident, ethical dilemmas in unexpected situations, and job losses. As data becomes an asset, conflict over securing data and privacy issues between countries, companies, and individuals are expected to emerge. As examples of conflict caused by changes in the socio-economic structure, the issue of the extension of the retirement age, the introduction of a basic income, employment stability, the location of new and renewable energy generation facilities, and the introduction of smart grids are expected to be important in the future. Most serious types of conflict predicted by the public As a result of a survey of public opinion about potential conflict during the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it was found that the most serious conflict was expected over genetic scissors technology, telemedicine, and AI medicine. Crypto assets, autonomous driving, and data conflicts were also mentioned as potentially important. The third priority level included issues such as employment stability and the introduction of a basic income. Overall, there was a strong negative perception of the conflict management capabilities of the public sector. More than half of the respondents believed that social dialogue and deliberation were necessary. For successful consensus building, fair procedures and standards, mutual respect and trust, reflecting the will of stakeholders, and clarity surrounding the purpose for consensus formation were believed to be the most important factors. Strategic options to resolve the conflict Based on the scenario analysis and the cause-and-effect structural analysis, it can be concluded that, if the social conflict resulting from the Fourth Industrial Revolution is not properly managed, negative feedback from technological advances and innovation will occur, possibly threatening the very basis of the Fourth Industrial Revolution itself. Therefore, conflict management is very important for the success of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Conflict management strategies include public relations strategies to make understood the positive effects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, social safety nets to ameliorate social conflict, strategies that strengthen education and training related to new technologies across all age groups, strategies for startup support and job promotion, conflict prevention strategies that avoid conflict before it occurs through public deliberation, and regulatory strategies that recognize the dangers of new technologies and protect human rights and the right to life. It was also suggested that a strategy for mitigating the structural factors underlying potential conflict to alleviate the gap between classes, genders, regions, and ages is necessary. As a result of the analytic hierarchy process, it was determined that labor-related issues have relatively high importance in relation to the role of the government during the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This reflects the perception of social problems or risks related to labor in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In addition, conflict management can be interpreted as a high-level policy goal and a means for achieving other high-level goals. Therefore, in order to successfully transition to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, conflict management, especially in the form of a proactive conflict management system based on social deliberation, should be prioritized. Suggestions for effective conflict management Social conflict during the Fourth Industrial Revolution is triggered by major socioeconomic changes caused by technological advances. This is related not only to specific interests but also to philosophical and political values, such as bioethics. The issues are very complex, difficult to respond to quickly, and require social consensus. Therefore, social deliberation as a proactive conflict management strategy is more important than post-conflict management. Social deliberation, such as deliberative polling and the citizen jury system, is a social consensus process involving nationally representative participants. It increases the public acceptance of policies and minimizes the bias and subjectivity of decision-making through the provision of objective information and deliberation. The rationality of decisions can be improved by incorporating the perspectives of the general public rather than only the interested parties. This public debate is useful in situations where specific interests have not yet been identified. After that, if potential interests are established, it is necessary to utilize preliminary conflict mediation mechanisms such as regulatory negotiations and joint consultation bodies. Finally, it is necessary to attempt post-conflict resolutions, such as arbitration and mediation, in situations where conflict arises and interests surface.

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