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        임의제출물 제도의 개선방안-휴대전화1)를 중심으로

        박용철 홍익대학교 법학연구소 2022 홍익법학 Vol.23 No.1

        The discusion of voluntary submision of mobile phones contains many isues. Firstof al, the time when mobile phones are voluntarily submited to the investigation agencycan be generaly divided into two cases. First, a person who “has a god reason tosuspect that he has commited or is about to commit a crime” as in Article 3, Paragraph1, Item 1 of the Act on the Execution of Police Oficer Duties, or who is “recognizedas knowing the facts of a criminal act” in Paragraph 2 of the same Article. It is an actthat acompanies an unintentional inspection of a mobile phone, and it is a case wherea mobile phone is voluntarily submited during stop and search. In this case, sinceParagraph 3 of the same Article only stipulates the investigation of whether a policeoficer poseses a weapon or not, it is true that there is a dispute over the legality ofinspecting belongings other than weapons. The voluntary submision of personalbelongings can be recognized as legal, and it is unclear whether the subject of stop &search wil be able to admit that he or she voluntarily submited a mobile phone. Second,it is a case where a mobile phone is voluntarily submited before or after the time ofdetaining a person as the subject of compulsory investigation such as arest or detention. In this case, whether it is logicaly posible for the subject of compulsory dispositon tosubmit a mobile phone voluntarily to an investigation agency is in question, and in thecase of arest or detention, the investigation agency must comply with the provisions ofArticles 216 and 217 of the Criminal Procedure Act. It is posible to seize and searchwithout a warant, but even though it is required that an ex-post warant be isued, thequestion is whether it can be recognized as an object submited voluntarily under Article218 of the same Act and can be seized without a warrant. 휴대전화의 임의제출과 관련해서는 최근 쏟아지는 연구와 판례를 통해서 이를 새롭게정립할 필요성이 대두되고 있다. 하지만 그러한 넘치는 사회적 관심에도 불구하고 이에 대한 근본적 질문 즉, 휴대전화라는 정보저장매체를 유체물과 동일하게 취급해야 하는가 아니면 취급에 차이를 두어야 하는가에 대한 고민과 임의제출 제도의 의의에 대한 고민, 그리고 비교법적 연구를 통해서 외국의 제도와의 차이에 대한 연구에 있어서는 비록 필자의졸고보다 더 심화된 내용을 갖고 있다 하더라도 다수의 선행연구 및 판례를 보았을 때 다소 정리되지 않은 상태임을 발견하였다. 결국 휴대전화의 임의제출에 대한 논의는 현행법의 해석을 넘어서는 다양한 지점들이있기에 입법을 통해 해결하는 것이 가장 바람직할 것이지만, 한편 입법과정에서 과연 법원이 판례를 통하여 한 고민들이 제대로 반영될 수 있을지는 다소 회의적이다. 또한 휴대전화라는 범죄 증거의 보고를 두고 어디까지 수사기관의 접근을 제한하는 것이 바람직한가라는 고민도 하지 않을 수 없다. 이에 필자는 임의제출물에서 무관 증거를 발견한 경우에 이의 증거능력을 사후 영장 없이 인정한다는 것이 적정하지 않기는 하나 임의제출된 디지털증거 탐색 또는 수색과정에서 무관증거를 발견하게 된 경우 사후 영장만 발부받는다면 적법성을 인정하게 된다면 이는 사실상 별건수사를 사실상 조장하는 것이 아닌가 하는 고민도 함께 갖고 있다. 최근 대법원 전원합의체 판결은 임의제출물의 압수와 관련한 기본방향을 제시한 것이며 이후 세부적인 측면에서의 판례가 확립되어야 할 것으로 생각된다

      • 公用收用에 따른 損失補償에 對한 一硏究

        朴龍喆 慶北大學校 師範大學 地理敎育科 1970 敎育硏究誌 Vol.12 No.-

        A modern nation is a nation of public welfare and of public service, one that is expending the sphere of its activity to the point of becoming a public welfare state. However, owing to this expansion of national activity, individual property rights are frequently infringed. This property right infringement cannot be ignored in the liglt of the modern concept of right. Therefore, the far-reaching national compensation system has inevitably been inclined to develop greatly. A specific property right is used for a specific public benefit. This raises the question of adjustment between the promotion of public welfare and private property rights, and, especially, it raises the problem of compensation by the country when a private property right is infringed upon by the exercise of legal civil rights. In this paper the writer wants to discuss these problems by means of the Korean Constitution, Art. 20, Clause 3, and the law of expropriation of land. Furthermore, he wants to discuss what "just compensation" means, the basis of compensation in accordance with the reason for compensation, the idea and the problems of the compensation system as outlined in the following way: 1. The function of the compensation system; 2. The actions responsible for the losses which is to be compensated; 3. The basis for the compensation of losses; 4. The basis for compensation in the actual law: 5. The basis for compensation and its content: a) just compensation; b) the basis of compensation; c) the content of compensation; 6. The idea of the compensation system and its problems. Considering the above, compensation is prescribed in the Constitution; the law of expropriation of land, which is a general law dealing with procedural matters, provides for a balance between the value of an expropriat's property before and after the "taking", promoting adjustment between the public welfare and individual property rights. Claims for compensation require a clear foundation in law, because the purpose of the present system of compensation which is prescribed in the Constitution is to balance public interest and private profit, and the law itself provides the procedures for this. Therefore, the adequacy of compensation in the field of responsible civil rights is the problem to be solved. At present, just compensation is adequate for "besonderes offer" which requires compensation in the light of the idea of the equality of public responsibility. If the present laws are not sufficient for solving problems concerning compensation, legislation should be enacted to accomplish this goal.

      • Carl Schmitt의 議會制

        朴龍喆 慶北大學校 師範大學 1979 敎育硏究誌 Vol.21 No.-

        The Parliametary system was established in the process of obtaining that liberty and rights of people through bourgeoisie's resistance to the absolute monarchy's despotic rule. The ultimate aim of parliamentary system is to guarantee the rights of the people by means of reflecting the entire people's interests to the parliament. However, as Weber, Schmitt and Kelsen pointed out, the larger a national community becomes, the less the people come to participate in the creative activity of forming national opinion. This phenomenon is due to the facts that the parliamentary system as a historical product was essentially a spiritual principle to support bourgeoisie in modern European society and that parliament was an organ to carry out the principle. It is true that even mass democracy founded on universal suffrage does not lead to perfect realization of democracy but to the rule by mass such as a few elite capitalists, bureaucrats and military men. In a capitalistic country democracy is based on the political idea that the opinion Of the people is represented by that of the parliament. Many countries adopt the parliamentary system whose model is, historically speaking, that of England. Of course the present parliamentary systems of many countries are not necessarily the same as that of England. In this paper, I intended, mainly from the point of Carl Schmitt's Verfassun-gslehre to study the ideological basis of parliamentary system; the development of the parliamentary systems in England, France and Germany; and the actual conditions of the parliamentary system under the constitution of the Republic of Weimar.

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