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        외국인수형자에 대한 교정효과 제고방안

        장중식 한국교정학회 2010 矯正硏究 Vol.- No.49

        We live in global village borderless nowadays. Recently the population who visit or make a long or short stay in korea and crimes committed by them has been increasing to a considerable degree. in accordance with this situation the correction authorities of korea have many practical problems or obstacles to treatment of foreign inmates such as foreigners’ values, customs, language, culture and religion. because of these things there are many tasks and issues such as poor facilities, high density , restriction on religion activities and insufficient program of resocialization (=rehabilitation). this paper’s aim is to solve these problem and to improve the treatment of foreign inmates through the reform measure of treatment environment. Conclusion of this study is correction treatment of the foreign inmates could be fitted to the 21st century. how to reach this goal is to observe and performance of UN Standard Minimum Rules the treatment of prisoners correction authorities in korea. 개방화 시대를 맞이하여 국경은 무너지고 범죄는 글로벌화되면서 우리 교정은 이제 외국인범죄의 위협 앞에 큰 과제를 떠안게 되었다. 비록 구성비는 전체의 2%에도 미치지 못하지만 매년 20 - 40%씩 증가하고 있다. 형사사법당국은 외국인범죄에 효율적으로 대응하기 위한 다양한 대응책들을 발빠르게 강구하고 있다. 그러나 약물남용사범, 폭력단범죄, 고령범죄 등 최근의 범죄동향의 특징과 맞물리면서 우리 교정은 준비 없이 맞이한 위기 앞에 외국인수형자를 방치한 것이 아닌가 하는 우려마저 든다. 그러나 교정은 형사사법의 마지막 단계라는 점에서 교정처우의 본연의 자세가 특히 중요시되는 것이고 상대가 외국인이라 하여 교정의 포기나 다름없는 형기동안 잡고만 있다가 내보는 것이 허용되어서는 안 되는 것이다. 오늘날 교정에 있어 세계적 관심사는 수형자에게 UN피구금자처우최저기준규칙이 준수되고 있는가 하는 점에 있음은 주지의 사실이고 나아가 수형자가 외국인이라는 점에서 자칫 인권문제와 결부하여 외교적 마찰의 우려도 있는 만큼 글로벌 스탠드는 준수되어야 할 것이다. 따라서 향후 국내체류 외국인 120만 시대에 외국인범죄는 현재보다 더 큰 폭으로 증가할 것이 예상되는 이 때 본고는 외국인수형자의 처우에 있어 우리 교정당국이 안고 있는 현재의 문제 상황, 나아갈 방향이 무엇인지를 짚어보고 교정효과를 높일 수 있는 방안을 나름대로 제시해 보려고 한 것이며 따라서 결론으로서 다음과 같은 제언을 하기에 이른 것이다. ⑴ 외국어 구사능력을 갖추는 문제, 다만 향후로는 소수자 배려 차원에서 소수 수형자의 모국어 중심의 외국어 구사능력을 확보할 필요가 있다는 점이고, ⑵ 과밀수용과 시설부족 해소를 위한 시설의 확충과 국제수형자이송제도를 활성화하는 문제, ⑶ 국적별 전문교도관제 도입 혹은 동일언어권별 전문교도관제 도입의 문제, ⑷ 수용을 둘러싼 생활조건 배려의 문제, ⑸ 외국인수형자에게 시행 가능한 사회복귀프로그램의 개발 문제, ⑹ 가석방제도의 확대 시행의 문제, ⑺ 외국인수형자관련문제를 총괄하는 전담기구 설치 등이다.

      • 刑事再審

        張重植 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1985 연구논문집 Vol.30 No.1

        1. Cause of Existence Principally, the dicision of the court endows the trial its authority through its irrevocability. However, the trial is also conducted by man, and even an irrevocable judgement is not free from infallibility. With such a great fault with the irrevocable judgement, if one insists on its unchangeability, it will only resut in losing the practical authority of the dicision. Accordingly, a criminal revision should be allowed to rid the defendant of his undesired injustice. 2. Issues and Solutions a. Up till now, the revision has been applicable only in a unique and exceptional case under strict conditions. It should be practised based on the fundamental idea of the relief system of safeguarding human rights. b. The clearness of evidence has been treated in a myopic and strict manner (by the Supreme Court and theories), but this also should be construed more generously, allowing for the fundamental idea of the revision. c. The claimant (the defendant) should be given the rights for requesting court-appointed lawyers, interview with counsels, preservation of the records of the law suits, and an access to viewing the evidences in the possession of public prosecutors. d. The prosecutors should be granted the rights of the investigation (of evidence), witnessing and final deposition, but not the rights for claiming investigation of the facts of defendants when revision is requested. e. It is more appropriate for a judge to hold the right for suspension of execution, rather than the prosecutor.

      • KCI등재

        행형법 전부개정법률안의 수용과 관련한 보완적 고찰

        장중식 한국교정학회 2006 矯正硏究 Vol.- No.33

        The revised Bill of Prison Act was introduced into National Assembly by government on 26. april 2006. This bill surpasses Korean current Prison Act both in the protection of prisoners' rights and the improvement of correctional treatment. nevertheless with many regrets there are some problems to solve in our bill between guaranteeing prisoners' Fundamental Rights and maintaining order and safety in the penal institution therefore this studies were concentrated on making up for the week points in this bill. focusing on the imprisonment, contact with the outside world of the prisoners (the right to ask an interview with , and to correspond with) and disciplinary punishment in prison in view of the fundamental rights of prisoners. Discussing the inmate rights are frequently seen by the public as un necessary expenses and luxuries but all persons are dignified although they are criminals. therefore Prisoners' fundamental rights should be respected in order to confirmation their human dignify. The following is the suggestions of these studies. 1. Contact with the outside world of the prisoners is guaranteed to the utmost for the purpose of both re-socialization and prisoners' human rights. 2. Prison overcrowding issues should be solved as soon as possible for prisoners' human dignify. 3. Surveillance by cctv to maintain order and safety there must be a great danger to violence the prisoners' privacy rights. so the surveillance of prisoners' cells by cctv must not be permitted. 4. Prohibition of writings, prohibition of mail and visit, prohibition of autdoor exercises does not appropriate for the disciplinary punishments. 5. Solitary confinement in the most critical disciplinary punishments so it should be limited to maximum 30days.

      • 常習犯의 保安處分

        張重植 대구효성 가톨릭 대학교 1988 연구논문집 Vol.36 No.1

        Since 1960, our conutry has been achieved a remarkable economic development, but one-sided economic development creates imbalance by regional groups of local governmment and enlarged big city.in proporation to, local governmment is faced with financial crisis. on the other hand our country makes a schdule for carrying out the loical autonomy systom in 1988. above all,sufficient and independant local finance system must be prepared in order to operate the local autonony. this paper tried to find out current problembs of korean local finance system and showe the directioon of the policy for the effective local finance system. the contents of this paper are: ChaperⅠ.introduction ChaperⅡ.general theory of local finance. ChaperⅢ.relation between central finance and local finance. ChaperⅣ.problembs of korean local finance system. ChaperⅤ.direction of the policy for the effective local finance system. ChaperⅥ.conclusion.

      • 刑의 量定에 關한 諸問題點

        張重植 慶北專門大學 (영주경상전문대학) 1981 慶北專門大學 論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        Assessment of a case is the most difficult and important problem on a criminal trial, if judges pass an unequal or impertinent penalty, offenders have a distrustful and rebellious spirit instead of reformation, there is no effect of a penalty. So, judges must not pass a subjective penalty with prejudice or self-righteousness, but pass a fitting penalty for a background of theoretical penalty and with knowledge of social science and natural science. I am going to examine some problems about the appreciation as follows I. Special organization of Criminal judges Criminal judges and civil judges must be distinguished seperately and criminal judges have to composed of men who have not only knowledge of the law but also a determination for dovoting has life to judges with understanding about human being and society. II. Lack of understanding of judges' correction. Criminal judges will be able to impose a punishment as they have to understand vividly actual conditions of remedy through contact with prisoners and prison officers. It must be a question that some judges Who don't want to go to the prison even once during their terms of office. III. Indifference of Offenders' economicat poverty Under the circumstance of poverty, as offenders are cut off or limited to desiring to eat and Sexual desire they like to feel comitting a crime. MoreovEr they are near by a crime because of their instability or psychological entanglement through contact with lower culture. Therefore these problems must be reflected when judges pass a penalty. VI. Lack of materiats of assessment of a case. There must be correct and rich materials of judges' sentencings, who have expert knowledge about sociology, psy psychoanalysis, anthropology, and criminology to give a penalty properly, but they are much different actually. V. Abolition of a short-term penalty In the case of a short-term penalty, there is a question that, as offenders get easily infected with vice through contact mith felons in a prison, and are cut off from their family and jobs, they are abandoned from society to be branded on ex-convict.

      • 辯護人의 接見交通權에 관한 考察

        張重植 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1994 연구논문집 Vol.49 No.1

        All person who are arrested or detained shall have the night to prompt assistance of counsel is declared in the 4 Article 12 of the constitutional law. In accordance with this, the right to communicate, consult and interview with a legal counsel is explained in detail in the Article 34 fo the code of criminal procedure. The right to communicate, consult and interview with a legal counsel is very important to the person who is arrested or detained for the protection of defence and the guaranteeing of human rights. This right shall be guaranted absolutely and may not be restricted by law, because the principle of guaranteeing the right communicate, consults and interview with a legal counsel is declared in our constitutional law. Therefore 9 emphasized the following in this paper. First, The right to communicate, consult and interview with a legal counsel may not be suspended or restricted in any case, by law. Second, The right to communicate, consult and interview with a legal counsel shall be allowed without censorship or interception. Third, The right to communicate, consult and interview with a legal counsel shall be allowed immediately without delay necessary whenever. Fourth, An arrested, detained person shall be provided with adequate time and facilities to be visited by and to communicate and consult with a legal counsel. Fifth, The right to communicate, consult and interview with a legal counsel shall be allolwed in full confidentiality. Sixth, Interviews between an arrested or detained person and his legal counsel may be within sight, direct or indirect, but not within the hearing of, a police or a law enforcement official.

      • KCI등재후보

        사회봉사명령제도의 제문제점

        장중식 한국교정학회 2003 矯正硏究 Vol.- No.21

        This article studied on the community service order in Korea. Community service order is designed to enable the government to save the budget by isolating criminals from the society, and this system protects less serious offenders from learning new skills for the new crimes from old offenders in the correctional office by being held together at one place. Community service order has well established. especially in recent years we attained a remarkable result by this system in the criminal policy. in practice, however, there are some problem to improve the use community order service system more efficiently, the most critical problem is about probation officers. to polish and enforce this system, we should train and develop the professional manpower, such as probation officers. The next problem is probation officer needs to develop community service order programs to give criminals more chance to participate in these programs positively. Finaly, our a warm affection for the criminals will lead community service order to the success.

      • 탠져블 인터페이스 디자인에 관한 연구

        장중식,김관배 동덕여자대학교 디자인 연구소 2000 디자인포럼21 Vol.3 No.-

        본 연구는 뉴미디어 제품디자인을 위하여 연구 개발 중인 탠져블 인터페이스에 관하여 국외 사례를 중심으로 조사 분석하였다. 이를 토대로 미래 제품디자인에의 적용과 탠져블 사용자 인터페이스(TUI: Tangible User Interface)를 중심으로 미래 제품디자인에 끼치는 인터페이스 디자인의 중요성을 살펴보았다. 새로운 정황정보의 표현과 물리적 형태가 없는 정보 즉, 아톰(Atom)의 표현을 피콘 (Phicon)으로, 이 피콘을 바탕으로 사라져가는 상황 속의 정보(Ambient Data)와 다른 측면의 형태가 가지는 정보의 정황을 표현하고 있다. 이는 정보화사회 속에서 디지털화된 여러 가지 정보의 획일적이며 단편적인 모순을 다시금 해석하게 해줄 수 있는 중요한 요소가 될 것이며, 이를 바탕으로 미래 제품디자인 연구에의 적용과 함께 새로운 뉴미디어 제품디자인의 전략적인 시장 속에서 경쟁력을 갖추기 위한 필수 불가결한 요소로 자리잡을 것이다. 불과 15년 전의 변환기였던 그래픽 인터페이스(CUI: Graphic User Interface)에서는 Windows와 Icon, Menu, Handle, Widget을 사용해 왔지만, 디지털화 되고 있는 현 상황에서의 새로운 개념의 인터페이스는 탠져블 인터페이스로 Lens, Phicon, Tray, Phandle, Instrument를 사용하게 된다. 이는 사용자들이 다양한 정황 속에서 정보를 보다 백그라운드에서 편하게 상호교감하고 다양한 상황정보를 표현하기 위하여 정보의 특징과 개념적 측면을 탠져블 인터페이스에서 해결하려고 하는 시도이다. 현재와 미래의 제품을 위한 인터페이스 디자인의 다양한 방향은 앞으로의 On-line, On-demand 속에서의 새로운 정보의 흐름을 표현하려 하고 있다. 이는 On-line 속에서의 다양한 정보로서 서비스를 창출하게 되며 제품디자인의 전략적인 요소로 자리잡을 것이며, 향후 연구와 개발이 촉구되는 시기에 있다. 이에 본 연구의 목적은 미래 제품디자인의 새로운 인터페이스의 프로토타입을 연구함에 있다 하겠다. This study aimed to investigate and analyze the tangible interface developed for designing new media products, especially foreign cases. Bases on this study, it was possible to recognize the importance of a design interface affecting future product design, centering on the application of future product design and the interface of Tangible User Interface (TUI). New circumstantial information and the information with no physical shape, that is, Atoms are represented by phicons, on which ambient data and the information that has its shapes on other aspects are based. They will be significant factors that make it possible to reanalyze various kinds of uniform and fragmentary information which were digitalized in the information-oriented society. Based on this, they will be indispensable elements for strengthening the competitiveness of products in a new strategic market of new media product design, with the application to the research in future product design. In the Graphic User Interface (GUI), an epoch-making change but since 15 years ago, windows, icons, menus, handles and widgets have been used. In this digitalized environment, however, the Tangible Interface, an interface with a new concept, is introduced, and lenses, phicons, trays, phandles and instruments are used. They make it possible to recognize the information of users in various circumstances more easily in this background. And it is an attempt to represent various kinds of circumstantial information and its features and conceptual aspects in the TUI. Among its various future courses, the interface design for present and future products tries to represent the currents of new information in the on-line and on-demand environments. It intends to strengthen the service as diverse kinds of information in the on-line environments. It will be a strategic factor in future product design and its research and development are on demand. Accordingly, this study could be helpful for the future researches regarding the prototype of a new interface of future product design.

      • 量刑의 合理化方案

        장중식 대구효성가톨릭대학교 현대사상연구소 1999 현대사상연구 Vol.9 No.-

        This is the study concerning with the rationalization of sentence in a criminal judgement. It is true to have no lack of the device of rationalized sentence up to the present. And then I analyze the following chapters, that is, chapter one is the preface about it, and chapte two is about the good alternatives of the rationalized sentence Above all, the ultimate findings are as follows. ① We must divide the procedures of public fial two parts. ② The reason of weighing of offence must be expressed in the decision of sentence. ③ The guideline of weighing of offence must be made. ④ The database system of weighing of offense must be composed. ⑤ The seminar about weighing of offence for and by judge must be held c periodically.

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