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        해방기 공간 상상력의 전이와 ‘태평양’의 문화정치학

        장세진 상허학회 2009 상허학보 Vol.26 No.-

        With the break up of old empire territory, the migration of people in large scale to Korean peninsula and demarcation of the 38 line by world political situation, a matter of space has come up to the surface in ‘post-colonial’ period. It is worth of note in terms that modern nation state is not completed until it occupies the exclusive national territory. During this period, the one of the characteristic things in spatial discourse produced in south Korea was a rediscovery of the sea or ocean and it went through the cultural political procedure. It was made to give a new significance. In colonial view about Korean history, the being of peninsula is regarded to one of the most important determinants by which Korean history has been always depended on other countries. But in this ‘Post-colonial’ period, it has become to be taken geographical benefit by which Korea can make connection with both continent and ocean. But after establishment of South Korean government under 38 line, the affinity to ocean has been much emphasized compared to that of the continent. And The sea is devided into <the territorial waters> and <the open sea>. The one is the place where the sovereignty of modern nation state has its validity, and the other belongs to all nation state in principle. Within this process, this article has found that the Pacific obtains new meaning in contrast to colonial period. The momentum of new meaning comes from three directions. First, New discourse of the Pacific has broken the old connection of <The great Asia(Japan)- Pacific ocean> in ealry 1940's. And it makes a new connection of <America-Pacific ocean> as the place where the Democracy gains its victory in the end. Second, The Pacific is settled into the narrative of honorable origin as the holly place where the fight for Nation's independence has taken. Simultaneously, the Pacific ocean has correlation with the narrative of suffering during the Pacific war. So it has been located in the middle at the network of meaning that has has been colored by the Nation state discourse. Finally, the most dramatic signification of the Pacific begins with the Cold war which has been accelerated after the communization of China in 1949. The sign of the Pacific -where many poor countries are located- has been changed as the place to be preserved in the competition of USSR in the terms of bloc theory. The Pacific was regarded as <the sea of race> before no more than several years. But it quickly gains new meaning as <the sea of ideology>. In a word, the Pacific was the sign connected directly America as a global power which make the new spatial order of East-Asia after 1945, so called ‘Post-colonial’ world. 구(舊) 제국 권역의 해체와 조선반도를 향한 대규모 인구의 이동, 그리고 국제 정세에 의한 38선 획정 등 탈식민 상황에서 부상하게 된 일련의 공간(성) 문제는 근대 민족/국민국가 일반이 배타적인 공간 점유를 통해 비로소 성립된다는 점을 감안할 때 특별한 주의를 필요로 한다. 1945년 8월 15일 직후의 ‘탈식민’ 조선과 1948년 남한 단정 수립으로 이어지는 정치적 기획의 자장 안에서 생산된 공간 담론의 커다란 특징 중 하나는, 이 과정에서 해양이라는 공간을 재발견하며 이를 새롭게 의미화하기 위해 상당한 문화적 공정을 수행하고 있었다는 점이다. 식민주의 사관에서 대륙 세력도 해양 세력도 아닌 조선의 반도성이 한국사의 타율성을 결정하는 요소였다면, 탈식민 시기 ‘반도성’은 대륙과 해양 양 방면으로의 양성을 발휘할 수 있는 지리적 유리함으로 해석되었다. 그러나 남한 단정 이후 반도의 대륙성보다는 해양성이 보다 현저하게 선호되었으며, 동시에 바다는 철저히 국민국가의 주권이 행사되는 <영해>로서의 바다와 국민국가들이 공유하는 <공해>로서의 바다로 구획되어진다. 이처럼 영해/ 공해라는 국민국가식 영토 개념을 통해 바다를 구획화하는 과정에서 새롭게 의미화된 공간이 바로 ‘태평양’이다. 의미화의 계기는 크게 세 방향인데 첫째, 탈식민 직후 남한에서 생산된 태평양에 관한 언술들은 1940년대 초반의 <대동아(일본)-태평양>의 의미 연관을 해체하며, 민주주의가 궁극적으로 승리를 거둔 장소로서의 <태평양-아메리카>의 새로운 연관을 구성한다. 둘째, 태평양은 민족 독립 운동의 거점 장소라는 영광의 기원 서사와 관련되는 동시에, 과거 태평양전쟁에의 동원이라는 불행의 수난사 양자 모두와 관련됨으로써 철저하게 국민국가화된 의미망을 형성한다. 마지막으로, 태평양 기호의 보다 극적인 의미화는 1949년 중국 대륙 공산화 이후 본격화된 냉전과 더불어 시작된다. 진영론의 관점에서 많은 제 3세계 국가들이 위치한 태평양은 소련과의 체제 경쟁에서 지켜내야 할 장소로 표상되면서 불과 수년 전의 <인종의 바다>에서 <이념의 바다>로 빠르게 전환되고 있었다. 요컨대, 이 시기 태평양은 1945년 이후 동아시아 일대의 공간 질서를 재편하게 만든 전 지구적 권력으로서의 아메리카와 직결된 기호였다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        스트레스의 사회심리적 요인

        장세진 한국역학회 2002 Epidemiology and Health Vol.24 No.2

        For the past three decades, considerable attentions have been paid to the search for stressors, stress outcomes and stress modifiers that may reduce the impact of exposure to environmental stressors. Especially medical sociologists and psychologists in medical parts, had an intellectual contribution to the development of stress research. They have presented an excellent opportunity to examine how deeply well-being is affected by the socially structured arrangements of people's lives and by the continuous experiences that result from these arrangements. The predominant concern has been with the role of coping resources, especially social support, coping and so on. The majority of studies report modest but significant positive association between life event levels and physical and mental symtomatology. In particular, the importance of considering psychosocial factors that may modify the effects of stressors on the risk factors for diseases or onset of illness has been emphasized increasingly. Clearly, stress is a complex process in which social, psychological and physiological environments simultaneously affect well-being. This study was performed to document the effect of psychosocial factors such social support, coping, personality traits which had been well known as stress modifiers in the stress process.

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