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        Fe-18Mn강의 응력부식균열 거동에 미치는 크롬과 질소의 영향

        최희수,김수민,성효경,김성준,김상식 대한금속·재료학회 2019 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.57 No.10

        High-Mn steels developed for offshore industries require good resistance to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in seawater. Elements like Cr and N are often added to improve the resistance to SCC. In this study, the SCC behavior of Fe18Mn3Cr0.1N and Fe19Mn19Cr0.6N steels in artificial seawater was examined. Slow strain rate tests were conducted at a nominal strain rate of 10-6/sec in air and artificial seawater under anodic and cathodic applied potentials. The tensile ductility drop in artificial seawater was compared to air and evaluated as the resistance to SCC. It was found that both specimens showed intergranular cracking in artificial seawater under both anodic and cathodic applied potentials. The intergranular SCC was more severe under anodic applied potential than cathodic applied potential. However the sensitivity to SCC in artificial seawater was substantially reduced in Fe19Mn19Cr0.6N specimen with higher Cr and N content, as compared to the Fe18Mn3Cr0.1N specimen under both applied potentials. Potentiodynamic tests in artificial seawater showed an increase in pitting corrosion potential, rather than corrosion potential, with increasing Cr and N content in high-Mn steel. The SCC behavior of high-Mn steels with different Cr and N contents was discussed based on micrographic and fractographic observations.

      • 외래 환자에서의 Cytomegalovirus의 혈청학적 연구

        권재욱,정재삼,최희수 순천향대학교 1987 논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        The author investigated the serologic study on cytomegalovirus in out patient of the Soonchunhyang Chun-An hospital. Cytomegalovirus antibody were detected in 38 sera of 40 specimens with positive rate of 95%. The higher positive rate was found in the age group of 30-50. No differences of CMV antibody positive rate by sex were detected. Key words; Cytomegalovirus, Antibody.

      • 뵐의 作品을 통해서 본 暴力과 휴머니티

        崔僖秀 안양대학교 人文科學硏究所 1998 人文科學硏究 Vol.5 No.2

        ZusammenfassungIn dieser Arbeit handelt es sich urnl Betrachtung der literalischen Werke Heinlice Bölls auf zwei gegenüberstehende Ebene ; Gewalt und Humanitdt, Als Gegenstände der Betrachtungwerden Böll drei charakteristische Werke gewählt : 「Wo warst du. Adam?(1951)」. 「Und sa-gte kein einziges Wort(1953)」und 「Die verlorene Ehre cer- Kathalira Blum (1974)」. In diesen drei Werken enscheinen alle Institutionen-Armee, Kirche und Presse-als Trdger der Gewait und zwar scheitern Hauptpersonen an ihrer in-dividuellen Verwirlkchungen. Hierbei bedeutet Gewalt nicht eine blope phy-sische Beschädigung oder einen Angriff auf Leib und Leben, sondern einen weitgefaβten Begriff von Gewalt, d.h. Strukturelle Gewalt. Der Krieg wird in dem Romanr 「Wo warst du. Adam?」 dargestellt als üb-ermächtige Sinnlosigkeit, die dem Einzelnen keinen Ausweg gestattet. Er ist t auch anonymes und daher nicht zu uberwindendes Schicksal. Am Ende verurt-eilt er alle Menschen zum Tode. Der folgende Roman 「Und sagte kein einziges Wort」macht die Nach-kriegszeit zum Thema. Hier tritt die Kirche auf als Institution, in der die wi-rtschaftliche Ungleichheit der Nachkriegszeit dargestellt wird. Die Kirche in diesem Roman beschäftigt sich mit der Kapitalsammlung und deren Mitgliedern spielt Religion nicht andere Rolle als Beruf. In ihnen ist Nachstenliebe nicht zu finden.In der Erzählung 「Die velorene Ehr'e der Katharina Blum」 wird die moderne Presse der Gegenstand der Böll Kritik. Positiv gesehen. haben Pre-sse und Offentlichkeit die Funktion. Bürger und ihre Privatsphäre vor den Üb-ergriffen der Staatsgewalt zu schützen. Aber in dieser Erzädhlung zerstört die Presse den gesellschaftlichen Stand des Einzelnen durch journalistische Gewalt. Aber Bölls Kritik gegen Kirche. Armee und Presse beschrankt sich nicht auf eine Institution. sondern einbegreift jede Formierung und Institutionalisi-erung von Macht. Bei Böll also gibt es einen 「Hauch von Anarchie」 . In den literarischen Werken Bölls nämlich erweisen sich alle Institutionen als Hindernis fur die Realisierung individuellen Gliicks. Gegen diese Art von Gewalttätigkeit der Institutionen versetzt Böll einen Sch-lag mit schriftstellericshem Gewissen . Auf der anderen Seite gibt es bei Böll auch affirmative Bedeutung neben der obengenannten negativen Bodeutung. Wie gewalttdtig allne soziale Wirklichkeiten auch sind. bleibt ihm doch Immer die Möglichkeit der Humanität : er sucht die Möglichkeit der humanen Welt in Liebe und Religion. In seiner Bücher also zeigen sich auch die Möglichkeit der Überwindung von Nihilismus und Verzwei리ing durch Liebe und Glauben. In dem Roman 「Wo warst du. Adam?」 zum Beispiel wird das imkrieg unerreichbare Bild reiner Liebe und Religiositat durch Ilonas tl'anszendenten Tod erhalten. Und in dem folgenden Roman 「Und sagte kein einziges Wort」ist der Augenblick. in dem sich Fred Bogner- entschlieβt. nach Hause wiederzu-kehren. ein religiöses Ereignis. das auf Käte Bogners Glauben beruht. Auf diese Wise läβt Böll in seinen Werken die Personen erscheinen. die wahre Liebe und Religiositat bewahren. und stellt diese von der Gesellschaft abfallig Behandelten in ihrer Elhabenheit dar. Er zielt damit auf die Wiedereweckung einer moralischen Haltung, die in Einzelnen ihren Ausgangspunkt nimmlt. und von hier aus versucht er die Möglichkeit nach einer moralischen Regenerierung der Gesellschaft. Diese Kennzeichung ist gerade Böllsche Grundprinzip der 「Asthetik des Humanen」und in diesem Sinne ist sein Engagement ein affirmatives . Die vornehmste und wichtigste Aufgabe seirles literarischen Schaffens ist nämlich 「Die Su-che nach einer bewohnbaren Sprache in einem bewohbaren Land」.

      • 대퇴골두 골단 분리증

        최희수 순천향대학교 1987 논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        Slipped femoral capital epiphysis is the condition in which the femoral head begins to slip gradually off the femoral neck. After first discription of Ambrose Pare(1572), many cases have been reported in Europe and America, and extremely rare in Korea. The author reports here a case of the neglected slipped femoral capital epiphysis for more than 4 weeks in 16 year old boy with marked pain on walking. Physical examination showed his body stature to be normal and his genital organs to have no abnormalities. His left hip showed a positive patrick's test with limited range of motion in all direction, especially abduction and internal rotation. After skeletal traction for 2 weeks, an anatomical repositioning with gentle manipulation was maintained by 3 Knowles pins, and in 18 months later postoperatively, he resumed full bearing on his left hip with full range of motion and no pain.

      • KCI등재

        고구려 지배계층의 신분구성에 관한 試論 - 복식·관제 기사 검토를 중심으로-

        최희수 전북사학회 2011 전북사학 Vol.0 No.39

        The purpose of this study will reveal a side of the Koguryeo’s caste system. To do this, comprehensively examined Samguksagi(三國史記) and Chinese historical record(中國 史書) related Bureaucracy(官制) and Color garments(色服) system. However, the records was limited, because the records about the rulers. So in this paper speculated status composition centered on the ruling classes. A result of the study, nobility of Koguryeo were divided four layers. The first, top class is the Royal family. These are uses hats made ​​of white silk(백라관 白羅冠), status as a top layer. The next class is high nobility. They were prescious status among the nobility, using hats made of blue silk(청라관 靑羅冠). The following is mid aristocracy. They were used hats made of red silk(자라관 紫羅冠; 비라관 緋羅冠; 강라관 絳羅冠), that was using the most of Koguryo officials. As the last layer, General officials used hats plugged feathers(새 깃털을 꽂은 절풍 折風 傍揷鳥羽). Each of these layers be appointed status was limited to the Official hierarchy(관등 官等). The Royal family and high nobility using white and blue silk hats were possible to appointed from sixth rank to first rank. Mid aristocracy using red silk hats were possible to appointed from thirteenth rank to seventh rank. General officials were possible to appointed to fourteenth rank. The difference between the fourth rank and fifth rank is the kindred difference between the Royal family and Nobilty. Koguryeo's caste system has been alienated from the existing research. Because historical data was poor. However, a more careful review of the current inherited data, that will become a basic understanding. In the future, expect more intensified research.

      • KCI등재

        정신장애인 직업재활의 임상적 효과 : 능력고취와 증상의 관계를 중심으로

        최희수,이용표,박정임 한국사회복지연구회(서울대학교 사회복지연구소) 2001 사회복지연구 Vol.18 No.1

        Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of a vocational rehabilitation on the empowerment and positive symptoms of persons with schizophrenia. Methods: The data were collected from May 15 to November 5, 2000. The Subjects were 3 persons with schizophrenia who participated the vocational rehabilitation. The effect of this vocational rehabilitation was measured by self-report scales for empowerment and positive symptoms during the 6 months. Results : 1) All 3 persons with schizophrenia showed greater empowerment and positive symptom reduction for 6 months. 2) By the whole process analysis, it was found that the empowerment and positive symptoms of 3 persons with schizophrenia were negatively correlated. Conclusion : The findings indicated that vocational rehabilitation exert positive influences on such clinical outcomes as empowerment, positive symptom reduction of persons with schizophrenia. These results suggested that empowerment factors might be a good intervention means to reduce positive symptoms for psychiatric disabled people. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for psychiatric rehabilitation practice.

      • 규범화에서 제기되는 문제

        최희수 국립국어연구원 2002 국제학술회의 논문집 Vol.- No.1

        언어의 규범은 언어사용자들이 어음, 어휘, 문법 등 언어재료를 이용하여 교제를 진행할 때에 지켜야 할 준칙들과 전범(典範)이다. 서사어에서는 서사규칙도 표함된다. 규범은 해당 언어를 쓰는 사람들에게는 강제적인 성질을 갖게 되기에 사람마다 반드시 준수해야 한다. 그러므로 규범이 제정되면 사람마다 준수해야 할 기준, 도달할 목표가 있게 되고 어느것이 옳고 어느 것이 그르다는 것을 알게 된다. 표준어의 확립과 발전은 그 언어를 쓰는 사회 집단 성원들이 쓰는 언어가운데에서 보편성을 갖는 성분들을 골라 내어 언어 발전 법칙에 따라 규칙을 제정하고 규범하는 과정으로서 이 과정이 곧바로 규범화이다. 규범해 놓은 표준어는 반드시 전민이 쓰는 언어가운데에서 생명력이 있고 전형적인 요소들을 흡수함과 동시에 방언, 고전, 외래어 요소들을 합리적으로 흡수하고 낡고 시대의 발전에 적응되지 않는 요소들을 버려야 한다.

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