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      • 통신 인공위성의 궤도에 미치는 Poynting-Robertson drag

        최규홍 연세대학교 자연과학연구소 1983 學術論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        Poynting-Robertson drag 는 정지 궤도에 있는 통신 인공위성의 궤도에 가장 큰 영향을 주는 힘이다. 유효 표면적과 무게의 비가 0.017㎡/㎏인 대표적인 통신 인공위성에 대해서 Poynting-Robertson drag은 1년에 1m씩 궤도 의장반경을 감소 시킬 수 있다. 궤도 장반경의 영년변화는 정지위성궤도상의 칭동점 주변에서 벗어나 지구 주변을 떠돌아 다니는 인공위성이 되기도 한다. The Poynting-Robertson drag gives the larger drag force on geosynchronous orbit of communication satellite. For a typical communication satellite with an area to mass ratio of 0.017㎡/㎏, this drag force can decrease the orbital semi-major axis at a rate of 1.0 m/yr. The secular change in the semi-major axis does not occur for satellite which drifts completely around the earth in longitude.

      • The Origin and Recent Researches of Ambrosetti-Prodi Type Elliptic Equations

        최규홍,정택선 인하대학교 교육연구소 2003 교육문화연구 Vol.9 No.-

        . 이 논문에서 점프가 일어나는 비선형 부분을 갖는 타원형 방정식의 연구 결과들을 역사적인 관점에서 조사하겠다. 위상적 방법에 의한 연구들에 초점을 맞춰서 이들을 조사한다. 한편, 최근 연구로 해의 다중성과 비선형 부분과의 관계도 서술하였다.

      • 디젤엔진 代替燃料源으로서의 쉬나무의 造林學的인 特性에 關한 硏究

        洪性珏,李麗夏,崔圭洪 建國大學校附設 農業資源開發硏究所 1983 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        쉬나무의 種實油는 디젤엔진의 代替燃料源으로서 그 가능성이 높은 것으로 알려지고 있는 바, 쉬나무의 栽培에 필요한 造林學的 特性을 알기 위하여, 本 硏究는 쉬나무의 自然分布地, 種實 및 木材生産性, 實生苗 및 接木苗 生産方法, 耐寒性度의 季節的 變異에 대해 調査하여, 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 推定年齡이 70∼150年生인 쉬나무들이 南部에서 中部에 이르기까지 넓게. 그러나 宮터, 古宮의 庭園, 農村의 마을 주변과 같이 제한된 지역에 自然相으로 分布하거나, 人工的으로 植栽되어 있는 것으로 판명되었다. 또한 쉬나무는 山麓部의 土深이 깊은 砂質壤土 및 植質壤土의 土壤에서 根萌芽에 의한 몇몇 群狀稚樹와 함께 孤立木으로 자라며, 母樹 주위에는 後代 實生稚樹의 發生이 드물었다. 쉬나무 實生稚樹 및 그 自然分布가 制限된 것은 自然狀態에서 多量의 種子가 野生鳥類의 먹이로 소비되어 버리고, 그 發芽率이 낮은 것이 주요 원인으로 생각된다. 2. 孤立木에서 樹冠面積(水平面積)에 대한 種字量을 推定했을 때, 年間 ha當 755 kg의 種字가 生産되고, 이로부터 264 kg의 種實油가 生産된다. 樹齡이 확인된 몇몇 나무의 경우, 20 年生 나무의 胸高直徑은 14 cm, 70 年生은 25∼26 cm였다. 樹高生長은 直徑生長과 상관없이 胸高直經 14∼83 cm의 나무의 경우 그 樹高는 6∼13 cm의 변이가 나타났다. 대부분의 大徑木이 主幹에 심한 心材腐朽를 일으켰는데, 그 原因이 凍害로 인한 것인지 또는 그외 다른 原因에 의한 것인지는 밝혀지지 않았다. 서울지방에 자라는 70 年生 나무에 있어서 主幹에는 心材腐朽가 있었으나, 14 年生 가지에는 心材腐朽가 없는 것으로 미루어 보아 지나간 14년간 材部柔組織에는 凍害가 없었음을 알 수 있었다. 木材는 전체적으로 보아 直線木理이나 觸單面에서는 放射柔組織을 중심으로 交叉木理를 갖고 木組織은 치밀하며, 氣乾比重은 2 年生에서 0.66, 70 年生에서 0.77이었다. 3. 種皮의 wax狀物質을 10% 合成洗劑 溶液으로 제거시킨 결과 發芽率이 10∼15%에서 80∼95%로 증가되었다. 70 年生 나무에서 얻은 接穗을 2 年生 台木에 切接으로 接木시킨 결과는 성공적이었다. 台木이 굵을수록 接穗의 生長이 좋았다. 4. 種字産地別로 幼苗의 耐寒性度에는 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 이와 같이 耐寒性度의 차이가 적은 것은 이 樹種이 蟲媒花이지만 암꽃과 수꽃의 꽃피는 시기가 다르므로 他家受精이 가능하여 집단간에 遺傳子交換이 될 수 있기 때문인 것으로 解析되었다. 1 年生 苗木은 2 年生 苗木보다 耐寒性度가 더 낮은데 이는 1 年生 苗木의 생장기간이 보다 길기 때문에 材部柔組織의 소수의 細胞가 耐寒性 發達이 늦기 때문에 나타난 것으로 생각되었다. 1 年生 苗木의 凍害防止를 위해서는 겨울동안 땅속에 假植을 하는 것이 가장 좋은 방법이다. To know the silvicultural characteristics of Evodia daniellii, of which the seed oil was known to have the high feasibility of fuel substitution for diesel engine, this study investigated the natural distribution of the tree, the productivity of the seed and wood in the natural condition, the production of the seedlings from the seeds and the grafts, and the seasonal variation in cold hardiness of the seedlings from different provenance. The following results were discussed; 1. It appeared that Evodia daniellii, estimated as old as 70-200 years, are naturally distributed and/or artificially planted widely from the southern part up to the middle part of Korea, but in a limited spot such as the site of an ancient castle, the garden of palace and near rural village, and that the trees are growing as an isolated tree with a few progeny near the mother tree, at the site of good soil depth with sandy loam in the lower part of hillside. The limited natural distribution of this species was attributed to large consumption of the seed by feeding the wild birds and low percent germination in the natural condition. 2. The seed produced annually, as estimated by the amount of seed in an isolated tree per the area projected by the crown, averaged 755kg/ha, resulting in 264kg/ha of the seed oil. In some trees of which the age was able to be identified, the diameter growth at the age of 20 years was 14 cm, and 25 to 26 cm at the age of 70 years. The heigh growth was not consistent with the diameter growth or the age and varied from 6 to 13 meter in the trees of diameter 14 to 83 cm. The main stem of most of large diameter trees showed various heart rot damage of which causes were not clear whether it was brought about by freezing or other incidents. In one 70 years-old tree growing in the northern limit of Korea with serious heart rot in the main stem, the 14 year old branch showed no sign of the heart rot, indicating that there has been no freezing injury on the main branch for 14years. The wood had straight grain over all, otherwise interlocked grain around the ray structure on the tangential section, dense texture, specific gravity (air dried) of 0.66 in two year old stem and of 0.77 in 70 year old stem. 3. Removal of wax like material from the surface of the seed coat with 10% solution of synthetic soap promoted the percent germination from 10-15% to 80-95%. The veneer grafting of the scion from the 70 year old tree to 1 to 2 year old stock was successful. The thicker the stock was used, the better the growth of scion was obtained. 4. There was little difference in cold hardiness among seedlings from different provenance. The little difference could be attributed to the out-breeding mechanism, even though this species is pollinated by insects, in that earlier flowering of the male flower than the female one may allow the gene exchange among the population. One year old seedling was less cold hardy than the two year old one. This might be attributed to the slow development in cold hardiness of the small group of cells in the xylem, which was probably resulted from longer growth period of one year old seedling than the older trees. The cold damage of one year old seedlings could be prevented by transplanting them in the soil temporarily during winter

      • 우리나라 農業機械化를 위한 基礎調査에 관한 硏究

        崔圭洪 건국대학교 1972 學術誌 Vol.14 No.1

        The following is the results of research which was enforced fur the purpose of investigating the farm mechnization in infancy in Korea under the sponsor of the Ministry of Education in 1970. 1.The number of Korean farmers has been decreasing gradually since the beginning of 1960, which resulted from economic growth. It decreased by 45.9 percent point in 1970. 2.The rate of decrease in the population engaging in agriculture and forestry especially is beyond that of decrease in the number of farmer and farm household. Now it shows the decrease by 49.9 percent point in 1969. The lack for labor force is supposed to be worse than ever in rural areas and at the same time the oppotunities for women or old people to engage in working is expected to be forced to increase. 3.Agriculture wage given to men went up by 2.6 times and that given to women by 2.78 times. Labor cost of production costs was up to 34.3 percent, with both the lack of labor force and increase in princes. 4.Agriculture wage in light of its present tendency is supposed to increase 2,300 won per a person in 1981 and the measure fur mechanzing agriculture is urgent. 5.Considering that number of days, with precipitation ≥ 10mm 40.6, with in 99.8, with hail 38, with wind speed ≥ 10m/sec about 82.8, the days in which farm working in possible throughout nationwide in Korea has been estimated roughly 173 days. 6.The cost of feed and management in cow was 102,940 won including 82.21 won in fixed cost and 20,919 won in variable cost and at the same time, the income of utilization was 16,750 won and net cost minused the income of utilization was 86,190 won. 7.In this case, it is investigated that total hours in feed and management was 44 days, 429 hours, 35 minutes. The wage was 18,640 won, the cost of supporting feeds was 22,416 won. Among these, deepness feed was 4,703 won, rough feed was 17,713 won. 8.In this condition, the cow was used in 3.63 ha. The cost of utilization in cow was 2,371 won. It shows that the cost per 10a would not decrease more than 2.08 won in view of the point that the capability of the most possible cultiration is 4 ha. 7.The Power tiller, in this condtion attached to plow, Rotary, trailer, threshing machine. was used 749.7 hours per a year. Among theses the utilization hour of home working was 470.7, the utilization hours of rent was 279, which was comparatively high. 10.In the type of work, the rate of utilization in transportation work was the highest by 49.3 percent, the second was the work of threshing, the third was the work of cultivation, and the last was the work of harrowing. 11.In this condition, the cost in a year which is including the threshing machine is 244,354 won together with both fixed cost 69,605 won and variable cost 174,749 won. The cost of utilization per hour was profitable compared with 326 won in cow. 12.The cost of utilization per hour calculated by type : Assistance (22.3%), loan (30%) condition of self-burden (47.7%), loan (70%) condition of self-burden (30%), condition of self-burden in total is as follows in the condition of the power tiller buying. (see, 〈fig. 7〉). That is, it was the most profitable in the condition of assitance and it was cheaper in condition of self-burden (30%) more than condition of self-burden in total. 13.In the condition of power tiller buying, the system of assistance has to be prevented because the loan is profitable in propotion to rate hut the rate of loan has to be increased more than 70% porformed today in order to advance the project of farm machnization, by decreasing buying power in farm houshold and the cost of utilization. (see, fig. 8) . 14.The power tiller, considering management and economic aspects under the current condition in Korea, was estimated to be profitable above the standard of 203.2 a and cow was estimated to be profitable under it.

      • 캡型 노즐과 디스크型 노즐의 噴霧特性 比較實驗硏究

        崔圭洪,金鎭榮,李承寄 건국대학교 1988 새마을연구논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        This study was carried out to investigate the spraying characteristic of the Boom-nozzle for upland. 3 kinds of Disk type and 2 kinds of Cap type nozzle were tested in this study. The results of the study are summarized as follows ; 1. There was high positive correlation between the pressure of sprayer and nozzle discharge rate. The nozzle discharge rate in 8kg/cm2 of pressure were 0.325 l/min in Disk type φ0.7mm, 0.617 l/min in Disk type φ0.8mm, 0.740 l/min in Disk type φ1.2mm, 0.540 l/min in Cap type φ1.0mm and 0.673 l/min in Cap type φ1.2mm respectively. 2. Spray angle of Cap type nozzle was larger than that of Disk type generally. E nozzle (Cap type φ1.2mm) was the largest as 100-105 degree among the tested nozzles. Spray angle was increased according to increase spray pressure until 12kg/cm2, but constant over 12kg/cm2. 3. In spray pattern by distribution of spray rate, E nozzle (Cap type φ1.2mm) was good in the effective spray width and even distribution rate. But the nozzle pressure didn't affected the spray pattern. 4. Effective spray width of E nozzle(Cap type φ1.2mm) were 52, 78, 104cm in 20, 40, 60cm spray height respectively. But the others were 52cm in 40, 60cm sprat height. 5. Generally even distribution rate of Cap type nozzle was better than that of Disk type. It was recommended that the E nozzle (Cap type φ1.2mm) is good enough as a nozzle for upland and green house management.

      • Gel 여과한 아니사키스 유충항원의 Immunoblot 분석

        최규홍,정명숙,주경환,이준상 고려대학교 의과대학 1994 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.31 No.3

        Anisakiasis is an acute or a chronic gastrointestinal disease caused by the invasion of Anisakis simplex. Nematode larvae of Pseudoterranova decipiens can also infect man. As consumption of raw fish is spread world-widely, anisakiasis becomes now almost a cosmopolitan disease. Acute gastric anisakiasis is rather easily diagnosed by endoscopy or radiological technique. But, preoperational diagnosis of acute intestinal anisakiasis is still difficult because of introducing the gastrofiberscope into the lesion is almost impossible and their clinical manifestations are ambiguous. Furthermore, the diagnosis of chronic anisakiasis is more difficult because the worm invade the stomach or intestinal wall and finally to degenerate. Serodiagnosis may helpful in such diagnostic difficulties. However, any of the serodiagnostic method in anisakiasis has limitations for practical use due to cross reactions. In this context, the study was performed to observe the specifically reacting antigenic bands of gel filtration antigen of the crude extract Anisakis larval worm and their reaction to the serum IgG and IgM antibody obtained from experimentally immunized and infected rabbits using ELISA and SDS-PAGE/immunoblot system. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Using gel filtration, four fractions were obtained (F1 - F4). Protein contents were 0.447 mg/ml, 0.877 mg/ml, 1.240 mg/ml and 0.944 mg/ml respectively. 2. Serum leveles of IgG antibody by ELISA using crude antigen and fractionated antigen except F4 increased from 7 - 9 day and reached their maximum value at 12 - 15 day after infection, and decreased gradually thereafter. Levels of specific IgM antibody elevated from 5-7 day and reached their maximum at 12 day after infection, and decreased gradually thereafter. 3. SDS-PAGE profile showed that each antigen consisted of more than 20 polypeptides of molecular mass 33 - 220 kDa in F1, 27.7 - 220 kDa in F2, 13 - 58 kDa in F3 and below 20 kDa in F4. 4. Using crude antigen and F1, ELISA results was better than other fractions. 5. Major antigenic bands which reacted to specific IgG antibody infected with Anisakis larvae was 46.8 kDa band in each antigens except F1. IgM antibody mainly reacted to the band of 46.8 kDa. Although F1 fraction could be used for ELISA, the low protein content makes it difficult to use in the immunoblot diagnosis of anisakiasis. So, F2 fraction can be considered to be more powerful diagnostic fraction.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Static Stability by Modified Mathematical Model for Asymmetric Tractor-Harvester System: Changes in Lateral Overturning Angle by Movement of Center of Gravity Coordinates

        최규홍,김성민,홍성하 한국농업기계학회 2017 바이오시스템공학 Vol.42 No.3

        Purpose: Purpose: The usability of a mathematical model modified for analysis of the static stability of an asymmetric tractor-harvester system was investigated. Method: The modified asynchronous mathematical model was validated through empirical experiments, and the effects of movements of the center of gravity (CG) coordinates on the stability against lateral overturning were analyzed through simulations. Results: Changes in the lateral overturning angle of the system were investigated when the coordinates of the CG of the system were moved within the variable range. The e rrors between simulation results and empirical experiments were compared, and the results were -4.7% at the left side overturning and -0.1% at the right side overturning. The asymmetric system was characterized in such a way that the right side overturning had an increase in overturning angle in the (+) variable range, while it had a decrease in overturning angle in the (-) variable range. In addition, the left side overturning showed an opposite result to that of the right side. At the declination angle (296 <γ<76), the right side overturning had an increase in the maximum overturning angle of 3.6%, in the minimum overturning angle of 20.3%, and in the mean overturning angle of 15.9%. Furthermore, at the declination angle (284<γ<64), the left side overturning had a decrease in the maximum overturning angle of 29.2%, in the minimum overturning angle of 44%, and in a mean overturning angle of 39.7%. Conclusion: The modified mathematical model was useful for predicting the overturning angle of the asymmetric tractor-harvester system, and verified that a movement of the CG coordinates had a critical effect on its stability. In particular, the left side overturning was the most vulnerable to stability, regardless of the direction of declination angle.

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