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        高校の日本語敎科書における年中行事 -家庭での實施頻度との關わり-

        奈吳眞理 한국일본어문학회 2016 日本語文學 Vol.70 No.-

        본고에서는 고등학교 일본어 교과서에 제시된 연중행사가 실제 실시빈도에 맞춰서 선정된 것인지, 아니면 어떤 기준으로 선정된 것인지 파악하는 것을 목적으로 하여, 다음과 같은 검토 및 조사를 행했다. 먼저 2007 및 2009개정교육과정에서 작성된 12개 교과서에서 제시된 연중행사의 종류와 제시 수를 알아내고, 그 후 고등학생과 대학생을 대상으로 연중행사의 실시빈도를 조사했다. 그리고 교과서 제시 수와 실시빈도를 비교하여 다음 내용을 알 수 있었다. 1)교과서에서 제시 수가 많지만 실시빈도가 상대적으로 낮은 행사들이 있다. 2)교과서에서 제시 수가 적거나 제시가 전혀 없더라도 실시빈도가 높은 행사들이 있다. 결국, 교과서에서는 실시빈도를 고려하는 것이 아니라, ‘’화려함’, ‘이문화’라는 관점에서 연중행사가 선정돼 온 것이고, 이 문화적 느낌이 모자란 가정에서 치르는 소규모 행사들은 선정에서 제외되어 온 것이다. 화려하고 이 문화적인 행사들의 화상으로 페이지를 구성하면 학생들의 관심을 끌 수 있다는 긍정적인 면도 있지만, 현실에 의거해야 하는 교과서의 성격을 미뤄보아, 선정 시 실제 실시빈도도 반영할 필요가 있다. In order to understand whether the yearly events which appear in high school Japanese textbook correlate with practice frequency (if not, to understand how those yearly events are selected), this study conducted the following research. First, types of yearly events which appear in twelve textbooks are identified. Then, a survey was conducted on the practice frequency of people who take part in these yearly events among Japanese high school and college students. By comparing both results, it was possible to understand the followings. The yearly events which appear in textbook are selected for their “intercultural” and “festive” nature without consideration of practice frequency. The small-scale yearly events without intercultural nature which usually happen among family are excluded from selection. It is true that looking at festive and intercultural pictures keep language learners interested, however, it is important to take practice frequency under consideration in order to present the reality.

      • KCI등재

        「大學修學能力試驗 日本語Ⅰ」の文化問題への提案 - 旣存知識の觀点から -

        奈吳眞理 ( Nago Mari ) 한국일어교육학회 2019 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.49

        大學修學能力試驗(以下「修能」)の日本語Ⅰの文化問題は、旣存知識が必要な「知識問題」と、旣存知識がなくても日本語の讀解力があれば正答できる「讀解問題」に二分できる。本稿では過去5年間の文化問題の分析を通して、知識問題、讀解問題各□の問題点を指摘した。 ①知識問題で問われる文化知識が、旣知であるべきだとは見做し難い場合がある。 修能の關連敎材であるEBS敎材に提示がなく、一部の敎科書のみに提示されている文化內容がこれに當たる。受驗者は1種の敎科書のみで學習しているので、EBS敎材か全ての敎科書に提示されないならば、公平な出題とは言えない。 ②讀解問題の場合、讀解文を讀まずに旣存知識によって誤答だと判斷できる選擇肢がある。 選擇肢が事實や一般認識に反している場合と、選擇肢がEBS敎材や(全ての·或いは一部の)敎科書の內容に反しているため誤答だと判斷できる場合がこれに當たる。このような選擇肢が含まれる讀解問題は良質だとは言えない。また、一部の敎科書のみに提示された內容から誤答だと判斷できる選擇肢は、公平性の点からも避けるべきである。 從って、次のような提案を試みた。 ①知識問題ではEBS敎材か、全ての敎科書に提示されている文化內容を問う。 讀解問題では、事實·一般認識に反する內容の選擇肢を避ける。また、讀解文を讀まずともEBS敎材、敎科書の內容だけで誤答だと判斷できる選擇肢も避ける。誤答だと判斷しやすい選擇肢を設ける場合も、讀解文を讀んだ上で判斷できる內容にする。 以上のような 改善を施すことで、より公平で良質の問題作りができる。 There are two types of problems with cultural context in the Japanese1 textbooks for University Entrance Exam: one that requires prerequisite knowledge and the other that is comprehensible. In this study, issues of these two types of problems were analyzed. 1. Not every problem that requires prerequisite knowledge is appropriate. Some of these problems are based on the information that appears in a few types of Japanese1s and do not appear in EBS textbooks (hereinafter, EBS). Since exam takers only have access to one type of Japanese1s, if problems are based on information that does not appear in all types or in EBS, they should not be considered as appropriate problems. 2. Certain multiple choices contain those that are obviously wrong, without comprehending paragraphs. Choices that are contradicting general belief or truth and those that could be eliminated easily based on the information given in EBS or Japanese1s could be eliminated easily without comprehending paragraphs. Additionally, in order to keep the exam fair for every exam taker regardless of the type of Japanese1 used, choices that could be guessed based on information from certain Japanese 1s should not appear.

      • KCI등재

        敎育課程と大學修學能力試驗「日本語Ⅰ」の連係 -「意思疎通基本表現」と「基本語彙」に關して-

        奈吳眞理 ( Nago Mari ) 한국일어교육학회 2017 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.40

        本稿では2017學年度の大學修學能力試驗「日本語Ⅰ」に提示された言語表現が「敎育課程」の「意思疎通基本表現」「基本語彙」、及び敎科書『日本語Ⅰ』や大學修學能力試驗對策のためのEBS敎材とどのように連係していたかを考察した その結果、大學修學能力試驗「日本語Ⅰ」の使用單語は全て「基本語彙」に含まれていたが、單語レベルを越えた表現文型·連語·複合語·慣用句に關しては「基本語彙」にはあっても「意思疎通基本表現」に存在しないため意味·用法が理解しにくい表現が少なくなかった。これらは敎科書『日本語Ⅰ』への提示頻度も低かったのに對して、EBS敎材にはほとんど提示されていた。つまり、「敎育課程」とEBS敎材の間には連係の弱い部分が少なからずあるのに對して、EBS敎材と大學修學能力試驗の間には强い連係が見られたのである。 だが、「敎育課程」を根本に据えた敎育大系において、「敎育課程」と大學修學能力試驗の連係は實質的なものであるべきだ。「敎育課程」→大學修學能力試驗、「敎育課程」→EBS敎材の間の弱い連係を解消するためには「意思疎通基本表現」、大學修學能力試驗、EBS敎材、各側面からの檢討が必要である。過去の大學修學能力試驗に提示された言語表現を精査した上で「意思疎通基本表現」に必要な表現を加えたり、大學修學能力試驗やEBS敎材にあっても「意思疎通基本表現」にない表現はできるだけ平易な表現に置き換える等の改善を試みる必要がある。 This study examined the representation of the expressions in the basic communicative expressions and vocabularies in the Japanese curriculum, appeared in the entrance exam of 2017, compared to the ones in the EBS study materials. The vocabularies which appeared in the entrance exam, were equivalent to the basic vocabularies in the Japanese curriculum. However, the expression patterns, compound words and idioms which appeared in the entrance exam were not equivalent to the basic communicative expressions in the Japanese curriculum. This misrepresentation led to the complication in the definitions and uses of them. Yet, most of them appeared frequently in the EBS study materials. In other words, although the Japanese curriculum, the EBS study materials, and the entrance exam have to be related each other, but they show missing links. By investigating the expressions, which appeared in the previous entrance exams, it is possible to fill in gaps between the Japanese curriculum, the EBS study materials and upcoming entrance exams. In order to do this, it is essential to include necessary communicative expressions in the Japanese curriculum and exclude the complicated ones in the EBS study materials and upcoming entrance exams. (*): In Korea, the Japanese curriculum for high school students is designated and standardized by the government. (**): In the abstract, university entrance exam Japanese 1 will be abbreviated as entrance exam.

      • KCI등재

        試驗に提出された日本文化の畵像問題 -大學修學能力試驗·同模擬評價·全國連合學力評價の檢討-

        奈吳眞理 한국일본어문학회 2015 日本語文學 Vol.67 No.-

        본고에서는 근년에 실시된 「대학수학능력시험」「(동) 모의시험」「고3 학력평가」의 문화에 관한 문제로 출제된 [화상판별문제](화상 없이는 성립되지 않는 문제)의 경향을 검토했다. 그 결과는 다음과 같았다. 1)[화상판별문제]는 문화에 관한 문제 중 20~25%를 자지했었다. 2)[화상판별문제]의 76%가 [연중행사]와 [전통적 관습]에 관한 문제로 형성되어 있었다. 3)[연중행사][전통적 관습] 문제에는「히나닌쿄」「코이노보리」「에마」 「마네키네코」등 한 눈으로 판별이 가능한 4~6개의 화상들이 되풀이해서 제시되어 있었다. 4)「히나닌교」「코이노보리」「마네키네코」「에마」등의 내용과 형태에 관한 지식을 확인하는 문제가 3/4을 차지했었다.수험생이 이와 같은 경향을 가지는 [화상판별문제]에 대처하기 위해서는 빈번히 제출되는 사물의 내용과 형태를 사전에 파악해두는 것이 유효하게 작용될 것이다.하지만, 화상으로서 알기 쉬운 사물들이 그 제시 빈도에 맞는 문화적인 중요성을 지니는 가에는 의문의 여지가 있고, 한정된 사물에 관한 문제를 반복해서 출제하는 것은 재고할 필요가 있다. The trend in cultural problems which “need supplementary images” on “college scholastic ability exam”, its mock exam and “high school senior scholastic ability assessment” in recent years was investigated.Among those cultural problems, those which “need supplementary images” were 20 to 25% of the problems.Among those problems, those which were about “yearly events” and “traditional custom” were 76%.Among the “yearly events” and “traditional custom” problems, there were about pictures, such as “hinaningyou”, “koinobori”, “ema”, and “manekineko” which could be identified easily, presented frequently.Three fourth of the problems were confirming about information on those pictures.It is doubtful that easily identifiable images represent the most important culture.It should be reconsidered whether it is appropriate to test frequently on limited knowledge.

      • KCI등재

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