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        《周易》 八卦變易思維及其文化蘊涵初探

        周郁華(Zhou Yuhwa) 중국어문학연구회 2016 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.98

        Change is a constant process in the formation of the universe. ‘The Book of Change’ originates in Chinese cultural thought and is also a basis for the realization of what ancient Chinese people thought about the laws of nature. The eight diagrams of ‘The Book of Change’, contain the methods by which ancient Chinese people reflected ‘observations about astronomy and geography’ and ‘considerations of the relationship between human beings and nature through transition in all creation’ and they analyzed this generally and specifically by changes to all creation. Language is like a living fossil as well as a way for human beings to look at the laws of nature. In ‘The Book of Change’, symbolic signification of change in the eight diagrams still remains in modern Chinese. Especially, it permanently and perfectly preserve among others, the four outstanding Chinese characters idioms. The eight signs consist of heaven, earth, water, fire, wind, thunder, mountain, and marsh and these images are the symbols of changes in all fortunes, while at the same time they represent the symbols of eternal and unchangeable truths. Ancient Chinese people deeply considered not only changes of sky and earth, alternations of day and night, and the four seasons but also in mountains, rivers, and all phenologies. and they reflected their thoughts in the eight diagrams; so regulation of ‘change’ is totally based on the regulation of nature. This dialectic idea that recognizes matter from the viewpoint of change and development causes us to realize China’s overall balance and organic vision of the universe that continues dialectically to the present day. As a result, all creation and human nature originate from changes in natural law, and human nature which remains on in language of posterity is handed down from generation to generation. ‘The Book of Change’ reflects how ancient Chinese people observed the heavens to know what changes were happening or had happened and used these observations to regulate society and people. It is referred to as ‘the thought of heaven and human’. The origination of this thought system resulted in the prediction of the future by observing the laws of nature because the ancient Chinese believed that human affairs could be changed by changes in nature; the essence of the true meaning of life in ‘The Book of Change’ is that it provides a method for people to know what is ‘Changeable and Perpetual”, and let people realize what is changed, how to deal with this change, and how to change one’s self appropriately in accordance with change, so it becomes an example for future generations of how to understand human behavior. This great wisdom is the reflection of the traditional ‘combined virtues of heaven and human’, and is also a long standing symbol of Chinese culture.

      • KCI등재


        周郁華(Zhou Yuhwa) 중국어문학연구회 2013 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.83

        天人思想은 중국인의 세계관과 인지론이자, 중국 전통 철학 사상의 근원이며, 중국어 어휘의 형성에 매우 지대한 영향을 준다. 그리고 ‘玉’은 고대 중국인들의 마음속에서 하늘이 하사한 영적인 보물이자, 오래전부터 제사를 지낼 때 하늘의 신령과 영혼을 통하게 하는 매체이며, 이후 국가적인 예식과 법제 안에서 天人合一을 상징하는 물건이 되었다. 또한, ‘옥’이 중국天人合德의 문화관념 체제를 기르게 했을 뿐만 아니라 중화민족의 모든 특징적 전통문화관념과 심미사상을 형성하였다. 우리는 옥문화로 인하여 중국 전통 천인사상 형성의 중요한 맥락을 알 수 있고, 또한 옥문화가 고대천인관념이 천인합덕철학사상으로 발전하게 된 중요한 근원이 되었음을 알 수 있다. 이러한 관점에 근거하여, 이 글은 옥문화의 기원 및 옥이 중국전통예의문화제도에 끼친 영향을 통하여 중국전통천인사상 발전의 전면적 과정을 연구하며, 더 나아가 현대 중국 어휘의 ‘玉’의 상징적 함의를 통해 그가 중국 高度의 精神文明 형성에 기여한 거대한 공헌과 영향을 탐구한다. 아울러 이 기회를 빌어 미숙한 견해를 제시함으로써, 抛?引玉을 목적으로 하겠다.

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