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        남철(Chul-Hyun Nam),허도은(Do-Eun Heo),윤승일(Seung-Il Yun),이상일(Sang-Il lee),이석순(Seok-Soon Lee) 대한기계학회 2005 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2005 No.5

        The Purpose of this study is to develope a machine for molding a loess brick. In modern civilized social. many research and development have been progressed a traditional things by proof of excellency for those. There are many machines for molding a loess brick. But it is e Impossible to transfer them other place. iii are over the machines are non-efficiency and too expensive. Therefore. the machine which is combined with mobility and automation is required. This machine is separated into a molding part and a hydraulic part. which make the machine transferability to be convenient. For the product improvement. it is designed that the system molds two bricks during one cycle and have Programmable Logic Controller(PLC) in oder to operate automaticall. This machine compresses loess into the mold using hydraulic power . Above all things it can reduce a electric power in the motor using non-loaded manifold block and relief valve. It is expected that the machine can curtail the construction time.

      • KCI등재

        학교보건사업을 통한 건강증진 사업에 대한 연구

        남철 韓國學校保健學會 1997 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.10 No.2

        The study was designed to gain necessary basic data in order to grasp the health knowledge, attitude, and practice level of students and teachers of elementary, middle and high schools. This study was conducted through interviews of 3,400 students and 1,022 teachers attending 14 different schools large, middle and small cities and rural towns during a period of nine months (from Oct. 2 1995 to Jun. 30 1996). By the results of this study, the recommendations can be summarized as follows: 1. A school health development committee should be established of 10 members: school health related teachers (physical trainers, nurses, and teachers in charge of health, parents, persons related to health administration, local medical doctors, and student reprensentatives in order to support and immplement school health development plans. 2. Like advanced countries, a health class of 2∼4 hours should beplaced in middle and high schools. A nurse majoring in health from a university should be the teacher. 3. A curriculum of health should contain the following; education on health, sex alcohol, tabacco, the misuse of the drugs, the structure and function of human body, the growth of the body, mental health safety and emergency care, the prevention of disease, proper eating habits and nutrition, daily health life, family health education, society health, community health, environmental pollution and individual respnsibility.4. Create a school health promotion center, with a nurse's office, and a sports center which has health machines (bars, aerobics, training, twist machine, belt massage, running machine, bench press, chest waist back hip extension machine) as well as a physical strength measuring machine (muscular strength, alertness, flexibility, endurance, long functions and so on), so that the teaching staff and students can use them and train their bodies. 5. Through a refresher education program, urge teachers to understand school health promotion services. 6. Regulate a standard and establish a system of monitoring the physical enviroment of the school (the height of desks and chairs, illumination facilities, ventilation facilities safe drinking water).7. Create a check list of health to evaluate improvement.

      • 龜尾市 人文系高等學生들의 吸煙實態와 關聯要因 分析

        南喆鉉,朴千萬,崔銀庭 慶山大學校 保健福祉硏究所 1999 保健福祉硏究 Vol.3 No.-

        고등학생들의 흡연실태와 이에 영향을 주는 요인을 파악하여 건전한 청소년 시절을 보낼 수 있도록 하는 금연 교육 프로그램 개발에 필요한 기초자료를 제공하고자 1998년 2월 28일부터 3월 7일까지 경북 구미시 소재 고등학생 6개 인문계 고등학생을 대상으로 설문조사 한 바 다음과 같은 요약과 결론을 얻었다. 1) 조사대상자의 일반특성은 여자가 50.5%였고 학년별로는 1학년이 34.0%로 가장 높았으며 2학년 33.7%, 3학년 32.3%였다. 종교는 무교가 47.5%로, 한달용돈 3만원 이하에서 43.4%로, 고졸자 아버지를 둔 학생이 47.1%였고 흡연하는 부모와 생활하는 학생이 66.3%로 높았으며, 스트레스가 심하다는 학생이 75.1%, 술을 마시는 학생이 79.5%로 타군보다 높았다. 2) 특성별 흡연실태 (1) 고등학생의 흡연률은 24.9%였으며 남학생 흡연률은 25.2%였고 여학생은 24.7%였다. 학년별 흡연률은 1학년에서 28.7%, 3학년 28.1%, 2학년 18.0% 순이였다. 특성별로는 불교신자에서 22.2%로, 한달용돈 3-5만원에서 35.5%로, 가정에서 부모가 흡연을 하는 경우 26.4%로 타군에 비해 각각 높았다. 학교성적이 나쁜쪽이, 스트레스가 심할수록 술을 마실수록 흡연률이 높았다. <표5> 변수별 상관관계 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 구분 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 성별 1.0000 2. 학년 0.0209 1.0000 3. 종교 0.0405 0.0831 1.0000 4. 용돈 0.0230 0.0783 -0.0354 1.0000 5. 아버지교육정도-0.0772 -0.0279 0.0870 -0.0058 1.0000 6. 학교성적 0.0578 0.0789 -0.0206 0.0008 -0.0694 1.0000 7. 부모님맞벌이 -0.1119** -0.0278 0.0714 -0.0249 0.2207* -0.0246 1.0000 8. 부모님흡연여부 -0.0070 0.0640 0.0040 0.0138 0.0103 0.0043 -0.0733 1.0000 9. 스트레스 정도 0.0052 -0.0783 -0.0014 -0.1287** -0.0400 0.0943 0.0078 0.0015 1.0000 10. 음주여부 0.0365 -0.1328** 0.0470 -0.1990* -0.0089 -0.0118 -0.1042 0.0624 0.0923 1.0000 11. 가정화목 0.1206** 0.0339 -0.0299 0.1028 -0.0973 0.0756 -0.1461** 0.0987 -0.0339 -0.1014 1.0000 12. 흡연여부 0.0058 0.0072 -0.0456 -0.1455** -0.0752 -0.1208** -0.0605 -0.0480 0.1580** 0.2929** -0.1181** 1.0000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * : P<0.01 ** : P<0.05 (2) 흡연량은 1일 1-10개피가 52.7%였고, 1갑이상이 27.0%, 11개피에서 한갑을 피우는 경우가 20.3% 였다. 특성별로는 1일 1-10개피는 여자에서 62.2%로, 1일 한갑이상에서는 남자가 29.7%로 높았다. 학년별로는 전학년 모두 1-10개피가 가장 높았고, 용돈이 3만원 이하에서 1일 한갑이상이 36.1%로 가장 높게 나타났다. 학교성적 하위군에서는 1-10개피가 53.9%, 한갑이상이 38.5%로 타군에 비해 높았다. 흡연을 하는 부모를 둔 학생에서 30.8%가 1일 한갑 이상 흡연을 하였고 스트레스가 심하지 않을 때는 흡연을 하지 않았다. (3) 흡연 시작시기는 중학교 재학중이 52.7%로 가장 높았고, 중학교 졸업 후가 27.0%, 중학교 입학전이 20.3%였다. 흡연 시작시기를 각 특성별로 보면 중학교 재학중이 여자에서 62.2%, 1학년에서 72.4%, 한달용돈 5만원 이상에서 66.7%, 학교성적이 상위에서 69.2%, 스트레스가 심한 학생에서 57.8%로 각각 타군 보다 월등히 높았다. 맞벌이 부모와 흡연을 하는 부모를 둔 학생에서 중학교 입학전에 각각 22.6%, 22.7%로 흡연을 시작하여 타군에 비해 다소 높았다. (4) 흡연장소는 놀이터, 공터가 33.8%로 가장 높았고 자기집 17.6%, 비디오방이나 노래방이 17.6%로 같은 순이였다. 특성별로는 놀이터, 공터에서 흡연이 남자에서, 3학년에서, 무교에서, 한달용돈 3-5만원에서, 학교성적이 상위수준에서, 스트레스가 보통에서 각각 타군보다 높았다. 부모가 흡연을 하지 않는 학생들은 자기집에서 흡연이 적었고 놀이터나 공터에서 흡연이 많았다. (5) 흡연동기는 호기심이 39.2%로 가장 높았고 스트레스 해소가 23.3%였다. 특성별로 보면 호기심으로 흡연을 한 경우가 여자에서, 2학년에서, 기독교에서, 초대졸 이상의 아버지를 둔 학생에서, 학교성적이 중간인 학생에서, 맞벌이 부모를 둔 학생에서, 비흡연 부모를 둔 학생에서, 스트레스가 심한 학생에서 각각 타군보다 높았다. (6) 담배를 가장 피우고 싶을 때는 언제 느끼느냐는 흡연유혹에 대한 문항에서 친구의 흡연이 35.1%로, 심리적 갈등이 33.8%로 높았다. 친구의 흡연에 유혹을 받는 경우는 여자에서 48.7%로, 1학년이 51.7%로 타군보다 높았다. 3) 특성별 흡연 관련요인 (1) 금연의지 유무에 있어서는 금연을 하겠다가 81.1%였고, 금연을 안하겠다는 18.9%였다. 성별로 보면 금연을 하겠다는 남자가 86.5%, 여자는 75.7%로 나타났다. 특성별 금연의지는 3학년에서 88.9%, 불교신자에서 93.8%, 한달용돈 5만원에서 91.7%, 학교성적이 하위수준에서 87.0%로 각각 타군보다 높았다. (2) 장래 흡연여부는 안피운다가 79.4%로 가장 높았고, 사회인이 되어서가 4.9%, 대학생일때가 4.5%였다. 성별로 보면 안피운다가 여자에서 85.0%로 가장 높았고, 특성별로 안피운다가 1학년에서 81.9%, 기독교 신자에서 78.6%, 한달 용돈 3-5만원에서 85.9%, 중졸이하의 아버지를 둔 학생에서 83.6%로 각각 타군에 비해 높았다. 흡연을 하지 않는 부모를 둔 학생의 83.3%가 안피우겠다고 응답하였고 스트레스가 심하지 않은 경우는 100%로 절대적으로 높았다. (3) 흡연으로 인한 질병에 대한 지식 조사에서는 폐암이라고 응답한 자가 92.6%로 가장 높았다. 특성별로 보면 폐암이라고 응답한 경우는 남자에서, 2학년에서, 기독교 신자에서, 학교성적이 상위수준에서, 부모가 흡연을 하는 학생에서, 스트레스가 심하지 않은 군에서, 술을 마시는 학생에서 각각 타군 보다 월등히 높았다. (4) 흡연의 건강장해에 대한 정보 습득원은 신문, 잡지가 56.0%로 가장 높았고 학교가 21.8%, T·V나 라디오가 15.5% 순이였다. 특성별로 보면 신문, 잡지가 정보 습득원인 경우는 여자에서, 1학년에서, 기독교 신자에서, 한달용돈이 3-5만원에서, 중졸이하의 아버지를 둔 학생에서, 맞벌이를 하지않는 부모를 둔 학생에서, 담배를 피우지 않는 부모를 둔 학생에서 타군보다 높았다. 학교성적이 상수준에서 학교가 29.2%로 정보 습득원이였으며, P<0.05 수준으로 유의성이 있었다. 4) 성별 흡연실태 (1) 여성흡연에 대한 견해를 질문한 결과 남학생의 경우 「남성과 달리 절대 피워서는 안된다」가 41.5%로 가장 높으며 「남성과 동등하게 피워도 된다」는 23.8%로 였다. 여학생의 경우에는 「잘 모르겠다」가 26.7%로 가장 높고, 「남성과 달리 절대 피워서는 안된다」가 22.7%인 반면 「남성과 동등하게 피워도 된다」는 견해가 20.7%로 나타났다. (2) 담배 구입시 태도에 관한 질문에 구입시 「죄책감을 느낀다」라고 응답한 남학생이 18.9%, 여학생이 13.5%인 반면에 「그냥 그렇다」라고 응답한 남학생이 48.8%, 여학생이 67.6%로 훨씬 높았다. (3) 흡연시 동반자는 여자친구가 32.4%, 남자친구가 28.4%로 친구와 함께가 가장 많았으며, 혼자서가 23.0%이고, 선후배와 함께가 16.3%였다. 5) 성별과 가정화목은 정상관 관계가 있고, 학년과 음주여부 그리고 부모님 맞벌이와 가정화목은 역상관 관계를 보였다. 스트레스 정도와 음주여부는 흡연여부와 정상관 관계가 있고, 한달용돈, 학교성적, 가정화목은 흡연여부와 역상관 관계가 있었다. The following results were obtained from my questionaire that purports to provide basic materials for an educational program 'Quit Smoking' for high school students. The program, if succeeded, would provide an opportunity for students to spend a productive and sound adolescence. The questionaire was circulated and collected among 300 students attending at various high schools in the City of Kumi, Kyungbuk, during March 28th through April 7th of 1998. 1. The characteristics of the students who answered the questionaire are: 50.5% of them are female students; 34.0% freshmen, 33.7% sophomores, and 33.2% seniors; atheists are 47.5%; 43.4% consist of those who have monthly allowance of less than ₩30,000; 47.1% have fathers who are only highschool graduates; 66.3% have parents who are smoking; 75.1% feel stress at school; and 79.5% drink alcohol occasionally. 2. Total smoking percentage among the answerers is 24.9%. Smoking rate for male students is 25.2% while smoking rate for female students is 24.7% and seems increasing. The smoking rate of students whose parents are smoking is higher than that of other groups. And those students group with stressful life, bad grade at school, and drinking habit, has the highest rate of smoking. 3. Among the smokers, 52.7% consume 1-10 cigarettes a day. 27% of them consume more than a pack a day, 20.3% smoke away more than half a pack but less than a pack. And 62% of female smokers are consuming only 1-10 cigarettes whereas 29.7% of male students consume more than one pack a day. 4. 52.7% of smoking students started smoking while they were at middle school, 27.0% started after graduation from middle school, and 20.3% started even before middle school. 5. They choose as their favorite smoking place playground or empty lot with 33.8% of them, and home 17.6%, video-room('videobang') 17.6%, and singing-room('noraebang) 17.6% respectfully. 6. 39.2% of all amokers answered that curiosity is the highest motive to have started smoking, and 23.3% said that they started smoking in order to release their stress. 7. Smoking impulse is most felt when friends are smoking, with the highest rate of 35.1% of all smokers, while 33.8% of them felt a seduction to smoke due to psychological stress. Among those who are easily seduced to smoke because of friend's smoking are 48.7% of all female smokers and 51.7% of all freshmen smokers. 8. 81.1% of smoking students have positive attitude to quit smoking, but 18.9% has no intention to quit. Among the students who answer 'yes' to quit smoking 86.5% are male and 75.7% are female. 9. About future smoking attitude, 79.4% of all questionaire answerers predict that they will not smoke no matter what; 4.5% will when they become college students; and 4.9% will only when they become members of society. 10. With the highest 92.6% rate, many smokers answered that smoking may cause lung cancer. 11. 56% of all smoking students have obtained their knowledge of smoking diseases from newspapers and magazines, 21.8% from school education, and 15.5% from T.V. or radio. 12. About female smoking, 41.5% of male students answered that women should not smoke while 23.8% of them seemed to admit that there should be no difference between sex roles in smoking. Female students replied 'no opinion' with the rate of 26.7% while 20.7% of them insist equality of men and women in smoking. 13. 18.9% of male smokers and 13.5% of female smokers 'feel guilty' when they purchase cigarettes, but 48.8% of male and 67.6% of female smokers 'feel nothing' at purchase. 14. Smoking mate consists of girl friends (32.4%) and boy friends (28.4%). But 23.0% of smokers are simply smoking alone without mates, and 16.3% of them are smoking habitually with their high school seniors or juniors. 15. Stress and alcoholic consumption are causes in a direct proportion to smoking increase, whereas monthly allowance, school grade, and domestic peace induce factors in an inverse proportion to smoking rate.

      • KCI등재

        嶺南地域 中高等學校學生들의 保健意識行態調査 硏究

        南喆鉉,金亭南 韓國學校保健學會 1991 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.4 No.2

        The study was designed to gain necessary basic data order to grasp health knowledge, attitude, practice level of middle and high school students and to analyse th problem and to point out the method of improvement in the field of school health education. The survery was carried out through this reporter's interview for 2,400 students who attend to ten schools in Young Nam area during the period of a month from 25 the June to 25th July 1989. The result of this study can be summaried as follows. 1. The total number of answers on the question was 2,346. As for general characteristics the percent of female middle school students was 60.6% and the percent of male students was 77.7%, 45.9% of high school students was evening school students. 52.9% of middle school students and 42.3% of high school students were borne in rural area. 2. The percentage of unknown and misunderstanding for Epidemic Hepatitis infection was 46.3% of middle school students and 29.6% of high school students. 3. The percentage of unknown and misunderstanding for Epidemic Hemorrhage fever infection was 85.6% of middle school students and 66.9% of high school students. 4. The percentage of right knowledge for AIDS infection was 66.0% of middle school students and 90.4% of high school students. 5. The percentage of right knowledge for Typhoid infection was 47.8% of middle school students and 69.4% of high school students. 6. The percentage of unknown and misunderstanding for Tuberculosis infection was 71.6% of middle school students and 62.2% of high school students. 7. As for personal hygiene, the percentage of toothbrushing after every meal was high level : 44.2% of middle school students and 42.0% of high school students. 8. 60.9% of middle school students take a bath twice a week, 49.2% oh high school students take a bath a week. Times of bath of middle school students was higher than that of high school students. 9.The percentage of washing hand after using toilet was 42.1% of middle school students and 35.1% of high school students. 49.0% of middle school students and 55.1% of high school students wash hand sometimes after using toilet. 10. The percentage of change of underwear twice a week was 57.6% of middle school students and 49.8% of high school students. 11. The percentage of habit of unbalanced diet was 30.% of middle school students and 27.6% of high school students. 50.8% of middle school students and 51.7% of high school students have balanced diet. 12. Index of health practice of personal hygiene can be summarized as follows. A. A case of middle school students. 1) The percentage of health practice index in male and female was 49.6% and 48.1% respectively. Index of female students was higher than that of male students. 2) As for parent's occupation, public servants and company emplyee was upper level. Farming was low level. 3) As for income level, middle, level with 56.5% was highest in high income level and low level with 27.4% was highest in low income level. B. A case of high school students. 1) Middle level of health practice index was 46.0% of male students, upper and low level was 32.4% and 28.0% of female students respectively. 2) Middle level of health practice index was high in farming and company employee and upper level was high in commerce and service, low level with 60.0% was high in unemployed. 3) Upper practice index 35.7% appears in the rich and low practice index 38.3% appears in the poor. 13. Average points of Health practice about personal hygiene were as follows. (Full marks at 4). A. A case of middle school. Female (1.87 point) was higher than male (1.26 point). Night time (2.03 point) was higher than day time (1.66 point) and middle or small cities (2.17 point) are high than any other places. As for parent's occupation, students whose parents are company clerk get high marks (2.32) and ten students whose parent's job are service get next high marks (2.20). B. A case of high school. Female (1.53 point) was higher than male (1.22 point), as parents educational level were higher the point were higher, and as income level was higher, the points of health practice (1.78) were higher, and as for parents occupation, service get highest point (1.93) and commerce get next high point (1.86) public servant get low point (1.66). 14. The percentage of experience in smoking was 11.9% of middle school students and 60.9% of high school students. 15. The percentage of experience in inhalation of bond and administrating LSD was 4.3% of male middle school students, 8.4% of female middle school students, 6.9% of male high school students and 4.2% of female high school students. The knowledge level of communicable disease infection are very low in middle and high school students and practice level of personal hygiene are also very low. As a whole we can evaluate that middle and high school students are low level of health knowledge and practice. In conclusion, we must consider preparation for school health education program through establishing of health subjects in the carriculum, and securing of health education teachers and using materials and media program of health education. It is very important to establish macroscopic policy and strategy for public health education and to get people have right knowledge and practice for health.

      • 척수손상환자의 합병증 발생특성

        남철,손정우 대한물리치료학회 1992 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the occurence properties of the complications in spinal cord injured patients. Clinical observation were for 116 cases in and out wards, were carried out during one year from july, 1990 to June, 1991 at 4 general hospitals in Taegu, Korea. The results of this study is summarized as follows: 1. Among the 116 cases, 67.7% was male and 35.3% was female. The largest groups were noted in 60.7% of the forties by age, in 34.5% of the middle school by educational career, in 27.6% of the administer by professional division. 2. The number of complications in .a patient in the largest group was two-type. The next groups were three-type, 23.3% and five-type, 20.7%. Of each factors, the largest numbers of two-type recorded tuberculosis of spine(71.4%), thoracic cord injury(63.4%), incomplete paraplegia(48.4%), and inwards during 1-2 months (47.4%). 3. Total number of the complications were counted to 369 cases, The largest .group of complications was pain, 24.8%. The next groups were; pressure sores, 19.9%, spasticity, 12.5%, and urinary tract infection, 9.3%. 4. The number of the 4 major complications(pain, pressure sores, joint contracture, spasticity) was counted to 280 cases. The largest group of the major complications was pain, 32.5%. The next groups were pressure sores, 26.1%, joint contracture, 25.9% and spasticity, 16.4%70. Of each factors, the largest numbers of the pain recorded female(40.5%), thirties(49.2%). non-educate (53.8%), labor(38.2%), traffic accidents(32.8%), thoracic cord injury(34.4%), complete paraplegia(58.1%), and inwards during above 13 months(37.5%). 5. The largest group of the pain portion was shoulder, 49.4%. The next groups were lower extremity, 25.2%, hip, 11.0%, and all bodies, 4.3%. The largest numbers of the shoulder pain recorded thirties(59.4%). traffic accidents(52.7%), cervical cord injury(67.2%), complete quadriplegia(81.8%), and inwards during above 13 months(100.0%). 6. The largest group of the pressure sores sites was sacral portion, 83.6%, The next groups were hip, 6.8%, maleollus, 4.1%. The largest numbers of pressure sores formation in the sacral portion recorded below 19 and above 60(100.0%), falling objects(100.0%), lumbar cord injury(100.0%), incomplete paraplegia(100.0%), and in wards during 3-4 months(95.9%). 7. The largest group of the joint contracture portion was lower exctremity, 61.4% follows was upper extremity, 38.6%. The largest numbers of the joint contreture portions recorded thirties(100.0%), traffic accidents(86.1%), cervical cord injury(80.4%), complete quadripiegia(86.7%), and inwards during 3-4 months (82.2%) 8. The largest group of spasticity portion was lower extremity, 53.0%. The next groups were hip, 23.9, 23.9, ankle, 8.7%, and elbow, 4.3%. The largest numbers of the spasticity portions recorded above 60(100.0%). falling(100.0%), cervical cord injury(71.4%), incomplete quadriplegia(71.4%), and inwards during 1-2 months (100.0%).

      • 양·한방병원 내원 뇌졸중 환자의 실태와 물리치료 만족도 조사

        남철,김기열,전현선 慶山大學校 保健福祉硏究所 1999 保健福祉硏究 Vol.3 No.-

        A study on current situation of C.V.A patients in Oriental and Western Hospitals, and patients satisfaction for physical therapy were conducted in order to improve the practice of physical therapy for the patients. this study were performed August, through October 31, 1988. Five hundred and seventeen patients at three Western and three Oriental Hospitals were the subjects of the study. The results are as follows; 1. 258 of the subjects were male, 198 of them were 60's of the age, 417 of them were married, 204 of them were house wife, and 299 of them were middle class people. 167 of the subjects were high school graduates and 304 of them were from major cities. 2. 33.9% of the subjects had preceding disease before strokes, and 34.2% of the patients from western medical hospital, 39.2% of female patients 44.1% of the 60's age, and 44.9% of the unmarried and 53.8% of the house wife had preceding disease. 3. 31.8% of males and 68.0% of laborer C.V.A when they were tired, 37.4% of the people of the age pf 70's become victims of C.V.A while they slept. 4. 53.4% of the subjects had cerebral infarction, 32% of the subjects had cerebral hemorrhage, 58.7% of the patients of oriental medical hospital were cerebral infarction patients, and 66.9% of the patients over 70 years old were also cerebral infarction patients. 5. 35% of the patients over the age of 60's were the first time victims of C.V.A and the rate is higher than of other age group, 80.3% of the subjects were the first time victims and 19.7% of the subjects were the second time victims. 6. 45.2% of the subjects had paralysis on left side and 43% had paralysis on right side and 5.4% of them had both side paralysis, 60.3% of the subjects received by physical therapy services, and 20.5% of the subjects got the therapy every three days. 7. 71.6% of the subjects believed that exercise therapy was the most effective therapy, and 29.6% of the subjects believed that acupressure and massage were the heart therapy. 8. 49.4% of the subjects in western hospital answered that the therapy they received were appropriate, 35.9% of the patients in western hospital side that they were satisfied with the result of the therapy.

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