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      • KCI우수등재

        The impact of port efficiency as an infrastructure for international trade on the city’s total factor productivity(TFP) - Evidence from Chinese ports

        Xi-Na Ji(기석나),Xiao-Xuan Xie(해소훤),Kyoung-Suk Choi(최경숙) 한국무역학회 2023 貿易學會誌 Vol.48 No.6

        본 연구는 2010년부터 2017년까지 양쯔강 연안 주요 14개 내륙 항만의 패널 데이터를 활용하여, 3단계 DEA 방법을 통해 상대적 효율성을 분석하고, 도출된 항만효율성이 항만배후도시의 총요소생산성(TFP)에 미치는 영향을 분석하고자 하였다. 분석을 위해 Ordinary Least Squares (FMOLS), Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares (DOLS), and Pooled Mean Group (PMG) 회귀분석 방법을 활용하였다. 분석 결과, 항만효율성의 개선은 배후지역의 TFP를 장기적 관점에서 유의하게 증진시키는 것으로 나타났으며, 배후도시 외에 항만 인근 지역들로의 파급효과(spillover effect)도 확인되었다. This study used panel data from 14 major inland ports along the Yangtze River from 2010 to 2017 to analyze relative port efficiency through a three-stage DEA and determined whether the derived port efficiency is related to the total factor productivity (TFP) of port hinterland cities. For analysis, Ordinary Least Squares (FMOLS), Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares (DOLS), and Pooled Mean Group (PMG) regression analysis methods were used. As a result of the analysis, improvement in port efficiency was found to significantly increase the TFP of the hinterland area from a long-run perspective, and a spillover effect to areas near the port in addition to the hinterland city was also confirmed.

      • KCI등재

        COVID-19와 중국 항만 물동량의 관계분석

        기석나(Xi Na JI),최경숙(Kyoung-Suk CHOI) 한국무역상무학회 2021 貿易商務硏究 Vol.92 No.-

        본 연구는 중국의 35개 항만을 대상으로 2018년부터 2020년까지의 분기별 데이터를 사용하여 COVID-19가 중국 항만의 물동량에 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는지를 분석하고자 하였다. COVID-19의 설명변수는 항만이 위치한 성(省)의 분기별 신확진자 수와 COVID-19 발생 전후를 시간더미로 고려하여 교호작용항으로 설정함으로써 항만이 입지한 각 지역의 COVID-19의 심각성을 고려하고자 하였다. 특히 거시 경제 및 국제 무역의 영향을 최대한 통제하고 COVID-19가 항만 물동량에 미친 직접적 영향을 파악하고자 System-GMM 모델을 적용하여 분석하였다. 동시에 COVID-19로 인한 중국의 내륙교통통제가 항만물동량에 간접적 영향을 미쳤을 것으로 보고, 내륙교통통제의 매개효과를 추가적으로 분석하였다. 분석 결과, COVID-19는 정적ㆍ동적패널데이터 분석모형 모두에서 통계적으로 유의미하게 부정적 영향을 미치고 있음이 확인되었다. 아울러 내륙교통통제 역시 COVID-19와 항만 물동량 사이에서 부분 매개효과가 있음이 분석되었다. This study analyzes the impact of COVID-19 on the cargo throughput of 35 18ports in China using quarterly data from 2018 to 2020. The COVID-19 explanatory variable was set as an interaction term in consideration of the quarterly number of new infections in the port area and the time dummy before and after the outbreak of COVID-19.In this study, the System-GMM model was applied and analyzed to confirm the direct impact of COVID-19 on port cargo throughput by controlling the impact of macroeconomic and international trade as much as possible. In addition, the mediating effect of inland traffic control taken by Chinese government as a countermeasure against COVID-19 on port cargo throughput was analyzed. The result of the analysis confirmed that COVID-19 had a statistically significant negative effect on cargo throughput in Chinese ports in both static and dynamic panel data analysis models. In addition, inland traffic control had a partial mediating effect between COVID-19 and cargo throughput in Chinese ports. This study was conducted in a situation where there were not many studies investigating the relationship between COVID-19 and ports. Therefore, it could contribute to enriching the relevant research, and it is expected to be used as a reference for flexible port operation by predicting changes in similar situations such as COVID-19 in the future.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재
      • 中国の外国語大学における日本語専攻のカリキュラムの現況と分析

        석나(Xi, Na),(席娜),정기영(Jung, Ki Young),(鄭起永) 한일일어일문학회 2014 한일어문논집 Vol.18 No.-

        21世紀に入り、中国でも、韓国でも日本語専攻の人材養成は新たな課題となった。今は日本語人材の知識構造に対して、しっかりした語学力と充実した教養知識及び実用的専門知識が求められるようになっている。大学がこのような社会からの要望にうまく対応するために、より充実した日本語教育とそれに係わるカリキュラム体系の構築、及び提供が必要であると言える。従って、本稿では国家的特色のある日本語学科を中心に、中国の外国語大学における日本語専攻のカリキュラムの現況と分析について検討する。中国の大学における日本語専攻のカリキュラムの充実と合理化及び教育水準の向上を図っていくことを目的とする。また、今後の韓国の大学における日本語専攻のカリキュラムのあり方に参考になればと思う。 本稿では中国の4年制外国語大学11校の中で北京外国語大学、北京第二外国語学院、上海外国語大学、天津外国語大学、大連外国語学院5校における日本語専攻のカリキュラムを研究対象とする。国家的特色のある日本語学科の現行のカリキュラムを取り上げ、科目名、学期、単位を分析対象とし、カリキュラムの構造と内容を中心に考察した上、現行のカリキュラムの全体的な検討を行う。更に、中国の外国語大学における日本語専攻のカリキュラムを充実改善する方向性を提案する。

      • 日本語における[V+N]修飾構造の 二字漢語名詞について

        석나(席娜)(Xi Na) 한일일어일문학회 2012 한일어문논집 Vol.16 No.-

        [V+N]수식구조의 2글자한자명사라고 하는 것은, 「교실」、「애인」과 같은 전항어기가 동사성어기이고, 후항어기가 명사성어기이며, 게다가 전항, 후항이 수식관계를 가지고 있는 2글자한어이다.[V+N]수식구조의 2글자 한어명사에 대해서의 구체적인 논술은 현재, 沈国威(1990)이외에는 보이지 않은며, 또한 일본어에 존재하고 있는 [V+N]수식구조의 2글자 한자명사를 어떤 데이터베이스를 기준으로 빠짐없이 추출하여 그 전모를 규명하고 있는 논술은 없다. 그래서 본고에서는, 일본에에 있어서[V+N]수식구조의 2글자 한어명사에 대해 양적인 면과 어구성의 면에서 분석을 하고자 한다. 그 분석의 결과에 의하면, 양적으로 말하자면, 구성요서로서의 동사성어기가 많이 존재하고 있음에도 불구하고 1글자, 2글자 밖에 구성되어있지 않은 것으로부터[V+N]수식구조의 2글자한어의 생산성이 그다지 높지 않은 것을 알수 있었다. 어구성으로부터 보면, 동사성어기와 명사성어기의 특징을 각각 검토하였다. 동사성어기의 대부분은 움직임성이 약한 것, 즉「정적」인 것이다. 또 명사성어기의 빈도가 많으나, 「(1)동작의 주체에 해당하는 것」、「(3)동작의 움직임의 특징을 수식성분으로 하는 것」、「(7)동작이 나타내는 기능을 가기는 것」、「(10)그 외 부속적인 요서」등의 종류의 생산성이 높은 것을 알 수 었었다.

      • 掛け言葉から見る翻訳の限界

        시나(席娜)(Xi Na) 한일일어일문학회 2010 한일어문논집 Vol.14 No.-

        従来、翻訳の可能性についていろいろな研究がなされてきた。完全な翻訳が可能なのだろうかと疑問を抱く学者はいる。しかし、翻訳というものが二千年前からすでに存在し、今日に至るまで絶えず続けられてきた。この事実により翻訳が可能だと言う結論に達したのではなかろうか。 ところが、すべての翻訳が可能だと言うわけでもない。つまり、翻訳には限界がある。翻訳に限界があるものとしてよく挙げられるのは掛け言葉である。実際掛け言葉を翻訳する時、思うように訳せないことが多い。そこで、本稿では掛け言葉を取り上げ、翻訳の限界を見ていきたい。 掛け言葉の翻訳について、中村(2001)、劉宓慶(2003)、陶振孝(2005)などの研究が見られる。本稿では先行研究を踏まえ、日本語と中国語の掛け言葉を分析した上で、日中対訳時に見られる翻訳の限界に焦点をあて、掛け言葉の翻訳方法を採りたい。 本稿はまず、掛け言葉を定義し、「同じ発音の言葉を違う意味で二回以上使うもの」という第一種掛け言葉と「一つの言葉に、そのまま二つの語の意味を兼ねて使うもの」という第二種掛け言葉に分類した。次に、例を通し、「第一種掛け言葉」の場合と「第二種掛け言葉」の場合に分け、それぞれ掛け言葉を翻訳する時、限界があるということを検証した。最後に、掛け言葉の種類に応じ、それぞれ翻訳方法を提案してみた。

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Copolymerization Temperatures on Structure and Properties of Melt-Spinnable Acrylonitrile-Methyl Acrylate Copolymers and Fibers

        Na Han,Xing-xiang Zhang,Wan-yong Yu,Xi-yin Gao 한국고분자학회 2010 Macromolecular Research Vol.18 No.11

        A series of 85/15 AN/MA copolymers (acrylonitrile-methyl acrylate copolymers with feed ratio of 85/15 mol%) were synthesized by aqueous precipitation polymerization at 20, 30, and 40 oC, and the copolymers were used to produce a series of fibers by melt spinning. The copolymers and fibers were characterized by element analysis (EA), nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR and 13C NMR), capillary rheometry, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). The average length of the contiguous AN units synthesized at 30 oC had a maximum value of 10.53. Aqueous polymerization at 30 oC resulted the lowest glass transition temperature (Tg) of 87.1 oC, the lowest melting point (Tm) of 154.5 oC,and the highest decomposition temperature (Td) of 325.0 oC. 85/15 AN/MA prepared at 20 and 30 oC exhibited a better fluidity at 210 oC. The ideal reaction temperatures for melt processing of the AN/MA copolymers were found to be 20 and 30 oC.

      • KCI등재

        Willingness to Continue Using Knowledge Payment Products Based on Information Adoption Model: The Intermediary Role of Customer Engagement

        Zhang, Xi,Liu, Ziyang,Li, Na 한국비즈니스학회 2023 비즈니스융복합연구 Vol.8 No.3

        Knowledge payment is an important form of sharing economy. Research on the continuous use willingness of knowledge payment consumers will help to realize the sustainable development of the knowledge payment industry. Based on the information adoption model and the customer engagement theory, the function model of consumers' willingness to continue using knowledge payment is constructed. Data are collected through the questionnaire star platform, and the model and hypothesis are tested by SPSS23.0 and AMOS24.0. The results show that information quality and credibility of information sources have significant positive effects on customer psychological engagement and behavioral engagement; Customer engagement has a significant positive impact on the willingness to continue using knowledge payment; Customer engagement plays an intermediary role between the quality of information and the credibility of information sources and the willingness to pay for continuous use of knowledge. This study emphasizes the importance of information quality, credibility of information sources and customer engagement in influencing consumers' willingness to continue using knowledge payment products, and provides some reference for the knowledge payment platform to develop effective online marketing strategies.

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