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        通过 ≪护产厅日记≫ 对朝鲜王室关于分娩的医学处置以及医学哲学的考察

        류정아(柳姃我) 한국의사학회 2014 한국의사학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        연구목적 : 朝鮮 王室子女의 출산과정을 日誌 형식으로 기록한 『護産廳日記』는 후기 朝鮮의 臨産과 분만, 산후 및 신생아 증상에 대한 의학적 처치 및 産室排設과 출산의례를 고찰할 수 있는 가치 있는 醫學史料이다. 연구방법 : 1. 『護産廳日記』에 기록된 세 번의 출산에 대해 출산 전후 産婦와 신생아의 실제 상황과 증상, 醫官의 판단과 治法, 處方내용, 치료경과 등 의학적 처지의 내용을 살펴봄으로써 당시 産科醫學의 경향성, 발달정도 등을 가늠해보았다. 2. 『護産廳日記』에 기록된 세 번의 출산에 대해 朝鮮王室의 출산형식 및 관련의례에 드러난 당시 의학의 출산에 대한 醫哲學이 어떠하였는지 고찰하였다. 결과 및 결론 : 産前 醫官의 정기문진으로 산모와 의사 간 관계형성 및 産婦의 안정을 도모하였으며, 醫女의 진찰소견을 醫官이 판단하여 처방하였다. 臨産에 佛手散과 人蔘茶, 産後瘀血症에 加味芎歸湯을 頻用하였으며, 和飯藿湯의 食治가 주요 산후조리법이었다. 신생아의 救急에 특히 牛黃을 頻用하고 증상에 따라 乳母가 服藥하기도 하였으나, 早産된 신생아의 靑色症(cyanosis)으로 보이는 症候와 死亡例가 보인다. 産室排設 및 懸草, 捲草祭 등 관련의례에는 출산을 '하늘과 직접 소통하는 하나의 儀禮'로 생각하여 외부 환경의 방해 없이 産婦와 신생아의 天癸가 잘 작동하도록 배려한 醫哲學이 드러나 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Inhibitory Effect of Rosmarinic acid Extrcted from Euonymus Alatus on Cyclooxygenase-2

        류정 대한한의학회 2008 대한한의학회지 Vol.29 No.5

        Objectives and methods:Previous mechanistic studies suggest the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors represent the good candidates against tumor progression. MeOH extract of the stem barks of Euonymus alatus induced the strong inhibition of COX-2. A phenolic compound responsible for the anti- COX-2 known to involve in tumor adhesion and invasion has been studied through the methanol extracts. The compound, rosmarinic acid (ROS-A) was an ester of caffeic acid and 3,4-dihydroxyphenyllactic acid. ROS-A showed a strong inhibitory effect of COX-2 activity in a concentration-dependent manner. Then we have measured the IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α production related the immune regulation, induction of inflammatory related genes. Results and Conclusions:Hep3B cells produce proinflammatory cytokines of IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α while ROS A inhibited the cytokines production. Since IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α need the transcription factors such as nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) and activated protein-1 (AP-1), we measured the transcription factors. ROS-A inhibited the activation of p65, p50, c-Rel subunits of NF-κB and AP-1 transcription factors. These findings indicate that ROS A from the stem bark of E. alatus inhibits proliferation in metastatic cancer cells. It was suggested that stem barks of E. alatus could be suitable for anti-cancer drugs. Objectives and methods:Previous mechanistic studies suggest the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors represent the good candidates against tumor progression. MeOH extract of the stem barks of Euonymus alatus induced the strong inhibition of COX-2. A phenolic compound responsible for the anti- COX-2 known to involve in tumor adhesion and invasion has been studied through the methanol extracts. The compound, rosmarinic acid (ROS-A) was an ester of caffeic acid and 3,4-dihydroxyphenyllactic acid. ROS-A showed a strong inhibitory effect of COX-2 activity in a concentration-dependent manner. Then we have measured the IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α production related the immune regulation, induction of inflammatory related genes. Results and Conclusions:Hep3B cells produce proinflammatory cytokines of IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α while ROS A inhibited the cytokines production. Since IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α need the transcription factors such as nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) and activated protein-1 (AP-1), we measured the transcription factors. ROS-A inhibited the activation of p65, p50, c-Rel subunits of NF-κB and AP-1 transcription factors. These findings indicate that ROS A from the stem bark of E. alatus inhibits proliferation in metastatic cancer cells. It was suggested that stem barks of E. alatus could be suitable for anti-cancer drugs.

      • KCI등재

        Agrobacterium tumefaciens를 이용한 상추 (Lactuca sativa L.)의 PAT유전자 형질전환

        류정,김창길,이현숙,최경배,양덕춘 한국식물생명공학회 2001 식물생명공학회지 Vol.28 No.4

        Agrobacterium tumefaciens MP90 harboring PAT (phosphinothricin acetyltransferase) and NPTII-GUS gene were used for the genetic transformation of lettuce (Lactuca Sativa L.). Shoot regeneration from cotyledon explants were obtained from the MS medium supplemented with 0.1 mg.L$^{-1}$ NAA, 1.0 mg.L$^{-1}$ 2ip, 50 mg.L$^{-1}$ kanamycin and 500 mg.L$^{-1}$ carbenicillin after cocultivation with A. tumefaciens for 2 days. Kanamycin resistance test of transgenic plants indicated that the NPTII gene was integrated into the lettuce genome and was stably expressed. PCR and northern blot analysis indicated that bialaphos resistance gene (PAT) was stably integrated into the lettuce genome. The transgenic plant sprayed with Basta (1500x) remained healthy with continuous growth, while the control group exhibited fatality. 상추에 제초제 저항성을 도입하기 위해 상추 자엽 조직을 NPTII-GUS 및 제초제 저항성 유전자 (PAT)가 삽입된 A. tumefaciens MP 90과 2일간 공동배양한 다음 0.1 mg.L$^{-1}$ NAA, 1.0 mg.L$^{-1}$ 2ip, 50 mg.L$^{-1}$ kanamycin, 500 mg.L$^{-1}$ carbenicillin을 첨가한 MS배지에 배양하여 식물체를 재분화시켰다. 재분화 식물체는 kanamycin 내성 검정을 통해 NPTII 유전자의 도입과, PCR, Northern blot 분석을 통해 제초제 저항성 유전자가 식물체의 게놈상에 삽입된 형질전환체임이 확인되었다. 또한 1500배액의 농도로 Basta를 살포한 결과 살포 10일 후 대조 식물체는 완전히 고사하는 데 반해 형질전환체는 지속적인 생육을 보여 얻어진 형질전환 상추가 제초제 저항성 개체임이 확인되었다.

      • KCI등재

        蔣說 “舟” “船” 的幾點討論——讀蔣紹愚《漢語歷史詞彙學概要》

        劉靜 경성대학교 한국한자연구소 2020 한자연구 Vol.0 No.27

        Even though Summary of Chinese Historical Lexicology by Jiang Shao Yu is the most important theoretical achievement both of Chinese lexicology in general and of the contemporary one, there are some points to be discussed in a more detailed manner. Of them is that of the absolute synonym such as ‘zhou’ (舟) and ‘chuan’ (船). Considering it worth discussing, this paper holds that ‘chuan’ (船) began in the early and middle stage of Warring States Period, not in the late one of it. For, the use cases of ‘chuan’ (船) in the literature of the middle and late stage of Warring States Period increased, and the frequency ratio of ‘zhou’ (舟) and ‘chuan’ (船) changed in those stages. They are general synonyms rather than absolute synonyms because the former means not merely the boat but also the big boat as in ‘long zhou’ (龍 舟), ‘da zhou’ (大舟) and ‘ju zhou’ (巨舟). Instead of ‘zhou’ (舟) itself referring to the big boat, the meaning of ‘zhou’ (舟) is still the boat, and ‘zhou’ (舟) and ‘chuan’ (船) constitute synonyms in the meaning of the boat, which indicates that the meaning of size comes from its modifying elements.

      • KCI등재

        원불교 「일원상의 진리」의 불교 중도주의 고찰 - 진공묘유와 공적영지를 중심으로 -

        류정 원광대학교 원불교사상연구원 2024 원불교사상과 종교문화 Vol.99 No.-

        원불교 교조인 소태산(少太山) 대종사(大宗師)는 1916년, 원기(圓紀) 원년(元 年)에 시방 삼세를 관통하는 일원(一圓)이라는 우주적 진리를 대각(大覺)하였는데, 그 진리의 내용이 최종적으로 확정되어 나타난 것이 『정전(正典)』에 실린「일원상의 진리」이다. 이 「일원상의 진리」는 진공묘유(眞空妙有)와 공적영지(空 寂靈知)로 요약할 수 있는데, 이 두 가지 용어는 모두 재래 불교에서 유래한 것으로서 중도의 진리를 나타내는 표현이다. 석존(釋尊)이 대각한 진리는 한 마디로 ‘연기(緣起) 중도’라 할 수 있는데, 이는 특히 중생의 단(斷) ·상(常)의 유(有) ·무(無) 이견(二見)에 대한 것이다. 이러한 유무 중도의 진리관은 반야종(般若宗)에 이르러 ‘연기 공성(空性)’으로 전승되고, 이는 결국 ‘유(有) ·무(無) · 역유역무(亦有亦無) · 비유비무(非有非無)’라는 ‘반야 4구(句)’로 결론지어 진다. 이러한 반야종의 진리관은 천태(天台)와 화엄(華嚴)을 거치면서 다시 진공묘유로 통합된다. 이러한 중도 사상은 여래장(如來藏)과 불성(佛性) 사상에 기반하여 심불(心佛)을 강조한 중국 선종으로 전승되었다. 그런데, 조사선을 주창한육조 혜능(六祖慧能, 638-713) 하에서도 특히 여래선을 수용한 법맥에서는 하택신회(荷澤神會, 684-758)의 ‘지(知)’ 사상이 규봉 종밀(圭峰宗密, 780-841)의 ‘적지(寂 知)’ 사상으로 전승되고, 다시 이를 전승한 보조 지눌(普照知訥, 1158-1210)에 이르러 비로소 중도 자성(自性)을 의미하는 ‘공적영지(空寂靈知)’로 완성되게 된다. 이와 같이 중도란 단순히 수행만을 말하는 것이 아니라 진리와 성품 자체를 가리키는 것이다. 일원(一圓)은 우주 만유의 본원(本源)이므로 이는 제법(諸法)의 자성(自性), 즉 법성(法性)이 되고, 또한 일체 중생의 본성이므로 제심(諸 心)의 자성, 즉 심성(心性)이 된다. 그런데, 정산(鼎山 宋奎, 1900-1962)은 진공묘유는 진리적 표현이고 공적영지는 심성적 표현이라 하였으므로, 진공묘유는 법성이고 공적영지는 심성이라는 결론에 도달할 수 있다. 따라서 이러한 두 가지의 법성과 심성이 하나로 합쳐진 일원의 진리 자체는 바로 중도인 것이다. In 1916, the first year of Wo n -Buddhism, the Founding Master Sot’aesan, Pak Chung-bin (1891-1943), attained great enlightenment on the universal truth of Il- Wo n , which penetrates the ten directions and three-time periods of past, present and future. The contents of truth are finalized in ‘The Truth of Il-Won-Sang’ of The Principal Book of Wo n-Buddhism. ‘The Truth’ can be summarized as the true- voidness-and-marvelous-existence and the void-calm-numinous-awareness. And both these represent the truth of the Middle Way in traditional Buddhism. The truth, on which Śākyamuni Buddha attained great enlightenment, can be said as the Middle Way based on dependent origination in a word. The Way is against especially the two kinds of view, impermanence and permanence, in other words being and non-being, that ordinary sentient beings had. This view of truth is transmitted as ‘empty nature based on the dependent origination’ in the School of Prajñā, which is finally concluded as ‘4 Phrases of Prajñā’: being, non-being, either being or non-being, and neither being nor non-being. This view on truth of the School is incorporated into the true-voidness-and-marvelous-existence in the Schools of Tiantai and Huayan. The idea of the Middle Way was transmitted into the Chan School of China, which emphasized the Mind Buddha based on the ideas of Tathāgata store or Buddha nature. However, in the dharma tradition which especially accepted the Tathāgata Chan even under the Sixth Patriarch, Huineng (638-713), who emphasized the Patriarch Chan, the idea of ‘awareness’ of Heze Shenhui (684-758) is transmitted to the idea of ‘calm awareness’ of Guifeng Zongmi(780-841). Pojo Chinul (1158-1210) accepted and completed the idea as the self- nature of the Middle Way of the ‘void-calm-numinous-awareness.’ Accordingly, the Middle Way is not only referring to practice, but also it is the truth and the nature itself. Since Il-Won is the original source of all things in the universe, it corresponds to the self-nature of myriad dharmas, that is, the dharma nature. Likewise, since Il-Won is the original nature of all sentient beings, it corresponds to the self-nature of myriad minds, that is, the mind nature. However, Master Chŏngsan (Song Ky u , 1900-1962) also said that the true-voidness-and-marvelous- existence is an expression that fits to truth, and the void-calm-numinous- awareness is an expression that fits to mind-nature. Accordingly, we can conclude that the true-voidness-and-marvelous-existence is the dharma nature and the void- calm-numinous-awareness the mind nature. Therefore the truth of Il-Won which combined the dharma-nature and the mind-nature is the Middle Way itself.

      • KCI등재

        Detection of Parenchymal Abnormalities in Experimentally Induced Acute Pyelonephritis in Rabbits Using Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography, CT, and MRI

        류정,김보현,김승권,서진원,김종성 대한영상의학회 2016 대한영상의학회지 Vol.75 No.6

        Purpose: We evaluated the efficacy of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) in detecting acute pyelonephritis (APN) using the rabbit kidney model and compared it with CT and MRI. Materials and Methods: This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board. In a total of 20 New Zealand White rabbits, APN was induced experimentally. CEUS, CT, and MRI were performed on the first, third, and seventh postoperative days. After imaging studies, the subjects were sacrificed and the pathological diagnosis of APN was confirmed in each animal by a pathologist. Results: Imaging studies were obtained in eight animals, including eight CEUS, four computed tomography (CT), and four magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images. CEUS depicted diffuse renal enlargement (7), diffuse heterogeneous parenchymal enhancement (6), and focal areas of decreased parenchymal enhancement (6). These findings were well correlated with the CT and MRI findings in five cases in which these studies were available. CT and MRI showed diffuse renal enlargement, diffuse heterogeneous parenchymal enhancement, focal areas of decreased parenchymal enhancement, focal contour bulging, and the finding of perinephric spread of infection. Conclusion: In a rabbit model, CEUS could depict the parenchymal lesions of APN similar to CT or MRI; however, it was limited in depicting the perinephric extension of inflammation.

      • KCI등재

        임산(臨産) 의론(醫論)과 의방(醫方)에 대한 문헌고찰(文獻考察) -불수산(佛手散)을 중심으로-

        류정아 ( Jeong Ah Lyu ),장창현 ( Chang Hyun Jeong ) 대한한의학원전학회 ( 구 대한원전의사학회 ) 2012 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        Object : From the ancient times, the importance of childbirth has been well recognized by Korean Traditional Medicine. Numeral methods have been developed to ease the labor process and keep the mother and child healthy from conception to labor. Bulsusan(佛手散) is one of the main remedies to healthy labor in KTM, both widely known and applied as well. Method : This paper examines the labor theory and practice of KTM focused on Bulsusan which is composed of Angelica gigas Nakai(當歸) and Cnidium officinale MAKINO(川芎). Result : 1. From the ancient times until the Qing period, much attention was placed to the handling of the placenta, as it was conceived as bearing much relation to the health of the mother and her fate, and thus included in the labor process. 2. There was a recognition of the ``birth pulse[離經脈]``, an intense change in the pulse that presents itself prior to somatic signs of labor. 3. There were numerous prescriptions that were administered beforehand to ease the process. They are mostly constituted with medicinals that nurture Gi(氣) and stimulate its flow, which in turn makes the fetus firm and reduces the volume, easing the labor process. 4. The medical practice of labor-induction was called ``Choesaeng(催生)``. The prescriptions which functioned as such were mostly constituted with blood medicinals such as Angelica gigas Nakai and Cnidium officinale MAKINO, those which nurture both Gi(氣) and blood, and medicinals that physically lubricate the labor pathway such as honey, oil and Talcum(滑石). Conclusion : Bulsusan can be used in most problems concerning pregnancy and labor, and cases of emergency blood loss due to injury. The term ``bulsu(佛手)`` infers to the medical ability of the great doctor who takes care of major blood-loss situations resulting from discharge of dead fetus, cesarean delivery, etc. The prescription name takes after this meaning, as it deals with similar conditions in its effect.

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