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        李吉鎔 한국일본학회 2016 日本學報 Vol.106 No.-

        본 연구는 Kellerman(1978)의 심리언어적 유표성(psycholinguistic markedness) 이론을 토대로, 한국인 일본어 학습자가 다의동사 ‘開(あ)く/開(あ)ける/開(ひら)く’와 ‘見る’ 를 습득 할 시에 모어(L1)용법의 전형성과 목표언어(L2)에 L1의 용법이 존재하는지의 여부가 전이가능성에 영향을 미치는가, 그리고 학습자의 숙달도가 전이 가능성에 어떠한 영향을 끼치는가를 조사하는 것을 목표로 하였다. L1전형도를 조사하기 위하여 한국어 모어화자에게는 전형도 조사를, 학습자에게는 일본어 발화테스트와 정오판단 테스트를 실시하여, 각 요인이 전이 가능성에 끼치는 영향을 검증하였다. 그 결과, ‘開(あ)く/開(あ)ける/開(ひら)く’의 결과에서는 테스트 항목의 문제점으로 인하여 L1전형도가 전이가능성에 끼치는 영향을 제시하는 증거는 얻을 수 없었으나, ‘見る’ 에 대해서는 L1전형도의 영향이 나타나, 심리언어적 유표성 이론이 한국인 학습자의 일본어 습득에도 적용된다는 점이 시사되었다. 또한, L2에 존재하는 L1용법은 L2에 존재하지 않는 용법보다 전이가 잘 일어나는 점, L2에 존재하면서 L1 전형도가 높은 용법이 제일 전이되기 쉽다는 것을 알 수 있었고, 숙달도가 높아질수록 L2에 존재하는 용법의 전이율은 높아지는 반면 L2에 존재하지 않는 용법의 전이율은 낮아지는 것으로 나타났다. This research analyses dialogues between Japanese native speakers and Korean learners of Japanese and discusses the function of final expressions consisting of sentences. It focuses on their syntagmatic relation with the other elements of the sentence, contrasting with previous research that focused on the paradigmatic relation. The following results were found: (1) Compared to other groups, group A formed by learners who have studied abroad uses final particles more often. Among these particles, it was observed that “yone”, which has both the functions of conveying information and requesting confirmation, is acquired later. (2) The frequency of final particles in noun-predicates was higher than in verbal predicates. This is due to the fact that final particles can easily be added to the end of simple structures as noun-predicates. (3) Data showed that the modality expression “noda” is acquired during early stages. In addition, it was observed that “noda” is easily associated with verbal predicates rather than with noun-predicates.

      • KCI등재

        日本語学習者における接続助詞の習得のあり様 : 社会言語的側面と談話的側面からのアプローチ

        李吉鎔,権恩熙 고려대학교 일본학연구센터 2013 일본연구 Vol.20 No.-

        This paper analyzes the use of "te", "kara", "kedo" in Japanese found in the formal speech of 4 Korean learners living in Osaka, Japan. The data was collected through a longitudinal research where each subject was interviewed 3 times. It consists of 12 speeches with a total of 8 hours. The analysis from the grammatical, sociolinguistic and discourse points of view showed the following results. The learners first acquire the forms which have several different uses based on the autonomy of the sentence. From the sociolinguistic point of view, it was noticed that the learners acquire the "keredomo" and "node" perceived as formal style forms, but they tend to use the new form "nde" and not "node" because of semantic constraint. As for the speech, in the case of the utterances finished with postpositional particles, the learners acquire the use of those particles which mark the consideration of interpersonal relations. This research shows that grammatical competence is closely related to sociolinguistic and discourse competence and that the learners' language competence should be analyzed from a holistic point of view.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        李吉鎔 단국대학교 일본연구소 2012 일본학연구 Vol.37 No.-

        본 연구에서는 한국인 일본어학습자가 일본어를 사용함에 있어 회피전략을 어떻게 사용하는가 하는 양상에 대하여 사전정정(pre-correction)과 중도정정(in-correction)이라는 개념을 도입하고, 심층적인 후속인터뷰(follow-up interview) 조사를 통해 분석했다. 분석자료는 한국인 일본어학습자 16팀(여성2인1조)과 일본인의 대화를 녹화한 것이다(인터뷰자료: 16담화 (각 16분~30분, 총 360분), 후속인터뷰: 각 팀에 60분씩, 총 960분). 학습자가 재학 중인 대학에서 명동까지 지하철로 가는 방법 및 명동 지역의 역사적 유적지에 관한 대화자료를 분석한 결과는 다음 5가지로 요약할 수 있다. (1) 일본어 운용능력이 높은 그룹은 사전회피전략을 상대적으로 많이 사용하고, 반대로 일본어 운용능력이 낮은 그룹은 중도회피전략을 더 많이 사용한다. (2) 사전회피전략은 발화 시작 전, 즉 발화의 계획단계에서 이루어지는 정정이며 발화된 회화에는 나타나지 않기 때문에 복구가 이루어지지 않는다. 하지만 일본어 운용능력이 높은 그룹은 사전회피전략을 사용함에도 불구하고 실제 대화는 원활하게 수행하고 있다. (3) 중도회피전략이 사용되는 경우에는 학습자 두 사람이 협력적으로 대화를 진행시켜 나가기도 한다. 학습자의 협동작업의 성과로 평가할 수 있다. (4) 일본어 운용능력이 낮은 그룹은 문제가 발생한 항목을 생략한 채로 대화를 이끌어 나가려는 경향을 보인다. 따라서 그 다음 대화 내용과 연결성이 약하기 때문에 원활한 커뮤니케이션의 파탄 가능성이 있다. (5) 회피전략의 표지는 ‘표지 없음’, ‘비언어적 표지(침묵과 웃음, 손짓 등)’, ‘언어적 표지(머뭇거림과 원조요청, 모국어 사용)’으로 나눌 수 있으며, 유학경험자 그룹은 표지 없음, 중장기학습자 그룹은 언어적 표지, 단기학습자 그룹은 비언어적 표지를 주로 이용한다고 하는 습득단계별 특징을 살펴볼 수 있다. This research analyzes the use of avoidance strategies by Korean learners of Japanese applying the concepts of pre-correction and in-correction. We recorded and videotaped sixteen dialogues between two Korean learners and one native speaker of Japanese. Each group interacted from 16 to 30 minutes (total: 360 minutes). After the interview, a 60 minute following-up interviews were conducted for each group. This interview was of central importance to clarify some points which could not be directly observed in the discourse data. All the subjects, including the Japanese native speaker, were female. The Korean subjects were asked to explain how to go to Myong-dong by subway and also to give information about historical sites in the same area. The analysis of the data led to the following conclusions: (1) The subjects who had higher language proficiency tended to use pre-correction avoidance strategies, before the utterance was said, while the subjects with lower language proficiency used in-correction avoidance strategies, in the middle of the utterance. (2) As pre-correction avoidance strategies are used in the stage where the discourse is been planned, they cannot be easily detected. Although the advanced level Korean learners used pre-correction avoidance strategies, their dialogue were very fluent. (3) In the case of the learners who used in-correction avoidance strategies, the two participant learners cooperated to complete the utterance. The cooperation between the learners led to the success of the communication. (4) In the group of low proficiency learners, it was observed that the speakers tended to skip the topics where language problems occurred. This behavior affected the progress and the coherence of the dialogue afterwords. It also can be seen as a possible cause of communication breakdown. (5) The markers of avoidance strategies can be classified in three groups: no marker, non-verbal markers (silence, laugh, gestures), verbal markers (hesitation, request for help, use of the native language). The group of learners who had studied in Japan tended to use the "no marker" strategies, while the group of learners who had never been abroad but have been studying for a long period used verbal markers. Finally, the learners who have been studying for a short period used non-verbal markers more often. This result suggests that different types of markers are used in each acquisition stage.

      • KCI등재


        李吉鎔 한국일본언어문화학회 2016 일본언어문화 Vol.34 No.-

        Traditional Japanese language education emphasizes correction of linguistic errors. Researches on this field has also focused on the learners’ internal linguistic system (interlanguage). However, contact situations between native and non native speakers has increased considerably and mainstream research has shifted to communicative approach. As a result, more importance has been given to interaction acts between learners and native speakers. This research analysed aspects of communicative competence that influence effective communication in contact situations. The analysis is based on teachers’ evaluation concerning learners’ language competence and use. The results showed that rather than grammatical and speech errors, direct statements and questions to test the hearer’s knowledge were negatively evaluated. On the other hand, indirect expressions and expressions of modesty were highly evaluated. These results suggest that communicative approach to language may be effective for communication between learners and native speaker.

      • KCI등재

        韓国人学習者の日本語社会言語能力の習得メカニズム -丁寧形式と普通形式の切換えの場合-

        李吉鎔 한국일본학회 2008 日本學報 Vol.75 No.-

        This paper analyses the mechanism of style shift acquisition by Korean learners of Japanese from the viewpoint of the Variation Theory. It focuses on the shift between the polite form and the plain form used by four subjects in both formal and casual conversations and shows that style shift is an essential part of the speakers’ sociolinguistic competence. It was observed that the learners build their own original style shift system. One remarkable characteristic of this original system is the simplification of the polite form, due to an attempt to avoid the “masu” form, which has a higher degree of morphological complexity compared to the “ndesu” form, widely used by the learners. Finally, the results lead to the conclusion that the learners rebuild the target language in a rational way through the simplification process, using the rules of word formation existing in their own native language and the versatility of the plain form.

      • KCI등재

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