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        ‘다름’에 대한 앨리스 먼로의 담론

        남승숙 ( Nam¸ Sungsook ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2020 현대영어영문학 Vol.64 No.4

        This thesis explores Alice Monroe's discourse on difference. Monroe discourses about individual difference, not the discrimination of a specific group like sexism and racism. The issue of Monroe's difference is unfolded within a framework that combines the characteristics of realist narrative techniques, postmodernism techniques, and post-postmodernism. Monroe sees difference as the identity of each individual. She also sees difference as a special value that brightens the individual. Therefore, when an individual loses the uniqueness and becomes common, (s)he loses his or her own color and charm. Each human being has the right to lead a life autonomously and subjectively while showing difference. However, the individual's selfish desire, the conventional society centered on logos, and the trend of capitalism undermine the difference and sacrifice others. Monroe believes that individuals live their own life only when they are different. When each other accepts and respects individuals as they are, values as diverse as the number of human individuals can shine in a community. Monroe shows this discourse through the thoughts and actions of three different main characters. (Hannam University)

      • KCI등재후보

        보험소비자의 민영치매보험 가입 특성과 영향요인에 관한 연구

        김성숙 ( Kim¸ Sungsook ) 한국금융소비자학회 2021 금융소비자연구 Vol.11 No.1

        우리나라 노인인구의 연간 치매 유병률이 2018년 기준 10.2%이며 치매환자를 보살피기 위해 필요한 비용은 2011년 기준 2,159만원으로 추정되었다. 치매위험에 관한 인식이 증가하면서 민영 치매보험 가입이 급증하는 추세이다. 현재 보험소비자는 치매위험관리를 위해 사회보험인 장기요양보험, 치매국가책임제, 민영치매보험의 가입을 활용할 수 있다. 본 연구는 민영치매보험가입 소비자의 특성을 탐색적으로 살펴보고, 민영치매보험 가입에 영향을 미치는 요인을 고찰하였다. 이를 위해 온라인패널 조사기관을 통하여 40대 이상 치매보험 가입자 155명과 비가입자 185명을 대상으로 설문조사를 2019년 12월 18일부터 30일까지 실시하였다. 민영치매보험 가입결정요인 분석을 위해 이분형 로지스틱 모형을 적용한 결과, 민영치매보험 가입에 유의한 영향을 미치는 요인은 보유보험요인(간병보험, 질병보장보험, 재해보험)과 계획행동모델요인(치매보험에 관한 주관적 규범)이 유의한 요인으로 나타났다. The prevalence of dementia among the elderly population in Korea is 10.2% in 2018, and the cost required to care for dementia patients is estimated to be 2,159 million won in 2011. In this study, the characteristics of consumers’ choice with private dementia insurance were explored and examined variables influencing consumers’ participation of private dementia insurance. To this end, a survey was conducted from December 18 to 30, 2019 on 155 subscribers of dementia insurance and 185 non-subscribers through the online panel survey. For statistical analysis, SPSS PC + V.24 was used and a binary logistic analysis model was applied. Socio-demographic factors, economic factors, health status factors, other health insurances factors(holding real loss insurance, disease insurance, accident insurance, and care insurance), TPB(Theory of Planned Behavior) model factors(attitude toward dementia insurance, subjective norms for dementia insurance, perceived control over dementia insurance) was included as an independent variable in a binary logistic model for analyzing determinants of private dementia insurance ownership. As a result of analysis, the factors that have a statistically significant effect on private dementia insurance participation are other health insurances (disease insurance, accident insurance, and private care insurance) and TPB model factors(subjective norms on dementia insurance).

      • KCI등재

        대화주의의 관점에서 조망한 이언 매큐언의 『아동법』

        남승숙 ( Nam¸ Sungsook ) 대한영어영문학회 2021 영어영문학연구 Vol.47 No.3

        This paper examines the limits of rational thought in Ian McEwan’s novel Children Act from the perspective of Bakhtin’s dialogism, and explores its alternatives. Children Act deals with court cases surrounding children, and they mainly contain the unsolvable struggle between religion and science, which are the most powerful in modern society. A competent judge, Fiona Maye, believes that she makes decisions that are in the best interests and well-being of children by providing a rational perspective. The protagonist, Adam, suffering from leukemia but rejecting a blood transfusion because of Jehovah’s Witnesses doctrine, recovers from illness by Fiona’s rational judgment for blood transfusion. Having gained a new life, he relies on Fiona and wants to inter-communicate with her, but Fiona, who is lost in rational thought, cuts off personal communication with him. His tragedy of choosing to die by refusing a blood transfusion points out the limits of Fiona’s rational thought. It is believed that rational thought, which excludes emotion and relies on reason, can be supplemented from the dialogic perspective, which should be based on inter-communication with others. The dialogic view that human life consists of others’ language, that is, dialogism, will be able to supplement the limit of rational thought. (Hannam University)

      • KCI등재

        W. B. Yeats and Seamus Heaney : Two Kinds of Poetics for Deanglicization

        Sungsook Hong 한국예이츠학회 1999 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.10 No.-

        예이츠와 히니 모두 노벨 문학수상자로서 아일랜드를 문화관광국으로 만든 공로가 인정되는 작가들이다. 이들이 이렇게 아일랜드를 문화 강국으로 만들 수 있었던 것은 민족 정체성확립의 강한 의지로 아일랜드 고유문화를 발굴했고 아울러 자신들의 고유문화에 영어와 영국문화를 접목시켜 세계화를 도모했기 때문이었다. 아일랜드 현대 문학은 정체성추구의 단계에서 지역화와 세계화를 함께 추구했다. 그런데 이 과정은 크게 다섯 단계로 요약될 수 있다. 그 첫 번째가 오스카 와일드, 버나드 쇼우에서 보여진다. 즉, 영국인과 영국가치를 패로디 하면서 영국인 보다 더 영국적인 행세를 하려는 단계이고 두 번째는 민족주의가 강화되는 시기에 영국 민족주의를 모방하는 단계이다. 세 번째는 이제까지 진행된 민족주의와는 다른 방식으로 민족의 특성과 양심을 추구하는 단계이고, 네 번째 단계는 민족주의와 세계화가 함께 추구되는 단계, 그리고 마지막 단계는 얼스터 사태 때문에 민족주의가 강화됨과 아울러 유럽공동체의 일원으로서 보편적 다원성 역시 확장되는 시기다. 그런데 예이츠는 두 번째 단계에 속하고 히니는 마지막 시기의 특성을 나타낸다. 히니의 중기 이후의 시들은 히니 자신 「몰두」에서 밝힌 것처럼 예이츠의 영향을 크게 받았다. 이 두 작가는 그들의 국토와 전통에 애착을 나타낸 민족작가로서의 역할과 정치성을 벗어나려 했던 면에서도 공통점을 보였지만 이들에게는 많은 차이점이 드러난다. 이 들의 차이점은 국토를 다루는 시를 살펴보거나 아일랜드 문학의 특성을 논 할 때 빼놓을 수 없는 역사와 국가, 언어, 문화에 대한 두 작가의 해석을 고찰하면 잘 나타난다. 예이츠는 보라빛 환상의 국토를 그린 반면 히니는 검은빛의 상실되고 착취 된 국토를 그렸다. 역사적 폭력에 대해 예이츠의 해석은 매우 개인적인 정서를 노출시킨 반면 히니는 착취의 역사와 영국인이 강요했던 나약한 아이의 이미지로부터 벗어나려는 사실적, 공격적 시각을 노출한다. 예이츠의 시학은 빅토리아 속물주의를 공격한 19세기 심미주의의 전통을 따르며 영국적 가치를 들어낸 반면 히니의 시학은 조이스식의 새로운 양심 창조라는 민족주의와 페트릭 카바나흐식의 지역주의, 아일랜드 공화주의와 역사적 사실주의의 색깔을 표방하고 있다. 예이츠 하면 ‘귀족’, ‘big house’ 등을 연상하게 되고 히니하면 ‘방랑자’, ‘폐허’를 떠올리게 된다. 결국 이 두 작가의 큰 차이는 앵글로 아이리시와 카톨릭, 켈트라는 인종, 정치, 종교적 차이에 따른 것이고 이 두 작가는 현대 아일랜드 문화의 두 개의 주요한 조류를 대변했다. 그러나 예이츠, 히니로 대변되는 두 문학 조류는 그 차이에도 불구하고 탈영국화와 아일랜드 문학의 세계화에 공헌했다. 예이츠의 시학은 보편성을 띤 개인적 문체로써 히니의 시학은 중심과 전통추구, 영국적 가치에 대한 저항과 다문화에 대한 수용성을 나타냄으로써 탈영국화와 세계화에 공헌했다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        Poetics of Violence in W. B. Yeats and S. Heaney

        Sungsook Hong 한국예이츠학회 1999 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.12 No.-

        Irish literature since Free State has shown Anglo-Irish predicament, reflecting the hope of Gaelic Revival armed with catholicism and strong nationalism. However ultimately Irish literature is to recover the conflicts of the colonized hybridity, and to make a common-ground for the interest of all Irish people. In the connection with this, it is very interesting that we should frequently meet with the word ‘violence’ in Irish literary history. Aesthetical transformation of the historical violence is featured in most of modern Irish poets in the sense that a poet as a subject shows some response to the violence as a part of his own poetic experiences. The violence in Heaney’s and Yeats’s poetry is concerned with the problem who holds the hegemony in the independent Irish society. Yeats and Heaney stand on the opposite social position and represent the race they respectively belong to.-Yeats represents Anglo-Irish and Heaney the Gaelic. I think Yeats mainly depends on satire to express his disgust against the newly emerging catholic middle class. whereas Heaney seems to express his resistance rather secretly by combining lyricism and violence. The combination of the two heterogeneous elements in Heaney’s poetry not only expresses the poet’s resistance to violence effectively but brings forth the sense of beauty which is made by applying the aesthetic theory of ‘discordia concors’ and ‘defamiliarisation’ etc. Besides creating beauty, the combination of lyricism and violence suggests fixing the temporary time of violence to the permanent space. In addition, it suggests an Irish realistic attitude in front of the oppressed situation as well as their pride in Irish landscape. At the same time, it reflects the poet’s spirit for transcending two binary concepts and accepting coexistence in difference. Yeats attacks the philistine by using the tone of satire. Narrator, imaging the ideal world, alienated from the materialized mass, evokes the romantic heroism, and inspires the mood of tragic joy. Meanwhile the beauty Yeats evokes involves the praise of harmonious individuality full of life energy without digressing from the European aristocratic spirit. In conclusion, poetry can be a strategic weapon especially in a destitute time. Yeats, by evoking the mood of ‘tragic rapture’ and by poignantly satirizing the catholic middle class as philistines, tries to save Anglo-Irish from their declining fate. Meanwhile Heaney, combining lyricism and violence as one way of aestheticization, shows his resistance against the historical violence without losing the sense of beauty. These poetics as two main streams still coexist in modern Irish literary history. And yet they all contribute to establishing Irish literature on one common-ground and making Irish literature merge into the international literature. Although they represent the different interests of two classes, they illuminate the new possibility of coexistence in difference.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        How a Luxury Brand Can Enhance its Product Attractiveness in Retail Environment?

        Sungsook Ahn,Jeonghoon Lee 한국유통과학회 2015 유통과학연구 Vol.13 No.12

        Purpose – The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of social status perception and interest in social issues on the authenticity perceived by consumers of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities of premium brands. Research design, data, and methodology – Behavioral experiments were performed to observe the impact of consumers’ social status perception and interest in social issues on their perceived authenticity of CSR motivation related to premium brands and consumer behavior. Results – We found that the possibility of social mobility and the degree of individuals’ interest in the environment and CSR enable them to reconsider the authenticity of CSR motivation, thereby having positive effects on purchase intention, willingness to recommend the product, and brand value. This research also showed that proactive customers who seek to move up the social ladder have a stronger interest in social issues such as the environment or CSR. Conclusions – Our research suggests that when conducting a consumer segmentation analysis for the launch of CSR products (products released for CSR), a positive mind-set toward social mobility serves as an effective criterion.

      • KCI등재

        Beyond A Global Village : Modern Irish Poetry

        Sungsook Hong 한국예이츠학회 2005 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.23 No.-

        Globalization has been remaking the world order in terms of world economy, cosmopolitan culture and international social movements. Through globalization, we could enjoy many cultures and communicate between us without any obstacle. On the other hand, it was thought to be the extension of modernization, bringing about many problems. In connection with the expansion of globalization, Samuel Huntington's theory of ' The Clash of Civilizations' is worth mentioning. According to him, the 21th century as de-cold period, is faced with the collision of cultures based on religions. As far as globalization is considered to be the expansion of American culture, the world- wide resistance is already predicted. Especially the countries which had gone through colonization are seeking their own alternatives to the global culture. In connection with this, modern Irish poets are the representatives who are moving toward the ideal glocalism. What I mean by ideal glocalism includes making definition of localism, the appropriation of global power, objectifying the local culture and seeking for the new humanism. The modern Irish poets show the successful model for appropiating 'the third-space' of Homi Bhabha. They explore 'the third-space' of Homi Bhabha as the space of recreation, not that of imitation, by solidifying the local culture and accepting the hybridity at the same time. W.B. Yeats is the first contributor in making differentiation of the Irish culture from the English one. And, also, he tries to make the Irish culture global trend. He recreated hybridity as something new. However, he cannot narrow the cultural gap between the Anglo-Irish as a global power and the Gaelic Catholic as a local power. John Montague begins his career as a critic of Irish local culture. And he chose the exile. However, from him, we can also see the romantic attachment to the local culture through its objectification. Seamus Heaney begins his career as an archeologist of the local culture. However he also experiences the conflict between the local and the global. At last his recognition of hybridity of the local culture brings him to the reconciliation. The last conclusion is the following: the three Irish poets go beyond globalism toward glocalism through redefining and remaking their local culture.

      • KCI등재

        셀프리더십이 자기주도학습능력 및 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향: 외식조리전공 대학생을 중심으로

        이성숙 ( Sungsook Lee ),김진강 ( Jinkang Kim ) 관광경영학회 2018 관광경영연구 Vol.82 No.-

        The purpose of this study is the effects of self leadership perceived by the subject of local college students majoring in catering & cooking on self-directed learning ability and career preparation actions. According to the study results, the following results have been derived. First, when the self leadership is high, the self-directed learning ability and the career preparation actions have been found to be enhanced. In particular, the greater influence is shown to be exerted on the learning plan as a sub variable for the self-directed ability in the order of constructive thinking strategy, natural compensation strategy, and behavior-oriented strategy, and on the learning evaluation in the order of constructive thinking strategy, and behavior-oriented strategy. Namely, the self leadership with the greatest effects on self-directed learning ability among self leaderships may be considered as the constructive thinking strategy. Secondly, when the self-directed learning ability is high, career preparation behavior is shown to be satisfactory. In particular, in self-directed learning ability, the greater influence was shown to be exerted on the collection activity for information and tools in the order of learning implementation, and learning evaluation, and on the other collection activity in the order of learning evaluation, and learning planning.

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