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        초등학교 동학년 교사교육과정 개발 및 실행에 관한 사례연구

        이윤미 ( Lee¸ Yunmi ),박승배 ( Park¸ Seungbae ) 한국초등교육학회 2021 초등교육연구 Vol.34 No.4

        이 연구는 초등학교 동학년 교사교육과정을 분석하여 동학년 교사교육과정의 유형, 개발 및 실행 절차, 특징을 밝히는 데 목적을 두었다. 이를 위해 동학년 교사학습공동체 7개를 대상으로 질적 사례연구를 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 첫째, 동학년 교사교육과정은 협력의 ‘범위’와 ‘정도’를 기준으로 유형화할 수 있었다. 협력의 범위를 기준으로는 ‘전체 교육과정 협력형’과 ‘일부 교육과정 협력형’, 협력의 정도를 기준으로는 ‘공동 개발형’, ‘개별 개발, 공동 실행형’, ‘정보·자료 공유형’이 도출되었다. 둘째, 동학년 교사교육과정 개발 및 실행은 ‘계획단계: 퍼즐 만들기’, ‘실행단계: 퍼즐 맞추기’, ‘정리단계: 퍼즐 정리하기’세 단계를 거치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 동학년 교사교육과정은 확장성, 정교성, 체계성을 갖고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구 결과를 바탕으로 교사들이 협력적 관계에 바탕을 두고 공동으로 발휘하는 자율권인 ‘집합적 자율권’과 집단 수준의 전문성인 ‘협업적 전문성’에 관심을 가질 필요가 있음을 제언하였다. The purpose of this study was to clarify the type, development procedure, and characteristics of the teacher curriculum in the same grade of elementary school by analyzing the teacher curriculum in the same grade of elementary school. To this end, a case study was conducted on seven teachers' learning communities in the same grade of elementary school. As a result of the study, first, the teacher curriculum in the same grade could be categorized based on the ‘scope’ and ‘degree’ of cooperation. Based on the scope of cooperation, ‘total curriculum cooperation type’ and ‘some curriculum cooperation type’ were derived, and ‘joint development type’, ‘Individual development, co-execution type’, and ‘information and data sharing type’ were derived based on the degree of cooperation. Second, it was found that the development and implementation of the teacher curriculum in the same grade went through three stages: ‘Planning Step: Making Puzzle’, ‘Executive Step: Doing the Puzzle’, and ‘Organizing Step: Organizing Puzzle. Third, it was found that the teacher curriculum of the same grade had scalability, sophistication, and systematicity. Based on the results of this study, it was suggested that teachers need to pay attention to ‘collegial autonomy’, which is autonomy that teachers exercise jointly based on a collaborative relationship, and ‘collaborative expertise’, which is professionalism at the group level.

      • KCI등재

        1945년 해방공간에서 교차하는 미군과 일본군의 이동

        김윤미 ( Kim¸ Yun-mi ) 부경역사연구소 2021 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.48

        이 글은 근대 동북아 지역의 물리적 주체였던 일본군과 현대 동북아의 물리적 주체로 등장한 미군이 해방공간에서 교차한다는 점에 주목했다. 1945년 일본군과 미군의 이동은 일본 ‘제국’이 붕괴하고 국민국가로 재편되는 과정에서 미국 주도의 현대적 시작을 의미했다. 남한에 진주한 미군은 가장 먼저 일본군 무장해제와 철수를 실시했다. 일본군을 철수시키는 것은 미군정의 행정업무가 아니라 미군의 첫 번째 군사작전이었다. 이것은 남한이 ‘해방지역’이 아니라 ‘점령지역’으로 미군이 직접통치하는 작전구역이었기 때문이다. 미군이 주둔하면서 점령한 지역은 일본군의 군사적 거점지역이었다. 미군은 일본군의 무장해제와 귀환을 목적으로 하였으므로 일본군의 전략 지점에 병력을 배치했다. 미군은 일본군의 군사시설과 병력을 장악하여 한반도를 군사점령하기 위한 거점으로 서울지구, 부산지구, 군산지구를 선정했다. 일본군과 미군의 교차지점 중 유동성이 가장 큰 해방공간은 부산이었다. 부산항은 대다수의 일본인과 일본군이 이동하고, 조선인들이 귀환하였으며, 귀환을 통제하고 관리하기 위해 많은 수의 미군도 주둔했다. 부산은 미군과 일본군이 동시에 주둔하는 공간이자, 조선인과 일본인들의 귀환항으로 역사적 전개를 맞이했다. The article noted that Japanese and U.S. troops intersect in a liberation space. The movement of Japanese and U.S. forces in 1945 marked the beginning of the modern U.S.-led movement in the process of the collapse of the Japanese Empire and the reorganization of the nation's state. U.S. troops stationed in South Korea were the first to disarm and withdraw Japanese troops. The withdrawal of Japanese troops was not the administrative work of the U.S. military, but the U.S. military's first military operation. This is because South Korea was not a "liberation zone" but a "occupation zone" directly controlled by the U.S. military. The area occupied by the U.S. military was the military base of the Japanese military. The U.S. military deployed its forces at the strategic point of the Japanese military, as it aimed to disarm and return the Japanese troops. The U.S. military selected Seoul, Busan and Gunsan districts as bases for military occupation of the Korean Peninsula by taking control of Japanese military facilities and forces. Busan was the most fluid liberation space among the intersection of the Japanese and U.S. forces. Most Japanese and Japanese troops moved to Busan Port. Koreans returned home, and a large number of U.S. troops were stationed to control and manage the return. Busan was a space where both U.S. and Japanese troops were stationed. The port of return of Koreans and Japanese also marked a historic development.

      • KCI등재

        제국 일본의 교통망과 부산항의 군사적 역할

        김윤미 ( Kim¸ Yun-mi ) 부산광역시사편찬위원회 2021 항도부산 Vol.42 No.-

        이 글은 근대 부산과 부산항의 역할을 군사적 측면에서 살펴보았다. 부산항은 정치 경제적인 측면에서 형성과 변화를 거듭해왔지만, 이것으로 부산항의 역할을 설명하기는 부족하다. 본론에 들어가기에 앞서 두 가지를 먼저 논의해보고자 한다. 첫째는 항구가 철도와 항로를 연결한다는 점이다. 즉 항구는 철도라는 물리력을 기반한 대륙과 항로라는 물리력을 기반으로 한 해양이 교차하는 공간임에도 우리는 흔히 항구라고 하면 바다로 나아가는 지점이라고 생각한다. 둘째는 부산이 식민지 도시를 넘어 제국의 도시였다는 점이다. 이에 따라 부산항도 조선의 한 지역에 위치한 항구가 아니라 일본 제국의 교통망 속에 있었다는 점을 전제하고자 한다. 부산은 일본이 동북아의 패권을 가졌던 시기 전략적으로 만든 도시의 원형을 가지고 있다. 그래서 부산은 동북아라는 권역 안에서 더 의미와 역할이 컸던 지역이다. 경부선과 부관연락선을 통해 많은 사람들과 물자가 부산에서 들고 나갔다. 부산은 상업 도시로 성장해나가는 한편 군사 전략적 거점으로 일본 군사력이 집결되었다. 러일전쟁, 제1차 세계대전과 ‘시베리아출병’, 만주사변과 중일전쟁, 제2차 세계대전과 아시아태평양전쟁 속에서 부산항의 군사적 역할은 강화되었고, 도시도 확장되었다. 그 과정에서 부산항은 식민지 조선의 지역항이자 여러 항구를 연결하는 국제항의 면모를 내재하게 되었다. 이것은 근대에서 현대로 재편되는 지점의 한국 전쟁시기에도 분명해진다. This article examines the role of modern Busan and Busan ports from a military perspective. Busan Port has repeatedly formed and changed in terms of political and economic aspects. However, this does not explain the role of Busan Port. Before we get to the point, we would like to discuss two things first. The first is that ports connect railways and routes. In other words, a port is a space where continents and oceans intersect. But we often think of a port as a point of sea. Second, Busan was an imperial city beyond the colonial city. Therefore, it should be understood that Busan Port was not a port located in an area of Joseon, but was in the transportation network of the Japanese Empire. Busan was strategically created during the period when Japan had hegemony in Northeast Asia. Therefore, Busan had a greater meaning and role in Northeast Asia. Many people and supplies moved from Busan through the Gyeongbu Line and the Gwan-Bu Ferry Ship). While Busan was growing into a commercial city, Japanese military forces were gathered as a military strategic hub. The military role of Busan Port was strengthened during the Russo-Japanese War, World War I and the Siberian War, the the Manchurian Incident and the Sino-Japanese War, the Second World War and the Asia-Pacific War. The city has also expanded. In the process, Busan Port became a regional port of colonial Joseon and an international port connecting various ports. This is also evident in the Korean War period, which was reorganized from modern to modern times.

      • KCI등재

        브레이킹 댄스 교육의 현황과 과제

        차윤미 ( Cha¸ Yun-mi ) 한국무용교육학회 2021 韓國舞踊敎育學會誌 Vol.32 No.3

        This article aims to examine the current status of Korean breaking dance education and the current level, and present domestic university and government-level policy tasks to foster Korean breaking dance education and breaking dancers. The reason why this discussion is necessary is that the breaking education, which is currently underway ahead of the 2024 Paris Olympics, is poor for education to win medals in the Olympics, and a new education program and government-level support are urgently needed. Accordingly, the following suggestions were made by analyzing the review items of the Trivium Value System, which is the breaking screening method of the 2024 Paris Olympics, and analyzing the current status of the breaking education. First, education systems that are suitable for those majoring in breaking should be forstered, not with non-professors in educational institutions. Second, the fundamental concepts needed to establish the identity of the dance, along with an understanding of body mechanisms, should be able to educate the theory of the cultural and philosophical background involved in the dance and to educate the breaking dancers to find their characters. Third, more scientific and organized body training programs are needed to improve the performance of breaking dancers. Fourth, it will help foster professionals for breaking dancers by allowing them to use the general sports town and conduction state-run training every year to provide education programs across age groups and regions, including local dancers and young dancers.

      • KCI등재

        The Effects of Media Literacy Education and its Influence on Digital Citizenship: Focusing on CMF Education Programs in Korea

        박윤미 ( Park¸ Yun Mi ),채지혜 ( Chae¸ Ji Hye ),김슬기 ( Kim¸ Seul Ki ),권혜선 ( Kwon¸ Hye Seon ) 한국정보시스템학회 2021 情報시스템硏究 Vol.30 No.3

        Purpose This study aims to measure the effects of media literacy education through the social science method and find out the impact of media literacy education on digital citizenship in Korea and its implications for the development of democracy. Design/methodology/approach This study used an independent t-test to analyze relativeness between media literacy education and media literacy factors. We also adopted an independent t-test to investigate media literacy influence on digital citizenship. Furthermore, we found out age differences using ‘the one-way analysis of variance (the one-way ANOVA)’. Findings We have found four media literacy factors, MC, CT, C&P, R&R, have been significantly affected by media literacy education. We have also pulled out three digital citizenship factors, IPA, TS, and CP, involved in media literacy education. Moreover, we have analyzed our survey by different age groups. The lower the age, the higher the TS. CP was highest among those from 30 to 59, followed by those under the 30s.

      • KCI등재

        초등 통합교과 주제학습모형 구안: Beane의 협력적 설계를 기반으로

        이윤미 ( Lee¸ Yun-mi ) 한국초등교육학회 2021 초등교육연구 Vol.34 No.3

        이 연구의 목적은 Beane의 협력적 설계에 기반하여 초등 통합교과 주제학습모형을 개발하는 데 있다. 이를 위해 먼저 문헌 연구를 통해 얻은 시사점과 연구자의 통합교과서 개발 경험을 반영하여 주제학습모형을 개발하고, 개발한 모형에 대한 이해를 돕기 위해 교과서 샘플단원을 개발하였다. 개발한 모형과 샘플단원은 통합수업 전문가, 통합교과 전문가의 검토를 거쳐 정교화 하였다. 연구 결과로 학생-교사 협력적 설계모형으로 사전에 학습계획을 세워 탐구하는 ‘계획형(planning model)’과 사전에 학습계획을 세우지 않고 질문에 질문을 이어가는 방식으로 탐구하는‘연상형(associative model)’을 개발하여 제시하였다. 이 두 가지 모형의 세부 단계는 ‘주제정하기, 주제학습 계획하기(또는 주제학습 질문 만들기), 주제 펼치기, 주제 다지기’이다. 연구 결과를 토대로 학생-교사 협력적 설계 모형이 학생이 주체가 되는 수업을 활성화하는 대안, 교사의 교육과정 자율성 및 전문성을 견인하는 마중물, 차기 초등통합교과서 개발에 유용한 아이디어로 기능할 수 있음을 시사하였다. The purpose of this study is to develop an elementary integrated subjects theme-centered learning model, based on Beane's collaborative planning. To this end, a subject learning model was developed by reflecting the implications of literature research and the researcher's experience in developing an integrated subjects textbooks. Then, textbook sample units were developed to help understanding of the developed model. The developed model and sample units were reviewed and refined by integrated class and integrated subjects experts. As a result, this study suggests a ‘planning model,' which depicts a learning model following previously established plans as a pupil-teacher collaborative planning model, and an ‘associative type model', which shows students asking questions over and over again without any learning plans established by teachers in advance. The detailed steps of these two models are ‘determining a theme, planning a theme-centered learning (or creating a theme-centered learning question), unfolding the theme, and consolidating the theme’. Based on the research results, it is suggested that the pupil-teacher collaborative planning model can function as an alternative to revitalize student-led classes, a priming agent that leads teachers' curriculum autonomy and professionalism, and useful ideas for the development of the next elementary integrated subjects textbooks.

      • Relationship between nurses and physicians staffing in intensive care unit and pneumonia and hospital mortality in post- operative patients with ventilators: Cross-sectional analysis

        Yunmi Kim,Seon-Ha Kim 한국간호과학회 2021 한국간호과학회 학술대회 Vol.2021 No.10

        Aim(s): This study examines the distribution of nurse staffing level and the proportion of dedicated doctors in ICU of tertiary hospitals, and analyzes the effects of these on pneumonia and hospital mortality in people with ventilators after surgery. Method(s): National Health Insurance (NHI) claim data and death statistics were used. The nurse staffing level and the presence or absence of a dedicated resident and specialist in the ICU were investigated. Generalized estimating equations logistic regression was used to evaluate the relationship between the dependent variable, pneumonia, hospital mortality, and the level of nurse staffing and doctor staffing, adjusting for the covariates. Result(s): Of the total 11,693 subjects, 307 (2.6%) experienced pneumonia, and 1280 (10.9%) died in hospital during hospitalization. Pneumonia incidence and hospital mortality tended to be lower as the level of nurse staffing improved. Compared to hospitals with Grade3 or higher in nurse staffing, people admitted to hospitals with Grade1 had a statistically significantly lower risk of pneumonia by 72% (OR: 0.28, 95% CI: 0.09 – 0.89) and hospital mortality by 57% (OR: 0.43, 95% CI: 0.19 – 0.99). Dedicated residents in ICU did not statistically significantly affect pneumonia and hospital mortality. The ICU specialist was not associated with the pneumonia, but hospital mortality was statistically significantly associated. Conclusion(s): Our findings suggest that the optimal level of nursing staff in the ICU is essential for the prevention of pneumonia and hospital death. The legal standards of nurse staffing and dedicated specialists in the ICU should be strengthened in order to improve the quality of care and patient safety.

      • KCI등재

        International Peacekeeping Cooperation: How Does It Work? Decision-Making Framework for UN-EU Cooperation

        ( Yunmi Choi ) 국방대학교 안보문제연구소 2014 The Korean Journal of Security Affairs Vol.19 No.1

        In recent years, cooperation between the UN and regional organizations in therealm of international peacekeeping has gone through major changes. Amongvarious regional security organizations, the European Union (EU) has particularlyreiterated its commitment to play a decisive role as a reliable peacekeeping actorwithin the UN framework. The UN welcomed the EU`s willingness to share itsheavy peacekeeping burden, and finally called upon the EU to play an importantrole in a wide range of international peacekeeping operations in close cooperationwith the UN. However, empirical evidence suggests that UN-EU cooperationseems to not always happen as favorably as predicted in accordance with formalcommitments and agreements. Given this puzzling paradox, this paper seeks toanswer the primary research question: Who and/or what determines whether UN-EUpeacekeeping occurs? In order to examine the important conditions that may drivethe EU to decide to take a responsibility in a peacekeeping operation alongside theUN, the study provides analytical tools. Drawing upon Putnam`s two-level gamemetaphor, a new revised two-level game model in which a complex web of actorsinteracts simultaneously at two different levels is discussed: International UNlevel (Level I) and domestic EU level (Level II). The analysis shows how UnitedNations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions are internationally achieved and howthe EU member states domestically come to agree on a Council Joint Action. Byinvestigating simultaneous negotiations and decision-making between the two levels,this paper identifies the most influential EU actors in terms of chief negotiators.

      • Retention rates and the associated risk factors of turnover among newly hired nurses at Korean hospitals: a retrospective cohort study

        Yunmi Kim,Hyun-Young Kim 한국간호과학회 2021 한국간호과학회 학술대회 Vol.2021 No.10

        Aim(s): This retrospective cohort study was conducted for analyzing the turnover rate and the risk factors of turnover among newly hired nurses at tertiary and general hospitals in South Korea. Method(s): Using National Health Insurance Service data, this study created a cohort of 21,050 newly hired nurses across 304 tertiary and general hospitals in 2018 with a follow-up period of 18 months. Retention and turnover risk factors were analyzed at 6-month intervals. Differences in retention period according to hospitals’ characteristics and nurses’ characteristics were analyzed using the chi-square test. Survival rates were analyzed using Kaplan-Meier survival curves with the log-rank test, and the hazard ratios of turnover at each retention period were analyzed using multilevel Cox proportional hazards analysis. Result(s): The turnover rate of newly hired nurses within 1 year of employment was 27.4%, with 20.1% resigning within 6 months and 6.3% resigning between 7 and 12 months. For all retention periods, turnover risk was associated with a higher nurse-to-bed ratio and older age. Higher standardized monthly income was associated with lower turnover between 13 and 18 months. Conclusion(s): A bundled approach that ensures adequate staffing at medical institutions, raises the salaries of nurses, and improves the work culture at medical institutions will likely be the most effective approach for encouraging newly hired nurses to remain at their jobs for 1 year or more.

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