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        한국인 여성의 국제이동 성격에 관한 일고찰 : 1980년도 이후 일본에 이동한 케이스를 중심으로

        유연숙 在外韓人學會 2003 在外韓人硏究 Vol.13 No.2

        The phenomenon of 'feminization of migration' centering on the Asian region is drawing people's attention. In the past women's migration in Western regions was mainly a byproduct of the migration of their husbands who moved as labor force but women's migration in the Asian region is characteristic in that it is made by themselves. The migration of Korean women that started from the late 1970s can be understood in the same context. The present study was focused on the process how new comer Korean women residing in the capital area of Japan to have flowed in Japan as labor force, and drew conclusions as follows. First, there were possible non-economic factors of migration found in the migration process of Korean women. Immigrants mentioned non-economic personal reasons,' which were related to the social status of women, rather than 'difference in wage between Korea and Japan.' The personal reasons are usually conflicts coming from women's position in private spaces related to the spouse or marriage and public spaces in workplaces. On the other hand, the network of new-comer Koreans played a role in the process of women's migration to Japan. That is, when Korean women faced conflicts mentioned above, the network of new comers prompted their decision to move to Japan. The possibility of Korean women's non-economic factors of migration appears in general processes of their work, life and future prospect in Japan. Their purpose of working in Japan is strongly future-oriented as 'investment in the future' rather than escape from poverty.' Because it is difficult form them to get a job corresponding to their academic qualification and work experiences, most of Korean women in Japan are engaged in the service industry centering on entertainment businesses. Not a majority of Korean, women in Japan planned to return home after achieving their goals. Many of them married or wanted to marry a Japanese man for their mental security. 아시아 지역을 중심으로 이루어지고 있는 ' 이동의 여성화(feminzation of migration)' 현상에 관심이 집중되고 있다. 종래의 구미지역의 여성의 이동이 노동력으로서 이동하는 남편을 따라 이루어지고 있는데 반해, 아시아지역은 단독으로 이루어진다는 특징을 띤다. 1970년대 후반부터 이루어지고 있는 한국인 여성의 이동도 이러한 맥락에서 이해 될 수있는데, 본 연구에서는 일본의 수도권에 재주하고 있는 뉴컴머 한국인 여성을 대상으로, 일본에 노동력으로서 유입하게 된 과정에 주목함으로써 다음과 같은 결론을 얻을 수 있었다. 첫째, 한국인 여성들의 이동 프로세스를 통해서 경제외적 이동요인의 가능성에 착목할 수 있었다. 이동 동기는 '한일간의 임금격차'에 의한 성격도 존재했지만, '개인적 사정'에 의한 경제외적 요인이 크게 부각되었는데, 이는 한국여성의 지위와 관련이 깊었다. 배우자 혹은 혼인상의 지위와 관련된 사적공간과, 직장을 중심으로 하는 공적공간의 여성의 지위와 관련된 갈등이다. 한편, 일본에의 이동프로세스 과정에는 뉴컴머 한국인의 네트워크의 존재를 들 수 있다. 즉 내일전 한국인 여성들이 공사간의 영역에서 갈등에 직면했을 때, 뉴컴머 한국인의 네트워크는 그들의 이동을 촉진시키는 역할로 작용했다. 한국인 여성들의 경제외적 이동요인의 가능성은 일본에서의 취로상황과 생활과정, 장래전망에 대한 전반적인 과정을 통해서도 나타난다. 그들의 일본에서의 취로목적은 '빈곤으로부터의 탈피' 이라기 보다는 '장래를 위한 투자' 성격이 강한 미래지향적 성격을 띠고 있었다. 내일 후는 자신들의 학력과 캐리어에 상응하는 직업을 얻기 힘들기 때문에 접객업소를 중심으로 하는 서비스 산업에 종사하고 있는 케이스가 많았다. 또한 적지않은 수의 여성들이 일본인과 혼인하고 있거나,혹은 희망함으로써 귀국보다는 일본에서의 안정을 바라고 있다.

      • 카오스와 리아프노프 지수

        김연미,유세라 弘益大學校 科學技術硏究所 1998 科學技術硏究論文集 Vol.9 No.1

        In this paper, we try to approach chaos with numerical method. After investigating nonlinear dynamics (chaos) theory, we introduce Lyapunov expontent as chaos's index. To lood into the existence of chaos in a 2-dimensional difference equation, we compute Lyapunov exponent and examine various behaviors of solutions by bifurcation map.

      • 유한 차등 방정식과 카오스

        김연미,유세라 弘益大學校 科學技術硏究所 1997 科學技術硏究論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        In this paper, we invesitigate the chaotic behavior which occurs if we use Euler's method to approach to the solution of nonlinear differential equation. We consider the several sufficient conditions for the existence of the chaos in finite difference scheme. The result can be applied to 2-dimensional difference equations and euler's difference schemes.

      • <디자인과 마케팅>융합을 통한 출판사 협동조합 'POOM' 개발 -그래픽 디자인, 제품 디자인, 공간 디자인을 중심으로-

        주서역,오연수,유로운,이진민,장미정,전찬희,정인희 숙명여자대학교 디자인연구소 2017 숙명디자인학 연구 Vol.23 No.-

        본 연구는 한국인의 독서 장려와 보다 효율적인 독서문화 전하를 위해 출판협동조합 브랜드 'POOM'을 개발하는 일련의 과정들을 밝히는데 그 목적이 있다. 연구의 대상은 2016년 3-6월 15주간 숙명여대 환경디자인학과 <브랜드스페이스마케팅> 수업에서 진행도니 수업의 결과물로써 4개 팀 중 1개 팀의 작업물을 정리한 것이다. 연구 범위는 4개의 주제 중 물의 'product'로 한정하였다. 연구 결과, '늘 내 품에 지닐 수 있는 책' 이라는 상징 개념으로 '품(POOM)'이라고 브랜드 네이밍하였다. 그래픽 디자인은 심플함과 속도감을 나타내는 레드 컬러로 얇은 책을 형상화한 형태를 로고에 적용, 제품 디장니은 휴대하기 편한 패키지디자인 개발, 공간디자인은 지하철 2,3,9호선으로 선정하고 각 호선의 특성을 기반으로 브랜드 컬러로 하여, 각 호선에 맞는 공간과 경유하는 지역의 특성을 통합적으로 브랜딩 하였다. 끝으로 본 연구는 출판협동조합의 아이덴티티를 개발함에 있어서 디자인과 마케팅을 융합하여 좀 더 체계화된 GI, PI, SI의 통합 브랜드 메뉴얼을 만드는 것에 의의가 있으며, 향후 협동조합의 통합 브랜드 디자인 개발에 있어서 그 자료로 활용될 것으로 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        Interaktionsstruktur und Fremdsprachenerwerb

        Yu, Su-Yon 한국독일어교육학회 2001 외국어로서의 독일어 Vol.8 No.-

        현재의 외국어습득연구는 krashen의 Input설을 시작으로 Long의 Interaktion, Swain의 Output설로 발전하면서 학습자가 외국어를 배우는데 가장 중요한 언어적 요소를 찾고자 현장연구를 거듭하여 왔다. 지금까지의 연구성과를 살펴보면 상호작용의 변형된 구조가 언어의 이해를 돕고, 이를 통해 이해된 언어만이 습득된다는 사실에 초점이 맞추어 지고 있다. 상호작용의 변형된 구조란 모국어화자와 비모국어화자가 서로 대화할 때 상호 이해를 돕기 위해 말의 속도, 어휘의 단순화, 표현의 반복과 상대방이 자신의 말을 이해했는지, 또는 자신이 상대방의 말을 정확하게 이해했는지를 확인하는 언어행위와 자신이 이해하지 못한 것을 되묻는 행위 등을 말한다. 언어습득에 특히 도움이 되는 상호작용은 모국어 화자가 상호이해를 위해 주도하는 것이 아니라, 비모국어 화자가 언어를 배우기 위해서 의도적으로 사용하는 것으로 보인다. 그리고 모국어 화자는 비모국어 화자와의 대화를 Korreitive Feedback으로 몰고 가지 않고, 올바른 독일어 표현을 제공 하면서도 대화를 무리없이 잘 진행시키고자 한다. 그러므로 외국어 수업에 있어서도 상호간의 상호작용이 자주 일어날 수 있도록 하고 학습자에게 상호작용의 변형구조의 다기능과 그 실현형을 알려서 자신의 의견을 여러 가지 방식(시선, 이해확인, 비슷한 말, 반복 등)으로 표현할 수 있도록 교육해야 할 것이다. 짧은 독일어 실력으로라도 적극적으로 표현하고, 질문하고 생각하며 대화를 통해 자신의 이해를 돕고 상대방에게 자신을 이해시킬 수 있는, 상호작용이 풍부한 외국어 수업이 되도록 해야 할 것이다.

      • 감성지능 관점에서의 이순신의 감성리더십에 관한 연구

        유연호(Yu Yon Ho) 순천향대학교 이순신연구소 2006 이순신연구논총 Vol.- No.6

        21세기는 문화와 감성의 시기이며, 개인과 사회의 성과 극대화를 위하여 감성리더십이 필요하다. Goleman과 Boyatzis(2002)는 감성지능의 영역을 자기인식능력, 자기관리능력, 사회적인식능력, 관계관리능력의 네 부분으로 나누었고, 감성리더십은 리더의 감성적 역량이 결정적으로 작용한다(Goleman, 1995,1998,2002).라고 하였다. “한산섬 달 밝은 밤에/수로에 혼자 앉아/큰 칼 옆에 차고/깊은 시름하는 차에/어디서 일성호가는/남의 애를 끊나니.” 이 한산도가(閑山島歌)는 나라와 백성을 걱정하는 인간 이순신의 고뇌를 볼 수 있다. 한산도가를 비롯한 여러편의 시(詩)로 나라와 백성을 걱정하는 인간 이순신은 7년의 임진왜란동안 난중일기(亂中日記)에 자기인식과 자기관리를 했고, 불패신화를 만들며, 나라와 백성 그리고 부하에 대한 인식과 관계관리에 대하여 진솔했던 승리의 장군, 그가 바로 문무(文武)를 겸비한 충무공 이순신 장군이다. 임진왜란당시 해전에서 첫 승리를 한 옥포해전에서 이순신은 “가볍게 움직이지 말고, 침착하게 태산과 같이 무거운 행동을 취하라(勿令忘動 靜動如山)” 라고 하였으며, 장열(壯烈)한 전사를 한 노량해전에서는 “싸움이 한창 급하다. 내가 죽었다는 말을 하지 말라(戰方急 愼勿言我死).”라고 하면서 죽어서도 승리의 불꽃을 피웠다. 이순신은 첫 전투에서 마지막 전투까지 불패신화를 이루며 죽었어도 죽지 않은 불멸의 감성리더십을 발휘했다. Based on emotional intelligence that Goleman and Boyatzis studied(2002) and emotional leadership that Goleman, Boyatzis, and McKee published(2003), this study examined Yi Sun Sin s emotional leadership as a man and admiral. In 1598, Deputy Prime Minister Lee Deok Seong sent King Seonjo a report saying that Yi Sun Sin must have had leadership which moved people with admiration as a commander in respect that all villagers called at his home weeping to offer their condolence on the news that he had died in battle. Likewise, because he was very faithful to the nation and took care of the people and followers with confidence in others, whoever worked with him together might have thought that it was not regrettable to sacrifice oneself for him. Admiral Yi Sun Sin reflected his self-awareness and management in poems including Hansandoga and Nanjung Ilgi. Giving his fealty to the nation, considering the people, and winning all sea battles from the first victory in the battle of Okpo to the battle of Norayng where he died bravely, Yi Sun Sin who died but existed demonstrated immortal emotional leadership.


        HM71224, a selective Bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitor, attenuates the development of murine lupus

        Kim, Yu-Yon,Park, Ki Tae,Jang, Sun Young,Lee, Kyu Hang,Byun, Joo-Yun,Suh, Kwee Hyun,Lee, Young-Mi,Kim, Young Hoon,Hwang, Kwang Woo BioMed Central 2017 ARTHRITIS RESEARCH AND THERAPY Vol.19 No.-

        <P><B>Background</B></P><P>Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is associated with B cell hyperactivity, and lupus nephritis (LN), in particular, is promoted by the production of autoantibodies and immune complex deposition. Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK) plays critical roles in B cell receptor-related and Fc receptor-related signaling. We aimed to investigate the impact of therapeutic intervention with HM71224 (LY3337641), a selective BTK inhibitor, on the development of murine SLE-like disease features.</P><P><B>Methods</B></P><P>We examined the therapeutic effects of HM71224 on SLE-like disease features in MRL/<I>lpr</I> and NZB/W F1 mice. The disease-related skin lesion was macroscopically observed in MRL/<I>lpr</I> mice, and the impact on splenomegaly and lymphadenopathy was determined by the weight of the spleen and cervical lymph node. The renal function was evaluated by measuring blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, and urine protein, and the renal damage was assessed by histopathological grading. Survival rate was observed during the administration period. The impact of B cell inhibition was investigated in splenocytes from both mice using flow cytometry. Autoantibody was measured in serum by ELISA.</P><P><B>Results</B></P><P>HM71224 effectively suppressed splenic B220<SUP>+</SUP>GL7<SUP>+</SUP>, B220<SUP>+</SUP>CD138<SUP>+</SUP>, and B220<SUP>+</SUP>CD69<SUP>+</SUP> B cell counts, and anti-dsDNA IgG and reduced splenomegaly and lymph node enlargement. The compound also prevented skin lesions caused by lupus development, ameliorated renal inflammation and damage with increased blood urea nitrogen and creatinine, and decreased proteinuria. Furthermore, HM71224 also decreased mortality from lupus development in both mouse models.</P><P><B>Conclusion</B></P><P>Our results indicate that inhibition of BTK by HM71224 effectively reduced B cell hyperactivity and significantly attenuated the development of SLE and LN in rodent SLE models.</P>

      • KCI등재

        근대 동아시아 마거릿 생어의 산아제한 담론 수용 - 1922년 마거릿 생어의 중ㆍ일 방문을 중심으로 -

        유연실 ( Yu Yon Sil ) 중국사학회 2017 中國史硏究 Vol.109 No.-

        Margaret Sanger (1879-1966) is a American birth control movement activist, visited Japan and China in 1922. Margaret Sanger`s birth control discourse has been intricately intertwined with socialism, sex science, maternalism, neo-malthusianism and Eugenics. She co-ordinated with the eugenics and capitalist groups When she visited Japan and China. In the 20th century, Japan and China faced various social contradictions due to overpopulation. For this reason, the intellectuals of both countries raised the Sanger as a Malthusian, and welcomed birth control as an economic means of solving the problem of overpopulation, poverty and unemployment. However, Margaret Sanger emphasized the female liberation aspect of birth control when visiting Japan, and emphasized the eugenics aspect in China. In the end, the acceptance of the birth control discourse in Japan and China made public the issue of `sexuality` along with the interest in the population problem. In addition, the intellectuals of both countries raised `Voluntary Motherhood` and `Eugenics` as the rules of new reproduction, and discussed the social role of maternity and the issue of national improvement. Margaret Sanger was first used the term `Birth Control` has been translated in terms of birth control (産兒制限) in Japan. There was a sense of numerical control that can limit your child. And `scientific` and `Western` and `moral` meaning has been added. China has accepted the translation of birth control in Japan. But since there was more use of the term 生育節制 or 節育. There was a sense that implies a reasonable economic situation of parents plan for their children. However, in the case of China it is scientific, moral meaning has been added too. Therefore, the two countries birth control is called `scientific` and `moral` reproductive control act. The occasion of the visit of Margaret Sanger in China and Japan have been actively discussing birth control. Intellectuals thought birth control in four dimensions, that is women`s liberation and new sexual morality and population control and improved races. With regard to women`s liberation, it was highlighted this aspect of maternal self-determination. In fact, Margaret Sanger argued that women can birth control, she was more fully exert the motherhood. She argued, if women make birth control, the mother get the temporal and emotional free, so she can better afford to raise the children. Therefore, maternal self-determination support the motherhood ideolog rather than to deny pregnancy childbirth. When visiting China and Japan, Margaret Sanger emphasized the eugenic aspects of birth control. So the intellectuals were thinking, Birth Control is a useful way of improving the race. As a result, in China and Japan, birth control were associated with eugenics, it was pursued nationalist goals. Therefore, in China and Japan, birth control discourse did not creation of modern sexuality, it fell to eugenic promote means that were improve the quality of population.

      • KCI등재

        근대 중국의 우생학적 가족 개혁의 구상 -반광단潘光旦의 『中國之家庭問題』를 중심으로-

        兪蓮實 ( Yu Yon-sil ) 중국사학회 2021 中國史硏究 Vol.- No.133

        Pan Guangdan defined family as the basic unit of society and biology. However, he paid more attention to the biological function and value of family, and regarded family as the origin and biological community of blood. Therefore, Pan Guangdan asked young men and women before marriage to choose an excellent spouse, carefully organize a family and produce excellent children, so as to seek the evolution and development of race. He believes that family is the medium to regulate the individual and society, and also the unit to constitute the nation, so he improved the family lineage through eugenics and pursued the improvement of national quality. Pan Guangdan took Western eugenics as his theoretical weapon and pursued eclectic family reform. In order to achieve a compromise family system, he put forward the following reform direction. First, cohabitation by lineal blood of more than three gene rations composed of parents, couples and unmarried children is not allowed. Second, we should encourage families with excellent heredity and intelligence to match each other or to engage in similar marriages. Third, we should attach importance to women's role as good wives and good mothers. The responsibility of family management and children's maintenance should be shifted to mothers. Only women with weak motherhood are allowed to operate economic independence and social undertakings outside. Fourth, early marriage has a good effect on ethnic health. Women should get married around the age of 20, while men should get married around the age of 25. In this way, early marriage will lead to fertility prosperity. Fifth, the purpose of marriage and the standard of marriage choice should not pursue love and romantic life. Pan Guangdan warned that in a society that attaches importance to romantic life, the combination of men and women's promiscuous love is flourishing day by day, and the marriage is easy to dissolve as a result of the fear of family and childbirth. Sixth, China does not need to implement birth control, but if we want to implement it, we need to set standards for birth selection. The standard is family heredity and intelligence test. In this way, under the impact of western culture, Pan Guangdan, in order to maintain Chinese Confucian culture and the tradition of big family system, used eugenics, a Western knowledge, to pursue a compromise between the old and the new, between the West and China, and his value orientation has always been the protection of tradition or Chinese culture. Therefore, Pan Guangdan, through a compromise family system, was eager to maintain the lineage of the aristocracy and breed their "excellent" lineage and inheritance. He warned that the reproduction of "incompetent" or "genetically" defective elements would lead to the degradation of the nation, and tried to ban their marriage and reproduction. As a result, biological differences become social classes. That is to say, he believes that with the development of biological genetics, social status will change, so he opposes the marriage and childbirth of bad genetic elements. From this point of view, he supports social classicism. He also believes that the race is a biological lineage community, so it is necessary to sacrifice individual happiness and desire for the improvement of national lineage. He thoroughly refuted the individualism and liberalism advocated by the intellectuals of the May 4th Movement and returned the individual to the embrace of the family and the nation. In short, in order to create a "good" race, he carried out a compromise family reform, reorganized the family as a national unit, and completely wiped out the individual. Therefore, we should clearly understand the boundaries of Pan Guangdan's compromise family reform: Classicism, anti-individualism and anti-feminism, and re-examine the fictionality of his pursuit of national improvement.

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