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      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 애국 로쿄쿠(愛國浪曲) <장렬 이인석 상등병>에 대한 음반 연구

        박영산 ( Park¸ Young-san ) 한양대학교 동아시아문화연구소 2022 동아시아 문화연구 Vol.89 No.-

        일본의 나니와부시(浪花節)는 메이지 유신 이후에 형성되고, 전시 체제였던 제국주의 시대에 대중에게 인기 있는 예능으로 부상했다. 러일전쟁 후에 충군애국(忠君愛國)을 주제로 하여 국가주의의 시류에 올라타고, 만주사변과 중일전쟁, 태평양전쟁이 발발하는 동안, 꾸준히 애국 로쿄쿠(愛国浪曲)를 만들어 국책에 동조했다. 즉 일제는 자국민을 상대로 해서, 프로파간다의 목적으로 로쿄쿠를 적극 활용했던 것이다. 그런데 흥행사 최영조는 당시 일본 로쿄쿠 계에서 다방면으로 활동하고 있었다. 그는 일본 로쿄쿠 명문인 아즈마야 파(東家派) 소속이었고, 일본 로쿄쿠 학교의 교장으로 재직하며 최팔근을 로쿄쿠시(浪曲師)로 양성했다. 또한, 일제강점기에 극작가 이서구와 최팔근은 ‘조선어 나니와부시’라는 새로운 장르를 창시하고, <장렬 이인석 상등병>을 유성기음반으로 만들었다. <장렬 이인석 상등병>은 지원병을 꿈꾸던 이인석이 일제의 ‘황군(皇軍)’이 되기 위해 가족 친지와 헤어지는 ‘노도(怒濤)의 환송’ 대목과 지원병 훈련소와 전쟁터의 삶을 그린 ‘진영(陣營)에서의 생활’, 그리고 ‘수류탄 불바다가 된 전쟁터’와 적군의 총에 맞아 천황폐하를 외치고 ‘동쪽 하늘을 바라보며 전사’하는 대목을 극적 형식의 애국 로쿄쿠로 완성하고 있다. 이 논문에서는 하타 겐스케(秦賢助)의 원작 소설을 통해, 이인석이 ‘식민지적 인간형’이 되는 과정을 파악했다. 또 애국 로쿄쿠 <장렬 이인석 상등병>을 통해, 식민지교육에 체화된 이인석의 심신을 뛰어난 극작술과 화술로 묘사한 메커니즘을 검토했다. 그 결과 식민지교육의 본보기가 된 이인석의 삶과 죽음은 조선의 청년들을 중일전쟁에 동원하기 위해 이용되었다는 것을 확인했다. Naniwa-bushi(浪花節) was formed after the Meiji Restoration and emerged as a popular performing arts among the public in the era of imperialism as a wartime system. Also, after the Russo-Japanese War, it climbed into the nationalist trend with the subject of patriotism. And during the Manchurian Incident, the Sino-Japanese War, and the Pacific War, It created a patriotic rokyoku(愛国浪曲) and sympathized with the national policy. In other words, the Japanese imperialists actively used Rokyoku for the purpose of propaganda to their own people. However, Choi Young-jo was active in various fields related to Rokyoku in Japan. He was a show projector belonging to the prestigious Azumaya group of the Rokyoku organization, and served as the principal of the ‘Nippon Rokyoku School’, and he trained Choi Pal-geun as a Rokyoku-shi(浪曲師). In addition, during the Japanese colonial period, Lee Seo-gu of playwright and Choi Pal-geun of Rokyoku-shi created a new genre called ‘Korean Naniwa-bushi’. and they made the SP record < Heroic soldier, Lee In-seok >. In this thesis, I grasped the process of Lee In-seok becoming a ‘colonial human’ through the original novel by Hata Gensuke. Also, through the < Heroic soldier, Lee In-seok >, I reviewed the mechanism of depicting ‘Lee In-seok’s mind and body embodied in colonial education with excellent playwright and narrative skills. As a result, I confirmed that Lee In-seok's life and death became a model for colonial education, and it was used to mobilize the youth of Korean to the Sino-Japanese war.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 조선어 나니와부시(浪花節)에 대한 고찰

        박영산 ( Park Young-san ) 한양대학교 동아시아문화연구소 2017 동아시아 문화연구 Vol.69 No.-

        나니와부시(浪花節)는 일본 제국주의가 국민국가를 성립시키는 단계에서 떠올랐다. 일본 전통예능을 석권하고 근대를 대표하는 대중의 소리문화로 활약했으며, 1945년 일본이 패전할 때까지 서민들에게 가장 인기 있는 오락이며 예능이었다. 그렇지만 그 이면에는 천황제 국가의 이념 형성을 위한 일제의 선동이 작용하고 있었다. 그런데 이러한 일본의 나니와부시는 조선어 나니와부시라는 새로운 장르로 이식되었다. 일제 강점기에 제1기 지원병으로 중일전쟁에 참전 하여 최초로 전사한 이인석(李仁錫) 상등병을 영웅화 한 유성기음반 <장렬 이인석 상등병>이 제작되고, 새롭게 등장한 라디오 방송을 통해 `내선일체`와 `황국신민화`의 프로파간다로 이용 되었다. 그럼에도 불구하고 조선어 나니와부시의 실상에 대한 연구는 아직까지 이루어지지 않았고, 그 흔적은 점차 지워지고 있는 중이다. 따라서 본 소론에서는 일제 강점기에 조선어 나니와부시 <장렬 이인석 상등병>을 각색한 이서구(李瑞求)와 독보적인 로쿄쿠시(浪曲師)였던 최팔근(崔八根)에 대해 심도 있게 검토하고, 그 실체를 확인했다. 그 결과 최팔근은 이서구가 중책에 있던 조선연예협회와 조선연극문 화협회 하에서 방송출현과 위문 ㆍ 순회공연 등을 하며 활동한 흔적을 채집할 수 있었다. 그리 고 또 한명의 실체라고 할 수 있는 흥행사 최영창(崔永昌)의 존재와 활약에 대해 검토했다. 또한 이인석을 주인공으로 한 하타겐스케(秦賢助)의 소설 『조국의 깃발 아래에: 이인석 상등 병』에 나타난 조선어 나니와부시의 실상과 관련된 인물들의 상관관계를 이끌어내고, 부역자의 폐단을 지적했다. 이 소론은 조선어 나니와부시에 대한 지속적인 연구를 위해 기틀을 마련한 글이다. Naniwa-bushi(浪花節) was formed when the Japanese imperialism was establishing a nation state. It dominated traditional Japanese arts and played an active role in the popular sound culture of modern times. And until 1945 when Japan was defeated, it was also the most popular arts and entertainment for the common people. But behind that, there was the propaganda to form the ideology of the emperor`s state. However, Naniwa-bushi was transplanted into a new genre called `Korean Naniwa-bushi`. During the Japanese colonial rule, they made in the SP recorder 「Heroic soldier, Lee In-seok」, who are died the first joined the Sino-Japanese War. In addition, it has been used as a propaganda of `Oneness of Korea and Japan` and `Japanese colonial policy` through the newly appeared radio broadcasting. Therefore, in this paper, I examined in detail the Lee Seo-gu(李瑞求) adapted Korean Naniwa-bushi 「Heroic soldier, Lee In-seok」and Rokyokushi(浪曲師) Choi Pal-Geun(崔八根). As a result, I was able to collect traces of activity of Lee Seo- Gu and Choi Pal-Geun. Lee Seo-gu played an important role in the Chosun Celebrity Association and the Chosun Drama Culture Association, and Choi Pal-Geun performed broadcasting, Army concert and touring with him. I reviewed the existence and the activity of the producer Choi Young-Chang(崔永昌) who can be called another reality. Also I analyzed 「Under the flag of my country: Soldier, Lee In-seok」 written by Hata Gensuke(秦賢助), that is the novel whose main character is Lee In-seok. As a result, I led to the correlation of the characters related to the realities of Korean Naniwa-bushi. By doing so, I prepared the groundwork for continued research.

      • 專門大學과 大學出身男性의 雇傭構造 比較 硏究

        徐泳山 배화여자대학 2002 培花論叢 Vol.21 No.-

        This paper is not to observer the supply and demand of a male labor force to grasp whether the supply and demand of male graduates of a junior college and university in Korea is appropriate or not but also to analyze the structure of manpower and wage by industry and by occupation. The results shows that the economic policy and the policy of the prescribed number of new entrants of school beyond the receptive capacity of the higher learning education institute enlarged and oversupplied industrial manpower and it resulted in the mass unemployment of male labor force. Form the year 2003, the resources of new entrants of college are expected to be reduced as much as 103,908 by annual average and lack of students applying to college enables too many lower level students to go to higher learning education institutes and it also leads to social problems as well as depreciates the manpower. Therefore, for the qualitative upgrade of a higher learning education and balanced training of manpower, several things are suggested as follows : 1. It will be appropriate that government should allow a college and university to handle the prescribed number of a higher learning education institute. 2. The major frame of a higher learning education institute such as a junior college and university should be changed rapidly into the university focused on the industrial research to train the industrial manpower not for the academic one. 3. Through a working survey the educational facilities and faculty members that junior colleges and universities keep, each school should be characterized as an educational institute which can provide special industrial manpower and whether each school and its department establish or not should be relied the condition of the market of manpower. 4. For the school which desires to be changed into specialized school, it will be appropriate that Ministry of Education and Human Resourses Department should found a special section for it. 5. Junior college should get out of an old system such as a fixed two or three school year and should be changed into the school focused on industrial research. And it will be desirable that junior college is also allowed to establish M.A. and Ph.D. course in it. 6. The training of faculty members of industrial research university and academic research university should be dualized. The faculty members unlike research workers should complete the study of teaching profession. 7. To provide the high standard manpower that enterprises need, academic society and industrial committee linked to industrial field should be established by each provinces and from this, the demand of manpower of each industrial field should be preestimated and trained appropriately for this.

      • 회전자 구조에 따른 SRM의 토오크 특성해석

        정도영,이상호,서진우,오홍석,최경호 三陟大學校 1997 論文集 Vol.30 No.1

        The switched reluctance motor(SRM) has a simple rotor construction with no windings. It also has simple concentrated windings on the stator. Thus, it is expected to be a lower cost machine to manufacture than the squirrel cage induction motor. This paper presents an advanced rotor structure type, well-round rotor type in SRM. To design the improved SRM we have used FEM and studied and compared with each other. The static torque, instantaneous torque and average torque are more improved than that of typical rotor type which has been a lot of used for SRM.

      • 우리나라의 海外資源開發輸入에 관한 硏究 : 非鐵金屬資源을 中心으로 Focused on Non-Ferrous Metal

        徐泳山 배화여자대학 1984 培花論叢 Vol.3 No.-

        Owing to the strengthening of resource nationalism of the resource owned countries, the developed countries' tendency toward protectionism, and the advancement of oil majors into non-ferrous metal field, the problem of resources in the international scene is ever aggravating. Especially Korea has following problems. 1. Structural problem of failing self-sufficency caused by lack of underground natural resources and limited production and supply. 2. Increasingly deteriorating supply because of the heavy dependence on foreign countries in non-ferrous metal resources and too much importance attached to a few countries in import. 3. Ever increasing consumption brought about by the maintenance of export-oriented policy based on processing trade and the preponderance of the industrial structure on the heavy chemical industry. 4. Expected supply-demand instability of non-ferrous metal resulted from increasing domestic demand accelerated by a population growth and an enhancement of standard of living. 5. An unfavourable position in terms of price because of its higher domestic price than the international price and the weakening international competitiveness activated by such cost push factors as installation expense much more needed for pollution control than any other industries and its character as an energy consuming industry. 6. Unwieldy financial expense incurred by the heavy dependence on borrowed capital because of the small-scale capital of the non-ferrous metal industry. Under such circumstances, the stable security of non-ferrous metal resources and the price stablization are, among other things, most important matters to maintain steady economic growth and strengthen export competitiveness which Korea should pursue from '80s. Therefore, following considerations of policy should be taken to foster the domestic non-ferrous metal industry. 1. It is required to establish organizations exclusively responsible, according to the category of energy, metal, and non-ferrous metal, for integrating information on resources gathered from many fields and processing it. 2. It is desirable for the government or the Korea Mining Promotion Corporation to be in charge of exploiting resources, which helps alleviate risks facing the private enterprise and stimulate its willingness of participation, while the private enterprise does mining when lucrative mining deposits are found. 3. It is necessary to set up a new mining enterprise in which the general trading company and the business related to non-ferrous metal jointly participate to enlarge the capital and share the risk. 4. It is required to complement all kinds of supporting systems. a) Finance; increase of an absolute amount and balanced support according to the kind of the metal should be pursued. b) Taxation; about 50% of the corporation tax should be remitted as a deficit like Japan and the tariff is to be exempted when non-ferrous metal is imported. c) insurance; insurance system against the project risk and the credit risk is to be pursued positively. d) Technical support; at least the exploration process should be supported through the Korea Mining Promotion Corporation. 5. The opportunity of joint development should be expanded through the capital participation in the resource development project of advanced countries. 6. Skill, experience, and information are required to be accumulated by active participation in small and medium size resource development projects. 7. Resource diplomacy with resource owned countries should be emphasized and the resource development project based on economic cooperation should be pursued to prevent country risk and obtain the spill-over effect for the advancement into other industries.

      • 韓國의 稀少金屬資源 政策의 考察

        徐泳山 배화여자대학 1986 培花論叢 Vol.5 No.-

        The study examined the definition of rare metal, its kind, its use, its characteristic and policies of industrialized countries on rare metal resources, so-called strategic resources whose value and usefulness is ever increasing as indispensible raw materials in the field of knowledge-intensive high-tech industries. The high-tech industry is expected to lead our economic society in the future. The analysis of situations and policies of Korea related to these metals helped drawing out following problems. First, unstable supply exists because of its uneven and oligopolistic market distribution mainly due to slow technological innovation. Second, double jeopardy is likely because of the shortage of domestic resources and technological backwardness which increase the dependence on fabricating materials produced by advanced countries and the possible unstable supply. Third, a projected production is limited because of sluggish technological development as most rare metal resources are tapped as by-products. Fourth, the development of its substitutes and the recovery of scraps are difficult because of low level of technology. Terefore, to secure the stable supply of rare metal resources, it is required to strengthen economic cooperations and resource diplomacy with such countries as possess these resources. In a long term, it is also necessary to utilize various ways of supply such as development import, long term supply contract, and joint venture. To eliminate the possibility of temporary stop of supply because of local war, economic instability of exporting countries, labor-management dispute, contract cancellation or delay of transportation, it is required to strengthen resource stock-piling system concerning rare metals and pursue the following measures. First, collection of basic informations on these metals and its arrangement must precede research and development of policies. Second, existing research bodies such as Korea Mining Promotion Corporation or Korea Institute of Energy and Resource should be commissioned to train specialists on various rare metals and encourage active research activities because long term investment can not be expected from private enterprises. Third, institutional arrangements such as special funds for science and technology are required for financial assistance and distribution program. Fourth, financial and tax support as part of national policy must follow because technological development makes increase of demand and import substitute possible. Fifth, incentives must be given in terms of financial support, taxation and price to benefit businesses for stock-piling cheap raw materials. Domestic commodity exchange is required to set up to eliminate flaws found in the present stock-piling system and expand the stock-piling of private businesses. In conclusion, exploitation activities of domestic metal resources must be pursued incessantly and positively.

      • 補强 開口部를 갖는 合成보의 擧動에 관한 硏究

        崔山鎬,梁永晟,金圭石,金錫中,金弼中 江原大學校 産業技術硏究所 1991 産業技術硏究 Vol.11 No.-

        A model for the strenghth of composite beams with reinfforced web openings is presented. All of theh models are based on the static theorem of ultimated strength of reinforced rectangular perforated composite beam and is compared to the test.

      • 專門大學과 大學出身女性의 雇傭構造 比較 硏究

        서영산 배화여자대학 1999 培花論叢 Vol.18 No.-

        This paper is to analyze the structure of manpower and wage by industry and by occupation as well as to project the supply and demand of a female labor force to grasp whether the supply and demand of female graduates of junior college and university is appropriate or not. The results show that the economic policy and the policy of the prescribed number of new entrants of school beyond the receptive capacity of the higher education institute enlarged and oversupplied industrial manpower leaned by industry and by occupation resulted in the mass unemployment of male and female labor force. In the year 2000 new social problems will occur: such as, the reduction of the resources of college applicants and the non efficiency of the investment for education. Therefore, several suggestions for encouraging manpower associated with the demand of industrial manpower are as these: 1. To supply a female labor force to the various kinds of industry appropriately, the prescribed number of new entrants to each school should be autonomous for the allotment of women by their major. 2. The major frame of higher education institute such as junior college and university should be dualized and changed rapidly into the university focused on the industrial and academic research. 3. Through a working survey the educational facilities and faculty members that junior colleges and universities keep, each school should be characterized by the field of major with this standard. 4. The school which is to be changed into industrial research university should establish a coordination committee in the ministry of education and the higher education institute needs to be specialized. 5. As the training period of the needed industrial manpower by its major course of industrial research university in the present school system is different from each other, it should be autonomous in the industrial research university. 6. The training of faculty members of industrial research university and academic research university should be dualized. The faculty members of industrial research university should be trained in the special purpose graduate school in liasion to the scene of industry. 7. The cooperation system linked to the supply and demand of industrial manpower should be established by each provinces and from this, the demand of manpower of each industrial field should be preestimated and the curriculum, the standard of training and the official approval should be designed for this.

      • KCI등재

        서정 시학 교육을 서정 정신 연구

        구영산 국어교육학회 2004 國語敎育學硏究 Vol.18 No.-

        이 글의 목적은 국어교육의 내용으로서 서정성을 재정립하는 데 있다. 이 문제를 해결하기 위하여 본고는 서정 시학 일반론을 지향하기보다는, 구체적인 작품을 통해 드러나는 서정적인 자질들에 주목하였다.특히 시를 쓰는 이로서의 자기 정체성을 서정적 자아의 복원이라는 점에서 찾았던 임화의 시를 중심으로, 일군의 카프 계열 시들에 주목하여, 글쓴이의 세계관으로서 서정 정신이란 무엇인지, 이는 글쓴이의 정체성 구현 차원에서 어떻게 발현되는지를 기술함으로써 본고에서 제시한 문제를 초점화하여 해결하고자 하였다. 그 과정에서 본고는 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 우선, 글쓴이의 서정 정신은 서정적 자아로서 자기 삶 속에서 발견해 내는 생활의 진실을 위하여 존재한다는 점이다. 그런데 이러한 진실의 발견은, 기존의 논의에서 보이듯 극복의 차원에서 비약적으로 오는 것이 아니라, 서정적 자아가 자신이 기반하고 있는 삶의 구체적 국면 하나하나를 인정하고 견디는 순간에 온다고 보았다. 그럼으로써 서정 시학에서 극복의 논리가 안고 있는 초월성 내지는 비현실성을 지적하고자 하였다. 이는 서정 정신에 잠재된 사회적 실천력을 환기하고자 한 본고의 의도와 맞물려 있는데, 이 점은 서정적 자아라는 글쓴이의 정체성이 시를통해 구현되는 양상을 중심으로 논하였다. 첫번째로 서정적 자아의 발화를 주관적인 동시에 공주체적 발화로 봄으로써, 사회로부터 공감을 얻을 수 있는 말로서의 실천력을 담보하고 있다고 판단하였다. 두번째로 서정적 자아는 존재하는 세계와 존재해야 할 세계를 동시에 드러낸다고 봄으로써, 이러한 전망이 사회 속에서 미래에 대한 확신으로서의 실천력을 가질 것임을 강조하였다. 결론적으로 본고는 서정 시학을 다시 씀에 있어서 고려해야 할 당대의 실천력에 착목, 이를 서정시를 생산해 내는 글쓴이의 자기 정체성의문제로 해결하고자 하였다. 이는 보다 넓게는 서정성을 매개로 서정시와 서정적 인간이 함께 하는 자리로부터 서정 시학의 문제를 풀어야한다는 문제 의식에서 시작되었다. 그러나 보다 좁게는 글쓴이의 정체성 구현을 통해 나와 사회의 구조를 변혁시킴으로써 보다 이상적인 지점에서 인간과 세계가 ‘동일성’을 이루려는 노력으로 서정 시학의 문제를 풀고자 한 동기가 있었음을 밝혀 둔다. This study goes to reconstruct lyricism as a contents of Korean language education. The method to solve out this problem is not in the generalization of lyricism. Instead of that, the method of this study is in the concretion of lyric attributes found in the individual works. Especially, this study pays attention to poets of KAPF including 'Lim, Hwa' who pursued his identity as a poet in recovering lyric self. Then, this study gave a solution to the above problem, by answering to the following focalized questions, 'What is the essence of lyricism?', 'How it can be presented through the writing poems with revealed writer's identity?' The conclusion of this study goes as follows. To begin with, writer's lyric spirit exists for finding life truth in our own lives. The phase of discovery does not comes from overcoming the conflict between the human and the world as mentioned in the previous researches, but from cognizing and enduring the truths to life. By coming to the above problematical point, this study intended to point out the transcendence or unreality in traditional poetics. This intention meets the purpose of this study that was going to rouse people to be conscious of social engagement in lyricism. This study discussed it in a way of exhibiting writer's identity as a lyric self through the poems. Firstly, this study suggested that lyric self's speech derives social engagement as a common sympathy from society, judging from the fact that lyric self's speech is both subjective and co-subjective speech. Secondly, this study emphasized that the prospect derives social engagement as people's becoming optimistic from society, judging from the fact that lyric self reveals the world which both exists and should exist. In conclusion, this study searched into the writer's identity who produces lyric poetry, sticking to the contemporary engagement that should be oriented in reconstructing lyricism. This solution was originated from the judgment that lyricism should be discussed in the field of coexisting of lyric poetry and lyric human. Also, it was originated from the position that lyricism should be understood as a try of making 'Identity' in the more ideal spot by changing the world and me through the constructing his or her identity.

      • KCI등재

        캐나다의 유전자변형식품(Novel Food) 안정성 심사절차

        김태산,김영미,박용환 한국국제농업개발학회 2001 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.13 No.4

        캐나다에서는 식물 생명공학기술 (plant biotechnology)은 연방정부에 의하여 엄격히 규제되고 있으며 이러한 규제의 목적은 인체 건강 및 안전성 보호와 환경보호에 있다. 새로운 형질(novel trait)을 포함하는 작물 품종이나 식품의 안전성 심사는 이러한 신 형질을 생산하는데 이용된 방법이나 과정을 대상으로 하는 것이 아니라 특성 그 자체를 대상으로 하고 있는 산물중심(product base)으로 하는 것이 특징이다. 신 형질을 도입하는 기술에는 소위 유전자재조합기술(Recombinant DNA Technology)전환기술 뿐 아니라 돌연변이유기방법(mutagenesis)과 전통육종방법을 함께 포함된다. 따라서 이러한 신 작물(Plants with novel traits, PNTs)의 안정성 심사에는 다음의 6가지 과정을 거치도록 되어 있다. 1) GMO를 연구하고 취급하는 과학자는 의학연구위원회(Medical Research Council) 지침과 연구기관 자체의 바이오안전성위원회(biosafety committee)의 행동강령을 준수하여 실험자의 안전성과 실험공간의 안전성을 확보한다. 2) CFIA는 GMO 포장시험을 모니터링 하여 GM작물의 화분이 인근의 재배작물에 이동되지 않도록 안전성을 확보하며 개발자가 환경안전성지침을 준수하는지를 감독한다. 3) CFIA는 GMO 포장시험 내에서의 종자와 수확후의 종자 운반 등에서의 안전성을 확보하여 식물체 및 이들 종자의 수입을 엄격히 규제한다. 4) GMO가 격리구역 밖에서 재배되기 전에 CFIA는 도입유전자의 야생종으로의 이동성, 비목표생물체 영향, 생물다양성 영향, 잡초화 또는 병해충화 등의 기준에 맞추어 환경안전성 평가를 완료하여야 한다. 5) CFIA는 모든 사료를 대상으로 영양성분, 독성, 안정성 등을 포함하는 사료안전성 및 효율성을 심사한다. 사료안전성 심사를 위하여 제출하는 정보에는 GMO의 특성과 형질전환방법, 사용목적, 환경에서의 잔존성, 식품으로서의 이용성 등이 포함되며 가축사양시험, 가축의 식품적이용성, 실험종사자의 안전성과 사료의 이용과 관련한 환경적영향등의 정보도 함께 포함한다. 보건성(Health Canada)에서는 GMO를 포함한 식품을 제조하거나 수입하는 자에 대하여 시장유통 45일전에 이를 신고토록 규정하고 있으며 신고접수 후 90일 이내에 결정을 내려야 한다. 보건성은 GM식품안전성 평가지침에 따라서 GM식품 개발내력, 분자생물학적 특성, GMO와 Non-GMO간에 구성성분 및 영양성분비교, 새로운 독성에 대한 잠재력, 알레르기유발 가능성, 식품 소비형태등을 심사한다. 6) 캐나다에서는 생산자와 소비자 모두에게 이익이 된다고 증명이 되어야 새로운 작물로 등록이 되고 상업화가 가능하다 따라서 포장에서의 안전성 실험이 끝나면 지역적응시험을 거쳐야 하며 국가의 환경적안전성과 사료 및 식품으로의 안전성 승인 이루어지기 전까지는 신품종로 등록되거나 상업화가 불가능하다. 7) 일단 환경안전성, 사료 및 식품안전성이 확인되면 이들 GMO는 유통이 가능하다. 그러나 캐나다에서는 이들 GMO는 관행의 작물과 마찬가지로 여러가지 규제 대상이 된다. 따라서 시장에 유통된 후에라도 조금이라도 안전성 문제가 제기된 GMO는 바로 규제당국에 보고해야하며 시장유통이 금지된다. The safety assessment process for novel foods and agricultural products of biotechnology in Canada is a rigorous one. In assessing the safety of new biotechnology products the phases of assessment include; proven research and development of the new product, evaluation including field trials and case-by-case assessments prior to commercialization, and finally, the new product must meet registration and marketing standards. Under the Food and Drugs Act, Health Canada conducts a thorough safety assessment of each new product before it can be sold in Canada. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency(CFIA) also has responsibility for the regulation of products derived from biotechnology including plants, animal feeds and animal feed ingrediens, fertilzers and veterinary biologics.

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