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        석재(碩齋) 윤행임(尹行恁)의 "의리(義理)" 중심 역학관(易學觀)과 "사서(四書)" 활용 양상 -「경사강의(經史講義)_『역(易)』[계묘(癸卯)(1783)]」,「신호수필(薪湖隨筆)_『역(易)』,「계사전(繫辭傳)」」을 중심으로-

        남윤덕 ( Yoon Deok Nam ) 한국한문학회 2016 韓國漢文學硏究 Vol.0 No.61

        『周易』은 윤행임의 경학관을 살필 수 있는 핵심 키워드 중 하나이다. 정조와 함께참여한 ‘經史講義’에서 윤행임은 『周易本義』와 『易傳[程傳]』을 바탕으로 역학의 논리를 습득하였고, 자신의 「薪湖隨筆_『易』ㆍ「繫辭傳」」에서 더욱 완성시켜 나갔다. 정조에 의해 처음 시도되었고, 윤행임이 참여했던 계묘년(1783) ‘경사강의_ 역 ’은 총 4번에 걸친 『주역』 강의 가운데 가장 많은 분량을 할애하여 『역』전체를 세세하게 다루었다. 윤행임이 역학에 남다른 열정을 보인 이유도 계묘년 ‘경사강의’가 하나의 큰 계기가 되어서였다. 경사강의 당시 정조는 비교적 ‘義理易學’에 비중을 두었다. 윤행임의 학문은 정조와 함께 했던 기간 동안 큰 발전을 이룩하였고, 그 당시 정조로부터 받은 학문적 영향이 고스란히 『신호수필』로 이어졌다. 경사강의를 통해 전수받은 ‘의리’ 중심의 『주역』해석방식은 윤행임의 역학관에 영향을 주어 윤행임이 ‘의리역학’을 긍정하게 하는 결과를 낳았다. 윤행임의 『주역』 해석은 『본의』와 『정전』을 충실히 따르는 전제하에 程朱와 논리를 달리한 기타 易說들을 비교분석, 경계하고 비판하며 正學인 주자학을 지키고 보완하려하였다. 윤행임은 ‘象數易學’을 긍정하면서도 잘 못 이해하여 사리에 맞지 않거나, 占筮에 치우친 편협한 曲儒들의 ‘상수역학’은 반대하며, 이를 바로잡아 절충해야 함을 강조하였다. 윤행임은 林栗, 吳澄, 邱富國, 胡仲虎의 주장에 대해선 비판적인 견해를 보였다. 이는 『본의』와 『역전』을 따르지 않고 『역』을 해석하려는 학자들에 대해 자신의 입장을 명확히 한 것이다. 한편 윤행임은 경전해석에 있어서 『역』의 관계성을 중시하며, ‘四書’ 활용 방식을 통해 ‘의리’ 중심 『역』 해석을 완성해 나갔다. 특히 『대학』ㆍ『중용』이 『주역』에 근원하고있다는 주장은 윤행임 『역』 해석의 큰 특징을 이룬다. 결과적으로 이러한 윤행임의 ‘의리역학’은 정조시대 『주역』해석방식의 한 패러다임을 제시하고 있다는 점에서 易學史的 의의가 있다. 윤행임의 ‘의리’ 중심 역학관은 어디까지나 폐단에 빠지기 쉬운 ‘상수역학’의 경계를 통해 주자의 ‘兼治象義’ 역학관을 보완하고, 더욱 더 완성된 주자학의 보수성 짙은 체계를 세워 그 기준을 잡고자 했던 정조와 그의 意志가 만들어낸 부산물이었던 것이다. 『The Book of Changes』is one of the core key-words to study Yoon Hang Im``s view of the study of Confucian classics. He learned the logic of Ichingxue at ``KyungSa-Lecture`` that he joined with King Jeong-Jo based on 『The Book of Changes-BenYi』and 『Iching- Chuan』 and he kept completing it in his 「Shin-ho-essay_『Iching』ㆍ『Xi-Ci- Zhuan』」 < KyungSa-Lecture_『Iching』 > dated 1783 (Jeong-Jo tried to do for the first time and Yoon Haeng-Im joined in) was treated too much detailedly at the most volume among total four 『The Book of Changes』 lectures. And then, this was a big opportunity that Yoon Haeng-Im specially showed his passion to 『Iching』. Jeong-Jo gave respectively weight to < Yili-Ichingxue > at that KyungSa- Lecture. Yoon Haeng-Im``s literature came into remarkable development during the period being with Jeong-Jo and academic influence from Jeong-Jo directly lead to 「Shin-ho-essay」 The way of ``Yili``-oriented interpretation about 『The Book of Changes』 (that was handed down from KyungSa-Lecture) influenced the viewpoint of Yoon Haeng-Im``s Ichingxue and after all, it let Yoon Haeng-Im being positive to ``Yili-Ichingxue``. under the premise to faithfully follow 『The Book of Changes-BenYi』 and 『Iching-Chuan』, Yoon Haeng-Im``s interpretation about 『The Book of Changes』 was to compare, analyze and criticize the other logic of Ichingxue logically different from CheongㆍZhu at the same time and keep and complement Zhuxi as right science. Yoon Haeng-Im was positive about ``Xiangshu- Ichingxue`` at the same time and was against ``Xiangshu-Ichingxue`` of the scholars who was unreasonable or one-sided to book on divination. And he emphasized to compromise them by putting things right. Yoon Haeng-Im showed his critical view on the opinions of Lim-ryul, Oh-jing, Gu bu-guk and Ho joong-ho. this means that Yoon Haeng-Im made his position clear against the scholars who tried to interpret 『The Book of Changes』 without following 『The Book of Changes-BenYi』 and 『Iching-Chuan』. On the other hand, he completed interpretation about ``Yili`` oriented 『Iching』 through the way of using ``The Four Books`` that are chinese classic texts: Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Analects & Mencius. especially, his insistence that Dae-Hak & Jung-Yong were grounded on 『The Book of Changes』 is a notable distinction. In conclusion, this Yoon Haeng-Im``s ``Yili-Ichingxue`` has great historical significance on the point to show a paradigm of the interpretation method about 『The Book of Changes』 during the era of King Jeong-Jo. Yoon Haeng-Im``s ``Yili``-oriented viewpoint of Ichingxue was a residual product from Jeong-Jo``s and Yoon``s strong will that was to correct the standard by setting up conservative system of the perfectly completed orthodox Neo-Confucianism as well as to complement the viewpoint of Zhuxi``s ``Gyeom-Chi-Sang-Yi`` Ichingxue through the boundary of ``Xiangshu- Ichingxue``, easily prone to negative effects.

      • The Method to Enhance the Global Competitiveness of SME on the Fourth Industrial Revolution

        Yoon,Deok-Byeong 글로벌경영학회 2017 글로벌경영학회 학술대회 발표논문집 Vol.2017 No.2

        The reason whey S&M Firms shall be perceived as important are mainly as follows; Firstly, S&M Firms are the engine of economic development. In any country, high weight of S&M Firms is very important in the aspect of production, employment and income distribution. These roles ultimately create the middle class in a country, taking the role of most important stepping stone for national development. Secondly, S&M Firms enhance the industrial relationship. Smooth ties and role sharing with large corporations by S&M Firms enhances the spreading effect from front and rear within an industry, and induces synergy effect. Hence, competitiveness of large corporations is dependent upon the level of S&M Firms. Thirdly, various consumption desires are satisfied. S&M Firms perform the role to respond promptly to the desire of consumers under diversification of modern society, individualization and specialization by small quantity batch production and flexible organization. Fourthly, S&M Firms enable fostering of materials and component industry, improving the national balance of payment internationally. In a single country, the development of materials, components industry not only enhances the industrial competitiveness, but also enhances the competitiveness of completed product produced by domestic large corporations, and promotes export of components, thereby improving the balance of payment. Furthermore, S&M Firms may promote balanced technology development within the whole industry, can absorb excess labors. Also the role sharing function within the industry is another important area for contribution.

      • 한국 사회의 근대화, 그 동인과 장애 및 과제 : Its Drive, Hinderance and Task

        윤덕홍 大邱大學校 社會科學硏究所 1997 社會科學硏究 Vol.4 No.1

        근대화는 사회발전의 전형적인 형태로서 선진 몇몇 나라를 제외하고는 아직도 대부분 국가들이 추구해야할 발전모델이기도 하다. 그 내용은 산업화된 경제구조,사회 전 영역에 걸친 민주화로 요약된다. 우리나라는 산업화에는 어느 정도 성공하였으나 민주화는 아직도 요원한 사회이다. 산업화에 성공하게 된 이유는 강력한 리더십, 근면과 교육을 중시하는 문화가 서로 어우러져 국제분업구조의 재편과정에 기민하게 편승할 수 있었던 점이 지적되고 있다. 그러나 산업화를 견인하였던 그 추진세력들의 연공동체적인 에토스는 오히려 우리 사회의 민주화를 저해하는 요인으로 작용하고 있다. 따라서 우리 사회가 추구해야 할 과제는 합리적인 시민의식 위에 선 민주사회를 이루는 것이다. 산업화를 선행시키고 민주화를 나중에 추구하는 이러한 발전모델은 후발국 공통모델이기 때문에 한국의 경험을 서베이하는 것은 개발도상국 발전모델 구성에 크게 도움이 되는 연구라고 생각된다. This study has three purposes. The first purpose is to find out the value of cooperative research projects between teachers colleges and teachers in elementary and secondary schools in Taegu. The second aim is to analyze the teachers' perspectives regarding needs and reasons for, and the priority of the cooperative research projects. To suggest the direction of future cooperative research projects based on the data is the third purpose. To achieve this end, self-made questionnaires consisting of 5 areas are employed. The sample was made up of 494 teachers: 289 elementary school teachers and 205 secondary school teachers. The findings are as follows: First, the value of cooperative reseach projects for the teachers is that developed theory through cooperative research projects can be implemented directly into the classroom. Thus the quality of instruction is improved. Teachers become more creative, critical and self-reflective through cooperative research projects bringing intellectual autonomy and flexibility. Subsequently, teachers have the confidence and ability to solve problems when they are faced with educational difficulties. This stimulates teachers to grow professionally, thereby the morale of the teachers increases and students' learning becomes more effective. The value of the cooperative research projects for the professors in teachers colleges is to understand the educational problems in schools which stimulate professors to research practically and continueously. As a result of ongoing interaction between teachers and professors, students in teachers colleges are taught practical and revisional curriculum which benefits for the classroom. This motivates professors and students to continue professional development and increase their enthusiasm towards the classroom. The value of the cooperative research projects for the teachers colleges is that research facilities and equipments can be shared between teachers colleges and schools. Thus there is a greater pool of resources the teachers colleges can utilize. This eventually brings good education, professional skills and methodology to students. In addition, cooperative research projects can enhance the reputation of teachers colleges, thereby allowing the school to admit a higher quality of students. Second, 85% of the elementary and secondary school teachers felt the need for cooperative research projects. There were no significant differences in the need for cooperative research projects by sex, level of school, degree, and community, but there was a significant difference by years of experience. Less experienced teachers felt the needs for cooperative research projects more than experienced teachers (5 years-93.4%, more than 20 years-80.5%). Half of the elementary and secondary school teachers responded that balancing educational theory and practice, as well as having a practical curriculum were the primary reasons for needing cooperative research projects. Other reasons prioritized by elementary school teachers were in descending order: self-improvement, solving educational problems, and the improvement of the quality of education. Secondary school teachers prioritized the following reasons: improving the quality of the education, self-improvement, and the exchange of educational information. The important areas of education that cooperative research projects should focus on were: teaching-learning methods(32.7%), and the implementation of curriculum(22.9%) for the elementary school teachers. Implementation of curriculum(23.4%), teaching-learning methods(22%), and the development of educational materials(16.6%) were primary areas of concern for the secondary school teachers. More than half of the teachers in elementary and secondary schools are mainly concerned with teaching-learning methods, implementation of curriculum, self-improvement and the exchange of educational information. There were significant differences in the areas of educational environment, practical rural experience, school administration committee, school and classroom size, specialized teaching at the elementary level, teaching of English, and moral education among the 17 areas that cooperative research projects could focus on. Third, future cooperative research projects should be directed towards the areas which were indicated by the teachers. The participants of the cooperative research projects should be teachers who have less experience, because they may be more open to educational innovation and have more immediate experience with the difficulties newer teachers(current college students) may encounter. To do cooperative research projects effectively, teachers colleges and schools must reciprocate. Positive attitudes toward cooperative research projects on both sides are also important. It is vital that cooperative research funds should be provided by the government or non-governmental organizations. Teachers colleges and school administrators as well as community supports for cooperative research projects are also essential.

      • 학교 시민 교육의 새로운 방향 모색 : 그 본질적 과제로의 회귀

        윤덕홍 大邱大學校 社會科學硏究所 1999 社會科學硏究 Vol.7 No.1

        오늘의 우리 사회는 급속한 산업화를 통해 외형적으로는 산업사회에 진입하였지만 정치 사회·문화적인 측면에서는 아직도 전근대적인 구조에서 벗어나지 못하고 있다. 그런 의미에서 우리 사회의 궁극적 과제는 시민 개개인의 합리적인 의사결정 위에 기초한 시민사회의 형성이다. 사회과교육의 근본목적은 시민교육 에 있다. 따라서 이제는 미국의 시민교육을 그대로 도입할 것이 아니라 우리 사회가 시민사회로 변화하지 못하고 있는 현실을 분석하고 이를 바탕으로 우리 사회를 변화시킬 수 있는 사회과학적인 교육프로그램이 필요한 시기가 되었다. 이 논문은 오늘의 우리 시민사회가 안고 있는 근본적인 과제를 도출하고 이를 기초로 사회과교육의 새로운 방향을 모색하기 위해 작성되었다.

      • KCI등재

        Paraquat 중독환자의 초기검사로서 sodium dithionite를 이용한 소변내 paraquat검출의 임상적 의의

        윤갑준,임경수,이진웅,김영식,이부수,박덕우,김선만,이강현,황성오,안무업 대한응급의학회 1995 대한응급의학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        Background : Mortality from paraquat intoxication depends upon plasma paraquat concentration. To know the severity of paraquat intoxication is important for directing therapeutic modality and predicting prognosis. Sodium dithionite test for urinary paraquat provides an easy and simple method to determine the severity of paraquat intoxication in emergency department. purpose : To determine whether the result urinary paraquat test by sodium dithionite can predict outcome in patients with paraquat intoxication in emergency department. Subjects : 48 patients(male 31, female 17, mean age 37 years) who had exposure to paraquat and presented within 24 hours after exposure. Result : Thirty five patients were positive in paraquat urine test and thirteen patients were negative. Clinical manifestations were more severe in positive patients than in negatives. Complication was much more in positives than in negatives. 28 of 35 patients(80%) in positives and 2 of 13 patients(15%) in negatives died. Conclusion : Positive test for urinary paraquat is associated with high mortality and morbidity from paraquat intoxication, and qualitative test for urinary paraquat by sodium dithionite is an useful method to determine the severity of paraquat intoxication in emergency department.

      • KCI등재

        탈북자 적응의 사회경제적 문제 : 보호경찰관에 대한 설문결과를 중심으로

        윤덕룡 연세대학교 통일연구원 2000 통일연구 Vol.4 No.1

        The analyses about the North Korean defectors living in South Korea have transmitted many informations about their adjusting problem in the new society.However, the researches are based on the defectors' opinion because they are carried out mainly by the survey to the defectors themselves.Even though the results are really informative, they would not reflect the problems fully, because the defectors can manipulate the results for their own interest and they do not understand the society well.This means that the results should be corrected by the survey to the South Koreans. On this reason the survey is conducted to the South Korean policemen, who have cared for the North Korean defectors, because they know the defectors best.The objects of this survey was to find out the adjusting problems of North Korean defectors and the way to overcome them with the view of South Koreans.The 258 answers are gathered and analyzed. Most important findings are like following: First, the policemen regard the socialistic lifestyle and the way of thinking depending on state as problems for adjusting, even though the defectors do not consider it as problems. Second, 85% of the answered pointed the individual problem like lack of job capability as most important problem rather than the social problem like prejudice.The most often pointed problem was the lack of job capability.However, 20% of the answered said the defectors did not want to be employed.This needs a deeper investigation. Third, just 27.9% of the answered would employ the defectors as a worker if they were employer, while 59.7% would not.This implies the long term rate of unemployment will increase and the potential unemployment after the unification will approach at least 59.7% on the proposition that the policemen represented the whole South Koreans. Fourth, the policemen recommended following policy measures in the given order: vocational training and social education - help to find job - increasing the support for settlement - providing house.Especially over the half of the answered raised the necessity of vocational training. The survey showed that there are common sense about the problems and the improving measures even though there are some gaps acknowledging the real world.The common findings it that the North Korean defectors could not survive independently if they don't have any vocational training to improve the job capability or the financial support.Even after the vocational training they need help for finding a job.This means and incentive system should be developed for firms giving a chance to the defectors like wage subsidy.It is needed not only for the social justice but also for the proper use of human resources.The principle of 'guarantee of basic standard of living' and 'encouraging the self-reliance' should be kept in supporting the settlement as well as income subsidy.Government should develop a institutional frame for cooperation with religious and social groups, so that the supporting system reaches the intended goals.

      • 福祉政策의 目標設定에 關해 : 社會價値的인 側面에서

        尹德弘 영남이공대학 1981 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        Terminology of social welfare has been used historically as various meaning, and it hasn't had a certain definition till now, but it is sure that the concept of welfare means peoples' positive well-being in a society. Yet, it seemed to be uncertain definition, because of the unconstant view that is the positive standard of well-being. We have believed undesirable life is caused by social structural contradiction in the recent industrial society, therefore we want to reduce undesirable life to desirable life by governmental social services. We have named social welfare policy those governmental social services that give us comfortable circumstances through the material support. In modern industrial society, industrialization lead to a change of family structure, this change brings about the valuation that major function of family system is to raise the standard of living, this valuation provoke the conflict of the social strata and relative deprivation. So, peoples' consciousness of membership-reference-strata must be descended under those social circumstances. Is your life desirable or not? Are you satisfy with your membership reference strata or not? These two questions are same sorts, because the feeling of satisfaction of one's life is derived from consciousness of one's membership-reference strata. I dare declare that the true goal of social welfare policy ought to create to social surroundings helping a harmonious life between social strata each other. and ought to raise peoples' qualities of life.

      • 淪落行爲의 常習化에 關한 社會學的인 解析

        尹德弘 영남이공대학 1980 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        Prostitution is grasped as a type of deviant behavior in the present age. and the concept of deviance is decided by the institutionalized norm and non-institutionalized norm. Norm is represented as behavior through social status and role, therefore, it is defined by the norm of social groups whether the result 'of behavior is deviant or not. The sanction on deviant behavior is not applicable to all groups, that is, different groups have different norms of sanction on the same behavior. We well know that prostitutes don't take prides in their job and our intentional bad impression on their personality is oriented as social stereotype. The prostitution is generally regarded as a misdeed, but it is true that the increase of prostitutional behavior is growing tendency of the present world. This fact shows the existence of social cultural values and norms that admit prostitutional behavior. In this thesis. I try to give socioloical interpretation on these values and norms: ① All prostitutes are victims of socialization. ② Professional prostitutes acquire the habit of prostitution in the subculture of prostitutional group. ③ Prostitutes identify themselve with the so-called deviants labeled on them. :as the result they arc disposed to go astray than the powerful, ruling social stratification. ④ The increase of men demanding prostitution is a cause of prostitution increase. ⑤ Ruling social groep(mainly the high class of social stratification) ideally disdain prostitutes, but actually, permit the (prostitutes') social roles. ⑥ Though institutionalized sanction is severe, under those social-cultural value systems, it is quite natural that professional prostitution should be a flourishing job.

      • 消極的 性格 形成에 影響을 미치는 社會的 要因 分析에 關한 一硏究 : 大邱地方 工業專門大學 學生을 中心으로 mainly among the Industrial Junior College Students in Daegu district

        尹德弘 영남이공대학 1979 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        The nation can be developed. in case of peoples have creative, volitional, active, positive life attitude. Recently our country is making rapid progress in industrial field. Therefore we need a plenty of technicians to work, particularly in heavy chemical industry and they have to work with volitional, positive attitude. However it is cleared by this research that most of students attending in Industrial Junior Colleges. which train future technicians in heavy chemical industry field, spend negative, spiritless daily life. I guess this phenomenon derived from inferiority complex, frustration of achievement motive, lack of group identity, collapse of self realization need. Positive and volitional life attitude come from group identity. In order to change of their present attitude for the hewer, therefore, it is most important that attachment to their Alma Mater should be elevated higher. However it is cleared by this research that most of students attending in Industrial Junior Colleges. which train future technicians in heavy chemical industry field, spend negative, spiritless daily life. I guess this phenomenon derived from inferiority complex, frustration of achievement motive, lack of group identity, collapse of self realization need. Positive and volitional life attitude come from group identity. In order to change of their present attitude for the hewer, therefore, it is most important that attachment to their Alma Mater should be elevated higher.

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