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      • Behc¸et 병에서 말초혈액 호중구의 Superoxide anion (O₂^(-)) 생성 능력에 관한 연구

        신용우,오칠환,김태진,김수남 고려대학교 의과대학 1991 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.28 No.1

        The present study was carried out to investigate the mechanism of inflammtion and tissue injury in Behcet's disease. The generation of O₂(-) was assessed by superoxide dismutase inhibitable cytochromec reduction method. The O₂(-) generation activity was expressed as nanomoles of cytochrome c reduced per 1×10^(6) neutrophils. The O₂(-)generation activity of peripheral blood neutrophils of the patients was compared to that of healthy controls, and was analyzed in the respect of clinical severity, exacerbation and improvement, pathergy reaction, and tetracycline treatment for oral ulcer. The results were summarized as follows : 1. The O₂(-) generation activity of neutrophils in Behcet's disease was markedly increased as compared with that of healthy controls. 2. In the patient group with severe clinical symptoms, exacerbated clinical course and positive pathergy reaction, the O₂(-) generation activity of neutrophils was increased. 3. The O₂(-) generation activity of neutrophils was markedly decreased in the patient group treated with tetracycline for oral ulcer.

      • 수학학습 흥미도와 실생활문제 해결 능력에 미치는 영향의 차이 연구 : 제 6·7차 중학교 1학년 수학교육과정 '문자와 식' 단원을 중심으로 Focusing on the seventh and the sixth mathematics curriculum of the first grade in a middle school 'letter and formula'

        윤용칠,이경희 대진대학교 교육대학원 교육연구소 1999 교육연구 Vol.1 No.1

        This study aims to find that the mathematics education in the seventh curriculum is more positive than the sixth curriculum about the effect of the ability to solve the questions in relation to real life problems and interest measures. The seventh curriculum based on structurism helps the students who live at the global and information world to create them through their ye-experience and media. First this study tells it's aims through literature methods: interest, accomplishment of Math, mathematical curriculum and the sixth and seventh comparism of mathematical curriculum. had experimental research for this study; I took 175 students in four classes of the first grade in a middle school in Ujungbu city as objects : two group for experiment, others for comparison. The experimental groups used the materials: a line ruler, a microchronometer, sugar, and weight scale which they could use directly and learn with using the computer. These can help students to solve the questions in relation to real life. On the other hand, the classes for comparison with experimental classes were taught by the traditional teaching. The test materials are test of interest measures and the ability to solve the questions in relation to real life test. The materials of real life lest are the calculation problems of equation of the first degree and those of real life problems. The ability to solve the questions in real life were experimented: each has ten questions. The results of this study are following, 1. Experimental groups answered that mathematics effects of the questions in relation to real life and the learning method were interested. 2. Experimental groups achieved much higher achievement measures of simple equations used to solve the questions related to real life than other group 3. When the students solved the questions related to real life, there weren't the differences between the experimental groups and that the comparism groups. But I could guess that the former would have good effects than the later in that case through the long term. As the result, mathematics learning by the seventh curriculum affected improvement of interest measures, learning method and achievement measure positively and effectively when the students tried to solve the questions in relation to real life.

      • 創造性의 本質과 開發을 위한 學習條件

        양용칠 안동대학 학생지도연구소 1982 學生指導硏究 Vol.3 No.1

        이상으로 창조성의 본질을 구명해 보기위해서 창조성의 개념, 원천 및 발달을 고찰해 보았으며, 이의 개발을 위한 학습조건을 선행연구를 통하여 밝혀보았다. 창조성은 인간의 정신활동에서 가장 고귀한 고등정신작용으로서 아직 그의 본질이 분명하게 밝혀지지 못하고 있지만 선행연구의 결과는 대체로 새로운 어떤 것을 만들어 내는 심리적 과정 또는 능력이라고 간주되고 있다. 창조성의 연구방향으로는 창조적인 인물지향법(person-oriented approach)과 창조적인 산물지향법(object-oriented approach)이 주장되고 있으며, 이를 추구하는 분야는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 창조적인 산물에 대한 연구로서, 이를 규정하는 조건에는 독창성, 적합성, 우아성, 초월성 및 실현성을 갖추어야 한다. 둘째는 창조적 과정을 연구하는 방향으로서 내성적 자서전적인 접근법과 요인분석적 접근법이 있는데, 이를 통하여 알려진 일반적인 창조적 과정은 준비기, 집념기, 철수기, 부화기, 검증기의 단계를 거친다고 하며 단시간이 될수도 있고 장시간이 될수도 있다고 한다. 셋째로는 창조적인 인간을 연구함으로서 창조성의 특위를 규명하려는 방향으로 가장 일찍부터 연구되어 온 것이다. 창조적인 사람의 심리적 특성은 단일한 특성으로 규정지을수 없는 아주 다양한 특성으로 나타나고 있으나, 지배적인 인지적 기능이 있을 것이라는 측면이 인정되고 있다. 창조성에 대한 심리적 특성의 연구는 창조성의 신장 및 개발을 위한 전략을 모색하는데 많은 도움이 될 것으로 기대가 되고 있다. 마지막으로 창조적인 상황에 대한 연구로서 이는 창조성의 사회학 (sociology of creativity)적 측면에서 연구되고 있는데, 창조성 개발에 크게 기여할 것으로 기대된다. 창조성은 각체와 환경과의 상호작용에 의해서 창조적인 능력의 발달이 축적된다고 하는 주장이 지배적이기 때문에 어떤 개인에게 어떤 상황이나 조건이 주어질 때 어떤 창조적인 능력이 발휘될 것인가에 대한 연구가 수행되어야 할 것으로 생각된다. 창조성이 단일한 원천에서 나오는 단일한 과정으로 간주하지 않고 다양한 원천에서 일어나는 것으로 주장되는데 그 가운데 새로운 주장이 반응원천, 상호작용원천, 개체원천으로 보는 입장이다. 그러므로 창조성은 신비로운 정신능력으로 생각하기 보다는 우리의 일상생활에서 개체와 환경의 상호작용을 통해서 발달되고 나타나는 것이라고 생각된다. 이러한 창조성의 개념, 원천 및 발달을 통해 나타난 사실을 기초로 하여 창조성 개발을 위한 학습조건을 제시하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학습자들이 자유스럽게 학습활동에 참여할 수 있는 민주적이고 개방적인 환경을 제공한다. 둘째, 학습자들의 호기심과 탐구력을 조장할 수 있는 풍부하고 다양한 학습환경을 구성해 주어야 한다. 셋째, 학습자들의 지적 및 심리적인 발달수준과 일치하는 수업전략을 모색한다. 넷째, 학습자들의 기존지식(훈련 및 정보)에 기초를 둔 새로운 학습활동을 전개한다. 다섯째, 학습자들의 학습성과에 대하여 즉각적이고 충분한 보상과 feedback을 준다. 여섯째, 교사 또는 동료학습자들과 상호협의 할 기회를 자주 갖게 하고 때로는 어떤 분야의 전문가와 토의할 기회도 갖도록 한다. 마지막으로 교사 자신이 창조적인 수업방법을 모색하고 의욕적인 수업을 전개하도록 해야 한다. 점차 복잡하여지고 다양해지는 미래사회에 어떤 결정적인 어려운 문제에 직면했을 때 자신 있고 현명하게 대처해 나갈 수 있는 조화롭고 융통성 있는 인간능력의 개발은 창조적 사고력의 배양을 통해서만 가능할 것이다. 이러한 창조적인 인간을 육성하기 위한 요청에서도 창조성에 대한 보다 많은 연구가 이루어져야 하겠으며, 그러므로써 창조적인 인간을 육성할 방향과 방향도 보다 구체적으로 제시될 수 있을 것이다. This study is to explore the nature, the source, the developing of creativity, and to research into its developing through the previous studies. In spite of the enormous amount of psychological research on creativity in recent years, there is little conceptual agreement as to what creativity is. It is perhaps most often conceived to be the ability to bring something new into existence. Yet others think of creativity not as an ability, but rather as the psychological process or processes by which novel and valuable products are created. In the present study, the writer has made a research into the concept of creativity in the viewpoint of the creative product, creative process, creative person and creative situation, and also has made a research into its sources through reaction sources, interaction sources and transaction sources. Open environment, active use of creative skills, result of previous knowledge, disciplined use of technique and association with specialist are researched in order to study the learning conditions for the developing of creativity. It is necessary for us to research further into developing creative ability to cope with difficult problems which we will face in a new situations in the future.

      • 교재구조의 구문단서가 내용재생에 주는 효과

        양용칠 안동대학 학생지도연구소 1984 學生指導硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        The purpose of the present study is to compare the experimental group which includes syntactic cues with the control group which excludes them in the text organization on comprehension and retention of the prose learning material, and to find out the difference between ability factor and motive factor on comprehension and retention of the prose learning material in college students. The subjects were ninety third-year male and female Andong National College students who is receiving the course of curriculum and instruction subject during teacher training course. The stimulus material which was written by Jung Hoon Choi's guidance of neurotic students in original material was reconstructed by the experimenter. To measure the amount of comprehension and retention as to what the important ideas and contents of the prose learning material is, the immediate recall test which consists of three true-false items, three multiple-choice items and four short-answer items in the order listed above was administered, The results was tested by CR testing method. The conclusions derived form the results and discussion are as follows: the text material which includes the syntactic cues influenced more comprehension and retention than one which excludes them. The difference between ability factor and motive one on comprehension and retention of the prose material in college students was not shown. It was suggested that if the technical texts using in college also include more syntactic cues, they will be facilitated far more comprehesion and retention to learners.

      • 인지 심리학과 수업 : 수업설계에 응용

        양용칠 안동대학 학생지도연구소 1988 學生指導硏究 Vol.8 No.1

        The purpose of this article is to explore the way of applying findinges of cognitive psychology to the design of instruction. The outcomes of in formation processing models, learning schemata, and metacognitive process in cognitive psychology were analyzed according to principles of instructional design To begin with, it is indicated that outcomes of attention on information processing model emphasize the importance of interaction between learners' existing knowledge state and methods of information presentations in an effective instructional design. Data-driven processing, which directs learners attention according to methods of information presentations, and conceptually driven processing, which directs their attention according to the nature of cognitive structures, are discussed. Next, the limits of processing capacity and items in short-term memory, and the nature of long-term memory should be considered for the design of effective instructional methods and activities. That is, owing to the limits of capacity and duration in short-term memory, instructional strategies for rehearsal and elaboration of new information to be transferred from short-term storage to long-term storage should be specifically arranged. Such the characteristics of long-term memory as images, declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge, schemata and capabilities should be considered. The methods of retrieving relevant knowledge from long-term memory through presentations of appropriate cues are so important. Third, the methods of representing schemata from learners' cognitive structures, content structures of subject-matters, and curriculum structure for instruction are regarded as facilitating the research for an efficient design of instruction Finally, it is also indicated that outcomes about metacognitive process have to a large extent influence on the design of instruction. In order to reflect metacognitive process to the design, an interaction between knowledge about learners ability of cognitive processing, knowledge about learners' tasks, and knowledge about learners cognitive strategies should be considered very cautiously.

      • KCI등재후보

        리눅스를 기반으로 한 홈오토메이션 서버의 구현

        성한용,김규칠,방철원,김용석 江原大學校 産業技術硏究所 2002 産業技術硏究 Vol.22 No.B

        It becomes common to use computers to control electronic devices and security facilities in newly constructed buildings and house. There are many home application devices in the market which can be controlled by computers. But they are expensive and managed by specialized companies. This paper is focused on personal computers which are available in most homes and can be used to control home electronic appliances and home security facilities. We implemented a home automation server based on Linux. The standard parallel port of personal computer is used to connect sensors and actuators. Therefore, the cost of the server is very low. Moreover, the server is connected to Internet and anywhere we can control and monitor the home security facilities and home automation systems.

      • 氣溫變化가 飛行運營節次 및 飛行性能에 미치는 영향에 관한 硏究

        朴溶寒,金七永 한국항공대학교 1990 論文集 Vol.28 No.-

        地上 및 空中에 떠있는 航空機는 氣溫의 變化에 따라 많은 영향을 받게 되어 있다. 따라서 操縱士 및 運營者는 氣溫 變化에 따라 나타나게 되는 現狀들을 이해하고 이에 대한 준비를 하여야 하며 특히 엔진 出力 및 飛行 性能에 있어서는 氣溫 變化는 密度高度의 變化를 가져오고, 密度高度의 變化는 엔진 出力은 물론 飛行 性能에 있어 離陸 거리, 上昇率, 着陸 거리 등에 영향을 미치고 있다. 따라서 이번 論文을 통하여 이러한 제반 現狀을 이해하고 航空機를 運營하는데 適用할 수 있는 方法을 提示하여 본다. Winter flying can adversely affect flight operations poor weather conditions with fast moving fronts strong and gusty winds, blowing and drifting snow, and icing conditions are just parts of the conditions that require careful planning in order to minimize their effect. Opertion in this euvironment requires special winter operating procedure. This study is designed to fresh the pilots memory in cold weather operations. pilot should assure themselves that they have obtained adequate cold weather knowledge appropriate to the aircraft used and weather environment. Winter flying is not particulary harzardous if the pilot will use a little extra caution and excise good judgement in analyzing weather situations. The material presented here has been taken from many discussions of winter flying techniques with highly qualified pilots. The experience gained in accident investigations has also been included in this study. This study contains ideas and usable courses of action in the variable weather conditon.

      • 農家所得增大를 爲한 草事業에 關한 硏究

        金榮七 건국대학교 농과대학 농업교육학과 1976 農業敎育硏究 Vol.3 No.-

        경제발전이란 사회함수의 맥동을 통한 생산력의 증대이며 이 궁극적 목적은 사회의 경제적 후생의 증진에 따른 국민생활의 향상에 있음은 말할 것도 없다. 국민의 생활은 경제발전과 소득의 증가에 따라서 그 양상이 달라지며 이는 지역별 또는 산업별에 따라 경제생활의 수준맥동이나 그 구조도 달라지게 마련이다. 우리 나라도 현재 100대 60 정도로 알려지고 있는 도시와 농촌의 소득과 소비생활면의 격차를 줄이고 농업생활을 향상시키는 것이 국가정책의 주요한 목표의 하나가 되어있다. 이 목표가 이루어지지 않는 한 사회의 경제적 후생의 증진에 따른 국민생활의 향상은 불가능한 것이다. W.W.Rostow는 후진국의 기형적인 경제발전을 비판하고 다음과 같이 지적하였다. 즉 「급속도의 공업화에 따른 지나친 의욕때문에 신생 독립국 가운데는 농촌발전에 중점을 둔다는 것을 마치 신식민지화가 되어 선진국가에 예속된다고 생각하는 국가가 많은 것 같다. 이러한 결과로 이들 국가의 도시는 공업화되고 현대적인 면모를 보이고 있으나 농촌은 침체내지 답보상태에 있게 된다.」 이것은 농촌이 경제발전의 기본조반이 된다는 것과 농촌과 공업이 같이 발전되어야 한다는 것을 뜻한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        위치관리를 위한 단말기 페이징 기법의 성능 분석

        김규칠,최창열,김용석 江原大學校 産業技術硏究所 2001 産業技術硏究 Vol.21 No.B

        Terminal paging is the process of determining the exact location of a particular mobile terminal. The paging cost is related to the number of paging cycles and the number of cells being polled by each cycle. In this paper, we first analyze the performance of various terminal paging strategies in terms of the number of polling cycles and the number of polling signals. Then we present a paging scheme which combines Shortest-Distance-First with movement history list. Simulation results show that the proposed paging scheme reduces the number of polling signals as well as the number of polling cycle.

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